Armand Temi

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Corporation Name: Club Tranquility
Headquarters: Balosar
Locations: Just the one
Operations: Club Tranquility is a cantina/club owned by [member="Kuryr"], The Blood Gorger, which features an exotic mix of female alien species, happy hour drink specials and specially treated air so patrons can relax and escape from the choking pollution on Balosar. In the backroom of the club is where the real credits are made. Kuryr uses these operations to traffic both spice, especially death sticks the main export of Balosar, as well as both male and female slaves, but whatever hapless species is unfortunate enough to wander too close to Club Tranquility without an exit plan.
Rationale: Club Tranquility changed hands when the original club owner, a Balosar named Mot, owed Kuryr a favor and gave him dancer/slave [member="Bellatrix Celvina"]. Then after a business deal went bad, the Taung Pirate and the half-Chiss dancer killed Mot, his associate Fernando, and commandeered, not only the club but the nearby warehouse where spice, slaves, weapons and other illicit items are trafficked.
Tier: 1
Description: Club Tranquility is your typical dark and seedy cantina with a large stage for the dancers and a long, horizontal bar where overly-watered down drinks are served. A feature to note is that that fresh oxygen is pumped into the club making it a relaxing getaway for patrons who are looking for a break from the toxic air of Balosar. The club also “employs” only exotic alien dancers like Twi’lek, Rodian, Bothan, Nautolan and Ryn. Even though Balosar is not known for its tourist destinations, the club is profitable because of this differentiator as well as being one of the few places on Balosar where non-polluted air can be breathed. Club Tranquility provides the dancers/slaves with room, board, meals and death sticks. They are not allowed to keep their tips and those go to the running of the club and additional operations.
Subsidiaries: None
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