Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Circle of Protection (Open to Silver Jedi, all others PM for invite)


The gardens were quiet, pristine even, as the helmeted Knight meditated, awaiting the arrival of his students for today's lesson. His sabers hovered before him, disassembling and reassembling at a rapid rate, as he focused intently upon the ebb and flow of the Force. The beautiful symphony it created with it's unity with all living beings, he could see it with his minds eye. The links between the flora and fauna, the sentients, and even the very stones of the world they inhabited.

Lost in wonder, he remained motionless, levitating a full foot off the ground. His cloak was folded neatly on a nearby bench, next to a locked crate. He could feel his own Padawan making her way towards the location, along with another whom he felt had a strong desire to learn the defensive form. And a third Padawan of personal interest whom had only recently arrived on-world was making his way with intent to the designated training area.

This class was no secret, and it was open for any young padawan, or even fellow Knights, who sought to learn at least the basics of the Resilience Form. Whom all would come? And how apt would they be to learn this form? The masked Knight waited, curious to how events would unfold.

[member=Kianna Auli'i] | [member=Ben Corscifine] | [member=Aurellis Arterius] | @Any Padawan or Knight in the SJO​
In the spirit of fairness, I'm going to give this thread till tonight after work (approximately 1130pm or so EST on Oct. 12th.) before I post again, so more have a chance to get in here.

Ben had been to the capital planet of the Silver Jedi in order to train once before, when he met with Boo Chiyo and was introduced to Shien. The familiar training grounds were tainted for Ben however, for a number of reasons. First was the way that Ben felt estranged from the Jedi since the disappearance if Corvus Raaf, Ben's self-exile from the Jedi Order, and the subsequent collapse of the Republic and the Order that Ben had been raised to serve. The Silvers were different, Ben knew this, but it was hard to separate his feelings for the Order on Lothal from the specter of working with the Order on Voss. Beyond that was the controversy surrounding the Silvers following the events on Korriban. Though the Grandmaster of this Order had disavowed himself of the bombing, the event reminded Ben of similar events which transpired toward the end of the Republic. It was not a good time to build new trust for the Silvers.

Still, Ben was in desperate need of training with a lightsaber. His formal instruction had ground to a halt since his exile, and lightsaber technique was one of Ben's great joys. And Ryn'Dhal was a personal friend of Ben's--well regarded by Jessica Justice and her father, a Jedi of good intentions and high skill. He was here on a personal invitation. At the least, Ben would learn something; there was no need to commit his soul to the Silver Order.

Ben arrived at the training site, clad in Jedi robes for the first time in months. At his side he had his lightsaber. Somewhere deep down, these were good feelings. Ben felt the memories of his Dune, his best friend in training, and Ben's promise upon leaving the Order to return to the Jedi and the light. Maybe this would be a first step in his redemption. The young Jedi found the helmet-clad knight in a state of meditative levitation, sabers building and deconstructing themselves through the Force. Ben did his best to remain quiet as he arrived--he knew the drill, when the time came, Ryn'Dhal would address the group. Since Ben was first, it seemed custom to join in the meditation. He placed his saber before him, sat on the ground, and began to reach out with the Force, studying his weapon.


Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
From assassin to lover, from lover to wander, from wanderer to now the Pilgrim who defended the weak, Akio had come quiet a ways. Head injuries had rendered his life a broken mirror he struggled to remember on some days. But--there was Dryzl. Always Dryzl. He could remember her, the way she had tended to him and healed him. The way that she had made him better, had inspired him to make himself better, the way he had sacrificed himself to give her a chance to escape from those who were hunting them. Then there was the escape from-- oh it was all too much.

The Chiss sighed, rubbing his forehead. Sometimes it bothered him that his life didn't make sense at all. For now he was just here, to train and learn to use the blade better. He was clueless on the use of the lightsaber, he was a bladesman well trained in its use but it never hurt to learn more. He brought his katana and wazikashi, both were strapped to his back, humming with the energy of the Force just like the amulet around his neck, the ring on his finger and the armor on his body. He could only image the aura he led in the this place, especially for being such an unimpressive, small man. With bare feet he made his way through the gardens and gave the host of this meeting a bow, some hooded, helmeted figure in a robe who seemed to be in charge.

"It is an honor to meet you, Ryn'Dhal-San."

[member="Ben Corscifine"]

Atlas Kane

Meditation had always been a great way to spend the time waiting for something in Aurellis' opinion. He had dedicated hundreds of hours to meditation over the years, it helped him by calming his spirit, allowing him to get more in tune with the Force and by letting him gather new strength when needed. This time it was no exception. The young Jedi had just returned from a morning exercise and some time would pass before his next lesson began. It would be an introductory lesson to the third Form of Lightsabre combat: Soresu. He had been particularly interested in this Form since first stumbling upon some texts in the Jedi Library that had explained some of the philosophies behind each of the Forms, while also giving short descriptions of their applications and uses. Whereas other Forms focused more on dealing with an opponent through aggressive means, Soresu was the Form that almost exclusively focused on doing so using defensive techniques. Aurellis had liked that about this Form, as he was very much a person that tried to avoid aggression.

Emotion, yet Peace. Chaos, yet Harmony. He fell into a deeper trance as his thoughts started to fade and he allowed himself to drift off into the Force.

Beep, beep, beep, beep, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP. A loud noise suddenly interrupted the young Jedi; He shook his head and looked at the source of it. It was already time for the lecture to begin. Aurellis only had a few minutes to get from his current location all the way over to the Jedi Gardens; He knew he should've set the alarm for an earlier time, he would never make it there fast enough!

Quickly, the young Jedi sprang up and started running down the hallway. Then he quickly stopped, ran back and picked up his Training-Sabre. A lesson on Lightsabre combat wouldn't be of any use without a Sabre of his own. Aurellis hastily made his way out of the room again, this time not stopping for anything. He had to dodge a few Jedi Knights and a few Padawan Learners on his way towards the gardens, some of them turning towards him with disapproving looks. He simply didn't have the time to be slow however, as he was certain he would be late for the lesson he had been waiting on ever since he had learned of it.

As he continued running, he finally cleared the doorway leading to the Jedi Gardens. There he ran along the pathways towards the location that the Knight who would be instructing had specified. It didn't take long now and as he arrived he could see there were a few learners there already, as well as the Knight who was currently practising rising meditation whilst assembling and disassembling his Lightsabres. The Padawan came to a halt at the entrance of the courtyard, between two knee-high hedges, and put both hands on his knees, panting heavily, sweat running down the side of his face. He had been sprinting for quite a while now and he would probably need a moment to rest. Luckily it seemed like they hadn't started yet. The Padawan looked around, surprised by the fact that he had apparently managed to arrive early, despite his somewhat late departure towards the Gardens. So he slowly and quietly made his way onto the courtyard. The Padawan sat down in a meditative pose behind all the other students that had gathered, a bit further away from the Knight than the others. The young Jedi tried not to show his nervousness as he put one hand into the other and held them in front of his stomach, trying to slow down his breathing in an attempt to seem like he was meditating like the Master and one of the other students were doing.

[member=Ryn'Dhal] [member="Ben Corscifine"] [member="Akio Diachi"]
[member="Aurellis Arterius"] @Akio Diachi [member="Ben Corscifine"] [member="Ryn'Dhal"]

SHe had been told there was a class to go to and the chance to learn more how to use this lightsaber she had been given was an important part of what the young padawan wanted to do while she glided through to come in and meet the others. Allowing the partial robes she was wearing to hug tight against her torso until she came in. Seeing the others and the white underbelly coiled for a moment until she spoke. Pale skin and long black hair that gleamed before she looked at the other padawans who were there and they were all so... different compared to the normal humans she interacted with. All of them as she scented the air with her tongue for a moment looking over at Ryn with black pools for her eyes and beamed for a moment. "Ah master Dhal correct?" She asked it with a small look on her face lowering so she was mostly their sie with slender arm touching the specialized robes that had been crafted for her to wear.
Today Kianna had received a message from Ryn'Dhal, inviting her to a group training session. She hadn't done a public session yet, so she had to admit, she was pretty nervous. She was dressed in her usual; Ice blue tank top, black leather jacket, black skinny jeans and black leather tall boots. Her long blonde hair was simply pulled back into a ponytail. But today, there was an addition to her outfit. Today, she had her two lightsabers that had been made when she was a little girl, training with her father's friend from the Jedi Temple. She hadn't used them in a while, so she guessed she'd bring them with her also assuming that was what this was all about.

It was rather another beautiful day on Voss and Kianna had gotten up little earlier getting to work on her meditation even though she had a feeling she'd be doing the same thing once she got there. It still made her more calm though. When she had checked the time, she decided it was best for her to get a move on to make sure she wasn't late. By the time she arrived outside of the gardens, other people had already shown up.

Once she got there, her master was there including three other boys and another girl. She froze for a second, but then started asking herself why she was so nervous about these other padawans. Back home she had to deal with Senators and other royalty. Kianna then took a deep breath and walked into the gardens and closer to Ryn, but still close enough to the other students.

Without a word, she sat down and sat her lightsabers in front of her. She then sat up straight and started focusing on the force as her lightsabers lifted into the air like everyone else's and she kept her focus on them.

~ [member="Ryn'Dhal"] ; [member="Ben Corscifine"] ; [member="Akio Diachi "]; [member="Aurellis Arterius"] ; [member="Yag'dril"] ~
He felt multiple presences approach. One familiar, three new. And there was his Padawan. A slight smirk crossed his face behind that mask, as he quite literally stepped out of the air. His feet touched the ground noiselessly, as he rose from his seated position in mid-air, and into each open palm a completely assembled, curved-hilt lightsaber came to rest. Sabers returned to his hips, as he regarded the collection of learners. Turning to face each of his freshly arrived pupils, he'd bow to the assemblage in greeting.

"I am Knight Ryn'Dhal. And, I hazard to assume that you are all here for an introductory lesson in the Way of the Mynock." A warm smile could be heard, if not seen, in the masked-Knights voice. He'd gesture with a gloved hand towards the crate behind him. The latch opened, and with a slight elevation of same hand, the lid opened. Into his waiting hand a datapad zoomed, which he'd give a cursory glance to, before addressing the students in turn.

"[member=Ben Corscifine], though we've met before, I wish to thank you for coming. You honor my request to impart this knowledge to you." He'd address the first arrival, bowing to him, before moving to the next. "[member=Akio Diachi], a relatively late, and unexpected registration, but no less appreciated or welcome. Thank you, for granting me the opportunity to share my knowledge with you." Again, a respectful bow, this time to the Chiss.

"Padawan [member="Aurellis Arterius"]. All this time, I've still have yet to have visited the homeworld of our Grandmaster. A pleasure, to get to work with one of his noble kinfolk." He bowed to the young Valkyri. "And [member="Yag'dril"]. You are the first of your kind I've had the pleasure of encountering. I'd like to converse with you another time, for what little I know of the Bo-Dun fascinates me." That smile remained thick in his voice.

Turning finally to his own Padawan, he would bow in greeting. "And lastly my own apprentice, Padawan [member=Kianna Auli'i]." He turned towards the crate, giving a few grand gestures, not terribly unlike a conductor leading an orchestra, as individual training lightsabers would drift from the case drifting to four of the five students. The only one who didn't receive one was Aurellis. "These training sabers are, on an operational level, no different than a traditional lightsaber. But, unlike a true lightsaber, the power-output of these are minimal."

To prove his point, he willed a saber from the crate to his hand. As he did so, his tail, previously unnoticed by the assembled students, came unwound from about his waist. It flicked about, before flicking itself into his left gloved hand. As he ignited the green blade of the training saber, he proceeded to tap the plasma blade against his tail. The semi-painful sounding -POP- could be heard, as he pulled the blade away, revealing the slightly singed fur, but almost completely unharmed tail in his hand.

"While, it is far from a 'pleasant' experience, it is largely harmless. A bit of a stinging sensation.... perhaps a bit of numbing if struck too many times.... but..." He trailed off, as he concentrated, the fur on his tail rapidly regenerating, and in a few moments, no sign of damage remained, "I am quite capable at the Healing Arts, should it ever be required." And after a few moments pause, he added, "Which, it shouldn't."

After a light chuckle, he returned to the core of the lesson. "As we should all be familiar with, when it comes to the Forms, and with utilizing a lightsaber in general, is ones unity with the Force." As he paced, he strayed near his cloak, where one of his long-knives lay sheathed. He drew it, and flourished it in a small series of tight orbits about his body, in the iconic defensive flow of the Resilience Form, before setting the sword down and repeating the action with the training saber.

He deactivated the blade, and began pacing at the head of the class, those keen, golden eyes dancing behind the thin eye-slits of the mask, moving from face to face, always maintaining eye-contact with at least one student at any time."How is it, that I am able to control my sword, my physical, tangible, durasteel blade.... something with a known, physical weight.... with the same proficiency as I can a lightsaber? A blade that has no weight, as well as no drag, no wind-resistance?" he'd ask rhetorically, he pacing never faltering, before giving the answer without giving a chance for a student to offer one. "Because, I can feel it's weight, it's drag, and even the resistance of the wind through the Force. I know, with my mind, that there is no physical construct at the end of this emitter I hold in my hand. But, I do not fight using my mind alone. I extend myself, through the Force, and my saber becomes an extension of my physical being."

Looking to his students, the masked Knight would observe their varied reactions. "What may be the hardest part of any and all saber-play, is acknowledging that your weapon needs to be an extension of your very being. With that hurdle out of the way, we can dive into the basics of the Resilience Form, Soresu." He'd gesture to the students, "Spread out some, give each other space to swing a sword a bit. Familiarize yourself with your tool. Feel it. Let it be nothing more than an extension of your being, of your will." The masked knight continued to pace, observing his class, as each went through their own variation of a warm-up. He watched, for weaknesses in form, for strengths, and for ways to advise for improvement, to make the transition into Soresu that much easier.

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream

So tempting.....

Akio took his place with the others, and gave a soft smile at the feline's kind words. The Blue Pilgrim was something of a shadow these days, moving here, moving there, wherever the winds took him. And for now, when he heard of more blade training-he could not resist the opportunity. He took the metallic cylinder in his hand and examined it very curiously.

He was a Jedi, as some would call it, but he had never encountered these before. He had much rather preferred his blades, the katana and wazikashi that he had been raised wielding since he could walk. In a rare flash of returning memories it was almost like he was back there, back to the first time he had every held the blade in his small blue hands.

This is an extension of your body. This is just another part of your arm, your physical being.

He found the red button on the side of the lightsaber and pressed it. With a hiss the familiar to many blade shot out the end closest to to the blade of his palm. He marveled at its weightlessness, spinning the blade in his hands to the right end up. With a tilt of his head he gave a few precursory cross slices, feeling the blade's weight and how it handled. Interesting he nodded. Anyone watching would have been rather underwhelmed by his almost toddler-like observation of the weapon so many Jedi held scared.

Then without warning, Akio twirled his blade before him, following with a palm-strike. He recoiled quickly, taking a half step back and spinning his wrist to deflect a counter strike. With a half turn on his heel, Akio brought his blade's elbow forward in a quick jaw-level strike before continuing his spin, moving away from the invisible victim in his kata. The Chiss shifted his weight in mid-stride, bringing it back in a sword-finger strike to what would have been the mid-abdomen. He twisted both his arms in a Wing chung-esque Chi Sao, bringing his blade around in a tight arc to cover his forward advance. The Chiss twirled his blade in an aggressive set of tight blocks, bringing his blade to twirl and spin at every available fraction of a second. Spinning, he brought the blade overhead in a two-handed rear block, shifting the blade between his hands.

It wasn't perfect Soresu, and there were clear interminglings of his Black Gate unarmed training but it was decent, one could say and for a guy who never used a lightsaber, it was a good start.

[member="Kianna Auli'i"]
[member="Aurellis Arterius"]
[member="Ben Corscifine"]
She looked at him for a moment mostly because space and stretching out was something different when you were technically almost four times the sie of everyone else here. Yag stretched her body out when she was ready and leaned a little closer to the ground for a moment before coming up and holding one fo the practice blades for herself. She was holding it like an extension whens he moved around coiling her body again to allow herself to observe the others with a nod of her head. "I understand." She stood ready to try it and knew with her skills she wouldn't be running or going around. She held the blades hilt out looking at it and then turned it on with a yelp when it went out in front of her and was prepared for weight or something but there wasn't any while he practiced with it a little as she started to go and turned flinging it as it went towards the masters tail.
As Ryn'Dhal would approach her, she gave a small smile and returned his bow in response. She then listened carefully as a lightsaber was passed to each student and she kept herself quiet, just waiting until the moment she could continue her lightsaber training. Before she started ruling Maridun and before she met Ryn, her father's friend briefly trained her, but he mainly taught her martial arts while holding a blade in her hands, so she adopted the form of Ataru.

Once they were given the go to be able to start practicing on their form, Kianna looked around real quick seeing the other students' reactions and a small smirk came upon her face as she then started and ignited her saber and took form and then she started a dance that was a little rough as she whirled the blue blade around her body. She was almost sure she had everything right until she took a wrong step and fell backwards. The lightsaber deactivated as she fell and she seemed rather shocked. She took a minute before she giggled and got back up, starting the move over again and continued on.

~ [member="Ryn'Dhal"] ; [member="Yag'dril"] ; [member="Akio Diachi "]; [member="Aurellis Arterius"] ; [member="Ben Corscifine"] ~
She was late to the class well that wasn't anything unusual as she surged forward with the force energies bounding off of herself. The sound of her feet as they went against the stone of the temple until she came to the room and stood tall and presentable watching all of them. Her equipment was on her back and Zhen could see some of the others when she held the glaive in her hand collapsed into a small almost sickle like weapon. She wasn't using it yet but secured her equipment before staying there while she moved into place and backed up a little flicking her tail back and forth when she found a comfortable place to stand holding a training saber. THe twin jar'kai blades on her back and the silver robes gleamed as the cape flowed along her back.
"First, always show respect for any of the instructors and those around you. Second, always be ready for anything...." She mumbled under her breath as she raced down the halls of the voss temple while chewing on part of her nuna bun. Instead of using the stairs and avoiding running into the other students that were wandering about the halls as well, she jumped from wall to wall while going over her rules. "Third, never be late to any of my classes!" She mumbled loudly as was running late to a class. "Shoot, shoot, Maybe no one will notice me. I just need to keep a low profile." She thought to herself. When she entered the room filled with all the other jedi and one she was familiar and bonded with whether he knew it or not. To much of her surprise and excitement, the one she was familiar with was teach the class. The placed a finger on her pink lip and thought for a moment giving him a little look, just staring for a moment trying to figure out where she had knew him from. Then it hit. "YOU! We had class together in healing! You're a knight now?! That's so cool!" Granted they had learned how to heal years ago but once Lily met someone she would remember them, she couldn't forget that mask of his either, it was so fancy. Also once again she didn't keep a 'low profile' and once again was disturbing class.
Ben had gone through a great ordeal in the process of contracting his lightsaber. The emerald crystal in the hilt which he had almost died procuring on Ilum resonated with him in such a way that his usually cluttered mind could become one with the Force more easily. So, the young Jedi was filled with angst at the mention of training sabers. Hadn't he constructed a blade of his own so that he wouldn't need to use those crude, impersonal weapons again? Perhaps he should have invested some energy in installing a modular part in his saber that would allow him to switch it to a nonlethal setting. Surely such a thing existed, but Ben had not looked into it.

So, training saber it was. Well, at least the color was the same. And, as the blade came to life, Ben was reminded that the sound of a lightsaber ignighting is always the same. The hum soothed him like nothing in the galaxy could. Maybe having his own saber nearby would allow him to focus his energy even with the training blade in his hand. He took up the Soresu opening guard that he had once learned from Barrien Seigfried on Lothal. He was somewhat awkward with Form III, but wanted to warm up with what he knew both to get his feeling for the form back--he had hardly touched it since delving into the basics of Shien--and to demonstrate that he already possessed some knowledge. Clearly, his time away from the Order had nursed the pride he had fought to suppress.

He attempted to feel his weapong as an extension of himself, as Ryn had instructed. When he attempted to move through Soresu sequences, however, he felt as though the form held him back from the ferocity that he was used to in lightsaber combat with Shien. It was as if he was attempting to force himself to get onto the same wavelength as his weapon. As he focused more and more on this, he grew somewhat frustrated.

@everyone else
The Knight paced, observing the various students as they went through various emulations of his motions. One, in particular, lost control of her saber. Had he been less keen in his senses, a slight case of singed fur would have occurred. His tail snaked, as if of it's own volition, coiling with unnatural dexterity about the saber-hilt as the blade passed harmlessly. The tail proceeded to flourish the blade for a moment, before transferring mid-flourish the hilt into a hand. The saber was brought into the starting position, before deactivating the blade. He eyed the serpentine Padawan, before looking to the others.

"Padawan [member="Yag'dril"], did you not have rudimentary training with the saber?" He inquired, that masked face angling slightly. Of all the padawan, she was the only one who showed a glaring lack of experience with the blades. Everyone else showed varying levels of proficiency. But, before the Padawan could respond, another student arrived, one whom recognized him. He, unfortunately, did not quite recognize her. It had been many years, and she'd grown and changed. He, on the other hand, while grown, changed not at all externally, with his penchant for obscuring his visage. His free hand called the datapad to him. He lifted it, as it cycled through profiles until it landed on the right one. "Ah, Padawan [member="Lily Hex-Volsh"]. I must apologize. I had not recognized you. Please forgive me." He'd bow slightly, before feeling yet another student, one who'd not let made her presence known. He turned, spotting the.... other unique being. One student half serpentine, the other half equine. He did not know how to take this. One seemed like she could potentially be a natural fit for Soresu, while this newest student did not quite seem to fit the bill. Perhaps he would be pleasantly surprised! One could never assume too much.

He would not push the newcomer, Padawan [member="Zhenhua"], to interact and join in. He instead turned his attention to the Chiss student. "Akio, that is definitely an intriguing methodology. But, while your integration is excellent, I would like to see if you could demonstrate the understanding of the intent of the Resilience Form. While yes, sometimes violence is necessitated to end a threat, the initial intent of this particular form is to negate a threat, creating an impenetrable barrier, be it between yourself and a threat, or be it that you are the barrier for another."

He turned to Ben, and smiled behind that mask. "Padawan Corscifine, you have the understanding, and the capability, but all you need is time, and peace. Be one with your blade, but more importantly, be one with yourself. This is not a form that is for everyone," he began, addressing the assembled students. "But, it is a form all Jedi should know, at least to some level. Understanding, and mastering, are two entirely different things. This is also an introduction, so do not feel disheartened if you find your skill with this form lacking in any degree."

A soft smile was worn as he watched his own Padawan fumble. She had the motions, yes. But, not quite the expertise, nor the requisite experience to make proper use of this Form. Sense would be next on their training regime. At the thought of Sense, he smiled, that tail flicking behind him. "Perhaps, some practical demonstration may be in order? Everyone, pair up. And Akio, would you be so kind?" The masked Knight asked, gesturing to a space opposite of himself. As the Chiss would approach, one of his own lightsabers was drawn, and he made it quite obvious that he was dialing back the power on his saber. He demonstrated it's negated damage potential, singing just a few hairs on his tail, before facing the Chiss. He took the starting pose of the Way of the Mynock. He then began the passive orbital rotations about his form, reaching with the Force. "A major portion of this form, is being able to commune with the Force. To feel, to perceive. This is a reactionary form. So, Akio, if you would be so kind.... attempt to strike me, preferably with your saber.... I'd much rather not risk singing you, nor feeling a knee or elbow against my anatomy." The Knight said, a warm laugh in his voice. This was not a duel, but merely a demonstration of the superior defensive capabilities of this particular form.

[member="Ben Corscifine"] | [member="Kianna Auli'i"] | [member="Akio Diachi "]| [member="Aurellis Arterius"]​

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Akio nodded, full defense. He lowered his new blade and thought over its implications. No side-punches, no follow up kicks, sweeps, or knees. He would have to forgo looking for chances to strike and just try to play pure defense. It would certainly require a mental change more than really anything else. He half-bowed, "Thank you master. I will take this change."

Then the Knight asked him to take his stance before him and--make a few swings..... with the blade only. Damn. Akio grimaced inside, nodding as he winced slightly. My blade is just my body, use no other weapon, he reminded himself giving the lightsaber a twirl across the back of his hand. It was assuring, drawing his mind to that and that alone. He planted his feet in the ground, letting his bare blue feet get scuffed with the dirt as he tucked his right hand behind his back--just a reminder to keep it there.

The Blue Pilgrim arced is blade around to the left in a tight-arced slice aimed at what would be right under Ryn's pectoral muscle. When contact was made inevitably, he took a step forward and made an aggressive cross-cut along the diagonal aimed at the Knight's arm, rather than his torso. The Chiss followed its blade, side stepping in a swift orbit around Ryn's person. The third and final attack came in the form of a stab aimed at the feline's thigh.

[member="Ben Corscifine"]
[member="Lily Hex-Volsh"]
[member="Kianna Auli'i"]
Yag was looking at the jedi when he spoke to her and she perked up staying there with a look on her face. "No, I was told go and learn as best you can." She shrugged though holding the blade while she picked it up with a moment or two. The others seemed like they would be able to move. "My people use swords and we can crush all of the predators that we see." She said it while looking at the others and they were all showing a lot more skill before she stretched out her arms and coiled her body up going into it and moving the blade to shift slightly in place here and there. The padawan wanted to do good and she could mirror the others though in their attacks and movements.
The padawan was standing there and she was looking at the others, standing tall and proud ready for anything before she was holding the blade ready to practice and defend with it while she was moving and having a look on her face. She was rather impressed with the turn out here for all of the things and learning in a class like this she wanted to get it right if they were going to do this. "IS this the correct way?" She asked it while moving aaround and finding a better position with the training saber when she stuck around swishing her tail when she moved back ready to practice maybe with another or with another situation. Her mind was racing as there was some excitement in the air and get to be a jedi it is so awesome.
Feeling the ebbs and flows of the Force, the felines eyes closed, as he fell into the comfortable, familiar movements of the Way of the Mynock. The Third Form. Soresu. The saber orbited about his person, as he kept his body centered, balanced, and largely motionless. He could perceive that the first strike was coming, a solid slice to his chest. But, Akio's saber made no contact with the felines body with this strike, the smooth, circular motions of the saber around Ryn's body made the transition to redirect Akio's blade seamless, almost unnoticed! Sabers collided with a sharp crackle of energy, as Akio's own blade was almost pushed along the length of Ryn's, the angle of his saber, coupled with the application of force, harmlessly redirected the initial strike away.

But, Akio, being the trained combatant he was, moved smoothly into a second strike, this time targeting Ryn'Dhal's nearest arm. Once again, the transition of the circular motions around and across his body was subtle, smooth, and precise. Saber met saber, and once more the sharp crackle of energy being the rewarding sound. Forcing the Chiss' blade harmlessly away once more, the masked Knight remained unmoved, outside of his one arm and wrist, rotating that saber unceasingly about his person.

This most recent parry pushed Akio's blade wide and to Ryn's side. Akio once more showed his prowess with the blade, using the momentum of the redirect to maneuver swiftly around behind the masked Knight. This time a thrusting strike was made. It would have surely struck true, had Akio not been making measured, controlled strikes, and had Ryn'Dhal not been so attuned to the nuances of this Form. Saber met saber, the rotations causing Ryn'Dhal's blade to almost 'hook' the Chiss' blade, forcing the thrust to be shunted aside, passing mere inches to the right of Ryn's hip, before being pushed further out and away from his body with the continuation of the rotational movement of the Form.

Then masked Knight then moved, turning to face the blue-skinned warrior. "You see, this Form, in it's purest sense, is a defensive tool. Yes, all of these forms are baselines, from which we all build and craft our own, unique styles, but knowledge of the basics, grants one insight into how to interplay with other forms, and also how to counter it's use should you encounter an opponent using it."

He smiled watching the Chiss, before turning his attention to the others once more. He'd make note of who he felt would gain more benefit from further lessons, and whom he'd still need to feel out further, before turning once more to the Chiss. "Would you like to test out the Form yourself? One of the strongest aids to this form is peace of mind, and being able to surrender your senses to the Force, to feel what it wants to share with you. If you would like, take your position, and let me know. I will deliver three strikes, as you did for me." Ryn'Dhal offered, a warm smile still present in the tone of his voice, a gentle, soothing sound.

[member="Zhenhua"] | [member="Yag'dril"] | [member="Akio Diachi"] | [member=Kianna Auli'i] | [member=Ben Corscifine] | [member="Lily Hex-Volsh"] | [member="Aurellis Arterius"]​
Ben stopped his warmup to check in with his breathing. [member="Ryn'Dhal"] was right, he was allowing his own expectations to get the better of him. This was a common issue of his, but being away from training for so long had caused Ben to slip into old habits. While the young man had mixed feelings about his time with the Order on Lothal, there were definite benefits to being able to focus solely on his training while he was there. Now that he was wandering around, taking mercenary work in order to eat, wondering where to stay or what he would do next, Ben had lost much of the process-oriented philosophy that he had been urged to develop by Corvus and his other teachers at the Temple. Now he was all product and result, as he had been as a child. It was frustrating, and counter to the peace he would need to utilize a technique like Soresu. So he lowered his weapon and slowed his thoughts. It seemed as though it was time for Ben to find his peace again.

As he tried to calm his mind, he turned his attention to the teachers demonstration with [member="Akio Diachi"]. Ben had to suppress his nagging tendency toward envy. Ryn clearly hadn't meant anything by choosing the Chiss as his partner. At least, he didn't mean it as an affirmation of the man's skill over the other students. Ben knew this, but part of him had an instinct to compare at every turn. This was another bad habit that his time in self-imposed exile had brought back. The young man watched in admiration as the feline man formed an impenetrable sphere of defense with his saber. There was a peaceful strength to his rotational defense, and even though the Chiss was clearly a skilled fighter, Ryn's skill with Soresu was clear.

Ben scanned the crowd of students. He had been told to choose a partner, but he did not know which padawan he should choose to spar with. If his opponent was sufficiently dangerous, Ben may have his competitiveness stoked, causing him to stray from the meditative form and making the training session counterproductive. He had no guilt in seeking out someone less intimidating, even if others may argue that he should. In the end, he had no way of measuring the skill of his fellows, so--in Ben's young, brash style--he would make a sweeping generalization and proceed from there. He saw that [member="Kianna Auli'i"] had fallen in her practice. Great, she was rough around the edges and smaller than him. Maybe she would be a perfect candidate for a meditative training session. He looked to her and gestured for her to come be his partner after she caught her eye.

Or, more likely, Ben was making a gross underestimation of his peers.

[member="Zhenhua"] | [member="Lily Hex-Volsh"] | [member="Yag'dril"] | [member="Aurellis Arterius"]

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
There was a constant movement in the feline's actions. An endless sweep of circles countering back and and forth over the other. Akio made a note of it, storing it in his mind for use. He would need to be able to circle, cut around, and focus less on counter strikes. It was a learning curve, but it was nothing that he couldn’t overcome, Akio was sure. He had, after all, been something of a serious killer in his day. But, every style had a weakness, you just had to find it. Part of Akio wanted to dissect the whole philosophy of this form and find it, it was his Chiss nature coming out with a desire to know how things worked. And the love of fighting forms as well.

He had never been incredibly strong, tall, or intimidating--for a human he was short, for a Chiss, he was incredibly short, but he learned to overcome with his mind. In the assassin academy his mind had been what set him apart from the Umbarians. How many hours had he spent pouring over the endless tomes and scrolls of styles and wisdom just to glean one advantage over the others? He didn’t know. Too many.

Akio didn’t want to show off, he was far too humble for that. He could handle someone being better than him, but he wanted mastery. Not to be better than anyone else, but to be the best he could be. The Blue Pilgrim let his right foot take a step back as he twirled his blade across the back of his hand to reset his mind before giving a nod. His right hand formed the asking hand elbow tucked into his ribs, as he held his saber at the defensive ready. He stretched out with his mind, the blue crystal on the end of his amulet began to hum and glow louder, stronger, as he pulled into the Force, stretching out. He gave into the Zen no-mind and the Force took over.

"On your ready."

[member="Ben Corscifine"]
[member="Lily Hex-Volsh"]
[member="Kianna Auli'i"]
[member="Aurellis Arterius"]

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