Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Chris Makes Borders

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug

I just added the border, some text, and removed/added a few things, I really should give credit to the artists of the pictures but I've lost the links a long time ago.

Nevertheless, Thanks!
Can you add this border
to my avatar? Thanks. :)
[member="Alric Kuhn"]
[member="Alric Kuhn"]

I'm looking for a new signature that says "Power By Any Means" Using my new avatar

And give it a rank bar that says "Lord Of War" and preferably another one that says " Governor Of Korriban" And Lastly take the Dark current one that is there and put it on the new one

I'm thinking of blacks greys and reds maybe playing with shadows but artistic license is welcome and appreciated. My character has been gone for a long time I just want to give him a more aged look


Hey, I was wondering if you could use this border
on this avatar?

Just uh-..try and make it good please, getting flamed for my picture isn't that fun but uh thank you in advance if you do it! Whatever looks good on it please do it, I'm just trying to outfit a new character with some new fancy style.

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