Originally constructed long ago as a sith fortress within the valley to fight against the army of light. The history and information from that time is mostly sketchy but inner manipulations of the sith led to the creation of the thought bomb and the destruction of thousands within the valley. For centuries it was left mostly undisturbed with the locals avoiding it and at some point statues and memorials were built until it was uncovered by the Katarn family. Learning the location they worked to keep it secret from the rest of the galaxy and protect it until it was discovered and used by the empire.
Centuries later the gulag plague came to the world and the ones left within it were killed. Dying or dead while the events of the galaxy didn't reach them... completely. THey still felt them, felt the echoes and the results but having first hand knowledge of what was happening wasn't in the cards. Eventualy the world was discovered by the jedi again and the Republic. The fortress being cleared out by a number of jedi including Asha Seran and her padawan at the time. Serena who would eventually give up her name. The rest of the Republic under Ben Watts and Je'gan worked to turn the ancient fortress into a temple and defense station.
The world remained largely untouched, Matsu Ike coming there in her quest after she was severed from the force by the jedi council and using the waters to supplement herself. Letting her feel it again and be able to commune with the force. She left some beacons for Sasori and other jedi to be able to come to the world as it seemed to have been forgoten like a number fo the temples they had built. Iela E'ron and her master Syn when they were on mission came to the world and fought several of the sithspawn created by the Sith Empires blackguard Velok. Indirectly sadly as he didn't seemed much involved in the world but he was working on a project... something larger then anyone had seen.
Eventually the Sith came to the world overtaking it and making it into their capital itself. Something within the valley that attracted the attention of the jedi within the Silver Sanctum coalition. Being prepared and moving outwards towards the world they sought to set up a supply line to prepare and try to beat back the sith. Coming to the world in force as they targeted the two areas. The valley itself and the city, the masive fort on the world that was too well defended they ingored but with the Republic's aid they managed to get onto the planet. Advancing proved to be the hardest thing as resistance was met in force.
Within the city troopers came from everywhere and the streets, walls and buildings were lined with explosives. Cathbodua one of the few jedi healers they had at the time was working overtime with her medics to try and heal as many people as they could but several waves of explosions ripped throughout the city. THe civilians were killed in numbers not seen since the gulag plague and the netherworld in terms of life lost. Eventually the Republic came in but there was little there for them to protect or even claim to have saved. The few lives saved were the likes of Kei and Boo Chiyo helped her out.
The battle within the valley on the other hand was going very differently, jedi strike teams were moving. Matsu, her padawans, Rasu and Sochi went throughout the valley. Jericho, Connor, Joza were down lower and on the other side. Sochi moved forward to try and get closer on her own while Matsu and company managed to intercept one of the sith lords and her forces. Joza and Connor battled with Jericho as she was being involved in personal drama before a rift to the netherworld was opened spilling forth the field of blades. The balance within the valley went haywire as most of the jedi moved to band together and seal the rift.
That bought time and restricted their movements, unable to advance a retreat was called for. THe jedi pulling out their forces and trying to maintain their place but it was deemed unsuccessful. Soon after though the sith seemed to vanish and get swallowed up by another group but the planet was opened again. Traveling with Sorel, Orihime came to the world briefly.. seeing the valey on their quest along a jedi holocron. A set of coordinates that were locked and they had to find the correct positioning coordinates within the galactic system to unlock the next part of their journey.
The jedi strike team being sent in to mop up any remaining sith from the palnet didn't help or go a long way with them. Unaware of it and learning about it from the locals Sorel resolved to try and make things better and contacted her master to bring in relief and aid from the super medical carriers and colonization ships that had been developed. THey deployed some of ranger's under the command of Willa herself to defend in case it was needed until she was certain about what they might do. Her appointment to grandmaster only hastened a few things she wanted to do to restore peoples fiath int he jedi on the planet.
The pair reset the beacons and brought in several teams from Seimei, the jedi restoration group who were working on Ossus, Ahch-to and several other locations. With them there they would at least try and see if they could work to covertly restore the world and help it out. Doing the things with the locals to try and make friends or win back hearts and minds. The pair were against making it a massive production or event and were more subtle. ONce they had done that, once they had helped managed to set up parts of it there. With construction teams and research teams.
Sorel with the works she was doing as Grandmaster authorized a lot of work from Seimei and Sasori to restore worlds with the jedi. While they were doing that the Silver Jedi restored from the silver sanctum were planning to come there after moving their capital. All fo the things that they were doing went a long way for now. Uncertain about the future the research teams who came in place though were heading up areas. The silver jedi came to the world several months after the restoration efforts began and were found by Valae the new grandmaster of the order.
The goal of the jedi in the valley, the masters at least was to combat the last of the darkside and sith ifnluence on the valey. To seal the rift finally and together reclaim the world. Granted some seeme dot be undert the impresion the world was untouched but such mistakes can be common at times. Junko being the latest to work with them and establish a more local presence on the world by seeing all of the work that Seimei had done to restore the structures and statues within the valley. They worked with the nexus of the world to try and soothe it instead of forcing it to be in tune with the lightside again.