Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Clubbing

Outside Club

The environment outside was quite wild fights and all sorts of things that were broken just as quickly as they began. He was able to remain in his own piece and quiet leaning next to the speeder that he had obtained for tonight's ventures. Granted, he wasn't planning on doing anything crazy, quite the opposite actually. He had planned on being very responsible this evening. There were a few people in the club that he cared about, so he opted to remain outside and give them a lift home, should they be to inebriated to make the trip themselves. And of course if anyone else was kind enough to ask, he would help them out to.

Unless they were just being complete jerks.

Aiden climbed into the driver seat and propped his feet up on the dash as he pulled out his datapad, content with just watching a holofilm while he waited. Why he wasn't in the club, well that just wasn't his scene. Plus the encouragement to drink was always there and he hadn't had alcohol before. While he knew it dulled the senses and often would leave some with some poor choices. He opted to forgo all of that drama.

"Let's see...." Aiden muttered to himself as his finger slide across the screen looking at the different films....

"The last house on Naboo?" Aiden said with a small laugh. "Horror? Eh, why not." He clicked the play button and the film started.

Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic
Location: Outside club
Attire: Casual Nightlife
Tags: Aiden Porte Aiden Porte

Her hands were fidgeting with her dress and jacket, it was the first real time that Dreidi was going to attempt going out to a nightclub and enjoy the company that was found there. Coruscant night life was meant to be great and Dreidi had been a good student, listening to Asaraa to not go to clubs or drinking before she was an adult. However, now that she was, she wasn't going to waste a good weekend studying or training. There were clubs to check out, drinks to try and maybe even find out about live shows that she could perform at. She could still sing and play so she definitely wasn't going to waste opportunities to do that if she got the chance. Nope, she could get a good career running if she found the right band to be a part of and demonstrated her skills that she spent nearly a decade perfecting.

Wandering the streets, Dreidi had heard of this one club. Very exclusive and meant to be a good place to be at. Maybe the right type of place to start and go from there. However, she wasn't sure how to get in if it was exclusive, she wasn't exactly running around with uber wealthy or socialites. Just mostly Jedi and the occasional witch when she got the chance. Stopping when she saw the queue for the entrance of the club and the bouncer who was there to be intimidating, Dreidi tapped her foot in thought.

"What are we going to do Dreidi? Sneaking in through the back would be fun but not sure this dress would let us pull something like that off..." She wasn't exactly dressed for sneaking around and dipping into places she wasn't meant to be.

Thinking more on ideas of how to get in, Dreidi spotted Aiden sitting in a speeder seemingly watching a film...? Was he waiting on a date or lost? Why would you watch a film outside a nightclub? Surely you would come here to go inside. Hmmm... Nope, she had to go figure this mystery out. Wondering how best to approach him, maybe even him prank him and get him to jump scared. Dreidi realised he was watching some cheesy horror film and a grin etched on her lips.

Focusing on the seat next to Aiden, Dreidi pictured herself there. Just had to form a clear picture and she had time to do that. Normally she was teleporting during a fight so her spatial awareness was terrible, but she could take the time here. Picture where she wanted to move to and poof, disappearing in thin air, leaving a trail of green smoke Dreidi teleported.

Then poofed into existence next to Aiden in the speeder. "Boo!" Dreidi exclaimed in her best spooky voice that she could muster. "Did I get ya?! Pleeeaaaase say I got you!" Dreidi smirked.

"What are you doing outside a nightclub watching a film anyways? You know you go inside them and you dance right?" Dreidi asked looking at Aiden curiously.

Hooooooboy, Luric. Well, here's hoping I make it out of this night without making too much of a bantha's backside out myself he thought to himself as the three ladies conversed around him. Iris was most definitely free in her opinions and actions, but he didn't realize just how free she could be in other aspects of her life. He'd not fault her for that, but one must remember; he'd been brought up in a very traditional way. He was the only child of Kintel Ee'everwest, himself the eldest child of his parents. Much was expected of him, regardless of where he'd end up. It did not matter than Kintel had long since passed into the realm where spirits resided, Luric was expected to adhere to tradition.

Not that he ever did, but he always tried to be as respectful as he could to those traditions, out of respect for the father he had never known. Such was his lot in life, but still. He had no idea how to even begin to address this particular situation. So, as the conversation between Temi, Iris, and Tayl continued, Luric went from looking to one of them, his drink, then another, his drink, and back again.

Whispering something about the Force saving him, he took another large sip of the drink, a Tatooine Sunburn. Now, for those who weren't up to date on popular spirits and cocktails of the galaxy, let's give you a little lesson, shall we? There is a drink popular in dive bars and seedy cantinas called the Starshine Surprise. This was a drink so-named for it's ability to leave the drinker laying flat on their back, usually outside staring up at the stars after some shady type relieved them of their credits. Now, take two of these, and put them in the same glass. Voila! The Tattooine Sunburn.

Luric, thankfully, had a very high tolerance for alcohol. Came with his genetics and alot of practice when he was off-world of Naboo and not under the watchful eye of his Aunts. Still, Luc was about to get just a tad...opinionated, himself. Temi seemed to be keeping herself close to him, and he sort of leaned up on her as he sat there, and as he held the half-full glass in his hand, he made a gesture to point at nothing inparticular. "Yeah, when Iris decided it's time to knock someone's head off, she just sort of does, Temi. Very much a 'questions later' type of girl. My left cheekbone is still bruised, I think..." he said, laughing heartily.

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ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ɢᴜɴ

We've trained together on occasion when Luric would visit Atrisia.

"Ohh," Tayl nodded as a little more cocktail finished vanishing. "Mother's got a weird thing for Atrisian arts and swordsmanship. Especially tea" oh yes. Aloy Vizsla Aloy Vizsla and her tea. true, they shared similar tastes, but Aloy was something of a connoisseur.

"Supposedly she studies the
School of the Carp on the holonet and incorporates their techniques into her swordsmanship with the Beskad? She might have incorporated it into my training, dunno, but between you and me? I don't think she knows much about Atrisia" She smirks, just a little buzzed it seems.

On occasion though, Tayl would give Luric Ee'everwest Luric Ee'everwest a quick glance to make sure he was alright. Poor thing looked like he was about to pass out. That was one thing she always took for granted though, the anxiety and stress being filtered out by that strange little chip. It had it's problems... definitely had it's problems. But it certainly had advantages too.

But then finally her thoughts were dashed away when the young man spoke up, finally seeming to enjoy himself a little;

"Yeah, when Iris decided it's time to knock someone's head off, she just sort of does, Temi. Very much a 'questions later' type of girl. My left cheekbone is still bruised, I think..."

"Shit, I had to invent new tech just so I don't have to take off the helmet around her!" She grinned "Well, save for right now, I mean"




"Hey, I only kicked you first because you entered my home. Usually I ask questions first. I'm still a Jedi." Iris huffed, just a little, before taking another sip of her drink. And smiled. This was nice. Hanging out with people. Relaxing. Drinking. Drinking was really nice, actually. Another sip.

Yeah, drinking.

".. Hmm? Oh. Yeah I dunno. In armor, out of armor. I think you're cute either way."

Luric Ee'everwest Luric Ee'everwest | Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla | Artemis Lu Artemis Lu
Location-Outside Club
Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic

The movie was indeed getting good, and was pretty scary by all accounts. Aiden glanced around slightly as he snuggled more into the seat a bit more relaxed. While getting more relaxed, also hiding the fact that this film was giving him some chills down his spine. Probably more so because he was outside of a club and the cool air adding to this wasn't helping, at night no less.

"Did I get ya?! Pleeeaaaase say I got you!"

"BY THE FORCE?!?!?!?" Aiden exclaimed as his datapad flew out of his hand and he reached back up to grab it again before looking to the voice and individual that had sneaked up on him. "Dreidi?!" Aiden said a bit breathless.... "Umm....yea you got me." He said with small nervous chuckle and he couldn't help but start laughing completely.

"Jerk......" Aiden said as he nudged her shoulder with his arm and as he placed his hand over his heart, going a million miles an hour it seemed like. "You don't sneak up on someone when they are watching a scary movie." Aiden paused the film and placed his datapad on the dashboard.

"What are you doing outside a nightclub watching a film anyways? You know you go inside them and you dance right?"

"Well, for starters I can't dance. Secondly I"m completely out of place in a club. And thirdly I cannot stress this enough.....I cannot dance." He said with a smile and he laughed again.

"You umm...look nice, pretty."
Outfit: Dress
Tags: Open to interaction | Desric Terassi Desric Terassi

"Well unfortunate that it was necessary. My legs were similarly necessary, birth defect meant that I needed replacement limbs from a young age if I ever wanted to walk. It made it difficult to be an Echani when your legs are not as smoothly connected as the organic thing." Most wouldn't be able to feel or notice a difference but Kat could as could many Echani.

Shrugging, "for the most part, I can tend to forget they are there but better to have them than need them and they not be available." Kat shrugged as she touched her calf slightly, thinking on the times they had been damaged. "Also made them as simply and efficiently as I could. Easier to repair and replace in the future if the need ever arose." Kat shrugged to herself slightly.

"I best get myself home for the night though. Thank you for the pleasant conversation." Kat smiled politely.
Location: Outside club
Attire: Casual Nightlife
Tags: Aiden Porte Aiden Porte

Dreidi did a full little celebration dance to herself when Aiden exclaimed at the top of his voice. So clearly surprised and terrified, it was perfect, delicious, the little bit of chaotic energy she needed to power her through the rest of the night. "One zero Dreidi Xeraic!" She licked her finger and added a one on an invisible scoreboard.

Watching Aiden collect himself and sort the datapad out, "Well, can't scare the Force outta ya if you are not watching a horror film, not like this is a good one anyways, they totally misrepresent life on Naboo. Ghosts don't act like that anyways and clearly very poor representation of mental health in film." Dreidi explained, having clearly seen the film before. "Better off watching a much better horror film. Like.... 'Night of the Living Jawa'! A true classic horror there."

"Everyone can dance. You got some skills in fighting, katas and such we learn as Jedi, those can be the building blocks of any dancing! Just gotta practice, try it out and enjoy yourself. Being stuck in a speeder watching a film on your own is boring, you're too young to be boring!" Dreidi nudged him firmly.

His compliment of saying she looked nice, even pretty caught her a little off guard but she quickly bounce back. "Ohhh, so now I'm pretty I have value?" Dreidi smirked coyly at Aiden then nudged him firmly again, "come on, come dance. I got dressed up to check out this club and you are gunna help me get into the VIP place!"
Location-Outside Club
Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic
Night of the Living Jawa'! A true classic horror there."

"Now, that was a good film." Aiden exclaimed, while he spoke truthfully. The movie was indeed good, it had it's slow parts of course. But the story and action definitely made up for the rest. "Technically we are still tied at zero." Aiden said with a laugh. "You caught me totally off guard while I am doing a good service for those drunks needing a ride home."

Aiden said halfway through while he might have been talking about some of those he knew. "I mean they aren't drunks, but they just can't get home because they are drunk........" The Padawan trailed off for a minute as it seemed he was talking complete gibberish now. "Well, anyways. Yes, you have always had great value. There is good value in everyone." Aiden at this point was completely thrown off his game, if he had any and just shrugged his shoulders.

"come on, come dance. I got dressed up to check out this club and you are gunna help me get into the VIP place!"

"I am absolutely.....not going in there." Aiden said firmly as he looked ahead, before taking a small glance over to Dreidi.

Few moments Later

"Why am I in here?" Aiden inquired as he stood next to his attractive companion inside the club. "I"m not dressed for this, and I can't dance. If you want to see me dance, you might pray for an early death." Aiden chuckled lightly as he glanced back towards Dreidi.

Artemis noticed Luric shift atop his barstool, some of his weight now leaning against her. She kept her arm braced against the bar top, just to keep him from losing his balance and hurting himself (or his... pride).

And it seemed that Iris had definitely made a lasting impression on Luric. Artemis smiled and shook her head at his comment about his cheekbone still being bruised.

"Really?" Artemis asked, craning her neck to speak with Tayl. "We Atrisians do like our swords and our tea. Your mother must have good taste!" She laughed. "Holo lessons? Well, that's pretty cool." Her own training had been done high in the mountains, mostly. However, she had visited dojos around her home-world before, too. Artemis chuckled again when Tayl mentioned that her mom didn't really know much about Atrisia. "Well, it sounds like you two should visit! It really is nice there."

While she'd only just met Iris, Artemis could see that she was indeed direct – even in her flirting. Or was it the alcohol? She wasn't sure, but Artemis had already designated herself as the 'driver' for the night. She just hoped that no one was going to pass out or get sick on her watch.

Luric Ee'everwest Luric Ee'everwest | Iris Arani Iris Arani | Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla
A peculiar figure was on his way to entrance to the Mirage. With a milky white fur and best approximation of a smoking that a six armed individual can get, a short Harch is strolling to the entrance mumbling and clicking his mandibles.

"Rest and recreation. You can't work 20 hours a day. Big vocalizations for a medical droid."

After reaching the entrance, instead of entering like most people would, his six eyes started scanning the environment in hopes of finding some clues as what to do next.

"And what now ? I'm not gonna call a medical droid for help."
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Location: Outside club
Attire: Casual Nightlife
Tags: Aiden Porte Aiden Porte

Dreidi snorted, "1-0 to me. Nobody wants a designated driver friend! Spend some credits, support local drivers to take drunk people home! Live a little while you're young, healthy and able to do so!" Dreidi nudged him. Her joking comment seemed to go over his head which was assuming in some ways but frustrating that a guy could be so dense to completely miss what she was saying.

She was already making her way over when the reluctant Aiden decided to join her which was fortunate, now she was in prime position to supply him booze and get him to dance. Something to tick off the list as they entered the club. Heading over to the bar, Dreidi ordered herself a wine and a whisky for Aiden since she figured that was the drink most guys tended to order and the bartender thought he seemed a whisky type. Wandering back over, Dreidi forced the drink in his hands.

"This should help any dancing nerves! Remember, use some of the Shii-Cho moves, incorporate fighting into the dancing and if all else fails, listen to the music and dance with it." Closing her eyes, Dreidi swayed gently to the beat, losing herself a little to the music before coming back around and smiling, "see, like that! Anyways, go on, get up there show the ladies what you got to offer. After you finished your drink of course." Dreidi grinned widely.
The Echani were a famously martial people; it made sense that anything short of optimal bodily performance could be seen as problematic. Still, it was surely just a matter of familiarisation with sufficiently advanced cybernetics, no?

"It can certainly take a while to get used to mechanical body parts." Even if you had them from an early age, it seemed. It made sense, in some way - organic legs grew slowly but surely, but cybernetics had to be modified or replaced.

Nodding in response to her decision, Desric smiled pleasantly. "Likewise - have a pleasant evening."

She seemed soberer than he would have expected; perhaps it was the Force at work or perhaps she simply had a higher-than-average tolerance. Whatever the case, Desric intended to see if there were any VIPs present in need of lobbying.

If not, he too would be calling it a night.

"Oh dear...." Aiden whispered as he glanced around, once again completely out of his element. While some were born for places like this, Aiden was not. It would take several, several more trips here before he found his comfort zone amongst all the shenanigans going on in this place.

However for the sake of being social, he opted to at least make an attempt to have some fun.

He reached for the glass of whiskey that was handed to him and he raised it to his nose and inhaled and he backed away slightly. He coughed, not even trying the beverage yet and he could tell it was not for him. "That is awful." Aiden said with a laugh as he raised it to his nose once again just to make sure.

Yep.....not gonna happen.

"I'll pass on the whiskey beverage." Aiden said with a nervous chuckle and he set the glass back down on the bar. "I can give dancing a shot though, but not up there." Aiden said as he listened to her advice and he started to sway back and forth, his fingers snapping to the rhythm. "Am I doing this right? Aiden inquired looking around.

Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic

This is a lot stronger than I remember...then again, I wasn't exactly acting properly at the I talking to myself?? Luric's eyes darted back and forth rather quickly, and he realized his mouth was indeed not moving. Hell, I think I'm going crazy. This is going to be an interesting night after all he thought as he sipped his drink a little more. So what if he was practically royalty in his youth? Did he always have to act so damn perfect? Yes, yes he did. Some say that's why Luric was one of the odd ones in the family. He barely ever showed any anger, any disrespect. He was a voice of reason all his life. Even had to get in-between Briana and Brandyn once or twice, which was never fun. Still, why did he keep coming back to this tonight? Had to be the drink in his hands.

That warm burn, the way it made his head float ever so slightly, seemingly made him relax. Perhaps a bit more than anyone would have expected. And why in the feth is it so karking hot in here all of a sudden?! he thought out of nowhere. He really did keep a lot bottled up, but you'd never know it otherwise. He was always good at keeping the personal stuff locked away from others. Only Briana really knew him, deep down. Temi was a close second, however. She was smart as a whip, that girl, and it was hard to keep much of anything from her for long. At least where Luric was concerned, but again, neither here nor there. For right now, Luric was much more 'in the moment'.

He took great care to gently stand up, making sure he didn't shove into Temi at all. Letting his head fall backward, he rolled his neck around back and forth, a few pops coming from the joints as he did. Shrugging his shoulders as his head came back forward, he let his jacket slide down his arms, and he caught it by a couple fingers of his free hand. He set his drink down, and folded the jacket over, laying it on the stool he had been sitting on.

"Atrisia is a very nice place, there's no doubt of that. But I might be so bold in saying I'd much rather be here with you three lovely ladies than in some stuffy dojo going over proper sword technique for the umpteenth time." he said, a slight wink and a sly grin as he brought his glass to his lips once more, taking yet another sip of the rather potent concoction within.

Location: Outside club
Attire: Casual Nightlife
Tags: Aiden Porte Aiden Porte

Dreidi stared Aiden down. He was trying to refuse the drink and she just wasn't having it. "Nuh uh. You gotta drink it. I paid for it and be a damn waste to just throw away. Wasn't cheap!" Dreidi had no concept of what a cheap or expensive whisky cost but she knew that line could manipulate people to trying something out when they didn't want to. "And it's one drink. Unless you are a total lightweight, you'll be fine." Dreidi stated then realised that Aiden might be a total lightweight.

She shook her head when he started dancing. "Dancing here and doing that, bit weird. Hence why there is a whole area dedicated to dancing. I say, go up there, see what reaction you get there." Dreidi started nudging Aiden towards the dancefloor. "Never gunna be able to date someone if you aren't willing to step up, dance with them and show that you have a good enough humour, self-esteem and confidence to be willing to make a fool of yourself dancing." Dreidi mentioned.

She wasn't sure what people sought after in relationships, a lot of what she had seen were just couples that argued, sometimes guys abandoning women. Like Kristyl's dad leaving her sister when she was pregnant with their kid. But people still wanted them and she thought it was only proper to help nudge them into successfully doing it.
ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ɢᴜɴ

Iris Arani Iris Arani \\ Luric Ee'everwest Luric Ee'everwest \\ Artemis Lu Artemis Lu

Tayl would regard Artemis with a friendly smile while they talked about Atrisia, with one corner of her lips curling a little more than the other in amusement at the memory of her mother's search history on holo-tube. There had to be a term for that. Wiib or whatever they called her on that one planet.
"Well, it sounds like you two should visit! It really is nice there."

This however, brought a far warmer expression as she imagined the way her mother would grin if they did.
"Oh? That would be nice, actually. I'm sure she'd love it"

Thinking on it, Maybe there was a double opportunity here? She could take Iris to some scenic locations or a high end restaurant.
Tayl had never tried Atrisian food to her knowledge, and even if Iris already had, she was sure that the Jedi needed more than one night on break and they could find some entertainment afterwards.

The thought had her absentmindedly glance at her with an inattentive grin on her face.

".. Hmm? Oh. Yeah I dunno. In armor, out of armor. I think you're cute either way."

At least, until she spoke up. It went from a dumb grin to pursed lips and several awkward glances at the bar, Iris, and back again.
Thhhanks...!" She said quietly, tracing the inner rim of her glass delicately.

"You're... very pretty...! For a face kicking monk"

Tayl chuckled softly. Yeahhhhh, should look up flirting lessons on Holo-tube later...

"Atrisia is a very nice place, there's no doubt of that. But I might be so bold in saying I'd much rather be here with you three lovely ladies than in some stuffy dojo going over proper sword technique for the umpteenth time."

It would seem that Luric was doing a little better and hopefully missed the brief and embarrassing exchange between Iris and the Romantically-dense Twi'lek. Though, he brought up a fair point that made Tayl kind of sink into herself for a moment.

"Oh... yeah, I guess you're right? Drills are different for the rest of you"

Her face scrunched up as she hummed in thought. Being little more than a clone, it was odd to be doing things other than, well, practicing. training. fighting. If it weren't the chip spiking her dopamine to compensate, even the fighting wouldn't be fun, most likely. Seemed that Iris wasn't the only one with issues. Something Tayl learned a little more every day.

She'd have to come up a different form of entertainment. So, turning to Iris, she decided to ask;

"Iris...? Besides the club, and painting I mean, what do for entertaining when you're not glowstick-fighting?"


(OOC: Ayo! I made some new div drip worthy of the classy setting c; )​


Oh Luric was getting drunk. She could see it in the now hazing aura of colors around him. And how he was acting. She bit back a laugh, mostly for his sake, as he decided to just strip. At least he was trying to flirt with it. Somewhat.

"And here I thought you were trying to court me." Yep, she was teasing. Even flashed Luric a grin before glancing towards Tayl.

".. Oh. Uh. Clubbing is new, actually. I really just paint for fun."

Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla | Luric Ee'everwest Luric Ee'everwest | Artemis Lu Artemis Lu
Aiden didn't every really believe in peer pressure. His take on things was if something was present to him, why not give it a shot. Granted he was here for a particular purpose, but what was life if not living if not for a single drink? Aiden's brow furrowed slightly at Dreidi's comment about her buying it. Because at that point in good faith he couldn't have that over his head.

The padawan shrugged his shoulders and reached for the glass again and took a small sniff again. The smell seemed horrendous, to him anyway. And he raised the glass to his lips and then back it away for a moment as if he was going to have second thoughts again.

"By the force...."
Aiden whispered as he finally raised the glass to his lips and down the shot and placed the glass back on the bar.

Interesting..... The Padawan thought as he stared at the small glass and licked his lips slightly. For the beverage having the most awful smell......

It tasted a bit plain....if that made any sense.

Aiden placed some more credits on the bar and motioned. "Let me try one more of those." Aiden inquired, a bit shocked that it tasted so....ordinary.

The Padawan glanced back to Dreidi and shrugged his shoulders. Unsure of what to think about the beverage.

Glancing around there was several people he saw and recognized immediately. Luric Ee'everwest Luric Ee'everwest being one of them.

"Hey Luric!" Aiden called out, giving him and his entourage a small wave and a smile!

Unbeknownst to the Jedi Padawan, he had an incredibly fast metabolism and it would take a rather large number of these to even have a decent effect on him.

Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic
Location: Outside club
Attire: Casual Nightlife
Tags: Aiden Porte Aiden Porte

Dreidi couldn't help but roll her eyes when Aiden downed the shot and realised that alcohol was tasty. "Be careful, might not hit you right away but you could end up 6 drinks down and bam, the alcohol hits your system all at once and makes you ten times drunker than you thought you were." Dreidi had a few experiences of getting wasted and beyond help from the Force. However, she was enjoying the fact that she got Aiden so easily to bend to her will, she should tell to see what else he would do. But at the same time, she was just content with that fact that he was her friend and having fun with her. It was a nice, pleasant feeling.

Finishing her wine, she added that on to Aiden's order so he would pay for her drink, which seemed fair to her since she got his first drink. "Soooo, I get to claim to be the first person ever to get you an alcoholic beverage!" Dreidi stated, careful in how she phrased it to not seem too weird or inappropriate to exclaim aloud in public. "Or is that just the first whisky? Either way, I got a first of yours!" Less careful that time as she poked her tongue out at Aiden. "Thought you were going to hit the dancefloor and demonstrate some moves?" Dreidi nudged, still trying to get him to dance properly.

Sipping her red wine, Dreidi looked over to see Luric with Iris, then slinked back and hid discreetly behind Aiden so Iris wouldn't see her. Unsure what the Jedi Knight would make of the fact she was still on the planet.

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