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Civil War

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders

How long can a group of Siths and Sith-Wannabes seriously work together? Where are the rivalries, where is the fallout of proving oneself over their rival?

I know we've got the GR war, and thats on pause right now, what else is a Sith to do, but look inwardly, look at how the other 'Darths' and 'Lords' are running their little sectors. Where are the power grabs?
Ok here is the thing. No one wants to do this right now. Like you said we have a war with GR, a looming war with the GA. And a lack of interest in the general subject area. No one is going to rebel with the amount of problems on the One Sith plate.
Or no one has the following to rebel. Setting up a rebellion inside a faction takes time. You have to RP the sides having some tension, growing a following and it helps to try and get at least some of the leadership split over it.

The knights and lords could rebel right now but I don't see it making an impact on the OS over all because there has been no set up of it or organization. The upper echelons are pretty tight. As long as they are such, rebellion has little chance of getting off the ground. Lower ranks rebel, the leadership shrug, and the rebellious ones leave and are replaced by new incoming acolytes and knights.

So to get you started, I'll give you a push.

Answer these questions:

1. What would rip the OS in two right now? (It needs to be something pretty big)
2. Who would benefit from a shake up? (It can come from outside the OS)
3. What can you do to foster the RP to establish this within the group? (Getting everyone on board ahead of time also helps, including the ones you intend to rebel against.)
Back during Revan and Malak's Sith Empire, they had gained a huge upper-hand over the Republic when Malak decided to turn against his master and destroy his ship in betrayal. [member="Judas Foster"] is right, the Sith who would do such a thing would wait until a time of strife to betray one another.

We also can't forget how Lord Palpatine had his famous and underrated apprentice, Darth Maul, murder his master, Pelaguis, in his sleep during his rise to power in the Clone Wars.

My point is that Sith betray one another. All the time. It's just in their code. I'm not taking a side, I won't encourage it if nobody wants to do it, and i'm not going to deny that we are better than all of the last canon Sith in history ad we are above it because we think we have enough going on. Most Sith in power are arrogant enough to believe they can handle all of the problems thrown at them.


From a story telling point of view, it'd make for a fantastic read. But it shouldn't happen JUST to happen. It should start as something small and petty, and if an individual, or group of individuals could sway enough PCs under their wing, it could bring about a very wonderful story of backstabbing and in fighting.I imagine it'd take a considerable amount of effort though, and a very charismatic individual IC. Or a very grievous fallout between one or more of the current leaders.
We're a continuation of the One Sith from Legends, who had a low occurence of internal rebellion save for when Wyyrlok betrayed Krayt but that was for reasons other than just to take his place for power's sake.

And our Dark Lord went through that ploy already with Daela.
Mullarus said:
Back during Revan and Malak's Sith Empire, they had gained a huge upper-hand over the Republic when Malak decided to turn against his master and destroy his ship in betrayal. [member="Judas Foster"] is right, the Sith who would do such a thing would wait until a time of strife to betray one another.

We also can't forget how Lord Palpatine had his famous and underrated apprentice, Darth Maul, murder his master, Pelaguis, in his sleep during his rise to power in the Clone Wars.

My point is that Sith betray one another. All the time. It's just in their code. I'm not taking a side, I won't encourage it if nobody wants to do it, and i'm not going to deny that we are better than all of the last canon Sith in history ad we are above it because we think we have enough going on. Most Sith in power are arrogant enough to believe they can handle all of the problems thrown at them.

No one is saying that they don't. I think we're all pretty well versed in our dark side history. My point is that in order to have a Sith civil war, there is a lot of OOC planning and work that the OS would need to do internally to really have it be a grand epic betrayal.

[member='Six-O'] is on the right track. You need a charismatic upstart that can rise through the ranks and rock the boat and challenge the status quo.

Setzi Lunelle

Searching for Eleos's Altar
Agree with [member="Six-O"] and [member="Sinistra"]

While a certain amount of planning would need to occur, a Civil War should arise organically.

These storylines do crop up every now and then. When they do, my opinion and advice is to nurture them, support the writers on both sides, and make sure that no OOC drama occurs and that all of the drama takes place IC. Because unfortunately, that has happened in the past when dissension takes place.


[member="Darth Azurea"]

I would hope that every writer knew you can absolutely hate -- maim, torture, kill -- each other in the story you're telling, but still be best of friends outside the setting. But I have a feeling this sentiment is the exception and not the rule.

Saw the Palpatine reference, and here's a point I'd like to make. (Malak is part of it, but not -as- much which I will explain further below).

Palpatine killed his master after finally rising to the point where their plan could not be messed up anymore. Look at what Palpatine did after killing the man. He killed almost all the Jedi and took over the known galaxy. He had put himself in a position of power where Pelaguis was no longer needed.

Malak wasn't the same, yet was at the same time. He was still winning the war. Had Revan actually died instead of becoming that character we all know and love as a snowflake, Malak probably would have won. And had the galaxy under his control.

The Sith didn't just betray one another because they could. They did it when it wouldn't compromise their own integrity. If the Republic was winning the war against Revan and Malak, well. I don't actually know. But if Palpatine still needed Pelaguis, Pelaguis would have existed for quite some time, until he would no longer be needed.

The same is for the One Sith.

Ferus wants to make a Civil War for example. He wants to break the chains he thinks the One Sith currently have. But now isn't the time. The republic are almost beaten, but the Galactic Alliance has shown up. A new unknown foe that could and would take advantage of the Civil War to wipe both sides out.


Civil War will happen, but only when both sides won't loose from it. Sith are known for their treachery and self interest, and with whats going on in the galaxy right now they'd loose even if they won the Civil War.
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
You could have factional in-fighting without a full on civil war. Some Lord or another gets aggravated at the upstart/old guy etc. and decides to smash his favorite space fort/factory. Other guy retaliates and so on. Especially given that the Sith are now by far the largest faction on the board, it could be an interesting change of pace from dominions/invasions.

Alternatively, one could always make that the plotline of a dominion. Have the opposition be other OS peeps, and then at the end either the conflict is resolved (ish) or the leadership steps in.

I've always liked warring-states esque settings, though. Same idea with Imperial Warlords and so on. The issue that always arises though is keeping things cordial OOC, and it's my understanding that the faction has stayed away from this thus far in part because of that issue.
I think are best option is to invade them twice at once. Their Captial and Arkania, at the same time. That might do it. Despite the toxicity.

[member="Darth Vornskr"]
This was an interesting read.

As for rebellion, I agree a purpose is needed. The best rebellions, usurps, or just plain betrayal comes with planning and building up to the moment. I have seen in my time many different attempts at such a feat. I saw one recently that just sort of happened because the character was pushed into it and it didn't seem authentic. I also saw someone plan one out way too much and expecting people to be shocked and it to be some massive display when they came out as a Jedi undercover to start their own fraction after betrayal. This also didn't work.

I believe if you are serious about this you should stop and read the Darth Bane series. Many parts of it wouldn't work in RP this size and even his betrayal of the brotherhood seemed to just happen. There was build, but all the sudden he jumped from wanting nothing to do with them to destroying them.

Discover your character, give them wants and goals and if rebellion serves those goals, Perdue. If not, don't force it.

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