Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved NPC Christiana Ferin

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Intent: To make a second in command for Lauri, and to provide a friend within the ranks of Commenor”s army

Role: A close friend, and trusted officer for Lauri’s forces within the CSA’s army
Links: N/A
Image credit: N/A


Age: 22
Force Sensitivity: Non-force user
Species: Human
Appearance: Christiana is a young Commenori, usually wearing a military uniform. She keeps her black hair short, and when out of uniform dresses in jeans and plain shirts.


Name: Christiana Ferin (currently Sergeant)
Loyalties: CSA Lauri Törni
Wealth: moderate, accumulated through military pay
Notable Possessions: N/A
Skills: Nothing notable
Personality: Christiana is friendly and social. She is humorous and caring. She is also very sentimental.


Weapon of Choice: Military rifle, blaster pistol
Combat Function: skilled soldier, would be calm and efficient in combat.
Lauri also cares for very much, and this can be a liability. She also Is heavily affected by the loss of soldiers under command, though she attempts to hide this fact. After witnessing the injury or death of her soldiers she becomes demoralized, and begins making less tactical decisions.

Christiana was born to two poor Commenori and spent most of her early life in poverty. When she came of age, she joined the Commenor military. During her time in training, she met Lauri, and the two maintained a friendly rivalry throughout their training course and early military deployment. She slowly climbed the ranks, and was assigned to Lauri’s unit soon after being promoted to Sergeant.
[member="Lauri Törni"]


In the OOC information section, you're missing the image credit field. Even if you have no image it still needs to be there. You can leave that field blank, or add N/A.

Lauri Törni said:
Loyalties: CSA, Lauri Torni
For posterity, please hyperlink to the CSA home page, and your character bio.

Lauri Törni said:
Combat Function: skilled soldier, would be calm and efficient in combat. Lauri also cares for very much, and this can be a liability. She also Is heavily affected by the loss of soldiers under command, though she attempts to hide this fact.
The statements about her calm and efficient manner seem to conflict with her sentimental nature. How exactly is she affected by the loss of subordinates as a soldier and non-commissioned officer?
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