Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Northern Section
Tythoni Square, Holy Quarter

BLUFOR: The Galactic Alliance, their Allies;
OPFOR: The Brotherhood of the Maw, The New Sith Order; OPEN

OBJECTIVE: Hold the Line

The first families arrived soon after. A tall human man and his daughter and son rushed past the left side barricade and now headed towards the back of the Square where Bernard and the Chiss stood surveying the Maw's advance. Several blocks down the street, past the families, shuttles began to spew out their Marauder cargo into the Holy Quarter. A dark mass of troops with armour that made them seem like they had come right out of the Galactic Dark Age. They marched down the street, more slowly than Bernard had expected, while smaller units dispersed through the alleys of Jedha City, the larger force advanced systematically through the streets, marking houses and capturing civilians unfortunate enough not to have made it to a defended shelter or out of the city.

The terror sweeping the people began to smoulder deep inside Bernard's awareness. Bloodlust washed over the city. Death, pain, fear, anger all swirled together in a storm of emotion that struck Bernard like a wave. For a moment, it became difficult to concentrate on anything. The Chiss captain became a blur, his troops white shapes moving against burnt yellow. Distant screams merged into louder wails, explosions and blaster fire ripped through the cityscape, and the perverse cries of joy the Marauders let loose sent a sickening feeling into Bernard's stomach. And was that smoke in the air? His mind struggled to process all the sensations. Civilians, defenders, and invaders shone like beacons in the Force, each a small luminescence on their own, but together, they became a dizzying glare in the Force.

"Master Jedi, is everything alright?" The Chiss asked, concern showed through his voice, but he masked it well. Bernard doubted anyone but a Jedi could have picked up on it.

"I'm fine," Bernard said, raising a hand to his head for a moment. "I'm not used taking in so many sensations through the Force."

He'd been a part of wars before, tread battlefields on worlds that faced Sith foes, even lived through the Sacking of Coruscant. Yet, none of those events had struck him as hard as the scene unfolding before him did. His stomach rolled with faint nausea, and a mild throb sunk daggers into his temples. There was no greater suffering afflicting Jedha City than he'd experienced on other fields of battle, yet he felt utterly miserable here. He placed a hand on his head, calling on the Force to sink into a healing trance, and closed himself off to the world beyond this square. He couldn't save everyone. He needed to focus on the ones he could.

The world returned to normal, and he shook away the last echoes of pain. More civilians had funneled into the square, dozens of families, hundreds of panicked people fleeing the roving hordes of the Brotherhood. They crowded the space, crying for help or screaming in terror. Bernard had to cut himself off further, bring his awareness to just himself and the enemies he could see. Their lust for war became the only thing he could feel, and it sickened him. He let it become the fuel for his focus.

Soldiers tried to calm the mass of people, yelling instructions to remain calm and reassurances of safety, but to little effect. Bernard glanced to the Chiss, who'd already begun to make his way to the front of the crowd, slipping his helmet on.

"Citizens of Jedha, fear not," he began, using the built in vocoder to amplify his voice. "The enemy has arrived at our city, but they do not find us defenceless. The troops of the Alliance Defence Force will keep you safe, and you may rejoice!" The Chiss turned to Bernard, who was already anticipating the man's next words and felt the urge to shrink away, but didn't. The people needed hope, now more than ever. "We have a Jedi among us who will see to it that we are protected!"

Bernard took a few steps closer, unsure what to do for a moment, then took the lightsabre from his belt and brought it to life held high above him.

The crowd didn't cheer, they didn't much seem to react with any great measure of relief, but they did quiet, and Bernard could at least see the panic slowly drain out of their faces. It was a crude speech, and Bernard's display had shown the smallest moment of hesitation, but once they might have cheered, even in the face of evil, because they had one of the galaxy's famous Jedi warriors with them, especially after the Jedi had played a key role in the destruction of the longest-standing bastion of evil in the galaxy. But news of the Sacking of Coruscant had reached the people even at the fringes of Alliance territory, and their confidence and trust had been shaken.

If the Crown Jewel of the Core could be sacked so easily, what chance did a minor dustbowl at the edge of Unknown Space have?

That he had to entertain such questions made Bernard's stomach twist. He hated what the Maw had done to them. He knew well that hate was a path to the Dark Side, and he would never admit to it out loud. He did his due diligence with the Order's masters to reign in his emotions through meditation and cleansing in the Force, but the hate he felt for evils such as those the Maw perpetrated had stayed with him. It had been smoldering beneath the surface for over a decade.

The Chiss began to corral the people into the great hall at the back edge of the square. The people began to shuffle in, seemingly happy to be out of the way of the blaster fire. Their solemn faces made Bernard steel himself again, for the fight. He forced his thoughts to stay in the moment, in this fight. He restrained the anger, the hatred, to be locked away so better emotions could take their place, to guide him to act like a Jedi should. He had to act like one, needed to act like one. He'd promised it, not just to himself but to someone important, and he couldn't go back on that promise, not when breaking it meant losing everything.

Gear: Equipment: Armour, Hold-out Bolter, Boltgun, Grenades, Sidearm, Sidearm 2, Sabre, Ion Paddle Beamer.
Enemies: Maw/Sith
Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall

Within a short span of time, Jedha had turned into a war zone. The - at the time - allied New Imperials and Jedi had declared the Sith broken. Then came Csilla. What had happened before, happened again. Again and again. Elpsis endured. It was not that she enjoyed bloodletting or felt exaltation, it was that she had accepted that war, strife and foolishness were the natural state of the galaxy she lived in. Peace was an interval.

She had Tephrike to thank for this insight. Being stripped of and violently reclaiming her identity had opened her eyes. Just not in the way the Jedi Inquisition had intended. Acceptance made things easier. It freed her of doubt. Of naive idealism about how winning this one battle, doing this one in a million shot or beating this or that 'Dark Lord' would magically create a better world. There was just this one, and she had work to do. Because it was the right thing; because it was her duty; because she honestly didn't know what else to do with her life. Not a hero, not a saviour, just a soldier trying to do her job.

Intense blaster fire poured down the streets, and explosions thundered. Clouds of smoke, ash and dust billowed up into the sky. Frightened civilians ran for cover, as Alliance soldiers and local militia scrambled to repulse the attackers. A shuttle trying to escape the mayhem exploded in an orange fireball, debris raining down. Broken bodies, of combatant and innocents alike, littered the street. An all too familiar sight. The streets were awash with terror, rage, bloodlust and anger. All blurred together into a powerful storm that struck her mental walls. That was familiar, too.

Fire burst from Elpsis' hands towards the closest group of Mawist zealots she could safely engage as they advanced down a street. There were screams, and charred corpses. Precognition kicked into gear and she sprinte for cover, just before an E-web stared roaring. Not quite fast enough. Pain surged through her shoulder. Some of the impact was absorbed by her shield. She cursed, and grit her teeth through the pain. The heavy blaster continued firing, forcing her to keep her head down. Not all in the street were so lucky, and she heard wails of pain. The salvoes forced her to keep her head down. Fortunately, the Force guided her to the shooter.

She retrieved a frag grenade. Taking a breath, she raised her head and started sprinting. Blaster fire hammered towards her, and a bright light flashed from her free hand. Enough to disorientate - very briefly. Her metal hand of her Force-powered cyber-arm flung the deadly explosive ball. It soared through the air with blast and heat, through the first floor's window. A moment later, there was a bang and the shooter fell silent due to being blown up. She pressed her body against the wall, firing a burst from her revolver revolver when warriors tried to rush out and enemy fire came her way.

It was then that she sensed a presence - a familiar one. Coming from a building not far from here. The sensation was followed by the psychic echoes that heralded lives being snuffed out. She remembered the dark presence from Coruscant. Grimly, Elpsis turned and took off in its direction.
In memory of our late CEO


EQUIPPED: 25x L4Vele Series Deployable Defense turrets.

FIGHTER COMPLIMENT: 103rd Tactical Starfighter Wing "Angel of Death Squadron"
CALLSIGNS: Commodore Angellus "Maverick" is and will always be "Angel 1", Captain Rojuh Pouil "Starlight" is "Angel 2" Commander Scoht Pouil "Meteor" is "Angel 3". Commander Ewan Isaacs "Raider" is "Angel 4" and in command of the Jackals primarily for both ships. Each Squadron leader makes up the remaining "Angel" callsigns, their individual squadrons and make-ups are named below.

  1. SCAR 1 Jackal Class Starfighter
  2. SCAR 2 Jackal Class Starfighter
  3. SCAR 3 Jackal Class Starfighter
  1. Angel 4(Gator Squadron) Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  2. Angel 5(Raguel Squadron) Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  3. Angel 6(Beak Squadron) Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  4. Angel 7(Turik Squadron) Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor

  1. Angel 8(Razorback Squadron) NC-1000 X-Wing
  2. Angel 9(Voight Squadron) NC-1000 X-Wing
  3. Angel 10(Jurist Squadron) NC-1000 X-Wing
  4. Angel 11(Fi Squadron) NC-1000 X-Wing
  5. Angel 12(Prac Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  6. Angel 13(Tic Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  7. Angel 14(Alcalde Squadron) Ashera Class Fighter
  8. Angel 15(Kers Squadron) Ashera Class Fighter
  9. Angel 16(Kyber Squadron) Ashera Class Fighter
  10. Angel 17(Jok Squadron) Ashera Class Fighter


  1. Angel 18(Requital Squadron) Azazael class Stealth fighter
  2. Angel 19(Scimitar Squadron) Azazael class Stealth fighter

  1. Angel 20(Que Squadron) Demon Class Bomber
  2. Angel 21(M'lud Squadron) Demon Class Bomber
  3. Angel 22(Gatto Squadron) Demon Class Bomber
  4. Angel 23(Hail Squadron) Demon Class Bomber
  5. Angel 24(Leigh Squadron) Soverenignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter
  6. Angel 25(Vulcano Squadron) Soverenignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter
  7. Angel 26(Bulwark Squadron) Soverenignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter

  1. Angel 27(Artillery Squadron) Cherub Gunship
  2. Angel 28(Ferret Squadron) Cherub Gunship
  3. Angel 29(Ruzek Squadron) Cherub Gunship
  4. Angel 30(Ferret II Squadron)Cherub Transport
  5. Angel 31(Ferret III Squadron)Cherub Transport
  6. Angel 32(Pulvin Squadron)Cherub Transport
  7. Angel 33(Gundark Squadron)Cherub Transport
  8. Angel 34(Terantatek Squadron)Cherub Transport
  9. Angel 35(Ronto Squadron)Cherub Transport

Amenediel Shuttle Mk II

CALLSIGNS: Commodore Angellus "Maverick" is and will always be "Voodoo 1", Commander Rojuh Pouil "Starlight" is "Voodoo 2" Commander Scoht Pouil "Meteor" is "Voodoo 3". Each Squadron leader makes up "Voodoo Wing", their individual squadrons and make-ups are named below. Commander Ewan Isaacs "Raider" is "Voodoo 4" and is primarily in charge of Jackal squadrons when not acting as CAG.

SPACIAL COMBAT AND RENDITION - SCARs use the Jackal Fighter for its balance of speed and maneuverability as well as its remote capabilities. This allows the elite pilot/operators to"bail" and operate in zero G often a tactic in boarding capital ships.
  1. SCAR 4 Jackal Class Starfighter
  2. SCAR 5 Jackal Class Starfighter
  3. SCAR 6 Jackal Class Starfighter
  4. SCAR 7 Jackal Class Starfighter
  5. SCAR 8 Jackal Class Starfighter
  6. SCAR 9 Jackal Class Starfighter
  7. SCAR 10 Jackal Class Starfighter
  8. SCAR 11 Jackal Class Starfighter

  1. Voodoo 4(Razorback Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  2. Voodoo 5(Jurist Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  3. Voodoo 6(Fi Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  4. Voodoo 7(Prac Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  5. Voodoo 8(Tic Squadron) NC-1 X-Wing
  6. Voodoo 9(Alcalde Squadron) Ashera Class Fighter
  7. Voodoo 10(Gator Squadron) Ashera Class Fighter
  8. Voodoo 11(Raguel Squadron) Ashera Class Fighter

  1. Voodoo 12(M'lud Squadron) Demon Class Bomber
  2. Voodoo 13(M'lud Squadron) Demon Class Bomber
  3. Voodoo 14(Gatto Squadron) Demon Class Bomber
  4. Voodoo 15(Vulcano Squadron) Soverenignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter
  5. Voodoo 16(Vulcano Squadron) Soverenignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter

  1. Voodoo 17(Artillery Squadron) Cherub Gunship
  2. Voodoo 18(Ferret Squadron)Cherub Transport
  3. Voodoo 19(Ferret II Squadron)Cherub Transport
  4. Voodoo 20(Ferret III Squadron)Cherub Transport
SECTOR: Silver Space
ORDERS: Nothing yet
WINGMATES: Open to Interaction

” The Silver City” was in drydock for refits as ”The Ethereal floated overhead. The day was rather slow and boring to the point of day passes being given out. There really was little to do so Commodore Angellus sat in the tertiary office in the Drydock going over performance evaluations. He hated slow days, this went back to his days in a fighter, but peacetime is a good time, for most. It’s just the way Liram was built, he was always looking for the next fight, and while that clearly was not a healthy way to live, it was the life he was given. It was the life his family was given long ago. This was in his blood.

“Sir, priority communication coming in for you.” The communications officer from ” The Silver City” buzzed him. She was afraid of the Commodore because of his reputation, but he always gave her, as well as all officers full authority and authorization to do their jobs.

” Patch it.”

“Coming through now. ”

The holonet image was of SIA agent “ Thaud Rammstein”, an old friend and wingmate of Liram’s. He looked to be seriously out of sorts and ducking weapons fire.

” Tee! What have you gotten into!”

“I’m on Jedha! Liram! It’s a warzone! They’re here! A lot of’em!”

” Tee! Who is there?!”

“Sith, you idiot! Maw, whatever the frell they call themselves! They’re here! They have a damn army, and navy here! These people… they need help!”

” Tee! Get out of there!”

“Exfil was burned long ago! Get everyone you can here! We*”

Out of the blue (no pun intended) the call was cut. Angelus angrily pressed a few numbers.

” Commo! Get the call back!”

“Can’t sir. The call was cut at the source. Chatter coming from the planet is suggesting an invasion.”

” Contact Admiral Reshmar, and Admiral Quee, advise them of our situation.”

“Yes sir, but to be frank, Admiral Quee is on the other side of our territory, and Admiral Reshmar is conducting operations over Commenor. We’re the closest to respond.”

” Thanks Commo. Patch me through on all channels. Silver City, and Ethereal.”

“You’re ready, sir.”

” All stations! This Commodore Angellus! Shots fired on Jedha City, repeat shots fired on Jedha City. I am recalling all day passes. Repeat I am recalling all day passes. This is not a drill! General Quarters has been sound!”

Getting up and walking out of the office, he found the drydock CO, Captain Baund.


” Captain, under article 007.368 I am taking command of your patrol group. They will accompany my carriers out.”

“Sir, for what reason, may I ask?”

”Reasons above your pay grade.”



Dak Hobson



Tour Stop: Holy Quarter of Jedha
How did you get there?: “The Golden Wings
Yep, I'm wearing "
The Eye of Pantor", and have my lightsaber nearby
Who are you playing to?: Open to anyone


I always wanted to do a concert here, such a beautiful view. The setups the stages we could put up would be amazing. That was before the Sith showed up. The place is one big hive of fear. I can help, I'm trying to, but there's only so much I can do. I'm going to have to kill my secret. I just know it. I see them slaughtering people in the streets, I want to do something, but if I'm compromised... I can't think about that right now. I need to get these people out of here. They need to get to safety, even if they overload my yacht. I'm not trained in all of this. What do I do next?

I'm going to man up and do the right thing, that's what. Grampa's cane... how do I start this thing again? How? Wait! The charm around my neck!


People are looking at me freaked out right now. Yeah, folks. I'm a Jedi too. not much of one, but I am.




No rest for the wicked.

There was no end to the vile rampage of the Maw, or so many who had lost hope and indulged in fear believe so. Coruscant rocked the Galaxy, after being sacked by the warmongering zealots. This was indeed the greatest threat to the Galaxy of their time, much more so than the past foes the Alliance had come to face. Barbaric zealots with no discipline had come this far since their birth, conquering all in the name of destruction with indifference of creating an empire to last for ages.

People had every right to fear this enemy, but what good would that be for the general welfare? Flee and coward to any possible corner in the Galaxy, and allow this pestilence to remain?

How irresponsible that would be.

He recognized the achievements the Brotherhood had imprinted on the Galaxy, but it would not be enough to break his steadfast will in fighting this enemy.

Trust in the Force.

Perhaps he would die, but he would never be destroyed.

There is no death, there is the Force.

Many rushed to counter the threat of the World Devastators from different angles, valiant efforts to bring these behemoths to heel. Utmost important for many Jedi to preserve the holy sanctuaries belonging to the Jedi. The Nautolan was atop of one of the World Devastators, his feet well balanced as he walked on the flat surface of the machine. Determined to find a weakness and exploit it whether it was from within or without, even if he had to do it on his own.

ENEMIES | MAW | Lord Letifer Lord Letifer



KILL Creuat Creuat
DEFEND World Devastator


The hatch popped open violently at the seams, hulking metal slamming against a thick hull. A black hood peered out from the inside, his sinister visor and emotionless gaze followed suit as he climbed out from the veil onto the top of the two thousand meter long World Devastator.

“You’ve come a long way to die.”

The valley crackled and shook around them, the vessel digging up raw earth as it tore and sundered everything in it’s wake. The desert landmarks, the holy sanctuaries, all remnants of the Jedi Order.. soon it would be gone.

“No matter.”

The Sith assassin extended his arm outward and stomped down as his saber exploded to life. The crimson blade echoed with a snap-hiss barely audible over the thundering cataclysm around them as the vessel of war enacted it’s dreaded purpose.


His vocabulator roared as he rushed in with a Force imbued leap and with a single overhead swing came crashing down from above.

Objective I: Defend the City
Location: Archives, Temple of the Kyber
Tags: Anja Doreva Anja Doreva Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec

Kai was in the thick of combat when he heard Aeris order him to get back. He rolled across the floor and out of the way, letting the group of soldiers he had been battling bear the brunt of her telekinetic blast.

He sensed a familiar presence descend upon the Temple. Now that he had some insight into who Danika Leventis was and why she was after them, perhaps the outcome of the duel to come would be better this time around.

The Sith seemed to be mainly addressing Aeris, and mentioned something about surprises. Already pumped up from the exertion of combat, Kai’s impatient gaze darted toward the cloaked figure accompanying Danika. <Hi,> he greeted the man, then raised his lightsaber to meet Danika’s blades.

Location: Jedha, Dessicated Tablelands
Tags: Creuat Creuat | Lord Letifer Lord Letifer

  • The World Devastators destroy a Jedi monument and seek out more of them
  • Tu'teggacha tries to dislodge Rhis Fisto


For the moment, the World Devastators faced little that could threaten them. The Alliance's elite starpilots, the force of veteran aces that the Taskmaster had taken so many precautions against, either had not yet arrived... or simply were not coming. Jedha was an ancient dustball, after all, sparsely-inhabited and tactically insignificant, a Jedi world far more than an Alliance one. Perhaps the Senate was unwilling to expend too much in the way of precious military resources to protect it. Perhaps the tensions between the Senate and the Jedi, carefully orchestrated by the Dark Voice, were still deeply divisive.

Well, so much the easier for the Mawites, then.

Jedha, it was said, had once been the home of one of the very first civilizations to explore the nature of the Force. Its more recent temples and monuments were nearly six thousand years old, and its oldest ruins predated the founding of the Jedi Order itself, stretching back some thirty thousand years. The planet was described in the Rammahgon, one of the most foundational of the sacred Jedi texts... and by the time of that ancient work's writing, Jedha's monasteries were already old. The historical value of the ruins here, even after the Galactic Empire's destruction of the Holy City centuries ago, was incalcuable.

Tu'teggacha intended to succeed where the Empire had failed and utterly erase that value... and he had the tools at his disposal to do it. The World Devastators might not be as flashy or directly powerful as a superlaser, but they could be truly thorough, making pass after pass over the arid world's surface to systematically erase all trace that it had ever been inhabited. The vast majority of planets in the galaxy were lifeless balls of dust, of little worth to anyone but fringe prospectors seeking deposits of trace industrial metals. When the Taskmaster was finished, he intended to add one more to that tally.

Let Jedha be stripped away, until even its name would be forgotten.

The statue at the mouth of the valley had been carved in honor of Jedi Master Aalinei Brome, who had given her life ten thousand years earlier to protect the sacred texts of the Gala-Trook Anchorites from the rampaging Klaggian Silencers. So said the inscription at the base of the great carving, its sandstone letters weathered but not erased by the passage of millennia. There were no other records to elaborate on her story, or to explain who the Anchorites and the Silencers had been, or why they had come into conflict; all had been swallowed by the mists of time. There was only Master Brome herself, still proudly standing watch.

Until the Taskmaster's World Devastator ripped her sandstone body apart with its tractor beams, pulling the broken chunks of statue into its molecular furnace. All at once, she was gone, her story lost forever. Never again would pilgrims come to honor her, for without her monument, the last record of her deeds, no one would know that she had ever existed. Tu'teggacha's facial tendrils writhed in excited, sadistic glee as the beautiful carving crumbled to dust. Deep in his twisted heart, he hated all things beautiful. They reminded him keenly of all that he had been denied. They reminded him that the galaxy could be beautiful...

... but it had only ever been ugly and cruel to him.

Beyond the first statue, the canyons and valleys of the Dessicated Tablelands yawned open, full of ancient monasteries and other Jedi memorials. The World Devastators and their fighter escort pushed on past the dust they had created, the emptiness they had left behind, and bore down on these other cultural targets. It was time for the Jedi to end... past time, even. No order, no tradition, and no culture had the right to exert such influence on the galaxy across thirty millennia. It was time to let the past die, or kill it if they had to. It was time to usher in a new age, an age of wolves, when the strong would reshape known space.

A sensor alert suddenly blared, jerking Tu'teggacha from his reverie of cruel, petty glee. Apparently the Mawites were not entirely unopposed; there was an unauthorized presence on top of the World Devastator, some life form that should not be there. The Taskmaster had no doubt that it must be a Jedi infiltrator, determined to put a stop to his destruction. Bold of the fool to brave the titanic machine alone! Already the Ebruchi could sense Letifer, one of the Dark Voice's agents from his secretive New Sith Order, moving in to put an end to this interloper. That was for the best; there was only so much he could do against someone right on top of the World Devastator. Its defenses were meant to fight off starships, not individual Jedi!

The World Devastator shook and shuddered as it hovered over the rough canyon floor, threatening the balance of both the combatants atop it...


Location: New Jedha
Equipment: Jedi Armor, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka , Rann Thress Rann Thress , Bernard Bernard , Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen (Enemy)


Jax clenched his teeth when he noticed that the Troopers he thought he sliced up with his Lightsaber began to slowly get up. The only damage done to them were large slash marks across their legs and chest. "Damn," Jax muttered. "They're probably wearing Beskar Steel better make sure." Taking out modified DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol Jax fired upon one of the troopers who was getting up from his attack. The blaster bolt slammed against his visor knocking him down onto the ground back first. The Trooper was writhing in pain but was otherwise alive. "Well that pretty much confirms it" Jax mumbled still defecting blaster bolts. This wasn't going to be as easy as he thought but then again it would be foolish to expect anything easy from a faction that just sacked Coruscant.

"Attention all Jedi fighting in New Jedha!" Briefly deactivating his Lightsaber, Jax pressed two fingers to his ear activating the small radio inside of it. "This is Jedi Master Jax Thio fighting with Hawkbat Battalion. I'm about six clicks from Tythoni Square and I'm being hammered by hostiles!"

He dodged a Grenade throw at him using the Force to redirect it towards the blood red trooper who hurled towards him. With a wave of Jax's hand, the grenade exploded killing him and wounding others caught in the blast radius. "Oh that works." Jax thought holstering his Pistol to maintain both hands on his Lightsaber as he activated it.

"These troopers!" Jax called said leaping in to the group of troopers using the Force slam onto the ground knocking them off their feet and creating space for the militia and troopers to pass. "They have Lightsaber and Blaster resistant armor! It's gonna be tough to crack open! I need some help!"

Just then Gunship turned his attention towards Jax and the troopers advancing firing missiles towards the group. "Chit!" Jax used the Force to redirect at least three of the missiles but the rest managed to hit Jax's advancing force and Stormtroopers. The explosion caused Jax to be lifted from his feet sending him flying into the air. Calling upon the Force, Jax did a back flip and stopped his momentum landing on the ground though he had a mediums sized gash on the side of his forehead along with a few cuts.

"Looks like this leader doesn't care much about danger close....." Jax mumbled using the Force to disperse the loud ringing ringing in his head. Body parts of ally and foe alike were strewn in all over the battlefield. Those that survived stumbled around like they were undead. Jax calmed himself down and used Force Valor once again to raise morale.

"Fall back to the Square!" Jax yelled at the troopers. "Wait for reinforcements!" Staring at the Gunship, Jax frowned. "I'll distract them!"

Leaping on to the rooftop, Jax harnessed Force Lightning sending it to the ship's hull in hopes of getting its attention. "Hey you chit eating nerf herder!" Jax yelled twirling his humming, yellow Lightsaber and entering into a Juyo stance. "COME AND GET ME!"

Last edited:
Faith is the heroism of the intellect.



Location: Holy City of Jedha

"ELOAH" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
Starship: Starlight Sentinel, (Jedi Interceptor in the landing bay, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Pilot droid Mu51c - "Music", "Aricsias" Wookiee Clan (pops in and out of posts)
Foes: BOTM Darth Solipsis Danika Leventis Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren Marlon Sularen
Allies: Dagon Kaze Zaka The Doppelganger Aeris Lashiec Bernard of Arca Jax Thio


When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed.” - Marilyn Manson​

No, he didn’t like Jedha, that much is documented. That does not mean that he will just leave this city, this planet, or more aptly the kyber crystals to fate. There is nothing that is going to keep him from pushing back the Dark Side as much as he could. There were other Jedi who were evacuating innocent, which was good, it left him open to fighting which was important. The big guy found an aura that he had once experienced. It was not that long ago and was quite distinctive. After all, it was not every day that you felt the presence of “Death”, that is what this individual was, “death incarnate”.

Caltin did not want to walk away from those who were running scared, but there was a bigger concern in the one he was following. This was not planned, but more “dumped” on him. That of course meant that the massive Jedi Master would take it upon himself to make sure that the destination of his foil would be the final one, either by extraction or falling. Caltin didn’t like the idea of going in with the intent to kill, but the monster he was approaching had already shown that it would be absolutely no other option.

“Sometimes we must let go of our pride and do what is requested of us.”

The monster screamed out, he could hear it inside the Temple. The big guy wasn’t far away, but he had to fight his way there. It seemed that this was planned because every lower level acolyte, apprentice, assassin… you know “pawns” would attack. This would slow him down, to be sure, but it would not stop the big guy as he was going to reach the Temple and he was going to face this threat again. Only this time it was not going to be around any others who could be threatened.

The entrance of the Temple was not one that he had recalled from the last time that he was in it. It was ominous, intimidating, it would almost be frightening if it were not so damn infuriating. This schutta was claiming the kyber crystals for himself. That was not going to work. Jumping into a full sprint, Caltin made his way inside. The glow, the hue, he could feel the howl of the crystals as they cried out. He could feel the change in them.

He could stop this. He would stop this.

Before long, Caltin found the monster he was seeking out. The Master of Ren was just as powerful as he had remembered. This would be no battle of ideas. This was just a fight. Pulling Conservator into his hand, the big guy was glad to have it in his hand, the others were efficient and truly representative of this Jedi, but this? This was almost as old as he was, he knew it inside and out and that would be the advantage he needed, not that Caltin was looking for one.

Turning the corner, the massive Jedi Master looked around, almost in horror as to what was being done to the crystals. So this was how it was done? The rumors were true, that the crystals had a personality, were almost sentient, and that the dark side just tortures them. It was bad enough that the people were being forced to live in fear, but this?


You know. This is normally where I would give you a chance to escape. Or I’m supposed to tell you to let go of your hate. Not today.




Temple of the Kyber
Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze , Zaka Zaka


Twin blades of amethyst hue sprung to life before him as the cowled stranger slid into action to cut short his advance upon the Temple of the Kyber.

"Face Justice."

The Dark Lord sneered, he did not know or care who this foe was before him. He was in the way.


Instinctually his hand snapped out into void, rolling sparks of crimson hate immediately traveled along his fingers and in between their tips before a great flash, an explosion of energy unleashed. Violent bolts leapt to life, tearing apart the emptiness between Dark Lord and Lightsworn Hero. The raw power of the Dark Side unfurled.

Eyes wide open.

The yellow glow of the pulsating wave of palpable hatred gleaned with a renewed vigor. The thick miasma of dread and malice that followed in his wake, the taint of the Dark Side, intensified with cold recourse as a baneful shiver, a malevolent feeling that rippled through the empyrean.

The hateful pulse of Sith Lightning immediately dispelled, both hands recoiling inward and latching out near instantaneously. Sweat beads immediately formed on his brow, a mental strain pressed against his psyche and as the Jedi Knight took flight to lay him low the Sith’ari answered with the full palpable might of the Dark Side.
Bending reality to his whim as the steps between them, hell, the space between them converged together, crumbling away as if it had never existed in a slow crawl.

He stretched his hand out and grasped the void, instinctively reaching for the neck of Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze . Gritting his teeth the Dark Voice bellowed with a voice unnatural, a voice profane.

No mOrE naMeS!”


Location: Jedha, New Jedha City
Allies: Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr | Tegan Starfall Tegan Starfall | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen
Foes: Yula Perl Yula Perl | Bernard Bernard | Romi Jade Romi Jade | Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan
Seto du Couteau Seto du Couteau | Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka | Rann Thress Rann Thress | Jax Thio Jax Thio

  • The Mongrel requests an orbital strike on the Holy Quarter

The evacuation was in full swing. The Jedi were swift.

That was the disadvantage the Mawites were faced with. Their foes were demigods of the Force, mystic warriors who were each a match for a dozen marauders or more at once, and they could accomplish feats far beyond the capabilities of any ordinary person. The Mawite sorcerers in the Temple of Kyber might be a match for them, but the vast bulk of the Brotherhood's forces were not. Even heavily outnumbered, even with severely limited Alliance resources to aid them and only a local militia to fight at their side, they could hold the line against Mawite savagery while the civilians escaped the city.

But the compassion of the Jedi would turn that advantage against them. In any ordinary raid, seeking resources and slaves, the ability of the Jedi to hold back the Maw while they evacuated civilians would foil the Brotherhood's objectives. But they weren't there for slaves; any captives that fell into their hands were just a bonus. They had come to Jedha to kill Jedi and tear down their sacred places... and the Jedi, these self-appointed protectors of the weak, would stay until the very last innocent was saved. They would stay vulnerable to the Maw.

Even more importantly, they would cluster close together, holding the line around the Holy Quarter while the various evacuation ships - like those provided by Senator Du Couteau - ferried civilians to safety. And Mercy, always observant and tactically-minded, had already identified the glaring weakness of their strategy. Had the full might of the formidable Alliance Navy been present, clashing with the Mawite warfleet, it would not have been possible to strike from above... but at least for the moment, the Brotherhood owned Jedha's skies.

"Massive aerial bombardment of the Square would be perfect to break their resistance," Mercy told her warlord... and The Mongrel agreed. Orbitally bombarding the entire city would have caused terrible casualties among the Mawites' own forces, but there were no Mawites inside the Holy Quarter, only civilians, Alliance-friendly militia, and the Jedi that the Brotherhood had come to kill. "Understood, Mercy," the lord of the Scar Hounds replied, resting his giant warblade on his shoulder as he tromped forward. "You have done well. I will heed your advice. Get to a safe distance."

Although The Mongrel commanded the Scar Hounds, and could exert his authority over all the Mawite ground forces in the city, he did not command the fleet high above. He was going to have to request an orbital strike, as much as that rankled his pride... and it particularly rankled given who he was going to have to ask. The Mongrel had never understood Marlon Sularen, the former ruler of Byss, now a major figure in the neo-imperial Final Dawn. He was clearly an unbeliever, putting his faith in his own ambitions rather than the Three Avatars.

Sularen seemed to believe that he would be able to forge an empire of his own out of the ashes the Brotherhood left behind, a goal that was at odds with the chaotic aims of the Mawite horde: to clear away all old orders in order to create a paradise without gods or masters. If the Maw succeeded in its dark crusade, there would surely be a reckoning, Sularen's lawful, tyrannical faction against the savage, chaotic disciples of The Mongrel and his ilk. For now, however, they had a common enemy: the entire rest of the galaxy. That kept them unified.

So the warlord swallowed his pride and opened a channel to Sularen. "Grand Overseer," The Mongrel greeted him respectfully. "The Jedi have withdrawn to the Holy Quarter, and are overseeing the evacuation of the city from Tythoni Plaza. I am requesting an orbital strike to soften up their defenses. Let us kill the Jedi and their weak allies while they are clustered together." And once the bombardment had struck the Jedi ranks, The Mongrel and his troops would swoop in to crush whatever resistance remained in the rubble...

... though he'd have to get past a certain pink Jedi first.
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Issue #6

TAGS - Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis - Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze
So the storm roared with awesome fury, and hurled its might at the rock.
The aphotic current of the Dark Side roiled off of Solipsis in a way that could only be expected of the Dark Lord. The stories he had heard, the Sith his Master had faced... This is what it must've felt like. Reality was bleak in his presence, drained, and as the Sith'ari spoke the insulting words, Zaka called the empyrean ally to his aide. Its serene tide swept him up, and as those brutal sporadic forks of scarlet energy was flung at him, the violet blades crossed to shield their user.

The force of the Lightning was enough to shove him backwards, even as he tried to widen his stance. The wild arcs snapped past the plasmatic blades, licking up at his wrists and forearms. Burning lashes raking across his naked flesh, dubbing the Sith as the first of their Crimson Blade to mark his body. The scent of burnt flesh, his burnt flesh, reached his nostrils. And Zaka growled.

But still, the rock would not move.

The pain was prevalent, but he could resist it. Even as he was pushed back, the effort of stepping forwards always seeming futile... Until it wasn't.

The Jedi Youth lurched to the side, but by then the Sith's attention was gone, his lightning fury fading as he turned to another. In the dark ocean that was the Sith'ari's presence, there was yet another buoy of light to stand against his darkness.

Granite features tightened, and the corner of his lip tugged upwards into something akin to excitement and relief, and then he was leaping forwards to make up the distance that the Sith elongated him to.

The distance closed rapidly with Force-aided speed, a great boon to a physicality that was already near its peak at the pinnacle of youthful ages. The world looked to distort, bending out of shape and frame, its edges shivering, all as if it fell away to nothingness. And then, he hit the ground, pivoted, and swung upwards with his leading right hand at Solipsis' outstretched arm, in a fateful cho sun maneuver.


Libertas quae sera tamen


The Aegis of Woe | Ace | Lightsaber
The Perished | 330/330

What twisted machinations were to be discovered once the belly of a supposedly 'good' faction was exposed? He mulled this question over from his throne of malice, considering what secrets lay in the shadows of the Galactic Alliance. In truth, he cared little for the information he could glean and found amusement solely in the fact the place he was to defile was a secret they thought they could keep. There was no place in the galaxy his conquest could evade him, no scared enclave, no treasured trove, he would cast the shadow of his blackened wings across all, his endless hunger would be satiated by nothing less. It was the Jedi who spurned him ages ago, a wound that still bled into his soul, and it was the Jedi he would take the most pleasure in exterminating from the galaxy's endless coil.

The Dark Lord pressed across the wastes, his silent soldiers filing in formations to his flanks, and soaked in the energy seeping through the cracks of the earth, shaping the hidden structure in his Sight, granting him perception which would have otherwise gone unnoticed had he not been Miraluka. His talons stretched outward, strumming at the threads of orchestrated solace, seeking what could not be sought. Beyond the gothic masque, beyond the statuesque armor, Caelitus projected his being, his psyche unraveling to traverse the metaphysical. He ventured betwixt the cracks, seeping in as pestilence that would leech at the fortitude of the many.

His Presence was known in the overture of madness, a sudden nauseating grasp tightening its clutches around the bravery of those who thought themselves safe. Boots carried him onward, seeking the entrance to his quarry. He paused, his hands coming to rest against one another before his abdomen, and tilted his chin skyward to breathe the uneasy air.
"Go forth, devour their hope." The order was issued as a mere murmur, barely heard over the fickle breeze of the eve.

Legions of the damned poured from his flanks, descending upon the entrance of the black site in a sudden rush of momentum, washing over the scrambling defenses as a wave of baptizing carnage.



And there they were, reunited like enemies on a different field. The vague winds of change and war brushed against Aeris’ skin, the dust from the battles around them scraped against her boots. It felt different to have a name for her enemy. Danika Leventis. A woman who chose to act wrong despite knowing what it meant. In truth Aeris didn’t know if it was admirable or not. In the end it mattered little, one of them wanted the other dead and it wasn’t Aeris.

“You destroyed the walls to my office.” Aeris responded and held her saber by her side. “I had to do something, so I started traveling around.”

The mention of a ‘surprise’ brought very little out of Aeris. There were far too many possibilities for her to really decipher what it was. Although given the circumstances of their little reunion it was more than fair to assume it was something that Danika believed would have a greater negative impact.

She felt her thumb stroke against the ignition of her saber. This was the part where she should have pushed it, where that blade should have burst into life with a snap-hiss and combat began, but that hadn’t happened yet. That immediate sensation of guilt spiked through her entire body, pinched against her nerves as she let in a deep breath.

“Why are you doing this, Leventis?” Aeris asked and extended her hand towards the Sith. “It is not too late to stop. I tried to tell you in the library and I will tell you here as well.”

“I have no wish to fight you or anyone else today. Please, stand down.”


Post: 2
Objective: The End of the World
Location: Jedha City
Equipment: Mind Crown | Black MidNight Duster with Hood | Echani shield suit | Grav Boots | Eltro Life Gloves | x4 red lightsabers | Defender | Forearm Lanvorak | Wrist Laser | x2 FWG-5 Flechette Smart Pistol | Boomer | X4 Daggers | Pack of Death sticks | Various Explosives | Holopad
Allies: The Mongrel The Mongrel | Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr | Dark Apostle | Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Darth Mori
Enemies: Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan | Jax Thio Jax Thio | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor (Meat Head) | Bernard Bernard | Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri | Zaka Zaka | Seto du Couteau Seto du Couteau | Viers Connory
Engaging: Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan


Tegan's mind crown activated the nearby entertainment system in the house. The Holotv snapped to life and started playing the repeating emergency signal for civilian evacuation then the sound was muted and then the audio system sprang to life playing some old-time music. As war started to wage war on the city Tegan finished extracting the information, she needed from the now dead family's minds the soup recipe and the access codes to the emergency broadcast system. While the Maw laid this ancient holy city to waste Tegan was going to terrorize it's citizens. It was funny all to often those at the top of the chain of command got protected when the grunts and middle Management where the ones who held the true power and kept the system afloat. The little guys like Jacob married with two children was just a lowly IT guy forgotten just another number in the system.

Poor Jacob now dead along with his lovely wife Cynthia and two children Brent and Darla. Each one had hole in their chest from the saber and a symbol etched into there foreheads from Tegan's claw like fingernails. Tegan had a gleeful smile on her skull painted face as she danced to the music around the table and her way into the main kitchen. Where she grabbed microwaving device all middle class family had the express way to cook your meals in luxury. She picked up the microwave marched it into the living room where she set it down on the floor sitting down next to an oddly placed hyperdrive one Tegan had brought with her when she came to this house.

She continued to dance as she made her way back into the kitchen where she began going through the cupboards and drawers grabbing every metal utensil she could. She then danced her way back into the living dropping the utensils on the floor next to microwave. Then she went over to the holotv and opened a panel on it revealing the hook up for external devices like gaming consoles and other such devices. She then went to the utensil pile grabbing a simple butter knife. Then returned to the panel and began undoing a few screws.

As she was doing this, she sat down on the floor her legs crossed in front of her, then over her shoulder she looked towards the corpse of Cynthia. "Cynthia would you go get the door we have company coming." With that Cynthia's Corpse sat up from its slumped position. Tegan could feel the one from Coruscant she had met briefly before getting shot out of the freighter. Cynthia went to the door and opened the wound in her chest from the saber and the symbol etched into forehead clearly visible.

Cynthia looked at Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan as she approached with those clear dead eyes, Cynthia did note attack or make any aggressive moves just opened a smile that came off as creepy knowing the woman was dead. Cynthia was wearing a dress one that you might see in one of those old time sitcoms. Then Cynthia waved at the woman and spoke. "Do Come in you have been expected." Tegan was toiling away in the living room now connecting wires from the holottv to the hyperdrive while dismantling and taking parts from the microwave.
Ziare Dyarron | Keilara Kala'myr
COMPNOR (ISB) Junior Agent, Nite agent | Marauder of the Maw
Objective I: Defile the City
Location: Tythoni Square, New Jedha City, Jakku
Equipment: FS-18-UP2 Omega Phase Assault Rifle | 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | Druetium Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Tags: The Mongrel The Mongrel | Bernard Bernard | Open
[ Mitternacht ]
"Galactic Basic" | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

I watched the refugees arrive. I thought for a few moments about how much fun it would be to sneak in between them, and act that I wasn’t even with Maw, and then to destroy them from the inside. This could even happen if the bombing proposal is rejected or they do not accept it. Yes, if that happens, I'll ask permission.

For a few moments, I enjoyed being able to feel the dread and fear of those around me again. Seriously, there was no better and more motivating feeling. Moments later, however, my pleasant thoughts dissipated as I received an answer to my suggestion. The Warlord didn't even think too much about it, and agreed almost immediately.

<< Thank you for your confidence, Warlord! >> I replied to the man.

Yes, it felt great to find my idea acceptable. My only grief was that I will not see how the whole Square would be prey to the flames. What a beautiful sight it would have been! Then the satellite images will help me to see!

<< I leave the area, is there any other specific venue I have to go there from here? Or do I stay nearby and finish what the bombardment will start? >> I hinted if there will be survivors, and they would accidentally remain alive.

In the meantime, I had already rushed down the stairs according to the order and out into the street. Then I started to move back to where I came from. I soon arrived at the street where the explosion had been before. On the way I even saw a figure in a black cloak ( Rann Thress Rann Thress ). Based on the cloak and "weirder" behaviour, I thought he could be with us, so I left him alone. I mean weirder, he did not try to run away like the average citizen. I could already hear the sound of chaos and wailing when I reached the corner of the street.

I grinned wide again under my helmet, with a cruel smile. It was time for me to see what damage my friendly little bomb did and how many people it killed.



Location: Near Tythoni Square, Holy Quarter (Northern Section)

Nearby: The Mongrel The Mongrel 's Forces

Objective: Reach Tythoni Square

Gorthalon's Greataxe, an
IB-series blaster pistol, and his pair of black armguards made of cortosis, equipped.


Fifteen years a slave. Fifteen years of captivity.

A white hot desire to stop the Brotherhood burned within him.

A small house in New Jedha City lay dormant amid the chaos of invasion. The warm flame of a single candle frantically dancing at the center of the dining table provided all luminosity to the small shanty that was otherwise enveloped by darkness - and devoid of hope. Trembling in fear, a family of four hugged each other at the back of the room, directly in the line with the tightly locked main entrance door, with only the table separating them from whatever terror may enter. There the Jedhan father, mother and the two daughters stood, backs against the wall, shocked by the war cries of the The Maw, with unrelenting blaster fire thrumming closer and closer in the background.

The loud steps of a three invaders could be heard approaching. First barging into the house on the opposite side of the street, the dying screams of the innocent were traumatizing… and infuriating. Amid laughs and hungry growls, the seemingly systematic extermination process left no questions as to their next destination.

Still intact, the crude metal door blew off of its hinges, and buckled towards the inside of the room. With the candle's flame extinguished by the gust of air rushing in, a stream of blue-tinted sunlight from outside highlighted the graceful line of smoke that framed the bloodshot gazes of the family.

Reveling in the blood haze they have left behind, with smiles on their faces, the marauders shared a look of superiority between each other and the one closest to the building stepped inside the house and raised his repeater. After spitting on the ground, he exclaimed his parting words with proud bravado:
- Are you ready to die, worthless rats? – His finger ready to pull the trigger.

- … Are you? Out of nowhere, the abysmally deep voice of a terrifying monster filled the room. Instead of the realization that his life was over, a behemoth of a fist rammed clean through the marauder's pathetic skull in an instant. With his headless, lifeless body still in the process of collapsing, the Yuzzem ominously emerged from the darkness of the corner and stepped out onto the dusty street. With brain matter and blood dripping from his right hand, the colossal Yuzzem straightened up and looked down upon the two recoiled soldiers frozen in disbelief. The one to the left eventually raised his weapon, while the right one drew a serrated blade. Without warning and without mercy, the beast launched himself at the soldier with the rifle, swiftly evading any attempts at hitting the furred creature. He flew right at the neck of the soldier; the momentum of the jump tearing through his neck as the beast took a single bite. A dagger the size of the other soldier's forearm descended, but only a moment before it would sink deep into the Yuzzem's back, without looking, he grabbed the wrist of his attacker. After a moment of hesitation, the enemy went for the blaster on his hip, but the beast tightened his grasp around his wrist with even more force. The bones were cracking under the immense pressure. The painful scream was cut short by the sound of tearing sinew and a loud thud as the Yuzzem kicked his foe straight in the sternum and simultaneously yanked on his arm, successfully freeing it from its former owner. Translucent white mist flowed slowly upwards from the Yuzzem's snout in the cold weather. After taking the radiation grenade strapped to the disembodied arm, he simply dropped the armored limb on the ground.

Turning back towards the family still in the house he said stoically:
- Come. Stay behind me. We are getting to safety.

Without a single word and still holding hands, the family stumbling over the macabre scene left behind by the special forces operative took cover behind the wide frame of their protector. Block by block they moved, sticking close to walls, preferring winding corridors, with the beast leading the group. They must have been just ahead of the main line of forces exterminating the locals, as the only stretch left before them was a minor side road leading to Tythoni Square. However, there were five marauders in their way, equidistant to each other, seemingly looking for something. Perhaps a back entrance to the Square they could exploit?

- Wait here. When I'm done, run towards the barricade. Your lives depend on this. – Quickly glancing around and evaluating his chances, he decides to climb the three-story building they were just taking cover behind. Effortlessly he glides towards the top, his thick claws digging into the surface of the building, bricks crumbling beneath his feet. Once he arrives at the top, he lays low and looks over the city. The carnage on the streets and the aerial superiority of the enemy worry him. Sniffing into the air, he turns with unflinching determination towards the first victim under him. He takes a single step backwards, then from a running jump performs his signature leaping strike.

The unsuspecting marauder's now unidentifiable and contorted body is strewn across the impact crater left behind by the gigantic Yuzzem. Without stopping, on all fours he leaps as if he were on top of the kilometer-tall trees of Ragna III, easily closing 10-12 meters in a single jump. Blaster fire now raining down on him, he swirls, ducks, flips and slides left and right on the street, viciously closing in on them. The beast now launches himself off of a nearby wall and flies straight into the second enemy, knocking them down and still using his momentum, throws his body at the next soldier, incapacitating both of them. Each flash of the remaining enemies' blaster discharges paints a different picture of the Yuzzem rapidly advancing towards them. Seemingly always staying just shy of the line of fire, he tears through each and every enemy in his way with calculated precision. The fifth and final enemy between them and the barricades is impaled by the sharp claws on his extended palm.

Violently pulling his hand out of the abdomen of the marauder still writhing in pain on the ground, the Yuzzem unclips the greataxe on his back and lifts it above his head. Just as he is about to decapitate the Mawite marauder, he is shot in the side by the one of his previous victims still holding onto life. After a painful growl he widens his stance for stability, closes his eyes, and ominously rotates his head to meet the gaze of the soldier lying on the ground, pointing his now empty gun at him. With righteous fury he throws his lumbering axe towards the marauder. It slashes right through his forehead, stopping only as its sharp edge hits the ground under. With the black scorch mark still smoking on his side, he takes a step towards the last soldier and ends his suffering with a stomp.

With fire in his voice, he commands the surviving family to join the others at Tythoni Square. After collecting his axe and reclipping it on his back, he guides the family along the last few meters, then he too joins the recovering forces. Among many others, he first sees a Jedi / Bernard Bernard / and a Chiss, the former igniting his lightsaber, the latter standing next to him, facing the frightened crowd.

After a brief minute, the 2.3 meter Yuzzem approaches the two figures. Saluting both, he turns to the Jedi in front of him.
– Pathfinder Gorthalon of the Galactic Alliance Defense force, sir. I apologize, I have been delayed. - His snout pointing towards the scorch mark on his side. - If I may, master Jedi; it would be an honor to fight by your side.
/ New objective: hold the line. /
/ Tags: open. /
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Issue #6 w/
Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis & Zaka Zaka

agent of chaos
The distance between the two suddenly vanishes in a blur, but not in the way the Jedi had planned. The edges of his vision flicker as the landscape before him changes, shaped by the cursed will of the Sith'ari. Dag's caught off-guard with his momentum's stolen and footing trying to recover a sense of balance. Yards turn to inches and blue eyes lock into a glare with a pair of sulfuric orbs. These were no human's eyes, they bore no life - it's like staring in the abyss... and it stares back!

No mOrE naMeS!”

Kaigann's words are spat like venom, no vestige of humanity left in his voice - a voice he had first heard when he had rescued the man, the former Jedi Master, from the clutches of the Maw. It had been a ploy, ever since then.

All had been by his design.

Lifted off his feet, he struggles to grasp at the last traces of life escaping his lungs as the titan's grip wrap around his throat. Choking, as the corners of his vision begin to fade to black, he notices the rushing form of Zaka. Amethyst blades leading the way. It takes all of the Jedi's will to latch onto the Light and clench Solipsis' hands in a telekinetic hold, ensnare them on the chopping block for Zaka's blades.

In the intoxicating chaos of fighting for his life, a flicker of sobriety sparks a question all too grim.

How do you kill...

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//>"Overlord, Oxide 2-3, we are currently engaging enemy elements approaching Tythoni Square.. Are we authorized to use our Harbringer launchers? Over.<"\\

//>"Overlord, Wizard Actual, my units are reporting major movement from enemy marauders near the Kyber Temple. Thinking they might be the same guys that executed those civies at that cantina evac site, request permission to engage. Over."<\\

//>"Overlord, Monarch 1-5, we got any established ROE for joint Jedi operations at the moment? We're having some miscommunication with the temple guards. Over."<\\

His headquarters less resembled a functional military operation, and more a refugee camp, Harson thought. Momentarily lifting the headset from his head, to clear some space for his own thoughts amidst the chaos of defending Jedha, whilst organizing its evacuation at the same time. Uniformed men and women of all species hustled around the haphazardly constructed complex of prefab bunkers, camouflaged tents and pre-existing, hardened structures as reports flooded in from throughout the city. While support had emanated from all corners of the Alliance, ranging from the Jedi, to the transport ships of Senator Couteau, it still wasn't enough. It was never enough, especially when dealing with opponents as degenerate and cruel as the Maw.

"Where's my damn air support!" The Major General yelled abruptly, voice rough from the amount of yelling it had done already, though his expectations for an answer in the positive were growing less and less realistic with each such yell, the topic still jumped to the forefront of his increasingly frustrated and disorganized thought process regardless. Eyes skimming across the command center, which had temporarily grown immensely silent, only to be met with looks of apprehension and concern, he grumbled and jerked his hand towards the nearest uniform, a physical gesture that often meant "cigarras" though it wasn't exclusively used in that fashion, much to the chagrin of his assistant staff. Fitting his headset back on, he made his way through the headquarters, his subordinates paving a path for him without a word having to be spoken. They knew better than to test his patience.

From his side, a young Zabrak raised a Chandrilan cigarra, and Harson took it without a second's gaze to the Lieutenant, lighting it up and nestling it between his teeth in one or two swift motions. His headset lit up with noise once more as further communications that were deemed of particular importance were relayed to him from further down the chain of command. His uniform irritated the sides of his chest as the body armor that he had more or less been required to wear dug into the fabric of the attire beneath it. Ever since the revelations of the Senate and its Sith infiltrators, there had been a renewed sense of paranoia, and suspicion over the general safety of both the Alliance's civilian and military leadership. Harson couldn't have cared less, so long as he was still permitted to do his job the way he was needed to. With little restriction, or oversight.

//>"Overlord, Rooster Actual. Requesting immediate fire mission at grid Hotel Papa 873192. Over."<\\

Releasing smoke through a gap at the side of his mouth, keeping the cigarra firmly in place, Harson stood at the hardened glasteel panelling of his command quarters and gazed upwards towards the sky, the sun gradually growing harder to see as the thick, billowing smoke of the burning city beneath it started to encompass the far-flung star. He could hear the gunfire, and even the screams from where he was. He was safe, protected by several layers of infantry and armored battalions that had been committed to a defense of the inner city. But for how long? He had thus far already been forced to reassign several units to the besieged Holy Quarter, and twice that many to secure the ongoing evacuation effort. It was a mess. But then again, that was the nature of war. Maintaining a sense of morality only further complicated things.

Although in the end that was what separated the civilized from the barbaric.

//>"Rooster Actual, Overlord. Fire mission granted. Out."<<\\ He responded, voice firm and formal, internal feelings less so. Already he could hear the booming sound of nearby self-propelled artillery vehicles unleashing their ordinance on whatever sorry lifeforms found themselves on the opposite end of its impressive range. The concept of danger close had been increasingly utilized, and the rules of engagement lax as Alliance artillery shelled enemy positions in New Jedha City, and beyond its walls with growing disregard for collateral damage, all with the General's permission. Buildings were reduced to rubble, and entire formations of enemy marauders, cultists and monsters were obliterated, mutilated at best, and disintegrated into mists of red at worst as arched death rained down on them. From his position, far behind the lines (for the moment), it was the best the old man could do.

Would it be enough?


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