Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Clones like Dominions (CIS Dominion of Sriluur 100 posts)

"I'd rather not sir. I have my reasons." He glances to Ruu, blinking. The thing was talking in his head. He didn't like it. Damnit, why does it have to talk in my head!? The pilot thumbs his pistol a bit, frowning. He was impatient to go do something, but there was a lot of talk going on. It put him on edge.

Galaar Tal'Verda

Just one more butchered soul.
Galaar climbed from his seat and grinned under his helmet as he walked by, he gave Phoebe a joyful, kind, but rather rough Mando shove to the shoulder as he walked toward Kage on the other end of the bridge and stood next to his pilot brother. As he did so the Strill looked up at Ruu, it growled and licked its shops in quite the predatory manner. Chew-toy. Was the message being sent.

"Soooo!" Galaar spoke again and chuckled under his helmet. "We done making Is'ika and ad'ika there blush? 'Cause if we don't get moving I think I'll head down to the lower bays and huff some spice as I shoot the giant Wumpa Worms that infest this scrapheap like some Agamarian backwater hick."

@[member="Ruu"] @[member="Kage CC-743"] @[member="Darth Metus"] @[member="Commander Calico CC-247"] @[member="Phoebe Draclau"]
Calico huffed a quiet laugh at the pilot. They were just about ready to get underway. The Commander set his helmet back upon his head. "Suit yourself Ka'ika." He grunted; chewing down on his lower lip as a flood of information shot across his HUD. The Commander turned down the way toward the hangers. Miss Draclau, will you be deploying with Is'ika?" He questioned as he tuned in the squad comms. Four LAATs would be deploying ground-side. He internally coordinated the special forces teams into a strategic formation. They would be arriving planetside before anyone else.

"Come on mom, buir. We move now." He chided in the most joking manner he could think of. The Commander took off on a confident stride toward Tart-Cart.
Kage walks after, moving in a brisk pace. He was impatient to get back in the pilot seat of his beloved Tart-Cart. What a beaut it was now, painted blue and all shiny after the last mission. He loads into the pilot seat, flicking power into the ship. He sits in the seat then, waiting for the rest to load up. Today another planet to be under CIS protection. A hutt planet no less.

Lets hope this goes acroding to plan..

Jackpot Tal'Verda

The Clone Commando checked his weapons again. His Z-6 seemed to work just fine, his DC-15s Sidearm as well and his DC-17m Interchangeable Weapon System seemed to work perfectly fine as well. He followed Calico down towards the Hangar and connected his HUD to his Commander's, relaying his health status and a couple other stats on the Clone Commando. This info would help Calico coordinate their attack as well as keep him informed about Jackpot's vital signs.
Phoebe was full aware of how her lover was and she had no problem with it. If someone didn't keep them in line they would get out of control so she very much approved of what he did but they didn't need to know that. "I'll have to talk to him about it." She turned to give her lover a sly look.

"Yes, I do plan on deploying with him after all someone has to keep him in line." She knew full well he could take care of himself but still.
The Commander grinned as more information flooded his H-U-D. Anything was certainly helpful. Calico patched into Fleetcomm. "Colonel the boys will be dropping behind the Command squads. You and Miss Draclau can move wherever you think." He took up a position within Tart-Cart; finding a spot in the back. It was certainly the most comfortable place--and he had taken it before Isley could!

This is absolutely wonderful.

"You sure that kit is going to fit Ja'ika...Kage, ner'vod, I sincerely love how much you've pimped out Tart-Cart." And Calico meant it. He settled to lean against the aft bulkhead; arms folded over his chest. "No lover spats until we have boots on the ground, Colonel."

Galaar Tal'Verda

Just one more butchered soul.
"Hot haar'chak! You're whipped, Colonel, sir."

Galaar uttered as he began to make his way down to the hanger with his strill happily moving along with him. its pungent musky scent filling the room hall as they carried onward. He checked his kit as he moved. Deecee in webbing. Check. Fun pouch. Check. Data-pad. Check. Sniper. Check. Pistols. Check. Sword. Check. Strill. He looked down at the creature who growled happily at him. check. He then walked into the hanger, over to the Tart-Cart and he and his Strill climbed in.

@[member="Phoebe Draclau"] @[member="CC-777 Jackpot"] @[member="Kage CC-743"] @[member="Commander Calico CC-247"]
Kage straps himself in, then props his arms behind his head. "Hurry it up lads. I want to be in the air soon as possible." The clone couldn't help but smile. This was technically his fourth flight as a LAAT Gunship pilot, but he did pretty damn well the last two at least.

No different from a star fighter. Sept I'm not the only life in here yeah?

He shakes his head a bit. It'll be fine. Usually is. No problem. Yeah.


Ruu kept floating at his master's side. He would wait and see what he was doing, before acting himself. As he was floating there, levitated by his Force Powers, he looked at one of the clone's pets. It looked at him as if it wanted to eat him, but Ruu would not allow himself to be eaten. He sent a telepathic image towards the pet. In response it flinched and stopped looking at the Bouncer. The image had to be something horrific and frightening, otherwise the pet wouldn't have had such a reaction.
Lefty was still recovering from the knock on the head, so Nine took over for her sister. Scythe and Bluejay were still there. The three of them had been quiet until now, but Nine couldn't help but snicker at Galaar's comment. Scythe and Bluejay looked at her, with Nine glancing between them defensively. "Just my luck I got stuck with the two most serious people in the DS." She muttered, but shut up.

@[member="Galaar CC-252"] @[member="Commander Calico CC-247"]
Some time later, a dark-clad trooper eventually made his way to the deck with a steaming cup of caf in one hand, his helmet in the other. Stopping to look around for a moment, nodding at the colonel and his lady friend, he took a sip of his drink and continued on to the hangar. This was his secon mission-to-be with the quickly growing infamous Dread Guard, an he loved it. Walking down to the Tart-Cart, he climbed in and sat next to @[member="Commander Calico CC-247"] , sighing softly for a second. Taking another sip of the caf, he acknowledged the commander with a nod. "Morning Commander, ready to Kark up some more Sith?"

@[member="T:N1:LDR"] @[member="Kage CC-743"] @[member="Galaar CC-252"]
"And you all wonder why I never bring Phoebe along..." came the grumbling voice of the Mandalorian as he trudged away from the central console. Long, confident strides bore the beskar-clad Mandalorian across the ship, down the lift, and into the hangar bay; where the Tart-Cart awaited. As the LAAT/i entered his field of vision, he could not help but smile; for the vessel had become just as iconic for the Dread Guard as their name. This was their ship, within which they would always deploy. Stepping forward, Isley ducked his head and entered the vessel, climbing in until he reached the rearmost seat. He then planted his read upon the seat and looked for Phoebe, patting the seat beside him expectantly. "Well, if you're going to keep me in line, you may as well stay close." He said, in a joking manner.

"Dread Guard, time to go to work. Kage, get the engines revving."
Kage pulls up on the stick then. The Tart-Cart lifts off then, soaring in the air.It took only a matter of moments for the Tart-Cart to go through the one way shield of the Capital Ship, and then they were in space. The planet was down below, almost unguarded as the Dread Guard moved down to the surface. It didn't take long for them to get through the atmosphere, and then the target was in site.

"Be ready, targets in site."

Galaar Tal'Verda

Just one more butchered soul.
Galaar stood at the door of the Tart-Cart with his musky Strill at his side. Both were ready for another deployment after being down and out for a weak after Galaar had lost his arm. He looked over his helmet and at Phoebe with his Blue T-Shaped visor and spoke again. His voice deep with a Mando accent still at deep odds with his behavior. "You're cyare is just as bad as us ma'am... After all he is the one who gives us our creds, caf, spice, guns, ships, and the like. If not worse! You should hear the jokes he makes about rancors and seasons if you catch my drift."

He then took ahold of one the straps on the ceiling. It would likely be noticed that Galaar never sat down on a gunship and he always stood next to the door with his strill beside him. "So... You two took the riduurok yet?" He inquired as the gunship drifted downwards and Kage began speaking. "And don't worry Nine, right? You can run with me."

@[member="Darth Metus"] @[member="CC-325 Sawtooth"] @[member="T:N1:LDR"] @[member="Ruu"] @[member="Commander Calico CC-247"] @[member="Phoebe Draclau"]
"Not all of us wonder that, actually." Nine managed to point out to @[member="Darth Metus"] before Scythe elbowed her. She drew breath to say something as Scythe glared at her, but Bluejay cut them both off.
"Nine, hajeek mede. Scythe, save it for the enemy." She spoke quietly, but her tone brooked no argument. She didn't mind if they bickered off-duty, but in a firefight, she didn't want to hear it.

At Kage's words, all three of the Dread Sisters reached for their presently-holstered weapons - twin blaster pistols for Bluejay, a rifle for Scythe, and a blaster carbine (identical to Lefty's) for Nine, who was grinning beneath her helmet at Galaar's words. "Thank the stars for that then." Scythe went to reply, remembered Bluejay's warning, and closed her mouth.

@[member="Galaar CC-252"]
"Karking, kriffing, frecking, fracking, shodding, stabbing, slicing, they're all on my to-do list today Sergeant." The Commander grunted at Three-Two-Five. He held on tight to the upper railing as the dropship lurched off into space. His helmet contained a direct uplink to the support frigate's cameras; letting the Commander stare out at the relatively harmless looking planet. This exercise wasn't supposed to be particularly different, but things were often unpredictable with pirates. "Lock it down Ga'ika. You don't want to scare the Colonel's cyare into jumping ship." Calico made sure his voice transmitted to everyone on board the transport. "I'm not sure how well things would go if she was floating out in vacuum."

That issues a chuckle or two from the relatively small contingent of regular Dread Guard infantry. Calico stood up a little straighter; chewing down on his lower lip as they neared the giant dustball of a world. "I'm taking you kids out for drinks on Bothuwai after this. I'll make sure we hire a cab driver so Ka'ika doesn't have to pull D-D duty."

@[member="Galaar CC-252"]@[member="Kage CC-743"]@[member="Darth Metus"]@[member="CC-325 Sawtooth"]

Galaar Tal'Verda

Just one more butchered soul.
"I can pilot a cab perfectly when I'm drunk outta my mind." Galaar stated rather bluntly, and seriously, but if Calico remembered their mission on Telos, he'd remember Galaar driving a Repulsor truck through and apartment and then across a mag-way rail line while before it all ended. It was a fun day for Fox.

The clone dropped the jokes about Isley and his lady for now though, looking out the viewport to note the uneasingly calm skies. There was nothing to denote a hostile force. There was no AA fire, no turret fire even, nothing. "this is turning out dandy... Ain't it Nine?"

@[member="Commander Calico CC-247"] @T:N1:LDR @Kage CC-743 @[member="Darth Metus"] @[member="CC-325 Sawtooth"] @Ruu @Phoebe Draclau @[member="CC-777 Jackpot"]
"Sounds like a plan to me." Sawtooth couldn't help but smirk at Galaar's comment. He'd never seen the man drunk, but he imagined it to be a pretty hilarious sight. He'd have to ask Calcio about it later. Feeling the sudden lurch as they hurtled into space, he gave a satisfied sigh. And so began another day of slaying Sith. It was rather fun when they couldn't send so much as a force push at you. He'd always hated the concept of the force. The fact that it gave a select few immeasurable power over others. The Dread legion was proof that they didn't have all the power.

@[member="Commander Calico CC-247"] @[member="Galaar CC-252"] @[member="Kage CC-743"] @[member="CC-777 Jackpot"] @[member="Ruu"] @[member="T:N1:LDR"] @[member="Darth Metus"]@[member="Phoebe Draclau"]
"Rather boring so far, to be honest." Nine responded. Bluejay was about to tell the other clone to appreciate it, but thought better of it. Let her learn on her own. She decided reluctantly. Nine's next words made her dispel all ideas about inexperience breeds stupid.

"And it's somewhat worrying. Either intel karked up royally, we have a stealth system I didn't know about, the Hutt and his pet Sith are even more abysmally stupid than I thought, or we're walking into something akin to a trap."

And that is why we train in tactics a little too. Bluejay thought, with just a touch of pride. "Cyta nohtyk." Good work. Bluejay put in through a private link. She had no honestly good reason for a private channel, but it most likely had something to do with habit from her days in Nova Squad.

@Commander Calico CC-247 @[member="Galaar CC-252"] @[member="Kage CC-743"] @Darth Metus @CC-325 Sawtooth @CC-777 Jackpot

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