Cyran Vaas
Dream On!
Cyran has only been to the New Jedi Temple a handful of times. Like he had once before, it was under request for the one and only

Unlike previous times here at the temple, Cyran had a guest, his astromech R4-P4 who rolled long by his side in the large building. Their narrow trapezoid shaped head rotating around constantly to look at the inside of the temple. Beeping and Booping the binary equivalent of “Oooos…” and “Ahhhhs…” at every sight. Cyran got some looks from those around. A heavily armed mando strolling into the Jedi’s HQ wasn’t always a good sign. But there was little protest when under the request of The Sword of The Jedi.
Today he would be meeting with a younger Jedi, one by the name of Jalen. Cyran didn’t know anything about them. Nonetheless he arrived at the Dojo they would be meeting in a bit early. Standing there P4 rolled up to Cyran and asked. “How do you plan to teach a Jedi? You don’t even have The Force.” Looking down at the curious droid the zeltron took off his helmet and replied.
“Not sure to be honest, but I have some ideas. Plus if this Jalen guy is anything like the other Jedi I know. They’re a little too focused on The Force, and can neglect more practical skills. A jack of all trades is a master of none, but better than a master of one." Cyran replied as he waited for the padawan, holding his helmet ideally in his hand.