Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Clusters of fun (pm to join)

"I believe now would be a good time to begin discussing a selling price." Domino said sitting up from where she'd been laying, a bottle of water already in hand. Waiting for the two aliens had nearly drained what was left of the batteries her headphones used. "I must admit my appreciation for the lack of lethallity, gas attacks tend to receive a bad reputation for being indiscriminate." Addiction to death sticks would earn it just as bad a rep once it became known though.

[member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Sabrina Kotass"]
[member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Domino"]

She had not thought about price during this whole thing, she was interested in purely the bomb. She had not figured out the cost yet, of production, materials and staff time. She realized that running a state own company meant it did not matter, she just let account decide on the margins. She then tried to turn the question back on her buyers, Well the bomb can cover nearly eight thousand square meters with the gas, how much do you think that is worth? She hoped to get away with it, but she had was not sure if she would, though the F.B.C.B. was a formidable device, if they enemy was not prepared for it.
Well that was unusual, did Sabrina actually expect them to set their own price for such a weapon? "Hmm, how does two credits a square meter sound? Most of the gas would be wasted after all and the weapon in unproven in actual combat." Domino didn't think for a moment that such a price would be accepted, she fully expected to be bartered up to something more reasonable. This was just a starting point to put things more on terms favoring her.
[member="Sabrina Kotass"]
[member="Cadan Tazi"] [member="Domino"]

Sabrina began some calculations, and realized that she make slight profit at that price. She shook her head at her friend domino, and then replied Lets go for 3.5 credits per square meter, as I still have to pay for lab time. As well as the failures to get to this point. ​A lot of her initial cosr was in the weapon development, not in the know manufacturing. She needed to recoup them costs, as soon as possible.
"Deal." Domino said reaching out her hand for the other woman to shake. "Twenty seven point three thousand a bomb should leave us both a bit of room to make a tidy profit." And was just a little under what Domino had hoped to be ending at. Looking over at the still stoned-out alien that was supposed to be her competitor, she held back a derisive snort. "Aint no lightweight indeed." Turning to leave, Domino called back to Sabrina on her way out. "I'll expect the first hundred delivered to Station Six asap, you'll receive payment then."
[member="Sabrina Kotass"]
[member="Domino"] [member="Cadan Tazi"]

The first hundred will be dispatched today, can you give me feed back on any combat operations. As it may help to improve the design for later use. She then looked at the light weight, a slight smile came on to her face. She then informed him Same deal go for you but I am selling it to direct you, not to pass on to others. So as domino gets the open market job on this product, though you do get cheaper than her customers. She informed and put the data pad near his finger so he could just sign it, and they could both go on there merry way.
Cadan was glad that he had left [member="Domino"] to discussing the price. It gave him time to stuff his face. He looked now and saw that she was leaving a thought it best the he followed suit.

Cadan looked to Sabrina. "The Cartel will take ten of these." The pirate nodded, he though over the conversation and tried to re-call the price, but it seemed to allude him. But what ever it was he would make sure he would pay.

Then Cadan turned to leave, not before paying of coarse.

[member="Sabrina Kotass"]

Sorry for not replying I wasn't getting alerts to this!

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