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Private Coaching on Coruscant


Location: Coruscant, New Jedi Temple
Equipment: In Bio

Tag: Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el


Cyran has only been to the New Jedi Temple a handful of times. Like he had once before, it was under request for the one and only Valery Noble Valery Noble . Admittedly the bounty hunter was a little caught off guard by the request. Personally he believed the Jedi master wouldn’t want much to do with him. He felt like he’d broken her trust two too many times. Once on their last mission together where he withheld information. And before that outright compromised her own important Jedi duties. Maybe forgiveness is a big thing among Jedi, and she didn’t hold it against him?

Unlike previous times here at the temple, Cyran had a guest, his astromech R4-P4 who rolled long by his side in the large building. Their narrow trapezoid shaped head rotating around constantly to look at the inside of the temple. Beeping and Booping the binary equivalent of “Oooos…” and “Ahhhhs…” at every sight. Cyran got some looks from those around. A heavily armed mando strolling into the Jedi’s HQ wasn’t always a good sign. But there was little protest when under the request of The Sword of The Jedi.

Today he would be meeting with a younger Jedi, one by the name of Jalen. Cyran didn’t know anything about them. Nonetheless he arrived at the Dojo they would be meeting in a bit early. Standing there P4 rolled up to Cyran and asked.
“How do you plan to teach a Jedi? You don’t even have The Force.” Looking down at the curious droid the zeltron took off his helmet and replied.

“Not sure to be honest, but I have some ideas. Plus if this Jalen guy is anything like the other Jedi I know. They’re a little too focused on The Force, and can neglect more practical skills. A jack of all trades is a master of none, but better than a master of one." Cyran replied as he waited for the padawan, holding his helmet ideally in his hand.


Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Cyran Vaas Cyran Vaas


Jalen was very much existing in a state of confusion. Master Noble wanted him to spar with a Mandalorian. He was supposed to "expand his skill in combat" or something of the like, but the entire situation was admittedly a very bizarre one. The teen was very young, after all, and surely didn't come anywhere close to the skill of a seasoned warrior, especially one with a culture focused around combat.

But Jalen also didn't have it in him to say no, so off he went, arriving at the training hall that he was supposed to meet this 'Cyran' fellow. Almost immediately, Jalen got a sense of the pheromones distinct to the Zeltron. Even while not being administered, they left a trail in the force. By build, the man was definately larger than him, and his heartrate suggested good physical shape. Jalen stepped forward, a neutral expression on his face, which was pretty much his standard expression at the moment.




Location: Coruscant, New Jedi Temple
Equipment: In Bio

Tag: Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el


Like how Jalen sensed Cyran’s pheromones, Cyran could sense the padawan’s confusion. It hung over him like a foggy cloud. Instinctively the zeltron cocked a brow at the sight of the young lad. They were blind. Not something that he’d expected, but he had some doubts that it would be a hindrance. After all, they seemed to have navigated and found their way here all on his own. It might add a bit of a challenge for the bounty hunter today, but one he was plenty alright with.

This was a mutual learning experience, and Cyran had seen many martial arts movies that featured the blind master or prodigy. After the padawan spoke a single word, the bounty hunter cracked a smirk. “Hello there, Mister Kai’el is it? I’m Cyran, Cyran Vaas…” He said, stepping closer to the teen and reaching his hand out to shake. If Jalen could “see” that and shake his hand it would largely alleviate any concerns he had over the apparent impairment.

“Mrs. Noble expressed some desire to see you broaden your horizons when it comes to martial arts. She must’ve guessed that I wouldn’t have turned down the opportunity to spar with a Jedi so that’s part of why I’m here I suppose.” Cyran explained to the teen. “Plus, I recently got my hands on a sort of beam sword as well. It would be a shame if I couldn’t use it.” Sharing some of his own personal motives for being here. Grabbing his helmet in both hands he stepped back a bit and slid the mandalorian helmet over his head.

“From my understanding you Jedi folks use a number of fighting styles with your lightsaber. Let me see how you choose to wield your weapon, Mister Kai’el?” The zeltron didn’t seem to want to waste much time. He desired to see what kind of fighter the blind padawan was. The previous Jedi he worked with once had a more elegant style of combat, more akin to how certain dueling centric swordsmen fought. Similarly to the man Cyran got his lightfoil from. Grabbing the comparatively smaller hilt of his lightfoil he ignited its blue blade. “Show me what you got kid…”


Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Cyran Vaas Cyran Vaas


“Hello there, Mister Kai’el is it? I’m Cyran, Cyran Vaas…”

Jalen shook the man's hand as he introduced himself with very little struggle. The padawan very much understood that it was less a matter of formality and more to test how impaired he was. Apparently the man had enough honor about him to not want to go all out on someone impaired.

"Yeah..." he nodded plainly. "Jalen is fine."

Mister Kai'el just sounded too strange, and that would be Jasper first and foremost, even if his brother never found himself drawn to being addressed in a formal manner. The Mandalorian explained everything that he already knew, at least until he mentioned a beam saber, the less powerful cousin of the lightsaber. Sure enough, the man drew a weapon he pretty quickly reasoned was a Light Foil. It certainly felt around the same size as one, smaller to serve as a one-handed dueling blade rather than the traditional. Jalen drew his lightsaber, taking a moment to lower the power setting.

“Show me what you got kid…”


Jalen rose his lightsaber above his head, pointing it out past his nose in a one-handed grasp. One foot moved forward, one back, and the padawan raised his open hand up in front of him. The Soresu opening stance, his chosen form. He figured that the man would be using something that loosely resembled Makashi, given his opening stance. For now, Jalen would remain on the defensive.

"You're move," he nodded.



Location: Coruscant, New Jedi Temple
Equipment: In Bio

Tag: Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el


Jalen it was then, he could understand why the teen wouldn’t wanna be addressed in such a formal manner. Cyran’s weapon was almost exclusively set to a lower and less dangerous power setting. Mainly adjusting it to standard full power if he needed to cut through some dense material. That was something that he was already quite fond of in fact. Not just as a weapon but a tool as well, it made breaching a cake walk. Suddenly locked doors and metal walls are of no issue to the bounty hunter.

Cyran watched the padawan activate his weapon and get into stance. Far more exaggerated than what he’d seen before. Telegraphing to Cyran that Jalen would very much be using a different combat style. Although the zeltron was decently skilled with blade work, primarily through the use of his Force Pike, energy based melee weapons were still new to him, and he wouldn’t know how to properly utilize them. Still getting used to the virtually weighty blade. Cyran wouldn’t be too bombastic, at least not yet and keep his gadgets and gizmos in reserve for later. He got into a combat ready stance, nothing that displayed any specific classical fighting style. It was more akin to how one might use a single handed blade, much like an arming sword.

Seeing the high position of Jalen’s weapon, Cyran figured he’d go in for a rather direct horizontal slash with his own weapon. Going for the opposite side from where his weapon was on his body. Still, the zeltron largely wanted to gauge and get a feel for the padawans style and overall mindset for combat like this. As well as using his own natural yet limited telepathic abilities to better read them.


Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Cyran Vaas Cyran Vaas


A horizontal slash came, opposite to his blade. The Force guided Jalen's movements, and he lowered his arm to parry the incoming blow well before one could reasonably react. That was the art of Soresu, allowing one's instincts to act as their defense. Jalen was not an aggressive fighter. He weathered storms to force draws. It wasn't in him as a healer to dish out too much harm.

"...Not bad," he noted. "Your form could use word... Fencing favors jabbing more. Get the right angle and it's harder to parry."

That's what Jasper told him, anyways. His older brother was a natural fencer, one who could match even the best Makashi users in the order. Probably. He really liked to hype up his brother, even if it stretched the truth a little bit too fantastically.

Jalen waited to strike, however, even though he had a window to. He wanted to let the Mandalorian get one more hit in before returning blows.



Location: Coruscant, New Jedi Temple
Equipment: In Bio

Tag: Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el


Quickly Cyran was getting an idea on who he was dealing with. A more patient combatant. Defensive, not something he truly expected from their opening stance. Highlighted by the fact they didn’t capitalize on an opening. Even though this wasn’t a serious engagement between the two the zeltron could sense Jalen’s apparent lack of aggression. Hearing their words Cyran understood where they were coming from. Taking it into account, he sought to subvert the padawan’s expectations. Seeing why a more honed and fine fencing style might suit his weapon better.

Possibly out of stubborness Cyran didn’t want to cater his fighting style to his new weapon, but cater the weapon to his already existing fighting style. Thinking back some to how he taught his own apprentice in melee combat. Pulling his weapon back towards himself, his arm going across his own chest before making another strike. A downward diagonal cut going out. Aimed right for Jalen’s own lightsaber. Seeking to bind their blades together, moving his blade up theirs for better leverage and creating his own opening. Cyran also sought to capitalize on his own bulk and physique despite only really being able to use one hand. The bounty hunter wouldn’t know this but he was inadvertently utilizing a very Djem So style fighting as well as its “Falling Avalanche” technique.

Wanting to maneuver Jalen’s own weapon just out of the way enough before Cyran’s free hand darted towards the padawan. Quickly moving his fist before suddenly stopping it right below the teenager’s jaw. Not wanting to actually uppercut them. All the while under his helmet Cyran’t cracked a playful smirk.


Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Cyran Vaas Cyran Vaas


An overhead strike came, more akin to that of Djem So's Falling Avalanche. Jalen, of course, moved to deflect, but he also felt something else. Anticipated motions of an uppercut, a brief flash that a second attack was coming. The padawan didn't react, however. He didn't even budge, let alone attempt to move his head. He felt that he man's intentions weren't there to actually connect the blow, so all he could do was give the man a frown upon his fist stopping below his jaw.

A wave of smugness radiated from the Mandalorian's aura. He was really proud of that one. A slight scoff escaped Jalen's lungs.

"Alright..." he muttered.

If the Mandalorian wasn't going to fully commit to attacking, Jalen certainly was. His blade was no ordinary lightsaber, It had a cross-guard, one which lent itself well to unorthodox combat. While their blades were still locked above his head, Jalen twisted his lightsaber, locking the blade of Cyran's lightfoil between the blade of Jalen's weapon and the cross-guard. One good rotation should be enough to rip the weapon out of the Mandalorian's hand, he reasoned.



Location: Coruscant, New Jedi Temple
Equipment: In Bio

Tag: Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el


It wouldn’t be difficult at all for Jalen to disarm the bounty hunter. They were considerably more familiar with the weapons at play here as well as the nature of the cross-guard lightsaber. Trapping Cyran’s weapon in an awkward lock and bending his wrist causing him to let go of his lightfoil. Falling to the floor and deactivating the small hilt rolled away from the two.

Cyran himself took a few steps back. “Nice… however I get the feeling you misjudge me Jalen. Like you Jedi folk I too regularly show great restraint. Even to the dismay of many of my contemporaries.” He spoke of other bounty hunters across the galaxy. Maybe the padawan wasn’t familiar with his Mandalorian armor but Cyran wore crush gaunts. A while back he had tested a similar technique similar to the one he just pulled but with an old training droid of his. When he performed the uppercut he punched the droid’s head clean off. Even if he just made Jalen’s jaw shatter, the zeltron feared that would just be unnecessary.

“You’re fighting style, your mindset, they’re more defensive. Not really what I’ve seen from others… Tell me, does this have a name?” Although for any Force Adept worth their salt when it came to lightsabers should know it as soresu just from the opening stance, Cyran was no such individual. The bounty hunter also pondered if their apparent blindness had anything to do with that. He then held his hand up to the lightfoil hilt on the floor before the weapon was invisibly summoned to Cyran’s hand. It was no force ability, just some simple technical modifications he made to the hilt. Igniting its blue blade he gave it a little twirl. “And though it’s still early, what might your initial assessment be of how I use this lightfoil? Or am I just too clumsy with it still for anyone to recognize anything resembling a fighting style or discipline with such a weapon? Haha” He gave a friendly chuckle under his helmet after he asked his question. After which he plans to turn things up a bit more.


Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Cyran Vaas Cyran Vaas


Restraint? It made sense, at least it did to Jalen. If the man was Mandalorian, he no doubt had the skill necessary to kill people. As much as combat was a part of their culture, not everyone could kill. Not forever at least. It was only a matter of time before the regret began to creep in. Jalen had observed from a distance as the guilt of taking lives in the war, even that of Sith, began to weigh down on the psyche of his older brother. Even those with incredible resolve had their breaking points.

“You’re fighting style, your mindset, they’re more defensive. Not really what I’ve seen from others… Tell me, does this have a name?”

"Soresu," Jalen explained. "It's... less of a style and more of an instinct. The stance and movements are pretty much the same as any other form, but has more of a focus on allowing one's hand to be guided by the force. Letting an opponent wear themselves out is a good way to disarm them, but I like to be able to have other openings to do so..."

Despite it's far more aggressive look, the cross-guard was a defensive tool, made for protecting the wielder from unorthodox blows. Catching blades for disarming opponents was one of it's many purposes. The blade style naturally landed itself to his chosen form, even if others didn't fully recognize it.

"Your form isn't bad," the padawan admitted. "But... I'll admit you carry it much more like a sword than a lightsaber..."

He paused for a moment as he felt the lightfoil return to Cyran. Jalen felt no force... It must have been magnetism of some kind. Smart.

"It also isn't exactly the kind of weapon that's easy to throw your weight around with," he added. "An overhead strike can only really disorient with enough power behind it to shake someone's balance... but mixing in melee attacks is a fair enough supplement. At least in the case of inexperience..."

Jalen paused again, scratching the back of his head.

"Sorry," he frowned. "Probably talking a bit too much."

He so easily slipped into analytics. Jalen really needed to work on getting information out quickly and not overly detailed.



Location: Coruscant, New Jedi Temple
Equipment: In Bio

Tag: Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el


The zeltron listened intently to the teenager’s words as they explained their combat “instinct” as they described it. It was interesting but not the kind of thing Cyran could see himself using. Even if his own reflexes were pretty well honed from training in martial arts like Teräs Käsi, he didn’t quite have the patience or even the time to let his opponents exhaust themselves. When not being sneaky he generally preferred shock and awe. Hitting hard and hitting fast to cause confusion. Blasting through a door or wall, zipping around on his jetpack, and spraying dozens of blue stun rounds into his opponents before they even knew what was going on.

It could be a delicate balance using heavy handed offense and non-lethality. He then listened to Jalen’s comments on how he used the lightfoil. “I agree, I’m still getting used to its unique properties. The omni-directional blade is so useful. I still need to learn how to properly utilize it.” For a long while Cyran has always needed to be concerned with things like edge alignment that it was a hard habit to shake. Perhaps he needed to think of the foil’s shaft of blue light less as a blade, and more of a cudgel that can cleave through almost anything. As long as he had it on the higher power settings that is.

After the Padawan spoke more about how they recommended Cyran use the lightfoil they apologized for thinking they were talking too much. “Don’t worry about it Kid. You know this stuff far better than I do. So I value what you have to say. I only request for you to be as receptive when I make some recommendations. Sounds good?” Cyran asked. This was a mutual learning experience. Jalen will teach Cyran and Cyran will teach Jalen.

Stepping back away from the padawan some the bounty hunter continued. “So with a bit of our introductions out of the way, I say we up the ante a little.” After mentioning that Cyran held up his off hand some before his vambrace projected a round blue energy shield. “I’ll start using more of my arsenal, you’ll start using more of yours, how’s that?” He knew the both of them had a lot more tricks up their sleeve.


Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Cyran Vaas Cyran Vaas


Jalen could use more of his arsenal. Most of it, anyways. There was still some stuff that he couldn't use on account of not wanting to set off the smoke detectors, but he carried more than just a blade. The force was with him, after all, and he was far better at using it than dueling.

This time he would go on the offensive. It was only fair. With little more than a flick of his wrist, Cyran would feel an invisible hand pull at his core, dragging the man towards his teenage opponent. Theoretically, this was also to knock the man off balance. From there, he'd simply go straight for the head. He didn't really care if the Mandalorian managed to bring up his shield in time or not. This was more about getting in a blow of opportunity.



Location: Coruscant, New Jedi Temple
Equipment: In Bio

Tag: Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el


Cyran was pretty quickly able to recognize the feeling of Jalen’s telekinetic grip. Recalling the odd sensation of getting levitated and man handled by Valery once for a mission. Still though, it did make him lose balance a bit and was enough to break his defenses.

After using this brief moment Jalen’s lightsaber made contact with Cyran’s helmet. Even on the lower power it smacked him in the head and his head could feel it some underneath. Cyran stepped back some after and nodded, “Nice!” acknowledging the hit he received. The bounty hunter's astromech droid was still in the room watching stuff unfold. Eventually they chimed in from the side.

-"Come one Cyran, I know you're better than this."-
As the droid whistled in it's binary language they rocked themselves back and forth. Once more he took a defensive stance before switching it up. Time for him to use some of his own tricks as well. Thinking he would answer Jalen's tug with one of his own in kind.

The arm that held his lightsaber reached out towards Jalen before a yellow glowing grappling line shot out from his vambrace to coil around the teen’s ankle. With a rough tug he pulled back to attempt to trip Jalen and knock them over onto their back where he’d try to make a quick strike against them.

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