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Circle of the Light Hand

Monks, martial arts, and mysticism

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Circle of the Light Hand vs Guild of the Purple Lotus

So! For those who aren’t familiar with Tiland’s backstory, he was raised in a family guild of assassins on Anzat. His father was the guild master until assassinates by Tiland’s uncle, Azar Kortun. Tiland was then adopted and trained to be a Sith and an assassin, except he was found by a compassionate Wayseeker on his first assignment and changed sides.

With that, I’ve brought Azar back a third time to try and tie him more closely into the storylines, and hopefully create a sense of narrative closure for them both. Since it really will be a sort of old school kung fu/Wuxia vibe, I want to open up both sides of the story to yall, for your Jedi martial artists and if you want to write antihero Sith ninjas.

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