Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Clash of The Titans On Rhen Var


Wow, I finally did it. A smile crossed his face as he watched the breath leave his lips, the temperature in the cave had to easily be below freezing, yet it mattered little to the man as he sat marveling at his work. The last six hours had been a blur as he had been deep in mediation, his spirit had been one with the Force during that time turning the hours into both a blur and an eternity at the same time. It was a rather odd paradox, yet it was the only way the Jedi could describe his time deep in meditation. He had only previously done the ritual once before, and he had been an apprentice the last time he had been in the very same cave all those years ago. If you add the time I was frozen on to that, and it really was almost an eternity since I have been here. The thought made the Master drop his head slightly, but he instead focused on the fruits of his labor.

In his hands where two lightsaber hilts, both of them thirty centimeters long. Each one had been plated with electrum, their emmiter tips where both surrounded by an angled piece and their activation switches were gold plated. A small matte-black piece of durasteel went down the side, and broadened as it went down the hilt and expanded to where the base of the hilt was all black with rings of gold around the base of the hilt and near the power core. Inside the crystals his own senses in the Force had drawn him too had been diligently installed and all the electronics had been waterproofed so that the two blades would work in any environment. The power cores themselves would last for a long time as the batteries themselves had been miniaturized to reduce weight and improve efficiency. There was little to impede the Jedi Master's hands over his blades, for once he would actually have weapons specifically designed for his form. The adjustment switches where inside the blade so that he could have maximum surface area to grip, he would only have to use his mind to do all that work.

Looks like I finally made the perfect lightsabers for Vaapad, Je'gan and Rolf would be proud.

The thought warmed Darron's heart as he stood to his full height in the small room he had been laboring in. Rosa's Force signature was close by and he was eager to see the fruits of her labor as well. He managed a glance at Rolf's lightsaber, and he knew he would be getting his father's blade back soon as well. "I'm glad you two let me carry you with me, but it is now time for your weapons to rest as you both do now." He breathed in acceptance and peace as he realized he would never use their lightsabers anymore, and thus not have a tangible link to them anymore. Goodbye you two, and thank you so much for helping me long after you both left...

The Jedi Master quickly put Rolf's hilt inside the case where he had stored Je'gan's holocron. There was another slot adjacent Rolf's hilt for Darron's father's hilt as well. All three items would be stored back on the temple on Coruscant upon their return, though Rosa was currently using Je'gan's holocron to assist her on her lightsaber construction. Darron had been polite enough to take notes during the trip over on how to improve the lightsaber hilt design to assist him with Vaapad, luckily Je'gan had done most of the legwork for him during Darron's two decades as a Jediscicle. Force knows you are still helping me long after you are gone old friend, thank you wherever you are now. A melancholy smile crossed his face as he gathered his belongings and headed for the grand entrance to the lightsaber crystal cave.

Sensing that Rosa was approaching, Darron set the case out for her to deposit the holocron and his father's lightsaber hilt before they got back on the ship. "Hey, you! Let me see it. A Master and their apprentice are supposed to activate their new blades together as a sign of unity and since we were a little late on this I want to do that now." He was referring to the fact that Rosa was now a Knight and that missions had delayed them getting to Illum to complete the ceremony. The Jedi Master took both his new hilts in his hands and thumbed their golden activation switches, and a dual snap-hiss echoed throughout the cave as two azure blades sprung forth from the combat master's new hilts. A wide grin crossed his face as he regarded his new weapons. "So what do you think Rosa?"

All the while, inside their ship a message was waiting for them that would change their day completely.....

OOC: This thread is invite, but you can ask to join. Just Pm me

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Rhen Var

The ice world held, perhaps, too many secrets. Millennia had left their mark. Now the gigantic Whiphid who trudged through the snow, tired and furious and in need of an emptied nephrostomy bag, was going to uncover ten or twelve of them. Ashin Varanin had sent him here, to one of her new worlds. There was a time when he had sent her on similar errands.

But she had cast him down, and the reversal of their fortunes had been long foreseen, by him if not by her. Velok Stormcaller did not direct his fury at Varanin. His rage was both prompted and deserved by one long dead.

Ulic Qel-Droma, First Apprentice to Exar Kun. Traitor Sith Lord. The man whose pillaged tomb lay buried beneath this glacier. Sometime in the last millennium, Rhen Var's continents had shifted. Centuries of misguided treasure hunters had left tunnels in the ice, deep catacombs.

Qel-Droma had known the location of a superweapon. Perhaps more than one. He had also, to Velok's irritation, left various clues in some puerile attempt at revenge on his former Lord and Master.

Velok descended into the ice, cursing Ulic Qel-Droma.

Lord Ghoul

The permanent winter of Rhen Var assailed Mikhail Shorn as he exited his transport and trudged through the snow that covered the icy planet. Despite the thermal environmentally-sealed armor Mikhail wore, he could still feel the hostile cold gnawing at him. It waited for his guard to drop, to numb his body and senses into a sleep from which he would not wake. Being frozen to death was a peaceful way to go, but not one Mikhail intended anytime soon.

Despite the cold, Mikhail was already sweating inside his helmet. He tasted salt on his lips and blinked his stinging eyes as the perspiration trickled down. Stars, I hate helmets. No one gets to see my dashing face. Regardless, he cranked up the heat inside his armor and trudged onward, following a trail left by an immense being. Velok Stormcaller.

The Dark Jedi Ashin Varanin had assigned Mikhail to follow the massive Whipid as a trial, of sorts. Shorn would be making sure that in recovering whatever it was Ashin wanted, Velok did not double cross the Not-So-Friendly-Non-Jedi woman. An interesting task, considering that if Mikhail pressed too hard Velok was liable to lop off his head out of sheer annoyance. Shorn did not know whether or not the Whipid knew he was coming, but if he hadn't known before he probably did now. Mikhail could feel the Sith's presence in the Force. Strong. Deadly. Yeah, I think I'll keep my distance for the moment. Best not to get too close and risk the stray saber.

Details were scarce in Ashin's instructions. Follow Velok. Alert betrayal. How exactly was Mikhail supposed to know what betrayal looked like? He scowled. He did not like taking orders from Varanin anymore than he did from Tirdarius or the Grand Vizier. In an effort to enable his own survival, Mikhail had stretched his 'loyalties' quite thin. He now found himself with obligations to three different people. Maybe they'll kill each other off and save me the trouble.

Shorn was loyal only so far as his own survival was concerned. He looked out for himself and himself only. Anything else was secondary. In this case, survival meant following Ashin's directions, but not to the point where an angry Whipid would rip his spine out. No, for the moment he would merely observe. Even if that meant trudging through the snow for hours. Mikhail's scowl darkened beneath the mask and he continued to trudge onward.

Jorn Mair

Rhen Var

Jorn was on the trail of a rumered "Super Weapon". Jorn was taking it as his own job to try and find this weapon for the Mandalorians. Currently he knew the Verz was with him. he had asked him to join with him on this personal assignment. he was on Rhen Var. A planet that was mich like hot in being freezing cold. It bit thought his Black armor. He was wearing a white cloak to cover himself. He had alot on his mind. some of it was just stupid stuff that was not needed such as how he could initiate His little plan with the Jedi. he hoped that he could find one thing that could help him with his problem. But that didnt matter now. he was searching for this weapon.

Jorn looked at Verz and asked him. "Where do you think we go next Brother? We have made it here on the trail of the Sith traitor. What do you think we should be looking for in the trail of this 'Weapon'?"

Ashara Zavros

Rhen Var. As much a desert as Tatoonie, what seemed to be snowfall was simply strong winds picking up left over ice and snow from the surface of the near dead planet. How anything survived here was beyond her, but Ashara put her judgments to the side as there were more hospitable places in the galaxy for a species to live...And she could be in one of those places looking for Jorn. Someone up top had caught wind of his excursion to find...whatever it was he was sent here to find and sent for her to aid them in their search with her natural sonar abilities, though she didn't know how well they would work in a blizzard...Or frozen. However, with her piloting skills and the perpetual blizzard that seemed to plague this planet she had crash landed thirty clicks south of his position.

Shivering in her armor, Ashara attempted to fix the warmers she wore around her sensitive lekku. Her HUD sent a out a soft chime, signifying the recognition of friendlies. To her surprise there was more than one, another Mando seemed to be accompanying Jorn. With her HUD finaly up and running after the crash there was a possibility of contacting Jorn via comlink, but she didn't know the mission objective that he set up for his group. For all she knew he could be working on radio silence due to the proximity of an enemy unknown to Ashara. There was also the possibility of the snow storm chopping up or even canceling out her message. With a heavy sigh she walked back to her downed ship's cargo hold and lugged the partially damaged swoop into the snow. This was going to be a long ride...

Rosa Gunn

The small clouds of mist the formed on Rosa's lips were irrelevant. The low ache in her back where the clod had worked its way in way irrelevant, everything physical was irrelevant, there was only her mind and the saber that slowly aligned before her. This was a serenity she had never known, a peace through meditation she had never found before and as the saber came together before her she was reluctant to move from it, but she did though it was slowly. Opening her eyes she looked down at the newly forged lightsaber before her. Next to it Je'gan's holocron sat glowing.

The handle was slender and around twenty centimetres in length with standard silver coloured casing. picking it up off the floor she felt relief and happiness wash over her. This was a symbol of how far she had come and of how much she had learnt, it had only been a matter of months, but she had proved herself to be capable as a Jedi and as such earned the rank of Knight, an achievement grater than any other she had made. Rising she scooped up the holocron and slipped from the gave and headed towards where Darren was waiting, her cheeks pink from the cold.

Smiling at Darron's greeting she placed the holocron somewhat reluctantly in the case he held out for her. It was a surprising comfort and she had found wisdom in the holocron she didn't think she could have found anywhere else. Holding the lightsaber before for Darron to see she thumbed the activation switch with his, marvelling at the pale violet blade that sprung from the hilt in her hand. For a moment she just marvelled at her work and Darron's lost in her small moment of delight.

"I think...that mine's prettier." she teased deactivating the blade and unclipping Darron's father from her belt before placing it in the case, somewhat relieved to give it back. Not that it hadn't served her well, but it had memories on it that were not hers and although she was better with her empathy, there were still moment where she could hear its echoes when she meditated. "I also think, that I'm going to freeze to death. Come on." Closing the case she picked it up and headed for their ship.

"You know, I don't think purple would do for a Jedi like me. I know Mace Windu could pull it off, but the only thing me and him have in common are Vaapad." The words escaped his lips as he watched his breath form because the cave was so cold. He hadn't even noticed the temperature, he had been so engrossed in the Force. His simple tunic had been keeping him warm, or so he had thought. Guess I was so deep in my meditations that I didn't bother to notice it's below freezing on this world, he mused. "You know, you might have a point there beautiful." He allowed Rosa to put the items in the case in carry it with her as they traveled the short distance to the Jedi Corvette that had been commissioned to him during his missions. The wind whipped his blonde hair, and he made sure to stay close to Rosa as the artic chill shot up his spin and the snow obscured his vision as the approached the grey starship before them.

With a wave of his hand, the loading ramp descended and the pair made their way on board the ship. The ship was quite spacious for a couple of Jedi as it had clearly been designed as a mobile base of operations. It housed two Jedi Starfighters in it's cargo hold, and had quite a spacious training area/meal and bed area. Shaking mildly from the cold, the Jedi Master made sure to adjust the temperature settings on the life support console before proceeding to place his new lightsaber hilts on the small table where he and Rosa had shared breakfast that morning. With a polite nod and a smile he took the case from Rosa and opened it on the table as well, regarding the treasured items within. "Guess these beauties can go on the wall in this ship for a while until I get back to the temple." He chanced another look at Rosa's beautiful form before continuing. "Honestly I think it would be in our best interest to start spending more time on Tython and maybe keep our residences there. I sense a darkness descending on that world."

Starting to warm up, Darron unclipped his utility belt and removed the tunic to expose his chiseled and broad frame. He threw the glove protecting his prosthetic off and quickly set himself to his purpose. He placed Je'gan's holocron on a shelf near his bed, and it locked into place, then he took his father and Rolf's lightsaber hilts and placed them on the magnetic rack as well. Once they were secure, a glass door closed over them and he turned his attention to Rosa who was busy getting warm herself. I know how to fix this, he thought to himself. Stalking towards her like a panther, he brushed his long blonde hair out and watched as some snow fell to the floor below as he closed the distance. In one swift motion he took her in his arms and began to kiss her passionately and without a care in the world. Well that was until a loud beeping sound started to echo through the halls. Pulling himself from Rosa's wonderful lips, the Jedi Master let out a sigh. "Duty calls, lets see which of us is needed and where." His tone was almost mournful as he pulled away from her arms and headed towards the comm-station.

He thumbed a switch on the panel and a person he didn't know showed up on the holo-display before him. "Master Wraith, Republic Intelligence has just been notified of a Sith Master seeking the location of a superweapon from our spies within the Sith Order. They where killed getting this message to us, and the planet in question is Rhen Var. Due to it's tenuous ownership, we'd like you to go in and stop them. Good luck Master Jedi." The blue light that had light his flesh disappeared and the miniature person faded away, he stroked his chin with his durasteel hand for a moment before looking at Rosa. His blue eyes stared gently into her blue ones as he looked down at her, this should be fun.

"Well I'm not leaving you here, or taking you back. So guess you are stuck with me, let's hope that rank of Knight holds up." Laughter escaped his lips and a smile creeped up his face as he looked at her lightsaber. "Guess we will be putting our new sabers to the test....we better get moving."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Rhen Var
Ice Tunnels

Something tickled at the back of the Whiphid's mind, the seeds of awareness. Someone else was here, or was on their way. He whuffled unamusedly. This was a poor day for interruption. His kidney ached around the nephrostomy tube, and a bag of lukewarm fluid bobbed against his leg beneath the robe. With a snarl, he paused in the ice tunnels and hiked up his robe to empty the bag. A huge splash of Whiphid urine steamed against the icy wall, and he re-strapped the bag to his thigh. Adjusting his battered old robe, he continued down the hall.

"Marking my territory, I suppose," he said to himself.

The tunnels turned from ice to icy stone, and he nodded absently, ducking through the doorway. In here, he very well might find the answers that someone else sought. He wanted his knowledge, but for once he had no taste for it. Then again, it had been over a century since anyone had dared give him an order. He had been proud for about five minutes when Ashin Varanin threw him down in the process of carrying out his Sith Purge.

At minute six, the subjugation had begun to chafe. And now he was simply biding his time.

He descended into the tunnels of the tomb.

Lord Ghoul

Rhen Var
Partly Yellow Ice Tunnels

Shorn still trailed the Whipid at a distance. Moving into the tunnels had been a relief from the blizzard outside, but Mikhail had to pay close attention now to Velok's signature in the Force. Or else he'd get lost amidst the icy caverns. And that... would suck. On this gloomy world it seemed that the two Sith were entirely alone. It creeped the hell out of Mikhail. I can't wait to get off this iceball.

Wandering down the lonely, frozen passages, Shorn saw steam rising ahead. What? He rubbed his visor, wondering if it was just condensation. It wasn't. Shorn stared at the wall. The ice was yellow. Tell me that's not what I think it is. The image of a Whipid letting loose filled his mind. Gross. Shorn shook his head and continued on.

The cavern sloped downward and Mikhail entered the mausoleum of a one-time Sith Lord, who'd been redeemed. The Jedi built him a monument here. A tomb. Mikhail did not think on it as traveled down. History tended to make his brain work in ways he preferred it not to. He believed own redemption was impossible. He had to believe it. Otherwise... what would that make him?

Mikhail stared around at the tomb. What secrets were held here? He reached out in the Force, searching for the Whipid's presence again. He found a miasma of energy that bewildered his senses. Dark Side sat in direct confrontation to the light, here. Something felt... off. And he couldn't sense the Whipid's presence through all that power. It was like a heavy fog. Mikhail wandered on, concentrating on finding Velok.
Rhen Var Surface

Verz was trudging through the snow with repainted armor. The cold was harsh, but he ignored it. Walking with Jorn, he had his Verpine rifle out, ready to turn any Sith's brain to mush should he find them. They were on the trail of a Sith tomb, with knowledgeon as supposed superweapon within. Before he respond to Jorn's query about where to go, his HUD pinged with a contact. He spun around, looking forthe contact, and spotted @[member="Ashara Zavros"] . He activated the short range comm.

"Initiate, get over here. And Jorn, I believe we must go down. Though I have a friend who can help us there."

He activated a link to his ship, a Firespray-31 and the R3 droid within. He ordered it to scan the terrain from a relatively high altitude, then a ground penetrating scan. The droid complied, and Verz gave it an order to return to him when it was done scanning. There was work to be done.

Jorn Mair

Ren Var surface.

Jorn didn't know what Verz was talking about with a "friend" But he would trust him. They had know each other since Jorn had first joined with the Mandalorian Army. With the new person that was near he wondered who exactly were they? just to be save he held his rifle at the ready. You never knew what could happen. And his recent encounter with a particular person left him slightly on edge.

Rosa Gunn

Rosa smiled at his suggestion of spending more time on Tython. "I agree. I need to go back to Kuat soon too. I left in such a rush that I think the protocol droid would have melted himself down with worry by now." she chuckled "I should sell that estate, but...." she trailed off. It was more than her house, it was where she had grown up. It was where her parents had lived and loved together. It held too many good memories for her to pass it on just yet. "One day." she told herself, more than Darron.

Darron's touch and kiss caught her unexpected and happiness rose in her again, pushing aside the sombre thoughts of her family. She let out a groan at the beeping and reluctantly allowed him to move away, before following him to the comm station, folding her arms across her chest and meeting Darrons' eyes as he made the decision, a smile spreading across her face. "Wonderful, we get to trade one frozen planet for another. I'll go get the engines going and the coordinates set."

Heading for the cockpit, she began to hum lightly to herself, uncaring of whatever danger lay ahead of them. Slipping into the co pilots seat she ran through the pre flight checks before bringing the engines to life. Spinning the chair she began to enter co ordinates in for the hyper drive, starting it up so once they were clear of Illum she could activate it and get back to what they were doing before the message interrupted them.
A few hours later...

Rhen Var

The past few hours had been eventful to be certain, and that shower that had followed had gone on much longer than expected. Luckily the pair had wrapped things up just in time to go over the briefs one more time and get dressed for the mission on ANOTHER artic world. The Jedi Master couldn't help but shake his head at their poor luck as he slid on the skin tight under-suit he would have to wear to keep his body heat trapped. The black fabric clung tightly to his chiseled frame, and he zipped it up quickly before putting his usual black trousers and the heavy duty combat boots he possessed on. After double checking the straps, he quickly slid the forearm length, black glove over his prosthetic hand and forearm and strapped it in place. After double checking all the staps, he slid his cortosis greaves on and buckled them rather tightly on the skin tight black fabric covering his body. After assessing that his golden greaves were secure he slid on his utility belt with his brand new electrum plated lightsabers on, then slid the golden durasteel breastplate over his chest. With everything secure, he put on the visor/communicator for this mission on.

Guess I'm good to go, he mused.

He approached the exit ramp as he felt the ship touch down on the surface. With a few button bresses, the doors opened, the ramp extended towards the snowy planet. As soon as the pair got off the ship, it would return to orbit and await their signal to come back and get them. "Rosa, remember this is infiltration, but if the Sith are here we are to do whatever we have to to stop them." He kept his tone level and even as he stepped down the ramp, the chill was almost unbearable as his blonde hair whipped everywhere in the wind. Even with the special fabric covering his body, and the Force wrapped around him, the Jedi Master was freezing. He brought his hand up to the communicator and thumbed the command to display the last known location of the superweapon in question. You have got to be fething kidding me, another ancient tomb?

Pointing towards the general direction his HUD was pointing them too, he practically screamed his orders to Rosa. "Guess we head toward's Ulic Qel-Droma's tomb, please try and stay close. I"ve had a few bad experiences with these things. " The Jedi Master began to push through the heavy winds and knee-deep snow, the ships thrusters whipping his hair everywhere as it took off. "The Sith wouldn't just send neophytes on this mission," his senses pushed outward to feel the all encompassing darkness on the planet. They where walking into a cesspit of darkside energy and practically begging for trouble. "No, whoever they sent on this mission....has to be dangerous."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Deep in the icy tomb, a shadow moved at the edges of Mikhail's perception. There was, after all, only one goal worth seeking down here: The tomb itself. Velok had merely waited in the introductory passages until someone arrived.

"Are you here for your own enlightenment, boy?" he rumbled. "Or are you here because of me?"

Rosa Gunn

With fun time over, Rosa spent a few moments meditating. She drew in serenity and focus and pushed out the emotions that left her vulnerable, namely those that Darron brought out in her. It was like slipping into another aura, and when she finally rose, and moved to meet Darren, gone was the raw emotion he would have felt from her earlier. In its place was calm determination to do her duty.

the Skin tight thermals did little against the cold and Rosa had known as much so she also had a thick fur lined coat over her robes. The hood was pulled up, framing her face and vizor, concealing her own communicator. "This is your mission Darron." she replied "I will follow your lead." A joke about his poor choice of date locations and activities sprung to her mind but she pushed it aside quickly.

Drawing the force around her she followed Darron, keeping directly behind him making it easier for her to walk through the snow. It was slow going and hard work, and it wasn't long before she couldn't feel her face. Gingerly she reached out across the planets surface picking out three different life forms in the force.

"I didn't think Rhen Var would be a place to come on vacation." she called to Darron "We're not alone in investigating this."
@Mandos, @[member="Darron Wraith"] @[member="Rosa Mazhar"]

While Verz was waiting on his R3 to finish up, his HUD pinged. Two contacts, six o'clock. He spun around, blaster rifle raised, searching through the bitter wind. He blinked, and the view switched to that of purple and blue, with two visible red splotches in the distance. The contacts. He zoomed in, ready to fire. He switched to close comms, so only @[member="Jorn Mair"] and @[member="Ashara Zavros"] would hear him.

"Contacts. Skirmisher formation. Engage if hostile. MOVE!"

He moved through the snow, silent, white armor camo blending with the snow. They would not see the Mandalorians coming.

Lord Ghoul

OOC: Sorry Velok. I was busy writing this and just saw your reply when I finished. I retconned a bit at the end. Hopefully that works for you.

The interior of the tomb was stone, with icicles hanging from the ceiling, and sticking up from the ground. They were as thick around as a man. The ice glistened as light passed over them. Inside, the tomb was dark, save for the light shining from Mikhail Shorn's helmet lamp. A circle of illumination shone in front of him. He looked side to side, not a bit apprehensive. He disliked venturing into the tombs of long dead Sith Lords. Even one's who'd been redeemed. Too many stories about over eager students being possessed by Force ghosts. Freedon Nadd, Exar Kun, Marka Ragnos, the list went on. Yes, Mikhail was most uncomfortable. Dead things made him shudder.

Turning around, Mikhail glanced back at the ice tunnel. No sense in going back now. He took a breath and plunged ahead. His nerves were high strung as he wandered inward. If anything jumped out at him he was liable to scream. His headlamp shone on the ground in front of him and with a swiftly beating heart he trod forward. His steps sounded eerily alone in this tomb. What's more, he couldn't sense the Whipid through the overwhelming Dark and Light side energies that flowed together in this place. Wasn't this the tomb of a Jedi? Why was there so much darkness here? Or perhaps, Ulic Qel-Droma had not been as redeemed as others thought. Perhaps he haunted the tomb even now! Stop it. You're freaking me out. Mikhail thought to himself. I'm talking to myself. In my head. Yeah, that isn't weird. Maybe I'm schizophrenic. I'll add it to my list of psychological disorders.

Mikhail did not want to get lost in this place. He was sure he could hear the Whipid breathing somewhere. It was so heavy. And right next to him! Oh wait, that's me. Stupid helmet. His footsteps carried him aimlessly into the tomb. It was a large structure, built in a time when the Jedi Order was perhaps even more powerful than it was now. Many hidden passages lay within it. Once, it had been a ziggurat-like construction, but time and nature had buried it beneath the snows of Rhen Var. Velok could be anywhere within it. Eyes narrowed, Mikhail licked his lips as he searched on. The helmet was stifling on his head. Uncomfortable. Mikhail had a thing about tight spaces. No, I'm not claustrophobic. He cocked his head. Okay, I might be claustrophobic.

Tiring of the vain searching, Mikhail stopped where he was. The absence of his footfalls left him in complete silence. He clicked off the headlamp. He wouldn't need it for what he was about to do. He closed his eyes. Questing out in the Force, Mikhail searched for Velok. Not as before, when he'd merely scanned. No, this was a deep scouring through the miasma of energies contained with Qel-Droma's tomb. It was difficult, because Mikhail had never met the Whipid. His Force aura was unfamiliar to him and it was difficult to recall its exact feel. Powerful didn't cut it. Not with the interference Mikhail was picking up. What was causing all that anyway?

His awareness spread through the miasma of energy, searching, searching, but not finding. He began to grow exhasperated. It was impossible. He'd go back. He'd get out of this too Force-saken iceball. A nice fire. That's what he needed. Crackling and warm. Yes, that would- his awareness suddenly touched on something Dark in the Force. A swirling pool of energy amidst energies. A galaxy within galaxies. Mikhail's frustration dissipated. That... was not Velok. It was not sentient. But it was powerful. However, something shielded from his senses. If he had not been concentrating so hard on finding a specific signature in the Force, he would never have noticed it. How odd.

Almost of their own accord, his feet carried him toward the... thing, Velok forgotten for the moment. He passed through several narrow passages, whose original intent was lost on him. Mikhail was no architect. After squeezing through the last one, he came upon a small room. As soon as he entered it a wave of Dark Side energy hit him, had he been of the light, it would have made him nauseous with its cimmerian reek. As it was, it gave him a headache with the amount of abominable power washing over him. The walls of the room were covered in thick ice and a corpselike form lay collapsed against the corner of the room. Mikhail couldn't really tell if it was a corpse or not, because it was entirely frozen. He wasn't sure what it was, but the shape sure appeared to be humanoid in nature. Mikhail's eyes traveled to the nexus of Dark Side energy powering out of what had once been a right hand. There, encased in ice, sat a dark cylinder. Shorn's eyes flashed in recognition. The shape was not unfamiliar. It was a lightsaber.

Mikhail had either never seen any adventure horror holovids, or didn't care as impulse took over. He shattered the ice with a blow of the Force and reached out a hand to pick up the chunk that held the lightsaber.

Without warning a blue, shimmering man appeared in front of Mikhail. The Sith jumped backward in shock, hand reaching for his lightsaber. The blue figure held up a hand. "Do not fear me," it said.

Mikhail's heart raced in horror at the ghoulish apparition. A Force ghost. Damn, he knew he should've never entered a kriffing tomb. He prepared himself to fend off a possible possession attempt, steeling his mind. His blue eyes stood wide and his nostrils flared in fright. "What are you?" Mikhail demanded.

"I was once, in life, Thion Ryr," the ghost said sadly.

"Never heard of you," Mikhail shot back.

The ghost shrugged. "Time spins on and names are forgotten, but my spirit drags on." The ghost's face grew hard and full of purpose. "I have existed here for centuries, keeping vigil lest any adventurer should stumble upon my body and what it holds. I have concealed it from the Force, as best I could."

Curiosity and consternation filled Mikhail. "Why?"

Thion Ryr's spirit drew in a breath before it spoke. "I bear a warning. Heed my words. You must not pick up that saber. Its power is terrible and corrupting. It is a vile thing, forged by a dark alchemist many millenia ago. Upon Pamorjal he fought a great battle with the Jedi, turning the plains to badland with the power of their collision. The Jedi hid it, for they were wise. It seeks to corrupt any who wield it, however true their hearts may be."

Shorn's eyes narrowed and he looked to the blade. Did it really hold such power? He would have it for his own. "I am fallen beyond all hope of redemption, spirit."

The ghost looked on Mikhail with great worry, "Truly, are you? I was once a Dark Jedi, filled with hate and lust for power. It consumed me and in the end, I died here on Rhen Var. Alone. Tell me that you do not fear dying alone. Tell me there is not someone who you wish could redeem you."

Alexis. Mikhail's thoughts were flooded with images of her. The smell of hair, her beautiful smile, the way she said his name. He looked toward the blade, hesitation in his eyes. The ghost nodded solemnly at Mikhail. The nexus of power called to Mikhail. With such power, he could break free from those who sought to impose their will on him. He could seek out Alexis and beg her forgiveness for all that he had done wrong. With the power... he could find love again. Love to soothe away the pain. Shorn's eyes turned to the spirit, desperate. "There is one. I need it to find her again," he reached for the blade.

"No!" shouted the ghost.

Mikhail was hit by a blast of energy, which knocked him off his feet and sent him crashing into the wall with bone bruising force. Stars flashed in his eyes and he struggled to rise, mind a blank slate of pain. Hatred leapt into his eyes. Stygian power roared from him and slammed into the ghost. But the apparition met it with a telekinetic block. Mikhail stood shakily, his back shrieking in pain. He snarled in anger and activated his lightsaber, but Thaum Rystra's spirit hurled him through the air once more.

His knees and face plowed against the frozen stone. His helmet prevented the flesh of his face from being ripped off by the ice. He got to his feet for the second time.

"I will not let you take this blade," the apparition warned. "I do not wish to kill you, but I will if I must. It is an abomination."

Shorn was no match for this ghost. Thion Ryr, when among the living, must have been powerful indeed. Mikhail could not harm the ghost. Only one thing could stop it. His eyes fell upon the saber, then glanced back up to the ghost. Mikhail deactivated his crimson lightsaber and sent another telekinetic blast at the ghost, putting all his power behind it. He felt the strength leave him in a rush. Shorn dived for the blade, sliding along the slippery ice of the room and catching the block of shattered ice which held within it the saber. Mikhail slammed the block of ice against the floor, shattering the ice further. His gloved fingers came into contact with the metal of the hilt. Immense cold swept over him as he felt like he'd been pushed beneath waters of ice. The Dark Side energy crashed over him, sucking him in and bringing his rage boiling to the surface, dragging it forth like a fish caught on a line. The apparition cried out in anger, realizing what the distraction had cost him.

But Mikhail did not hear the cry. He was staring with wide eyes upon his newfound weapon. Strength surged through Mikhail. Strength and determination. A will to fight. A will to live. The pain of his back seemed to disappear as his mind focused with razor-like precision. His concentration was immense, with it... he could break minds as well as walls. He reached out in the Force, his thoughts like a spear. The tendril of thought dug deep into Thaum Rystra's mind. The ghost fought hard against Mikhail, but it was an apparition and Mikhail lived and breathed, midichlorians running in his blood. More, Mikhail wielded this ancient abomination, which strengthened his mind and fortitude to heights he had never known. The tendril pierced through Ryr's mind and invaded the ghost's thoughts. Mikhail could sense a longing within the ghost.

"Go, be at peace. Your watch here is over. Rest now," Mikhail commanded.

The ghost, powerless as it looked on, its purpose for existing defeated, gave a heavy sigh, which turned into a rush of wind. Thion Ryr's apparition disappeared as that powerful breeze rushed over Mikhail, out through the corridor, and escaped Rhen Var's icy climes.

Hideous strength still coursing through him, Mikhail looked down at the body, his eyes sad beneath the helmet visor. His thoughts were clear as crystal. "I will not die alone," he promised himself. He hooked his curved hilt lightsaber back on his belt.

His attention turned to the hilt which sat in his hands. He turned it over, curious. With the Force strengthening his fingers, he began to pry away the remaining ice off the ancient artifact. It was a nexus of the Dark Side. That much was for certain. He could feel it, powerful, enigmatic, and dangerous. It sought to corrupt him, but he was already corrupted. The Dark Side's taint lay deep within him. Did Thion Ryr's ghost speak truth? Could this really be millenia old? He stared at the hilt as he finished crumbling the ice away.

A dragon's head formed the tip of the weapon, made from what appeared to be bronzium. Gaping jaws opened at the emitter, while the rest of the copper body coiled around the cylinder of black, its material unknown to Mikhail. He found an inscription curving along the body of the hilt, just beneath the dragon's body. The words were in some strange script. It looked like Sith, judging from what he had seen on Korriban. Of course, Mikhail was no scholar. He could not read Sith. But no matter, he would find out sooner or later. If he could have read Sith, he would have seen the words Derriphanivvele etched in bronzium upon the obisidian colored hilt. Devourer of Souls. Soulsaber. Mikhail could not know the history this blade. Even the spirit's words could not truly due this unholy object justice. Forged in an age that was best forgotten, the Soulsaber was not simply a weapon of the Dark Side. It was in and of itself a nexus of that evil power. A blade wrought for the sole purpose of destroying the Light. Without Rystra's ghost dampening its effects, all those within a ten meter distance of the weapon could feel its presence, a sickly-sweet bitter tang of the Dark Side that held both bliss and nausea. It was a raging fire and an icy blizzard. The entire room was tainted by its mere presence.

The dragon seemed to stare at him with its open maw, fine teeth gleaming beneath Mikhail's headlamp. Though it was not sentient it seemed, somehow, alive... it unsettled Mikhail. If not for the intoxicating power he wielded with it, he would have set the blade aside. Mikhail found the activation panel and pushed it. The ice did not give way, the cold metal frozen in place. Mikhail pushed harder, using the Force in addition to his body. The blade snapped to life with a violent hum. He felt a sudden rush of ambition, greed, and lust for power roll over him. A dark whisper of might slipped past his ears. He frowned. The whisper did not come again. Perhaps a mere lingering of Ryr's shade? He looked at the blade in silence. It cast a violet hue upon the room, red flecks shimmering up and down its length. Toward the core of the blade, it appeared to grow darker. Obsidian, even. Shorn stared, awed by the weapon in his hands. Such power. He swung the blade around, it hummed with vibrant life. Mikhail trembled with excitement. Others would soon tremble in fear.

He deactivated the blade reluctantly and clipped it reverently onto his belt. It was... precious to him. His concentration faded somewhat as he released the lightsaber. Pains came flaring to life in his back and he winced. It was worth it. Just being next to the blade filled him with vigor. "What did Rystra call you? An abomination? Then Abomination will be your name, my blade."

With a last glance at the remains of Thion Ryr, Mikhail left that fated room. Tomb for more than one wielder of the Force, it appeared. He abandoned any attempts to try and find Velok. With Abomination at his side he felt invincible. He returned to the interior of the tomb, near the ice tunnels entrance.

"VELOK!" His call carried telepathically in the Force as well, but the physical shout rebounded off the tomb walls, echoing far.

A voice spoke quite near him and Mikhail whirled to face it. His headlamp illuminated a towering behemoth of a being. Even with Abomination, Mikhail blanched behind the helmet in fear.

"Are you here for your own enlightenment boy? Or are you here because of me?"

Regaining his composure, Mikhail smiled behind his visor. "Both, now that you mention it," Mikhail said slyly, knowing what had just transpired mere moments ago. It suddenly occurred to Mikhail that the Whipid might be searching for the very weapon Mikhail just found. As they stood within close proximity, the Sith Master could surely sense the Dark Side energies radiating from the blade, a nexus all on its own. Causing nausea and headaches. Somehow, Mikhail doubted that the Whipid was experiencing a headache like he had.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Mikhail's words failed to sink in for a long moment as Velok's nostrils flared. As if scenting something delicious.

"And you found something. Something...unique. Stronger than you, beyond your control. That much, instinct tells me clearly. Show me."

Lord Ghoul

Mikhail's expression became guarded, though the Whipid could not see it beneath Shorn's helmet. Pale blue eyes stared at Velok, gauging him. Would he be the sort to try and tear it from Mikhail's hands? Wouldn't all Sith? Not showing Velok would probably result in the same thing happening. He does not seem... amiable.

"Just don't be all grabby," Mikhail said as he unclipped Abomination from his belt. He held the hilt up beneath his headlamp's light. "It's an ancient artifact of the Dark Side... a nexus of it, can you feel that power?" Shorn ignited the blade, which sprang to life spilling violet light across the two Sith. Immediately, Mikhail felt the dark whisper brush his mind. Weird. He felt suddenly possessive. Jealous. He deactivated it and the emotions lessened. Really weird.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Velok, naturally, had seen it all before. Stepping back, then forward, he peered at the weapon. One great claw scratched absently at his side.

"Standard radius of unsettling aura, yes, yes. Nexus grade...four maybe? Yes...the sort of thing that will cause you some difficulty until you reach Mastery. At which point it will be invaluable. Don't worry -- I'm not the sort to take it by force if I can simply examine it instead. Fascinating...

"Also, there are Jedi on the planet. Thought you should know."

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