"And you all wonder why I never bring Phoebe along..." came the grumbling voice of the Mandalorian as he trudged away from the central console. Long, confident strides bore the beskar-clad Mandalorian across the ship, down the lift, and into the hangar bay; where the Tart-Cart awaited. As the LAAT/i entered his field of vision, he could not help but smile; for the vessel had become just as iconic for the Dread Guard as their name. This was their ship, within which they would always deploy. Stepping forward, Isley ducked his head and entered the vessel, climbing in until he reached the rearmost seat. He then planted his read upon the seat and looked for Phoebe, patting the seat beside him expectantly. "Well, if you're going to keep me in line, you may as well stay close." He said, in a joking manner.
"Dread Guard, time to go to work. Kage, get the engines revving."