Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction Cleansing Wave | Panatha Burns | EE+Dasid Anya, AC+Ammuud/Bonadan


Islas Draellix Commanding the Grand Fleet of Ashla and also writing ground invasion.

Fleet Action

Tags: Stirric Vetch Stirric Vetch
Laertia Io Laertia Io
Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan
Mig Gred

Grand Admiral Draellix, was handed a short dossier from one of her crew, the sudden arrival of Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan and her immediate transmission had caught her off guard, and she had not been able to carry out due diligence on this occasion.

"Very well Doctor Fuyuan, you have quite the credentials, there are time in the past that maybe we would have benefited from you being on this side. I will not attempt to board your ships, I will make scans, as I am sure you do routinely of every one of my ships, but will approach you first if I believe a ship is falsely flying your flag, I hope that this is acceptable."

She listened to the feed from Vetch, a number of faces now populating her holocomm

"As to your request Stirric Vetch Stirric Vetch , our actions spawn from the need to take decisive action on people that cause a danger to the galaxy at large and that have been sheltered in this territory, if you suggest that the government of this planet would be willing to hand over the Zambaranos, or at the very least allow a fair and impartial trial, which I am sure we could accommodate your own involvement in to ensure justice is correctly served." She paused and looked at the planet, its sky darkening and lighting arcing in a way now familiar to Isla. "As for Carnifex himself, you know very well that the likes of him only understand the justice of the sword. From my experience of Korriban, I suspect that it is him or his ilk causing this current dangerous storm over the planet, I suspect that his justice is already being metered out, and he will defend himself by blade."

Islas is good to her word and any ships that try to enter the atmosphere that are ID'd as part of Clan Tal or associated organisations are given a cursory military scan and then no further action is taken. Isla had been lied to before, and although she had no reason to doubt her mandalorian adversary today, there were others that might attempt to use the good name of Tal to commit clandestine crimes.

As discussed OOC, the full warcrime conversation is going to be held for another time and dealt with in an alternative thread as this was causing me RL issues to write against


Ground Acton
Corin Autem Corin Autem
Eleena Salwa
Adenn Kyramud
Stardust Solus Skirae
Pietro Demici Pietro Demici
Aditya Fitz Kierke Aditya Fitz Kierke
Aedan Miles Aedan Miles

In the General's lander
Across the battlefield, engagement markers chimed in the holosuite. The general swore, the kind of word that would make even the skin of the sith shudder. He kicked a holo of a powerstation in frustration, the interactive light structures shifted but then reformed in defiance of the angry general.

"I want our forces to withdraw to the landers and prepare to leave, our mission here was not to engage in all out war. Stalling return fire only, target their machines, but try to avoid significant casualties." He looked at his own casualties, the initial volley by the enemy had hit the Ashlan lines hard and whilst their tanks, armour and defensive preparations were strong, casualties were significant. The sisters facing the lines of walkers had been particularly hard hit. Walking through he city he stopped at the hospital, no engagement, that was a relief. The Mando were warlike but he felt they would honour a truce.

"Pull the soldiers back from the hospital, the wider situation will only spill there and the admiral will have my stars if I allow stray fire to damage that facility, please activate Umbrella Protocol."

Umbrella protocol was the imaginative title for an anti-collateral strategy devised by Draellix and himself, key civilian targets would be marked, these would be hospitals, schools, busy shopping precincts, civilian power stations and other such places. Ashla's Mercy Shield Pods would then drop from orbit and deploy shields to protect them from incoming fire, or from powerful force storms that were currently beginning to strike the city with bolts of red lightning. This was the first time these units had been deployed and it was a gamble, but the Admiral had been adamant.

...on the ground...

In most places, the Ashlans had been hit hard by murderous fire from the defensive positions, coming without warning, the casualties were significant, with even the shielded heavy tanks tanking damage. There was sporadic, panicked pockets of return fire, as was to be expected, but as a whole the force stayed cohesive and waited for orders. As the orders to withdraw and put down suppressive fire came back, the Ashlan guns sprung to life, not with the fire and fury of the defenders, but a more forgiving volley. Massed mortar fire targeted in front of the enemy lines, with the enemy at the very edge of effective range, enough to give them a concussive shake and keep their heads down, but not enough to kill. The heavy tanks opened up with Null-burst projectors, powerful weapons that would stun living creatures inside their armour and vehicles but leave them unharmed. Finally, other tanks opened with precise shots, targeting the legs of the heavy walkers, it was reasoned that these parts would be most likely to disable the units, but least likely to contain crews.

To any seasoned general, it would be clear that the Ashlan forces were not using their full firepower and were holding back in a way to spare the defenders, after all, they had no right to be angry at the defenders for attacking the interlopers. At the same time, tanks started slowly backing away and sisters of Ashla made withdrawal moves.

At the hospital, there was a different situation. The Ashlans held to their truce, not a single shot was fired. A further communication was returned. "As we have said, we came here only to protect the hospital that we felt in danger, your words, and your holding to the truce as the rest of your forces open fire is honorable and we will withdraw. You will be shortly joined by some of our defensive systems, as we do not wish spill over from other theatres or this lighting to pose a risk to injured civilians, I assure you that these devices are benevolent and as a measure of good faith we will withdraw without rearguard"

As one, every other Sister of Ashla, lowered there weapon, turned their back and marched away, followed shortly by the other half, they marched away from the hospital with now weapons watching their backs, hoping that the honour of the defenders would hold true.

Overhead, streaks of light descended above the clouds as the Mercy pods boosted their way through the atmosphere, making minute adjustments to their course. They were each pre programmed with landing points with two waves spaced out to allow destroyed pods to be replaced by the droid brains in the second wave. Moments before hitting the ground, powerful retros fired and the pods slowed to just a few dozen kilometres per hour and settled on the ground. One landed neatly in a school ground, more landed in other local education establishments and civilian facilities. The last ones to land were the ones on the hospital. gently resting themselves on several of the buildings, there was a brief energy surge before shield bubbles up to 120m in diameter surrounded each of the installations. If examined, they could be passed through by creatures and vehicles, but stopped or absorbed firepower. A massive bolt of lightning struck the largest dome over the hospital campus, causing ripples of dissipated energy.

This was a gamble by the Ashlan crusade, with the backs of their soldiers as the wager, the response, good or bad would be rapid.

Hospital - phased withdrawal of troops with no rear-guard fire and exposing backs to enemy

Across most lines - massive incoming fire, heavy casualties, withdrawing with fire designed to hold not destroy

Spaceport - no fire yet, and less communication from defenders so less urgency of withdrawal, but preparations underway

All over city - mercy pods dropping on civilian targets of interest and deploying shields
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Millia Brimarch


Water vapor pushed through pursed lips becoming strangled whisps in the air that whipped across the area. The small device providing nicotine clacked between fingers and handlebar as Sister Brimarch watched on.

The wind whipped against her face as the storm brewed and bellowed overhead. The feeling of it battering her both physically and in the force as she leaned across the bars of the speeder bike. The handheld device was slid into a secret pocket in the brim of her coif, safely tucked away for the moment.

Having maintained position to the rear of the forward forces the Ashland Crusade had brought, her presence had been largely unnoticed or ignored by her those in conflict. Her reason for attending had been simple at first.


The incursion by their forces had drawn her curiosity. The reason by and by the only driving force for such an action. Especially when those they had at least maintained a now waveringly amiable political relationship with had set themselves against this action.

Civilians were another part of what had drawn her relatively lax gaze on the militaristic actions that had been brought upon the planet. The commlink was abuzz with action reports and other details of the fire fights occurring ahead of her, beside, and seemingly all around her. Something she did not enjoy nor revel in hearing. But action dictated from above had recourse regardless of intent or execution. All of which she was keeping silently to herself for a time when she could speak to those commanding the situation.

There had been objections to her embarking upon her personal task without her stun weapons. Worries abated by the assurance that she was remaining well behind the perceived dangers that now manifested before her. Even in hindsight, she was relaxed and at peace without them. She was not here to bring harm.

She adjusted the backpack, a heeled boot catching the pedal as the repulsor system sang into activity behind the idling energy it had produced. Adjusting the coif that adorned her head, the strap taught and secure, a deft hand twisted the throttle backwards as communications informed her of casualties along the front line.

A slow rock backwards warned her of the impending speed she was about to partake in, the whole of the bike dipping momentarily before she rode through the area with intent. The bike hummed with power as the tails of her coif and kama flapped behind her. The sight of wine red hair atop black and ivory clothes was a striped blur as a sharp streak flew forwards towards those in need.

Even here behind it all, the drone of activity and calls for aid could be heard upon the winds if one listened closely.
Xiphos watched silently in disgust as both sides rattled their sabers. She fought down the urge to scream again. The urge to scream haunted her waking moments. Only in sleep was she granted a small reprieve from that urge.

Her fist tightened, sneering under her snake mask. She didn't hear anything in Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana but the tears of a crocodile. Her sons told the real story:

They had murdered whoever they could get their hands in. Not that Xiphos wasn't planning on doing the same to 'every' adult and child in the Bryn'adul, but that was different: The Bryn'adul, down to the very last drone, deserved to suffer for what they had done to the Galaxy. Ziost Civilians hadn't deserved what had been done to them. They were Non-combatants. Relatives of Stormtroopers at best.

The Ashlan's became vermin to her that day. She hadn't felt anything for them while springing that magical gravity trap at the Bastille, allowing her nearly overwhelmed children to slaughter them en masse. The boons they had gotten just from salvaging and studying the equipment of the fallen was still paying dividends.

Xiphos fought back the urge to scream again. But every time her mind wandered back to Syd or Starlin Rand Starlin Rand that was what she wanted to do. And her throat would be in extreme agony if she did.

Even as both sides say they didn't want war while killing, Xiphos was already cutting the feed.

"Lady Crownwraithe commands you all to remain on stand by. All frigates are to aim their Composite Beam Lasers at the ship of Admiral Draellix. Do not fire until fired upon." She spoke with her technopathy through a B1 Droid Pilot, before departing the bridge.

She walked down the Passages of the Blood of Kerest, trying to keep it together as she walked past personnel that gave her a wide berth. All volunteers from the CIS who knew The Ashlan Crusade would come for their land one day. Xiphos shared this opinion.

She decided to order the deployment of her Model 1 Sniper Units in the City below. They had arrived mere hours before The Ashlan Fleet did, getting permission from the Panathans to use certain buildings for their vantage points. The Model 1's were infamously blood thirsty warriors. And effective ones at that. Xiphos had given them permission to rent out their services, in order to keep their skills sharp between campaigns. And also so they might learn more.

Xiphos went into a turbolift to head to her quarters to send an encrypted transmission. She expected to come out a deck below...but instead stepped out into a white void.

And she no longer wore her blue Jensaarai armor. She was in a dark blue version of her spiky biker leathers. She had no scars.

She felt surprise as her left arm was no longer robotic, but organic, like her left eye now was.

And she was here.

Xiphos stared at The Amalgam The Amalgam . Except it wasn't the Amalgam.

It never had been.

Like the late Countess Arianna Belasko, the real Amalgam had been dead for years. The thing in a floating meditative stance in front of her wore her armor, but it bore the guise of the person she wanted dead more than anything. She wore the face of the master of Starlin Rand Starlin Rand

Darth Phyre opened hidious, moldy yellow eyes, smiling.

"Julia..." Phyre smiled, landing on the ground. She sounded like Syd. She walked like Syd.

Xiphos remained frozen in place, just staring.

"Oh, this meeting between feels so good to finally speak to you without wearing the face of that clown..." Phyre said, slinking up to Xiphos.

Xiphos said nothing.

"Oh, silent treatment? What for. Last I checked, we were still allies..." Phyre teased circling her.

"You're everything I dreamed..." Phyre said. "Only one thing holds you back...your failure to embrace The Bogan."

Xiphos's mouth didn't even twitch.

Phyre was not dissuaded.

"I know, it's a bit overwhelming, isn't it?" Phyre asked, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't get me wrong, I understand you must be pretty furious. And on some level, I suppose I can't blame you. But how else could I ease you into the idea of joining forces? I did kill your parents...and I did eat your never would have occured to me, in the old days, to factor in that indignation. But being around you...expanded my horizons..." Phyre whispered in her ear.

Xiphos stared straight ahead, silent, expression unchanged.

"Killing your parents was meant to secure your freedom." Phyre continued, slinking back into her sight. "Only a pest prevented your guidance from me. Honestly, if your parents had just seen reason, and given you up, I probably would have spared and granted them the gift of the Bogan. But I suppose in a way, I did give them the Bogan's gifts...even if it was only in death..."

Xiphos was a statue, eyes narrowing to pinpoints as she stared at Phyre.

Phyre's haughty, arrogant smile dipped a bit.

"Julia, if it weren't for me, you would have ended up just another one of the Jedi Slaves. Besides, everything I know you liked about Amy came from me, before and after I consumed her. You think I couldn't see it. The way your brain worked as you stared at me when you thought I was her...the way your mouth twitched when you weren't sure you wanted to behead Amy or kiss her. Nothing has actually changed. I'm just being more honest. I'm still on your side. I always have been. You and I...we're meant for great things in this era. You don't know how hot I got for you after hearing you felled the Maw's Holy City."

Xiphos let out only a sigh. Phyre's smile fell a bit more.

"Has nothing of what you've done opened your eyes even a little?" Phyre asked. "All this destruction and death has made you a Legend. Made you feared. No one would have believed some ex street criminal that once had a severe speech impediment would go on to help thwart the will of no less than three major powers at Ziost, not once, not twice, but three seperate times. No one could have believed that some traitor to the Jedi would go on to help utterly route the Bryn'adul at Sev Tok. No one would have guessed a failed Stage Magician would go on to destroy The Maw's World Ship. Your feats of slaughter are beginning to catch up to my own. Don't you see how alike we are? We let nothing stand in our way. We impose...we are not imposed upon. We shape destiny. We decide who lives and dies around us, as it should be...oh, Julia...we were made for each other."

Xiphos no longer blinked. Just stared.

This finally seemed to make Phyre lose her patience.

"SPEEEEEAAAAAAAAK!" Phyre screamed at her in a sudden fury.

Not saying a word, all Xiphos did was burst into laughter. Laughter that did not stop as she turned her back on her.

"JULIA! WE ARE BEYOND OTHERS! WE WERE MEANT TO BE BEYOND OTHERS TOGETHER! WHY CAN'T YOU ACCEPT THIS?!" Phyre screamed at Xiphos again as she headed the way she came, still laughing.

Xiphos stepped off the turbolift, the illusion cast from afar by Phyre severed. She wasn't laughing. Either physically, or emotionally.

Xiphos soon reached her quarters and sent out the signal...and a few dozen squads of Model 1's, covered in thick heavy robes to disguise their involvement, began sniping Ashlan soldiers on the surface...
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Engaging: Calruss Shiman

Location: Palace tunnels

Allies: Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson , Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir , AC

Enemies: Carnifex, Corin Autem Corin Autem , Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor , Adenn Kyramud, EE, Kainate


Heinrich took a few more steps into the dimply lit tunnels, his eyes scanning the path ahead as he continued to slowly push forward. The lack of resistance up to this point was convenient, but unsettling. Heinrich knew that the Empire wouldn't simply let them walk in and kill the Sith, and couldn't help but to feel as if something was wrong.

He ignited the emerald blade of his lightsaber, anticipating that an enemy could approach at any moment. The shroud of the Dark Side seemed to be clouding his ability to sense a potential threat, making him even more on edge. Heinrich kept attempting to send his mind out toward the path before him, yet could not penetrate the endless veil.

This must be the former emperor's doing...

One of the troopers shouted from the entrance, stopping him in his tracks.

"Sir, look ou-"

With a sudden motion, the entrance to the tunnel slammed shut behind him.

Heinrich could hear blasterfire from the other side of the door. Though his instinct told him to run to the door, to attempt to get it open and help his comrades, he knew that it would be unwise. Whoever had planned this attack was being careful, and may spring from behind should he turn his back. No... for now, he would have to rely on the skill of his troopers, and find another way out.

"Ashla, be my light in this darkness. Show me the path forward so that I might continue to serve."

With those words, Heinrich pushed forward, deeper into the mysterious tunnels...

They wanted him alone, separate, perhaps weakened by his lack of support. He knew not who had sprung this trap, but whoever it was would meet the bite of his glowing blade. No matter the foe, the Light of Ashla would bring them to heal, even if it cost him his life.


Outside, blood had been drawn and aggression was rising. The air was electric, coursing with the power of the storm and the roar of enchanted flame, echoing with voices in contest as clashes came to a head. The dark side grew thick around Panatha, summoned by the anger in the air and urged on by the battle meditation of masters.

With or without the support of the Empire that claimed to protect them, they did not take kindly to invaders and outside aggressors. If it was a fight they wanted, then it would be a fight they would get. If the Ashlans thought they could simply waltz in and extract the Zambranos without resistance from the people that worshipped them, then they would be sorely mistaken.

The firelight cast an eerie glow through the windows of the Shrine of Darth Vornskr the Second, broken by flashes of lightning that cast stark shadows.

And as the discussion descended into a cacophony of voices, the lanterns flared up. The fires that fuelled them turned from yellows and oranges to deep red. A shudder went through the wind as the very stone tensed beneath their feet. The priestess of Vahl, the purple preacher, the Sith mystic and the Sith-Imperial officer all saw and seized their opportunity,

The purple priest drew a knife from his sleeve and plunged it into the belly of the priestess of Vahl, who doubled over with a vicious smile playing on her reddened lips as her life-blood spilled on the floor. The Sith reacted immediately by drawing their sabre and decapitating the purple priest with a broad swipe of their bloodshine blade. The officer seized the opportunity, focusing their mind on the priestess while subtly drawing a slugthrower from their side and emptying the magazine into the back of the Sith. Not easily felled, the Sith sheared through the Imperial's hand and weapon with his sabre and brought it around to finish the job when a sorcerous spear of midnight black, cast by the priestess, shot through the Sith and the Imperial alike.

As the four fell, dead or holding on to the last shreds of their life, the priestess dipped her hands in their mixed blood and raised one up toward the sconces and the massive statue of Darth Vornskr the Second, Joycelyn Zambrano. Silent words dribbled off her lips along with ruby droplets as the congregation separated themselves from the sudden circle of carnage.

Murmurs spread, doubt and fear crept into their eyes as they glanced warily at each other.

Then, a resounding crack cut their murmurs to silence.

Their eyes shot to the statue which now featured a deep, dark fissure down its face, from which came cascading a trail of dancing embers. The sconces flared again as thunder rumbled and was cut by another loud crack, as the ground before the statue ripped open. Sparks flew from the gash. Lightning flashed outside, so close that the thunder was near immediate, and another tear was made.

"Ask and ye' shall receive."

Sir Blair
Occupation: Jedi Master, Head of the Order of Star Thistle
Location: Just outside of the city
Objective: Shut down this heretical nonsense, find and rid these lands of the Zambranos
Weaponry: Orange Lightsaber (Faithkeeper), Green Lightsaber (Last Rite)
Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana Pietro Demici Pietro Demici Millia Brimarch Hei Sogecki Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir

Do as you will, and never live as you won't. Words to that extent were drilled through the minds of those in battle with Blair. Fifteen soldiers slaying more than their share as required. They weren't ruthless killing machines, but it would be oh so wrong to say they didn't know what they were doing. Flashes painted three of them out as Force Users, Jedi as dubbed by their Master, colors of green, purple, and blue. Faithkeeper's orange brilliance led the flowing 'sabers. As the four Jedi painted the land with their vibrantly toned weapons of grandeur. Though the other twelve men and women were not armed with Force or Lightsaber, they all fought just as well. Dashing about with blasters, armed to the teeth with any and all explosives. Those who didn't have the Force under their belt that fought under Sir Blair were required to wear Space Marine Armor. Though it wasn't too heavy, and that showed in the swiftness of those twelve wearing it. They had before, and if they survived? They would wear it a thousand times over.

"You louts know the drill! You die? Yer bloody dead. So don't go an' do a thin' like that." Blair had screamed these words in battle before, and he would again. Because beyond the callous of an orphan whom discovered his one and only place? He loved these folks. They were his people, The Order of Star Thistle. All budding in brilliant colors for the world to see, even if it was a gruesome sight. "Aibne! On me!" Blair called out, and the one blaster soldier without a helmet on was near in seconds.

"Yessir?!" Aibne was no wee lad, he had stature like no other of Blair's soldiers. He was a towering figure of a Zabrak. He had the black tattoos natural to the Zabrak, and yet his skin had been dyed blue. Which would set him apart almost too much if not for those distinguishable tattoos, never mind the many horns. He was the oldest member aside from Sir Blair himself. With a pregnant wife back home to boot, a very lived in fellow.

"Establish communications to any and every Ashlan Crusader, or any working with us nearby. I've a message, and we've maybe a mission. You and I Aibne. These men and women can hold down this local easily. We've already proven it right here and now." Words flew fast, and yet communications came up almost faster. "Any and who need the assistance of the Star Thistle, do answer back. We'll be there on the double, the triple if needed. This is Sir Blair, Lord Captain Commander of said Order. Over."

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Calruss Shiman


Location: Palace tunnels
Objective: Defend the family against the invaders
Weapon: Red lightsaber
Attire: Casual clothing, grey jacket and jeans
Engaging: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust
While the ground level of the mansion was beginning to feel the heat, the underground tunnels of the Zambrano mansion were nothing but cold. Calruss had been alone by the exit for a few hours now, quietly meditating in the middle of the dusty floor without moving a muscle. In the coming minutes, there was a slow build up, at first, the sense of another person approaching was distant, but now that the figure was close, it almost felt like he could talk to him from where he was sitting.

From the very start, Calruss knew they would use the tunnels as a way of breaching the house, something of which he made sure was guarded to the teeth. Behind the doors of the exit was a fortification, fitted with soldiers and turrets which were focused on the only entrance topside. The prospect of getting through would be tedious, a fact that was probably linked to most of the entrances which were scattered around the mansion. In this defense, there would be no crack in their wall...

The teen slowly opened his eyes and stared into the distance, spotting the small glow on a lightsaber coming his way. His plan of isolating the strongest link and separating him from his troops had worked, now he was all alone with him. Releasing a small grin from the corner of his lips he slowly got to his feet and walked over to a dusty table, climbing himself on top until he was comfy enough to cross his legs and wait for the man to show himself from the darkness.

The room he was in was more of a disused cellar long abandoned by the family. Although it was spacious, the whole area was covered in dust and cobwebs that had claimed it as its new home. Things like disused furniture and stored drinks were the only thing left down here, providing the space for a fight if needs be.

"Greetings... soldier of the light," the teen said from the room, his voice echoing off the cracked concrete walls of the tunnels. "What is your purpose for being here? has your faith guided you to kill an entire harmless family now?" he questioned, his head tilting to the entrance from where he was approaching "Well, I'm afraid it has misguided you this time" he explained, while his hands were still calmly placed on his lap away from the lightsaber in his pocket.

"Turn back while you still can, and maybe you can save your precious troops lives for a more worthy course, crusader."

Currently: Hearing the Voices
Location: Bowels of The Palace
Equipment: Murakami, Kurlsta'maras, Anarchus, & Staff of Dathka Graush

"Yes, but...Really? Oh? I see. Yes, I see now..."

Elani stirred heavily as she allowed her spirit to walk the unending halls of Muurakk's realm, speaking with her elder god. The other Murakami swept across Cathar, watching from the shadows, as instructed, as the battle raged on. At Elani's side, stood her pet, Koren Merr, protecting her physical form as he did best.

"I will, great one. Yes.."

At that moment, Elani returned to the physical world, turning her gaze to Koren.

"We have rats, Merr. Blind rats."

Koren stood silently, staring at his master. Elani snapped her fingers at him and he walked over to the far side of the room. The Staff of Dathka Graush rested upon a stone altar before Koren. He grabbed hold of the staff and brought it to Elani who then took it from him.

"While my sisters are out in the city, I am left to my own devices. No problem."

Elani held the staff at her side, planting the base of it into the cold stone floor under her. She closed her eyes and traced runes in the air with her free hand. Streaks of dark violet streamed from her fingertips. The voice of Muurakk flowed from Elani's mouth as she summoned the power of the staff.

In the tunnels beneath the palace, the many dead bodies of Elani's test subjects began to stir as they were summoned at Elani's command. Dozens of rotted bodies began walking the tunnels, in search of flesh of the living to devour. From Elani's position, Elani guided them closer and closer to the rats below.



Pietro Demici: Ashlan Cardinal, Commander of the Holy Guard

Near the palace

Engaging: Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor , Aedan Miles Aedan Miles

Loadout: lightsaber, armorweave priest's vestments

Allies: Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson , Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir , Kahlil Zambrano, Millia Brimarch, Jedi Master Sir Blair Jedi Master Sir Blair , AC

Enemies: Carnifex, Adenn Kyramud, Elani Zambrano Elani Zambrano , Hasina Khaa-met, Stardust Solus Skirae, Corin Autem Corin Autem , EE, Kainate


The response from the Empire's forces became clear as a hail of blasterfire rained down on the Ashlan forces. Plasma and slug shot threw the air in a violent torrent, leaving Pietro with little time to react. Drawing his lightsaber, Pietro jumped back from the stranger he had attempted to negotiate with. As the azure blade roared to life, he stared down the person he had hoped would see reason.

"So it is death, then. Very well, may Ashla have mercy on your souls."

He wouldn't have the chance to retaliate against the attacks, only managing to keep the countless blaster bolts away from him. He threw up a small barrier with his free hand, attempting to keep as many of the bolts at bay as possible. It wouldn't be enough to stop them all, but he could at least get back to his troops before it was too late. Slowly backing away, his gaze met that of those that had opened fire. He had truly hoped that negotiations would be possible, but it seemed that things were beyond such talks.

As he made his way back to the side of his Holy Guard, he received a transmission from Jedi Master Sir Blair Jedi Master Sir Blair . It appeared that reinforcements had arrived. Pietro quickly reached for his commlink as he took cover from the continued hail of fire.

<<This is Cardinal Demici. We are taking heavy fire, and request your forces to move to our position. We'll be needing your abilities to keep these Sith sympathizers at bay while we reposition our forces. Until then, may Ashla light your path. Demici out!>>

He quickly turned toward a nearby officer, a grim look upon his face.

"Damage report, now."

"Minimal casualties, but plenty injured. We can't hold here without reinforcements."

"Get the wounded out of here. We will pull back, out of their range of fire. You are not to return fire unless they give chase. Should they follow, cut them down. I want it to be known that we did our part to avoid war, but we will protect our forces."

He activated his commlink once again, this time sending a message to Millia Brimarch.

<<This is the Cardinal. We have multiple wounded along the front. I have ordered them to be brought to you. They will be near your position shortly. Demici out!>>

The tense confrontation had exploded into all-out battle, with the cries of orders and death all around the cardinal. He cursed under his breath, asking Ashla to forgive him for his ignorance. He held out hope that this would be simple; that they would be able to work alongside those that had set differences aside on the battlefield of Ziost. Of course they wouldn't. No matter the intentions of the empress, there were those within the Empire's sphere of influence that would never see the Ashlan cause as just. Perhaps things would change after today, but Pietro wouldn't hold his breath. For now... he just had to keep his troops alive.

Slowly, a strange wave of darkness began to cloud his mind. He could feel some of his troops beginning to waver, and he knew there could only be one cause... the stench of the Bogan was permeating their lines, signaling the presence of Aedan Miles Aedan Miles and his battle meditation. It wasn't long after, that fire began to rain down.

Pietro grabbed one of his troopers, pulling him to cover.

"Get word to all Jedi within our ranks. Our minds are under attack. Inform them to do what they can to bolster our troops, and if possible, beat back this darkness. I will do what I can here."

He was only met with a quick nod, and the trooper immediately began sending transmissions to all Force users within their ranks.

Pietro turned toward Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir , locking eyes with her for a moment.

"Time is running out. I will do what I can, but I will not sit idly while my soldiers die. If you wish to prevent further bloodshed, then it must be now."

Pietro looked to the skies, searching for the source of the fire and fear than fell upon their ranks. The enemy was flying on the back of a beast that spewed destruction upon them. The cardinal knew they would have to bring the beast down if they were to continue the fight.

<<All artillery units, fire on the beast above. We must bring it down!>>

The walkers and tanks of the Crusade turned their attention toward the sky, Laser cannons did their best to aim for the beast, eventually firing into the sky in an effort to at least stunt the attack of the mysterious assailant. Pietro took a moment to utter a quiet prayer under his breath, trying to purge the fear from the soldiers that were near him. Though some of them were trained to withstand such an attack, not all of them would possess the skills to protect themselves. At this point, all the cardinal could think of was the lives of his troops, and he would do whatever was necessary to see them survive this day.



Engaging: Calruss Shiman, Elani Zambrano Elani Zambrano

Location: Palace tunnels

Allies: Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson , Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir , AC

Enemies: Carnifex, Corin Autem Corin Autem , Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor , Adenn Kyramud, EE, Kainate


As he progressed through the tunnels, Heinrich could sense a growing presence nearby. Following the trail, he kept pushing further into the dimly lit halls. His mind was swimming with a constant barrage of doubt, dampening some of his sharp senses. There was no question, this was the Bogan's doing. Heinrich quietly muttered a mantra under his breath as he walked, steeling his mind against the trappings of the darkness.

He turned a corner, only to be met by gnarled flesh and bone. The creature lashed out at him, swinging with reckless abandon. Heinrich immediately pulled back, holding his free hand in front of him as he called out to Ashla for strength. The beast continued to screech as Heinrich held it suspended in the air, attempting to defy his hold on it. Heinrich couldn't help but to pity the creature. The beast was a living being, once, and though the soul had clearly left the poor being, it seemed that the followers of the Bogan refused to let it rest. The best that Heinrich could do was provide the wretch with a quick death.

Heinrich approached the undead minion, slowly closing the gap. Once in range, his blade slashed through the air in a horizontal motion, taking the creature's head, ending its pain in one stroke. Heinrich said a small prayer over the once again dead body, and pressed forward. There was no way to know how many of these creatures lumbered through the halls, so he would have to move quickly.

Further and further he pressed, cutting down two more undead as he attempted to find a defensible position within the tunnels. It almost felt as if he was being herded like a tamed bantha, though he knew not where to. Eventually, he found himself in a room akin to a basement, though it had been clearly out of use for quite some time, save for the stranger waiting therein. Heinrich didn't know this stranger, but their words gave their share of insight into his intentions.

"Bold of you to say that the family is harmless. Some of them may be innocent, but we are not here for them. We want the former emperor, the Sith lord responsible for countless deaths and wanton slaughter across the galaxy. Is it misguided to desire justice for the victims of a genocidal megalomaniac consumed by darkness?"

He eyed the saber in the lap of the stranger, unsure if there was intent to use it. Heinrich closed the door behind him, doing his best to lock it in order to prevent the undead from finding him.

"I am unable to turn back, but something tells me that you already knew that."

Feet shifted, grip tightened, and Heinrich planted himself in place, opting to take a defensive stance.

"Tell me, are you willing to defend one that is so evil? Would it not be better to remove such a blight from the galaxy, so that thousands more might live?"

Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Location: Near to the Palace
Objective II.: Downfall
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (weapons) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With: Pietro Demici Pietro Demici | Corin Autem Corin Autem | Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor
[ Flúgva valkyrjur á val ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina looked up at the sky as the red lightnings appeared and the Force Storm began. She could feel Carnifex's power from inside the palace. As well the opening of a Nether rift from there. She also felt it was her mother. Events seemed to start to get rough there; for she also felt Lord Grayson from within. What was strange, though, was that her mother was much stronger than before the ritual in the Nether. She will then need to ask how this is possible.

She nodded at Pietro's words, but before she could answer, there were many shouts among the Eternal Empire soldiers guarding the palace. Luckily, Eina understood this language so she knew exactly what they were talking about. Imperial command, evacuation. Something big is going on inside.

"By order of the Empress, the area around the palace is evacuated. I think we should do the same. She only does so if she protects her people. The storm was caused by Carnifex and my mother opened a rift to the Netherworld. I don’t know what Lord Grayson can do, but I don’t think there would be too much of this place left after their battle. If necessary, I will be able to protect both sides for a while, even from the power of Carnifex, but he is stronger than me, especially in here, in the Realspace."

Eina looked at the soldiers, the ship in the air, she heard the battle noise from the direction of the city. The Eternal Imperial soldiers covered those who had fled from the palace.

"Lord Medici, please, the people of the Ashlan Crusade should also retreat a bit." she asked the man.


Canthar, Panatha
Shrine of Darth Vornskr II

Tension breached, and chaos spread throughout Panatha as the people enacted their defence against the Ashlan invaders. The people fought for Panatha, but they also fought for the family many considered to be touched by the divine ancestors. They were more than leaders; they were chosen by the divine.

And their will would manifest itself here on Panatha.

One last crack resounded through the Shrine of Darth Vornskr, but this time it was not simply accompanied by thunder and the flaring of firelight. This time, the crack summoned a whirling pillar of blood-red flame that burst up from the four who had died. Their bodies were consumed in an instant as the pillar of fire bore through the ceiling and shattered the tiles on the floor.

The congregation cowered from the blast and only dared to peek as something dark appeared at the centre of the roaring flame. A blade slashed through it, edge glowing hot white, like a plasma-filament, as a head of black hair and yellow eyes pushed its way out of the stream. She strode forward from the fire and stepped over the ashes of her representatives to face the congregation.

and the pillar of red flame subsided, reducing itself to a red bonfire with a tall flow of orange embers.

Murmurs went through the congregation, though different views were presented, none dared to take up the discussion again. They had witnessed a return, perhaps a rebirth.

"I know this place"

-Joycelyn Zambrano spoke as her bare feet hit the broken tiles. Her yellow eyes, aglow, peered over the congregation and took in the masterful architecture of the structure built to honor and deify her among her people her.

"But there is a foul scent on the air." She looked up through the hole, freshly blasted through the roof, as if she could see the battle spanning the world. "No slave of the light shall touch this sacred earth." Wrath carved itself into her facial features as she looked at those who had awaited her "Suffer not a Jedi to live!"

Zaudraka shuddered in her hand, practically begging to be wielded.

The people stood; they chanted in the ways they had learned, and they called their fellows to the fight for Panatha.

Millia Brimarch


There was a short transmission that gave her pause. The alert from Pietro Demici Pietro Demici being heard as the swoop bike pulled into an open area void of life. She stared upwards briefly at the mayhem that was occurring before the speeder slowed and she was able to reply.

-"Solid copy Cardinal. Setting up a field station. Transmitting location on closed comms. Sister Brimarch over and out."- She informed before encrypting the beacon for incoming injured.

Taking strides, she set the backpack down on the curb before taking the commlink out once more and patching through to the rear guard on encrypted lines.

-"Forward Base, this is Sister Brimarch. Request immediate deployment of emergency medical teams and equipment to the beacon I am transmitting. I have wounded incoming to a temporary medical station and request assistance. Sister Brimarch, over and out."- There was little else to say as she received a solid copy on her transmission.

The work began, disembling her backpack in quick succession and laying out supplies accordingly. A silent prayer on the winds for a speedy response and steady hands.


Orders were flowing, reports coming in as the comms officer gave a solid copy to the Sister mid-field and patched through to the medical teams on standby. Sending them the transponder signal coordinates, there was a mad flurry of hands and supplies into repulsorcraft as a thought was spared to protecting those venturing out.

A request was patched through to the ships overhead, hoping in the midst of the chaos they would be able to spare a moment for those on the ground once more. The coordinates for a final mercy pod to be delivered to the outbound medics setting up their aid station.

Calruss Shiman


Location: Palace tunnels
Objective: Defend the family against invaders
Weapon: Red lightsaber
Attire: Casual clothing, grey jacket and jeans
Engaging: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust
"I'll admit, you do have a right to desire justice upon a man who has slaughtered thousands. But, if they are of value to the red witch and her empire I'm afraid you will have to wait to clench your revenge" the teen shrugged while lowering himself down off the table, slowly approaching the man of light until stopping some distance away. "And you're really not after his family? something tells me that's a lie..." he smirked, his arms nonchalantly folding as he closed the door to prevent any more beasts from leaking through.

"If you were to kill a man of that prominence you'd eliminate every last bit of his existence, including his family. You see, once he falls they will be out for blood and possibly spawn an even bigger threat than before. You're here for a family extinction, not an assassination"

Calruss could see right through the soldier's lie, it would be foolish to think they were only coming after one man alone. They knew the deal, anyone left alive in the Zambrano family would be dangerous. Maybe not now, but in the months and years to come. Right now, he had a job to defend their lives at all costs. He didn't care about the warcrimes they committed, Calruss was here to serve the empire and their interests alone. Nothing more, nothing less

"It was more of a rhetorical demand..."

The teen glared at the man's movements as he got into a defensive stance, one of which made him release a small sigh while his hand reached down to the lightsaber in his pocket. Gracefully, he pulled the weapon out and flowed into a more offensive posture, preparing for the more than likely showdown ahead

"I do not care about your disputes, that is your problem, not mine. But unfortunately, now that your band of marauders has come to slaughter a whole generation of people, I have to prevent such a travesty from happening, especially if they are worth something"

Placing one foot behind him he slowly began to walk and pick up his pace, suddenly going into a sprint right at the man before him "I hope you'll relish dying for such a worthless cause" he grunted, strafing left and right in an attempt to keep him guessing before crunching and rotating his body with speed, swinging his lightsaber around to the legs of the soldier in defense mode.


Pietro Demici: Ashlan Cardinal, Commander of the Holy Guard

Near the palace

Engaging: Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor , Aedan Miles Aedan Miles

Loadout: lightsaber, armorweave priest's vestments

Allies: Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson , Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir , Kahlil Zambrano, Millia Brimarch, Jedi Master Sir Blair Jedi Master Sir Blair , AC

Enemies: Carnifex, Adenn Kyramud, Elani Zambrano Elani Zambrano , Hasina Khaa-met, Stardust Solus Skirae, Corin Autem Corin Autem , EE, Kainate


Pietro's frustration at the situation grew as the exchange of blasterfire continued. Though he was willing to attempt a peaceful solution, he could not bring himself to stand for such aggression. He took a moment to calm himself, quelling the anger within as he listened to the words of Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir .

"If such a breach in reality has occurred, then I must agree with you. I will work to consolidate our forces. Perhaps we will be able to find an answer to this storm once we regroup. Until then, I simply ask you to do what you can."

Multiple wounded were already being evacuated to the forward base. Many had suffered at the hands of shrapnel and plasma, and they would likely not be the last. Pietro quickly reached for his commlink once again.

<<Millia Brimarch, Cardinal Demici here. More injured incoming. Maintain the perimeter as much as you can. This Force Storm is making it difficult to determine the Empire's maneuvers, so until we can get that under control, it'll be best to keep an eye out. We will be moving our forces back, out of the range of the storm. Until then, Ashla be with you. Demici out!>>

A bolt whizzed by right as the transmission ended, barely missing the cardinal. Two more bolts followed, which he managed to deflect back at their attackers. Through the static of the storm and the chaos of the skirmish, one thing was becoming clear...

It was either advance, or withdraw.

Pietro couldn't find it within himself to commit to a full withdrawal of their forces. There was no guarantee that the Empire's forces wouldn't give chase, or refrain from shooting their transports out of the sky. Despite this, he was still determined to avoid all out war. And even more so, he would not leave Cedric behind.

He quickly put out a message to all forces along the front as his azure blade continued to dance through the air.

<<All forces, this is Cardinal Demici. We are to withdraw to rally points Alpha and Delta. Maintain cover fire, and stagger your movements. We are to regroup and find a way through this storm. We will wait for them to come to us, but we will NOT leave Lord Grayson alone on this planet. Demici out!>>

As soon as the transmission ended, Pietro ordered his Holy Guard to help him cover the others as they moved back. They would not leave until every last one of their troops were out of range.



Engaging: Calruss Shiman, Elani Zambrano Elani Zambrano

Location: Palace tunnels

Allies: Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson , Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir , AC

Enemies: Carnifex, Corin Autem Corin Autem , Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor , Adenn Kyramud, EE, Kainate


Heinrich kept his blade in position as he listened to the stranger speak. His statements puzzled him, as it seemed that he understood the Crusade's position, if only somewhat. Heinrich's eyes narrowed at the mention of revenge.

"It is not revenge we seek, but justice. Justice for death of countless innocents."

His grip tightened around the hilt of his blade as the stranger stood. Did the Empire truly think that the Crusade was here to destroy the entire family? Heinrich couldn't entirely blame them; the Crusade's mission regarding the blight of the Bogan was well-known across the galaxy.

"We do not seek to eradicate a family, but a legacy. People only fear the Zambrano name because of those within the family have committed unspeakable atrocities for personal gain. Should his family concretely disown his actions, that would be a start. We do not kill without cause."

A short pause followed before he spoke again.

"Perhaps the Empire only perceives things in terms of revenge, but the Crusade does not. The family of Carnifex is not bound to revenge. No one is."

Heinrich grew quiet as he saw the man draw his lightsaber, eyeing the movements of his opponent as he took a stance of his own. It seemed that he had made up his mind about the Crusade, but it would not stop Heinrich from attempting to get through to him.

The first strike came at Heinrich's legs, and Heinrich responded in kind, parrying the blade as he swung his body around his opponent.

"Dying for the Ashla will not be an end, but a beginning. I do not fear the next world."

He took a couple of swings at his opponent, making sure to not risk a killing blow. Heinrich would do his best to prove that he was not here for slaughter, even if it meant he had to hold back. The series of thrusts and slices wouldn't be threatening, but they would be enough to keep his opponent on their toes. There was a tightrope that must be walked, and Heinrich would have to maintain the balance.

Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Location: Near to the Palace
Objective II.: Downfall
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (weapons) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With: Pietro Demici Pietro Demici | Corin Autem Corin Autem | Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor
[ Flúgva valkyrjur á val ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina was definitely relieved when Pietro finally decided that Ashlan Crusade’s men would also retreat. She knew it couldn’t be an easy decision because their leader was inside; the Valkyrja felt the same way, only she was worried because of the Empress. Eina didn't understand how it was possible what happened, and that worried her. What was most disturbing was that she didn’t know what was going on inside. She should have gone there.

"I will do my best, Lord Medici!" she promised.

She looked up at the sky where half a dozen Valkyrja had; they were not visible to mortals, but the woman belonged to a species with them, so to see them was a common thing to her.

~ Go and help those who need it. Someone go back to the Sanctuary and ask for Völva support. We will need them! ~ she sends a telepathic message of her own.

She saw her men set off and do what the woman asked them to do, while the Cardinal continued to give orders to the men of the Ashlan Crusade. Eina was familiar with Force Storm and Alter Environment, but those were not her specialization. She used these in the Netherworld against demons, but in many other Force abilities she was better. Still, she could try, they can't lose anything with this.

"Cardinal, I try to stop and shatter the storm so the Dark Side will not hinder anyone. For this, however, I need a sheltered place where I can meditate and no one disturb me." she turned back to the man.



Currently: Commanding the Dead
Location: Bowels of The Palace
Equipment: Murakami, Kurlsta'maras, Anarchus, & Staff of Dathka Graush

The tendrils of darkness that Elani refined through the tunnels, summoning the dead to her bidding, permeated through the air like a vicious smog. Men, women, and children alike. None were safe from Elani's foul machinations when they were trapped down below with the chosen of Muurakk. With all the strength necessary, Elani commanded the undead as they continued to converge upon the blind follower of the Light moving through her family's home.

"I can feel him. He is close.." Elani uttered. "Mmmmmph. His warmth is so sickening, yet so enticing. I want to feel his flesh." she moaned.

She could feel another with him. A child in the way of her fun. A fly in her soup. A pest, nonetheless. One that she refused to allow to step in her way. As her minions encroached upon the tw, she held them at bay for the time being to give them time to grow in number. Not all of them were quite as fast as one another, but they made their way regardless.

She would wait to strike at her prey at the most opportune moment. Even if it meant killing the pretender who claimed to be protecting those that not need it.


Sir Blair​

Occupation: Jedi Master, Head of the Order of Star Thistle
Location: Just outside of Canthar, headed in
Objective: Find and assist Pietro Demici Pietro Demici
Weaponry: Orange Claymore 'Saber (Faithkeeper), Green Shoto 'Sabers (Last Rites)​

<<Cardinal Demici, this is Sir Blair of the Star Thistles. I'll be convergin' on yer local in no time at all. In addition, my apologies, but I won't be headin' to Alpha nor Delta. Not until I can help yerself out o' this one. Over and out.>>

Now that his intentions were clearly stated, it was due time to get about his business. With a warrior's great rallying cry, he hand signaled for his men to follow in what he called: a tactical charge. "Ashla wills it! Kill any and all who stand in our way with ill intent!" Words followed the cry and signal, and actions followed it all. Into Canthar they went, blasting those needed blasting. Sir Blair led them, deflecting shots with his 'saber, and that pointed out who had ill intent. They knew why the 'saber was out, he was an Ashlan Crusader. Here and now, a 'saber like his was almost synonymous with the Ashan Forces, and if that didn't do the job his garbs did.

He wore the symbols of Ashla with pride, and when he shed them they were tied around his waist. That he may continue on with them despite the shedding. This gave the illusion that he was wearing a skirt, and bore his chest for the enemy to see. Maybe it was a bit of ego deep down, but really it was something he'd commonly done for one reason. Intimidation. His enemies hesitation at his own oddity to bare himself unarmored, would buy him the needed time to snatch victory. For the Ashlan Crusade, for Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson and all those that followed after. His own Kin in Arms.

When the Faithkeeper found itself before the enemy, it was as if it were an extension of Blair's self. He wanted them out of his way, and so he brought the blade of orange light down hard, or across even harder. Whichever direction, at whichever angle, upon whichever enemy presented themselves brave enough to fight the seemingly mad pack leader. There were few stops, to fight through a crowd, and they did not escape unscathed, but still they pushed on. If troops were lost, they could be avenged now, but must be mourned later. For the survival of those that mattered most to the Ashlan Crusade and what it all stood for.

'Who knew that better than a street urchin turned believer. Who constructed himself into a stalwart defense for the Ashla, and an offense when needed.'

As the Star Thistle came nearer the palace they could hear the torrent of madness, and found themselves positioned in the frey very shortly. Specifically Sir Blair found himself before Cardinal Demici. "Sir Blair, at your service and in the flesh Sir! Anything you need, you must only order it." It was only then he realized he had dragged his men into quite something, a storm conjured by friends of the Dark. His eyes wandered to Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir , if needed, he would help her too. Anything for their benefit.

Millia Brimarch


She began working even before the first caravan of injured arrived. Supplies laid out, the hover stretcher a makeshift workstation as bodies were laid out. So many, so quickly she gawked for a moment, unable to tear her eyes away from the sight as someone touched her shoulder. It brought her back to the moment, delivering orders as those able attempted to help with limited knowledge.

"I need someone to triage. Anyone with a paint sticks walk through and determine the worst case and mark them a dark color. Anything else-." She began as another convoy appeared from behind them and cut her off. More medics, supplies, temporary stations as the number of hands to help grew, though were in quick order outdone by the influx of disabled and injured.

The teams separated, a handful working triage while another group split off to manage those hurt but not fatally so. A vehicle was designated for quick transport of the worst cases as they worked to stabilize them for transport. It was an entirely unpleasant process, and something she did not want to see quickly again.

-"Forward Base, this is Sister Brimarch. Sending a vehicle back with the worst cases. Ashla guide their hands and save their souls. Over and out."- There was little else to say as she returned to her work in the temporary station. Even with the screaming and flailing, she spared a breaths time to watch the vehicle roll out with the stabilized cases.

The din of the area was growing as more came in from the front, the street slowly staining red as their eyes were kept from the sky. Many hands and minds were attempting to stave off the reapers presence for a short time longer.


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