Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Christine Dellard

Heavy riffs and a mugful of caf, and we're good.

NAME: Christine 'Chris' Dellard

FACTION: The Galactic Alliance

RANK: Musician (lead guitar and vocals of the De'Rifts), AMS Deputy Marshal

SPECIES: Human/Epicanthix


SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 5' 7''/170 cm


EYES: Green

HAIR: Blonde

SKIN: Pale


Credits to Daiya Daiya



+ Artistic: The strings are her best friends, and she shows talent with the notes when recently beginning to write her own music.

+ Goal-oriented: Being a musician require a decisive mind to stay on top.

+ Easy-going: She has a relaxed, fun-loving and down to earth personality.

+ Light on the feet: Past dance training has given her kickin' fast and agile moves.

- Impish: While she loves to have fun, sometimes it could tip over into a more mischevious type of fun.

- Rebellious: Slightly inclined to defy authorities. Carefree and hard to keep in place after more than a few glasses.

- Cafaholic: Can’t work without that morning cup of caf. You’d be wise not to push any of her buttons before that, too.


At 5 feet and 7 inches high and long blonde hair, her epicanthix heritage does not give itself away without asking for it. The blonde hair with dark trails frames big and alert green eyes. Depending on her attire, a colored tattoo sleve could be seen on her left underarm, together with a more discreet black tribal tattoo wrapping around her upper arm.

Her attire on the scene does not differ that much from what she otherwise use to wear, just slightly less rivets and jewelery ranging from boasting necklaces to bling rings and leather bracelets. Not surprising for a rock girl, black and other dark colors is her thing. Leather jackets, denim or leather pants and sturdy boots. For self defence, she carries an older but reliable slugthrower pistol bought in the darker alleys of Nar Shaddaa.

Chris was born on the infamous ’’Smuggler’s Moon’’ of Nar Shaddaa, twentyeight circles ago around the sun. Growing up with a single parent mother and a ten year younger brother left her with more than enough responsibilities, having to partially take care of him while their mother struggled as a nurse at the local hospital to earn them enough credits for a living. This in turn affected her own degrees at school, but thanks to a hard-head she barely avoided a fail and made it out with a hard fought for degree later.

During her school years, she started to attend to guitar classes to simply have something other to do in what free time that she had. The guitar came to act as something much more, though. It became a security valve for her, a sort of a therapy and a pause from the busy times at home. Along that line, she started to make some impressive progress with the six strings and soon advanced from the acustic to the electric.

Eligible to continue her studies, with her newly discovered interest, the choice were natural to stay on-world and instead chase that musical call. In the musical life of Nar Shaddaa, she met up with the lead singer of a small time rock band that used to play at the local bars of her district. The ’’other thing to do’’, the call, became the chase for a career. Her efforts in the music classes started to pay off and with the fees earned from their gigs, she could help out at home.

Now working as a deputy within the Alliance Marshals Service by day and blasting the roofs off of the bars by night, she is living her dream and is a known name around the planets music business. While mostly playing sweltering heavy rock music on stage, softer tunes reveals themselves when she spends time with her acustic.


PLAYBY/VOICE: Britt Lightning, Vixen


SHIP: A-27 Sleuth ''The Star Riff''
Her way of transportation and little music paradise. Small but cozy, it residences her, Pleck and her guitars, amplifiers and other gear. Upon entering, the first thing the visitor will notice is the small collection of guitars on one of the walls, both electric and acustic in different shapes and colors. The small space is fitted with high-end speakers connected to a jukebox by the end of her berth. It carries absolutely no doubts what hobbie the owner of the ship has. Retrofitted with Incom's high-end caf machine and the small wine cooler, it has everything they need for a comfortable longer journey.

ARMOR: Custom armor setup


COMPANION: Pleck, a male vulptex with blue eyes.


Moons of Madness - Exploring a cursed moon.

Guardians of the Galaxy - Looking for true grit on Terminus.

Law and Order - Chris and an OPA team goes on cultist hunt.

Roots Radical - Rocking the chit outta The Dragon's Palace at Denon.

Tropical Heat Wave - Drinks with friends in the sun.

Beyond Thunderdome - Shockboxing and barfights at Dasoor.

Midnight Space Cowboy - Judge business.

One More For The Road - It's not always a bad thing to be recognised everywhere you go.

A Little Bad Thing - Terrorist hunting.

Chance Meetings At Nar Shaadda - Meeting with a special admirer after a gig on her homeplanet.

Protection Duty - Bodyguarding at Jedha.
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