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Cimmerian Shades

| [member="Enigma"] |

Cimmerian - "Mythical people described by Homer as inhabiting a land of perpetual darkness."

Shade - "Shade is the blocking of sunlight (in particular direct sunshine) by any object, and also the shadow created by that object. Shade also consists of the colors grey, black, white, etc. It may refer to blocking of sunlight by a roof, a tree, an umbrella, a window shade or blind, curtains, or other objects.

Cimmerian Shades - Two women responsible for locking the Tingel Arm in a state of perpetual darkness; they, who would blot out the stars that were the Jedi. An apprenticeship not seen in a near millennium. They, who would fulfill the promise of their predecessors through the cleansing of the weak that would call themselves Sith; the topple of a democracy that has stood for far too long; and the subsequent purge of a ministry that would stagnate the Force.

They were called Darth Pandeima and Darth Ayra.


Ayra found herself stood on a skyscraper overlooking Dubrillion. Wind rippled through the dark, thin velvet garment that gripped her slender, petite frame. Her sulfuric eyes were locked upon the horizon, watching the lush, vast mountain ranges; the tips of pure green trees, that stretched for acres; and to the left, an expanse of ocean that surrounded the island in which she, the skyscraper and the city they found themselves in.

She had ventured to this beautiful scenery to bring it under the command of the New Order; created by the Dark Lord of the Sith, [member="Darth Vulcanus"], who envisioned a government that would subvert Coruscant and restore a Galactic Empire, in which he would rule. Sentiments that had attracted the gaze of the Order of Sith Lords, began by another Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Pandeima. Following an incident on Coruscant, in which Alicia Drey had participated in a turf war between the Black Alchemists, a gang of thugs who worked for the Undercity's King Pin, [member="Christian Slade"]; and the Hydra, another gang who had opposed Slade and his rule, until he and his would be Queen dismantled them, piece by piece, in what was a blood filled night.

And that was how the two Cimmerian Shades had found each other.

Dubrillion was a fallen world, now. The Fel Imperium had folded long before Vulcanus's vision; and Pandeima's unknown incursion. Now that it was under the domain of the New Order and Subach-Innes, which was once a illustrious corporation maintained through Circe Savan, which was Pandeima's alias, until the Fel and Confederacy of Independent systems had crushed it and the assets Subach had held across their domains, had gone about it's restoration. Now that the world was back under the allegiance of the Sith, Pandeima and Ayra had secured what had been Subach factories, through the mixture of Ayra being one of Vulcanus's Sith Lords, thus being responsible for leading the annexation campaign; Cipher 18, an Imperial Agent who worked for the New Order, which had broken the encryption codes left behind by Ronin Fel; and the consequential restoration of each factory to their former glory.

With Subach-Innes restoration in the Outer Rim, in which Master and Apprentice planned to expand further, with another project on Chandrila still yet to be fulfilled, attention now was diverted to self progression and the development that would follow. Caught in the expanding light of Dubrillion's star, Ayra lowered her sulfuric eyes. The surrounding gusts threatened to knock the cowl of her Sith robe, revealing the locks of blonde hair and the natural degradation of skin that followed those who had sunk into the abyss of the dark side and did not care to hide their vanity. It remained upheld, however.
In Umbris Potestas Est
Circe's own appearance, on the other hand, was only starting to corrupt. Her skin had only just begun to pale, and her eyes had mere flecks of yellow in them. She could only grin at the feeling of what was happening to her. "We're going to look so much alike very soon." She ran an arm around the torso of her apprentice as the two of them gazed at the light of a potent sun beaming down upon the landscape. "It feels so good, doesn't it... Come, let's visit the local resort."

@Alicia Drey
| [member="Enigma"] |

"I can see that now, yes." She turned to face Pandeima, who emerged on the skyscraper. She frowned when she mentioned resorts. It was time to be plain and simple. "I asked you to join me up here because I wanted to learn more about the Order of Sith Lords and what you know, Master."

"I want us to do something more. I enjoy the way you touch me, hold me, but now I want you to show me more. I want to go on an adventure with you."
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Darth Ayra"]

"An adventure? Please, tell me more of what you're thinking." She smiled, eager to see what sort of an adventure her apprentice was thinking of. "Well... I know the same as every other Sith knows with regards to the Rule of Two. Though if you're thinking Plagueis, I believe the Sith archives contain more than enough information relating to what we want to know." She smiled. "You want us to follow in their footsteps, don't you... minus the murder at the end, of course."
| [member="Enigma"] |

Ayra nodded. "I know about the Rule of Two, yes. I know that, centuries ago, a Sith Lord betrayed the Sith Order and destroyed it, to begin the Order of Sith Lords, in which only two Sith Lords ruled at a time. One was the Sith Master and the other the Sith Apprentice; and I know, in the end, the Galactic Empire that Vulcanus wishes to create was the end product of the Rule of Two and it's promise."

She leaned her head to the side. "I don't know Plagueis, but I never understood your connection to the Rule of Two. Maybe you could explain to me how you began this, before we move deeper into it's history?"
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Well... I was inspired by Vilox Pazela. Prior to his turning away from the Dark Side, he suggested the development of a new Rule of Two. I suppose that inspired me to do such a thing with you, even though you and I were a bit more cohesive than myself and Vazela. If I ever see him again, I'll have to thank him for all the insight he gave me with regards to such a scheme - and after all, I have you, the luscious Darksider eager to please me."

[member="Darth Ayra"]
| [member="Enigma"] |

"Vilox Pazela... Vazela. The same man who designed and created the Obscurity? That's interesting." She folded her arms across her chest. "Do you know where he is now? You also mentioned a Plagueis... who is this?"
In Umbris Potestas Est
"No clue. Last I heard of him, he had defected to the Jedi. Poor man - I hope for his sake that he sees the truth soon." She paused, turning back to Ayra. "Darth Plagueis was a Sith Lord responsible for the study and foundation of Force manipulation. His ultimate goal was to attain immortality. He was the master of Darth Sidious, otherwise known as Emperor Palpatine. If you want to go on an adventure to help us learn to live forever - and perhaps make the new Sith'ari - perhaps we should follow their route." She smiled, embracing her apprentice.

[member="Darth Ayra"]
| [member="Enigma"] |

"Force Manipulation? Interesting." She held Pandeima for several minutes, in which the wind and sun engulfed them in their embrace. Her hand found the others, interlocked fingers into each other and Ayra turned from the edge of the skyscraper, towards the hut center to it, which had a flight of stairs leading down into the top floor of the building. "Immortality, living forever? That's a concept I would find appealing. Living forever would allow us to complete our goals slowly, in a way the Sith, the Jedi and the Republic would never suspect our intentions for them."

Ayra turned to look at her partner. "But where would we begin such an adventure?"
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Muunilist." She smiled. "That was where it all started for Plagueis. Him and his master grew their business and their studies in the Force there. It was on the planet that they discovered how to manipulate the Force." She smiled. "Perhaps we'll even find a clue to manipulating midichlorians. And once we do that, we can get to work with the research."

[member="Darth Ayra"]
| [member="Enigma"] |

"Muunilist. Plaguies was a Muun, then?" Ayra opened the door leading into the Hutt. Together, the pair descended the steps down onto the top level, before approaching a lift. She called for the lift and turned to Pandeima as it rose to meet them. "Did Pazela teach you all of this? Was he your Sith Master?" The lift doors opened and they stepped inside. As they closed and began their descent, she continued. "A Jedi knowing about the existence of the Rule of Two is bad. Do you think he is a threat?"
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Darth Ayra"]

"Hardly. He and I were never officially Master and Apprentice. It's not as though this is a true continuation of something he started - more putting into action his concept." She smiled. "Plagueis was indeed a Muun. As for Vazela being a threat - he may be. Or he may be returned to the dark fold where he belongs. It's all a matter of time, and for now, as he knows nothing of us, there should be no issues.
| [member="Enigma"] |

"I see." Together, they left the building and traveled the streets to a transport, which was ran and controlled by the New Order. The ship brought them to the Prefabricated Garrison that Ayra had set up during the New Order's dominion; and where the Niathal was currently stored in. Walking up to her transport, she lifted a hand to the keypad and typed in the code to open it's doors and lower it's landing ramp. "Beauty first," Ayra said, gesturing for Pandeima to go in.
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Then shouldn't you be going in first?" She smiled, looking her apprentice over before both of them stepped in at the same time - Circe considered them both equally beautiful in the Dark Side. "Well, tell me what you're thinking of. Look up their route in our archives and we can follow it from Muunilist. If this is something you want badly, I'll oblige - so we can go together. But it's your job to research this."

[member="Darth Ayra"]
| [member="Enigma"] |

Ayra nodded her head. "Of course. If you want me to take control, then I can. I think this is a practice in our relationship as well. Sometimes, those who care for each other can't work together. This is will be our test."

She lifted the Niathal up into the air, towards the skyline.
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Darth Ayra"]

"I merely desire to do this with you and for you, my apprentice. It'll be a wonderful adventure for both of us - and an opportunity for you and I to learn from the research and information of our predecessors, so far as the Rule of Two goes." She grinned. "Perhaps we will finally succeed in producing a child strong enough to conquer the galaxy, through midichlorian manipulation, of course."
| [member="Enigma"] |

"I didn't know a feat was possible, Master." The Niathal broke out of the atmosphere of Dubrillion and out into space. She checked the reader and said. "It will take us eighteen minutes to clear the planets gravity well." Ayra turned to Pandeima. "What will be looking for on Muunilist?"
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Darth Ayra"]

"Anything relating to a man named Hugo Damask. That was the public alias of Plagueis himself. He and I are quite similar - both of us held positions in ship-building companies. Though he of course never held any form of attraction towards his apprentice." She smiled, looking Alicia over. "When you look at me, Alicia... What do you see? I want to know how through your eyes I appear."
| [member="Enigma"] |

Ayra turned away from Pandeima to think about her question. After a long while of contemplation, she said. "I think that you're a beautiful weapon, that can be used to change the galaxy."
In Umbris Potestas Est
"I mean as a person..." She paused, turning Alicia back around so she could see the woman face to face. She lowered her own hood, then lowered the hood of her apprentice. "When I see you, and I look at how the Dark Side has touched your body so intensely - how it's corrupted every single cell, and even now penetrates in your body... Your gorgeous yellow eyes, your tainted skin and darkened veins... I wish to be like that. And soon, I will be."

[member="Darth Ayra"]

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