Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Codex Q&A

What major Galactic events are a custom species and planet history expected to cover? Assume the species in question reside on a planet far in wild space, not in any faction's territory, and are largely isolationist.

Zeradias Mant

Democracy Dies in Darkness

The more galaxy-altering events can be found in the Chaos Timeline. While not compulsory, I would recommend including something on the Gulag Plague and 400 Year Darkness, as well as any other planetary or external events (or lack thereof) that may have impacted the development of the species.
If you have a unit that is limited to using Mass or minor gear normally, Can you make a company and make Gear specifically for them that not Mass or minor? So basicly what happens is company makes it and hands it directly to the unit.
[member="Ayhia Katar"]

That is sadly not allowed.

If you have a 'common' availability that restricts your unit to mass produced gear they can only use mass produced gear, not limited or even minor. On the other hand, it would be allowed for a uncommon unit to use a mass produced submission.

Basically if you have a large group it can only use items that are produced in large quantities.

But a smaller group could use items that are produced in large quantities too.
I put common because of the lack of number defined and the fact that the rangers go looking for trouble, IC wise the number of people in that unit NPC wise is about 1.5k and in my mind Mass produced, meaning available everywhere is millions of units no?
Sorry I didn't see this [member="Veiere Arenais"] good idea to tag in the Q&A. Usually yes you would just need to second chance, but you've done a rewrite already so I'm all gravy with it.

Just giving you an answer since I missed this.

Also anything regarding second chances should be posted in the second.hance thread thanks!
Hi, I've decided to try to make a colony on a revived ancient Imperial Star Destroyer (because why not). However, I am not entirely sure on several aspects of this plan.

  • What type of location would it be? The Star Destroyer is in space, unable to move, and has been remodified/repaired to sustain a colony of people.
  • Do I need to put in a new submission in the starship creation? There would be several different features from its original design, such as a new type of a life support system and possibly a new modern power generator.
  • Is there already a similar location or idea to this one and if so where can I find it? Btw, I am planning for the Star Destroyer to be somewhere in the Q-24 Quadrant.

To answer some of your questions...

1. If its going to be a broken Star Destroyer acting as a colony, I feel that falls under the space station concept, but reading the factory submission - I don't think you'll be able to fit that concept into one of the factory templates.

2. No, if you use something from canon with the basics you should be okay to link that in the location template.

3. I have not seen anything similar to this done already in codex. Of course I could be wrong, but you could look through our location index to see if anything fits to what you want. As for putting it on location on the map, that is something that will not/can't be done. Only some planets make it onto the map - so it would have to just be listed in the location submission.

If you begin to use the location as a starship that is outside of the canon ones - things basic and straight from wookiepedia, you will be required to submit a factory submission for the location star destroyer.

[member="Jalnic Whitur"]
I had a unique idea, but I wanted to get confirmation before I got too carried away. I was curious if it was at all possible to create force abilities. Mind you, these wouldn't be anything too out of the ordinary, more so alterations to existing abilities to existing abilities to add a unique spin to them, or add more background and flesh them out a bit. I feel like this may be quite a bit of a stretch, but I certainly thought it was worth asking. Obviously these would have to be balanced, but I had more aesthetic ideas in mind rather than anything really functional. I would be happy to elaborate if needed.

Richard Von

Where would a user create a species completely new that was created by manipulating the DNA and cloning them?
Korriban Zombie is the best I can find on the subject.

I was hoping I could create skeletons, instead of zombies. No infectious bite, and using a NPC Combat Unit/Group instead of species (they, erhm, would not reproduce or have lives, lol)

The information does suggest that with no hair, skin, or eyes they could become rotted enough to *just* be skeletons. But I wanted to check with you guys, I make no claims nor try to sound like I know what I'm talking about! Thanks for when you get back to me.

I would use Sith Alchemy, and I'd assume they would be compelled and held together by the dark side of the force.

Edit: Found something here under History, concerning Han and Chewy, where they actually found "undead skeletal figures," but I don't know how they would have came to be.

Edit 2: Derp, there is this; Tsaiwinokka Hoyakut, which specifically says reanimating skeletons, but it also mentions transforming them. SO I don't know if you have to transform them into another beastly form or not, so still unsure if I can just have reanimated skellies

Dano Dil

What are the rules concerning fleshing out canon planets? If i want to try and flesh out a planet that is canon but has only been mentioned, should I submit a codex article, or am I not allowed to do that at all?

Zeradias Mant

Democracy Dies in Darkness
[member="Dano Dil"]

You may submit canon planets to Codex, but they must expand significantly beyond their respective Wiki article and should maintain the integrity of the spirit of them. Those with minimal description have some more leeway with this, but like everything in Codex, everything is handled on a case-by-case basis.

Zeradias Mant

Democracy Dies in Darkness
[member="Scherezade deWinter"]

You can use an existing Factory-approved space station model or a Canon model which best represents your interests. If you intend to do a fully customized station, you'll need to wait on the Factory to reopen so you can sub that model. If you're simply retrofitting parts of others (and the sub permits it), you can probably just say what modifications have been made for the specific one you're subbing.

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