Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Chrome - Mad Max Malastare Mini Event


You will ride eternal, shiny and chrome

Malastare. Already a wasteland for years, strange storms and spacetime rifts similar to those that opened up during the Netherworld have virtually cut the planet off from the outside galaxy for months. Major nations protected their own fuel reserves, yet a series of battles and Bando Gora raids left the major fuel stations as raging infernos. All across the world the night sky is lit up by burning fuel reservoirs and methane lakes. Civilisation has all but broken down. In the vast wastelands gangs fight for the last of the fuel, hopeful that they can scrounge enough to escape.

Then the small rifts appeared. Individuals from across the galaxy found themselves appearing in the wasteland. Hounded by the gangs for slaves and with no law enforcement in sight. Even the Force refuses to come to the aid of those who need it. How will your character react being dumped in this wasteland ruled by gangs? Will they do whatever is required just to survive?

In the Dread Plains a group of mechanics have almost finished restoring a shuttle. However, they don’t have enough fuel to escape. Their agreement with the gangs: the gang that brings them enough fuel gets to leave the world with them.

Choose your fate. Join a gang, fight for the last of the resources and be the first to escape.


Objective 1: Gang Wars. Join a mini campaign to be the gang that grabs the fuel and escapes the wastelands
Objective 2: Pod Race. In what remains of civilisation on Malastare a massive podrace is about to begin. Join the race and earn the loot.
Objective 3: Do you own thing.

This is a Mad Max themed event. It is also the GA dominion of Malastare.

Rules can’t be enforced, but we ask everyone to join in with the spirit of the story.

Everyone can submit gangs in this thread. A gang needs a minimum of 3 characters (each a unique writer).

You may choose how you arrive. You can either have been on world for a long time and become a hardened gang member or have just arrived and been coerced into joining a gang.

Anyone can submit weapons and vehicles for the story, but this is optional. Just be sure to keep all technology in line with the theme of the event.

Note: if you join a gang with some members your character doesn't know it can count as the Ultrachrome restricted development!

If you want to have some fun rolling some dice for collisions and ramming see pages 35-39 and pages 62-64 here

I am the one that runs from both the living and the dead. Hunted by scavengers, haunted by those I could not protect. So I exist in this wasteland, reduced to one instinct: survive.

Objective 1

The map features 3 fuel reservoirs and the base of every gang. Each round every gang will notify their intention of where to go and what to do (e.g search for tech at A, do a fuel run for reservoir B, raid Gang C’s base). Based on this gangs will be grouped up and given an encounter scenario. Encounters serve to give groups of gangs scenarios to bring them together to fight/work together. The goal is to get the most fuel and escape first! Each gang starts with 10 portions of fuel. After each encounter every gang will be rewarded/punished with more/reduced fuel portions depending how far they travelled, their type of encounter, if they were robbed, if they successfully gathered fuel, etc.

Example: The Cutters announce their intention to raid the Reavers' base at night via PM. The Reavers signal their intention to ride for fuel field 3. Due to other Encounters between gangs it's decided that the encounter given to the gangs is as follows. The Reavers are fast asleep in their base, vehicles prepped for the journey to the fuel fields at dawn. The Cutters arrive in the small hours, parking far enough away to not alert the Reavers before deciding their plan of attack.

Map coming soon!

Objective 2

The Malastare Podracing circuit is crumbling, but still intact. Whilst civilisation falls apart around you, race for the prize! Maybe with enough money you can find some version of peace and retirement on Malastare.

Tag your posts with where you are on the circuit! Malastare pod race circuit taken from the classic game!


  • Every member of the GA is free to join the dominion and do as they please
  • Any member from outside the GA is welcome to join objectives 1 and 2
  • Gangs are included on a first approved, first served basis. Gangs with 2+ GA members get selected first. We may not have space for all proposed gangs in the campaign
  • There is no ability to use the Force
  • Low tech only. Light blasters are common but prone to failure. Slugthrowers and improvised weapons are more common. Lightsabers can be maintained, but power is limited and there is no Force so don’t overuse them. No silly armour, personal shields etc. Stick with the theme, but have fun!
Current Gangs:
[member="Ugohr Poof"] [member="Silara Varis"]

You guys aren't expecting rogue squadron to reply right? I'm sure you've read the premise so know the world is mostly cut off and they're stranded in a sort of mad max scenario?

Silara Varis

[member="Jacen Voidstalker"]

No not really. I'm just teaming up with Ugohr so he's not lonely! :p

Ugohr Poof

The Traveling Gungan Salesman
[member="Jacen Voidstalker"]

OK, Rogue Squadron (except Rogue 16) is stranded in a Mad Max scenario, but let's say that, in parallel, the Alliance High Command tried to secure the planet on the ground, but at the onset, they decided that, since Malastare was mostly cut off from the rest of the galaxy, light-sided or dark-sided, they assumed the Rings of the Lord was enough to secure the planet.

The question remains: why did the Techno Union abandon so many droids on Malastare?

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