Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Cleaning up orbital hazards

After spending days to travel to the Harlequin from Ringo Vinda, Charzon arrived to that location with a design in mind for Ringovinda StarYards: a ship designed to clean up orbital hazards that has yet to enter production but that would give new life to orbital hazards littered all around a planet's orbit. It will therefore improve safety in space, as quite a few accidents are caused by Of course, Charzon has no illusions: such a ship will be very difficult to maneuver, slow and expensive, and also require strong shields, not to mention unarmed, especially with the size of the cargo hold required. Such ships should be able to run on a skeleton crew; she knows that cleaning up orbital hazards is best done at sublight speed so she wouldn't mind the ship being a little slow in hyperspace lanes.

"Let's introduce ourselves. I am Charzon Loulan, and I am here regarding the supply of a component that would make my company's new design fill its intended role: clearing up orbital hazards to the space lanes. The Sasori Joshu is just what this new ship class needs."

[member=Orihime Ike]
[member="Charzon Loulan"]

Orihime was looking at some of the things there, all of the hard work her mother and family were doing to expand the company. it helped fund the jedi as needed, got them new equipment and all manner of things including well the Sasori Joshū which were expensive but one of the most effective methods of really clearing away anything. With the harder work they had done the converters were even on ships and able to produce different things that were needed from the energy it collected and used. Orihime was getting to work her first real deal to bring some credits in to pay for what was one expensive padawan robe in the jet gear. So arriving here with the large hauler they had made for collecting scrap and the converter to show it as she bowed. "I am Orihime Ike and yes our Joshu can do just that." There were a few things though like showing how to work it and then really showing what it could do in the proper hands but the padawan was expecting this would all go fairly well.
"I have clients willing to pay high prices for a ship the ability to make the space lanes clean; just make sure that proper operating procedures are made available to anyone placing an order for, let's put it this way, sanitation ships. Oh and I would also like to be able to see for myself how the Sasori Joshu operates and how to operate one."

There seems to be several sizes of the recycling device called the Sasori Joshu, but the largest of these next-generation molecular furnaces were touted to be more efficient than older molecular furnaces that size, even though they are smaller than what was in use in the World Devastators. The smallest Sasori Joshu she saw could be operated by one man, another larger version could fit into a landspeeder, but even the landspeeder version would be too small for the prototype under construction over Ringo Vinda... so she may as well be asking for the price of the largest version she is seeing, that is, if it proved not to be too cumbersome.

[member="Orihime Ike"]
[member="Charzon Loulan"]

Looking at her as she offered a smile and the woman was straight to the point which was good. it would allow her to work with some of the things while she offered attention. "The versions made for ship use come in two forms. One that can be used to make food, equipment and air as it cleans and handles things." There was more they could set up before turning her attention to some of the really nice things there. THey had a larger version on Raxus with one of the large warehouses and it was a major thing to have on a self sustaining ship like the ones they made to collect debris fields and salvage to break down materials. She knew there were others built into their ships that would keep it all nicely improved and functional. "Our success with ship models have been very nice."
"Let's say that the version used on Raxus, and probably Raxus Prime too, would be more appropriate for the clients currently on the books, most of them want to salvage debris fields, for example in the wake of mining operations, even if said debris are actually primarily made of fine dust. That said, some clients may also want to grow food, water, air and other vital consumables from debris so salvaged" Charzon said as she inspects the controls of the Sasori Joshu shipboard model that can do what she described, without actually touching them. She knew that the ship would have greater autonomy (i.e. would last longer without having to unload) if it was longer, but regardless of how large the device actually proves to be, but she estimated the size to be about 60 meters across, simply put, humongous.

"The prototype of the ship is in its early stages of construction so there is still a lot of room to adjust the design of the sanitation ship before it comes out of the shipyards. I wonder how big is that version used on Raxus; it would probably take up the entire bow section of the ship"

[member="Orihime Ike"]
[member="Charzon Loulan"]

"It is sizable but we have developed other parts for it. A press to compress materials to better fit into the machine and be broken down quickly, droid sorters so different materials can be moved about. The salvage and clean up businesses that Sasori have launched allowing them to gather materials along with the mining operations give them plenty of materials to make everything better and cheaper then most of the competition. With some advances in the technology it can be made even better. As it stands the largest model is thirty meters long and ten meters wide serving to break down sections of starship compressed into cubes by the presses on the planet and stacked. It allows a continous flow as new materials can be dropped off on the planet or several of the planets around the galaxy they are in operation."
"Using it to clean up space lanes from navigational hazards will result in granular materials, since even fine dust can be a navigational hazard if dense enough. Space dust in granular form will probably be better suited for recycling, or consumption, than fine dust. Sure the bigger chunks will come as bigger debris enter the device, but I still believe that most of the output will be in small centimeter-wide cubes at most. Knowing this, I still believe that most companies who would accept recycled/refined space dust would be just fine using such small grains of raw material to be processed"

[member="Orihime Ike"]
"This new model is a perfect fit for the sanitation ship prototype under construction. We would buy three Sasori Joshu units of the largest model, one each for the first three ships on order, and we would order additional units as we get additional orders for the sanitation ship. But before we sign a contract, we would like to know whether there are economies of scale to be made by holding options on a larger number of these units? I mean, that's for future use, but I'd rather plan for success and the resulting options that would give more breathing room if the sanitation ships take off on the market, with the equipment you just mentioned on each unit: droid sorters, a materials compressor."

[member="Orihime Ike"]
[member="Charzon Loulan"]

Oh she wanted some of the other things they had and with a small grin on her face Orihime was giving a small nod of agreement. THey didn't really sell in bulk mostly, her mothers mandate of working with what the person could afford and everyone could afford the services they offered. It allowed them to be flexible and provide the people with what they needed while she finally spoke. "Well what you are looking for is something we don't often do. My mother has set up our pricing based on what a person can afford. We'd sell something to a multi billion credit company for a price but then a person who could benefit from it will get the same product with everything for next to nothing. We'll also be able to throw in the special equipment, as our efforts in self sustaining technology for ships has been getting some very nice results."
"Good. Because the clients need ships that can keep the space lanes clean for weeks, or months, at a time before they need maintenance or to unload their cargo. It might be best to order only as many Sasori Joshu units as there are sanitation ships on order, given this arrangement. For 200,000 credits, the prototype will be equipped with the aforementionned equipment, and any extra shipping costs to Ringo Vinda"

She knew that the closest thing that came to mind as far as pricing is concerned was the MTT, which was roughly the size of a Sasori Joshu unit and is in use by the defense forces of Ringo Vinda, whose ground forces are almost entirely made up of droid units. And the sanitation ship would probably look like a huge cigar, with the Sasori Joshu taking up the entire bow section.

[member="Orihime Ike"]
[member="Charzon Loulan"]

She gave a bow of her head, that was an acceptable price with a small look over some of the small things. All of the attention they were working on when she brought up the display of the converters. Putting it into a ship would be fine and she could get the payments for her mother. Order forms filling in as she typed setting it down for her authorization and autoprint to make the payment. All of the things though would be fine in her opinion so lets see how their prototypes went when they were done and if they wanted to order more. "That will be fine and as you are able to start making more just order them from us directly and we shall be able to get them to you along with whatever else you would like."
"Oh and I would also like a demonstration of the Sasori Joshu for landspeeder use; I might have an idea for a landspeeder-sized vehicle that may also perform a very similar function but on the ground. And also to show how the Sasori Joshu works and to learn how to operate one"

Charzon's idea would entail equipping a smaller Sasori Joshu into a main battle tank so it can transform trash, dust and dirt into supplies of all kinds, such as ammunition, fuel, food. Although the remaining details are best left to the rest of the design team, back on Ringo Vinda, she finally had a design for a main battle tank that could get more use in peacetime.

[member="Orihime Ike"]
[member="Charzon Loulan"]

Hmm a vehicle based one might be different but it should be easily done assuming the size requirements were there as she started towards one of the converters standing near it. "Alright I'll show you how it works and a vehicle based one should work just fine for it." She was glad to work with it as the machine was a nice unit they could install anywhere but its built in power systems would serve for now. "First step will be having it hooked up to your power system, the internal power source is good for awhile maybe around a day if you use it sparingly but it will need a constant flow of power. Then you have this. Your display screen either on the screen or you can have it come out as a holographic projection. It is a database of what you can create with input for new things and parts, readouts of what it has broken down and created as well as a helpful user friendly voice command." She stood there. "For instance if you want a drink." She rolled her tongue around in her mouth for a moment thinking about what to get. "Tea, jasmine, hot with sugar." There was a moment as the computer whirred and it started moving until a red light chimed and became green. "This receptacle is for inputting materials and this." Opening up the one on the other side as a steaming cup was there she picked it up and blew on it. "It for retrieving it."
Convinced by now that the Sasori Joshu is what she needs for her new main battle tank concept, beyond what is already in use for the Zamboni-class sanitation ship, Charzon knows that it will be used for sweeping debris, such as mines (antipersonnel or anti-tank) dead leaves and other junk left behind on the road, such as beer cans, candy wrappings, cigarettes and other common junk. She can envision cities in dangerous worlds willing to buy such... sweeper tanks.

"It seems simple enough to operate, so I'm convinced a three-man crew can survive for days at a time inside the tank, until the tank either returns to base for maintenance, or the cargo hopper is full. We can even use the Sasori Joshu to sweep mines on the battlefield. The device would have to be at the front of the tank, where the armor will be thickest, and also where there is the least potential for damage. Also it has to be at most one meter high, and at most three meters in its largest dimension, and 1.4 meter in the remaining dimension, or else it won't fit into the chassis"

[member="Orihime Ike"]
[member="Charzon Loulan"]

That could be done as she sipped the tea blowing it off a little. "That could work though the converters have never been tested against live mines. Moving them could set them off and damage the converter." She was looking at it though and for a first meeting with business dealings... she thought it was good and could work with that while her attention went to a few of the other things. All of their work now. "We also have a number of other pieces of equipment and things for sale for working on different things." She offered a smile and you never knew what some might like to see, Sasori had developed some usefull pieces of equipment for being used on ships or vehicles.
"Oh, as with any minesweeping vehicle, this prototype will be equipped with ECM equipment that will jam mines as well as the sensors on enemy craft. Only primitive mines may not be affected but primitive mines usually have lower yields than those that can be jammed with ECM. But for 10,000 credits we would like a landspeeder-grade Sasori Joshu unit to be ordered, alongside any relevant technical information that can be used for maintenance of either the landspeeder unit or the shipboard unit"

It would make no sense for her to leave without at least some information that can be used to repair such novel machinery, because at some point, machinery can break down and needs to be made functional again, without having to replace the entire device, especially when shipboard units are considered.

[member="Orihime Ike"]
[member="Charzon Loulan"]

She was looking at it and yes of course how to repair it if they broke it... Not something easy but they could leave the instructions on how to work with it. "Well best advice is don't break it these are hard to make and very rare. no one else makes them in the galaxy save Sasori and I know my mother had to go and work a whole lot to manage that." She said it while bringing up the information in the datapad for the computers to be able to use in one of the holoreaders. The Sato cubes were a nice thing to have for the work you wanted to make with the different things. "We'll be able to work up some of the things in case you break it but general upkeep you will be able to set it to replicate parts as needed when they begin to get worn."

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