"Holy chit..." Ni-Ne remarked. "You're getting better at this!"
She watched the Ninja fall...and just then one of the outer walls exploded. Ni-Ne was thrown backward from the blast, which wrecked the shrine and knocked the air from her lungs.
Ni-Ne froze up, watching as the white robed O-Cho Li-Ves strode in, flanked by Shadow Shinobi.
Ni-Ne had been bracing herself. But she still wasn't prepared.
In youth, her Mother had been her
hero. She was a good mother, and Ni-Ne would have done anything for her.
She even looked as she did in her youth. Beautiful. Gorgeous. But something was missing now, in the eyes.
Ni-Ne saw it clearly as she rose up, getting in front of
Sawa Ike
. A spark of warmth. Wisdom.
It had been stealthily replaced by a hidden fury. A callousness. The city, the
planet suffered all around them point less murder and death, all for some cause that was equally nebulous. O-Cho had decided that everything around her should suffer to avenge some slight.
(Cutaway of The Original Silver Rest being viciously destroyed)
"Daughter, you've been causing me a metric ton of headaches..." O-Cho said calmly. She stepped forward, presence and gait regal, even while flanked by Metal AF Shadow Ninjas that looked almost animalistic with their red eyes and the carnage and screams in the city.
Daughter and Mother stared at each other. Ni-Ne felt a coldness. Reaching deep into her spine at the sight of O-Cho.
"Why are you doing this? What happened to you? How did you get these powers?" Ni-Ne questioned. "Atrisia is our planet. These are
your people you are slaughtering. People you once swore to defend!"
(Cutaway of Laertia Io cutting down Jedi during her initial rebellion during the Dantooine Invasion by the NIO and New Jedi Order)
"An oath that was neither respected nor honored by that rotten Emperor. He knew of my desire for Democracy for this world. But there are too many traditionalists. Petty Tyrants. If you only knew how I smouldered at having to work the will of
nobles..." O-Cho replied.
"So you
blast an entire city with the Dark Side?" came the questioning voice of a familiar man.
Ni-Ne turned. Master Albrecht Bo stood at the ready with a yellow Lightsaber, humming gently.
"You have no room to critique me, Jedi. Your Order saw what this man was like. How he imprisoned the children of powerful families, on the pretext of it being a
"We are not conquerors..." Albrecht said. "Change must come from within, if it is to come at all. We could lead a Horse to water, perhaps. But even
we can't make it drink."
Ni-Ne looked around for Xavier, hoping the creepy feth wasn't about to betray them.
Fortunately, he was hot for Sawa... though she didn't know it yet...nor did Ni-Ne.
"With the powers you have, you easily could. You
don't, because you wish the universe to be your master, no courage to be one."
"It takes a
lot of courage to be a Jedi...more than you know... especially in a Galaxy so dead set at finding every horror and abomination it can think of to harm the innocent. It takes courage to resist temptation...and weakness to give in..." Albrecht countered, going into a Shii-Cho guard. "That is why I know you will lose, O-Cho. You have not the strength to resist your need for vengeance."
O-Cho drew her jagged Katana.
"Kill him." she ordered her badass Shadow Shinobi, who immediately set upon him from all sides, and Albrecht moved like greased mercury, effortlessly evading or deflecting their attacks. It was amazing. Ni-Ne had never seen such grace...and was ashamed she had not shown a similar display of calm and fortitude throughout this whole affair.
"Stop this, Mother!" Ni-Ne begged, desperate to save Albrecht. But she didn't know if she could kill her Mother.
O-Cho's expression was stone.
"Come with me. The both of you. The struggle is over. You cannot save The Jade City from the cleansing fire of the Dark. Nor from the Sacred Ancestor."