Cole Lorne

Full name: Cole Tychus Lorne
Alias': N/A
Age: 45
Location of Birth: Kuat
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Faction: Galatic Empire
Title: Captain
Vocal sample: Sample

Skintone: Caucasian
Eye color: Blue/Green
Build: Average Ectomorph
Height: 6'1''
Weight: 178lbs
Notable features:
Physical Description:
Cole appears as either an impressively intimidating, or warmly fatherly looking figure depending on his incredibly well controlled expressions and composure, and as well depending on the observer. He is a relatively thin man standing slightly above average height, and is fairly unremarkable in body features. His face is a slightly elongated sort of rounded, only very slightly gaunt in appearance. His hair is kept typically short and is mildly balding, and he often sports a rough if shortly trimmed full beard. This visage often comes through as a monotone calm expression, though it is far from lifeless or bored, a look which gives off the impression that he is always thinking.

* Calm * Cautious * Mild Tempered * Calculated *
Inspiring Leader - Cole prefers to lead his subordinates through inspiration and motivation rather than punishment and an iron fist, something he is well renowned for.
Expert Coordinator - It is almost an obsession for Cole to ensure that every detail of every asset under his command operates harmoniously and flawlessly both with itself and each other.
Calm Under Pressure - No situation, no matter how dire, seems to crack Cole's impenetrable composure. He is aware it is essential for a leader to remain calm, else his own panic will spread to the crew and ensure defeat.
Strategically Minded - Beneath Cole's sure and confident exterior lies a man who is always thinking, pondering every possible outcome and course of action not only for the current skirmish, but for the battle at large using all available information. It is through this method that he forms steadfast strategies and confident battle plans.
Too Hospitable - Cole's care and respect for the men and women under his command leaves his grip over them often lax, allowing insubordination to grow. He often requires a harder less forgiving advisor to handle such situations.
Pride - Cole is slow to accept defeat, something which can prove costly. He has suffered many a Pyrrhic victory, losses in the long run.
Rigid Tactician - Whilst an exceptional overall tactician, Cole's doctrine lacks in over all flexibility. While he excels in conventional space warfare, guerilla tactics are not his forte.

One of the most common blasters in the galaxy during the Galactic Civil War, the DH-17 found use as the standard issue sidearm for all branches of the old Galactic Empire, and as well in the hands of rebels, smugglers, mercenaries, and security forces. It is a reliable sidearm with semi automatic and fully automatic firing modes, although the fully automatic mode depleted the power pack in less than twenty seconds, a remarkably high rate of fire, which ran the risk of damaging or even overloading the blaster. Cole's own DH-17 is stock standard, and serves as his required sidearm for carry at all times.
Unchanged since the days of the old Galactic Empire, the Imperial Officers Uniform is frighteningly iconic, marking an individual to be feared. Both the field and ceremonial uniform for the Empire, these uniforms come in a variety of colors and combinations to denote branch of the military, grey for the navy, black for the army, white for senior staff, and white with black pants for members of the Imperial Security Bureau.

The Subjugator is an old, and proud vessel with a long history before coming under the command of Captain Lorne. It has suffered heavy damage through multiple engagements and has even been risen from a wreck once, having been 78% reconstructed. Even still the vessel has delt out far more blows than it has taken, and not only counting planetary bombardments. It has an incredibly high success rate, a former captain even speculating that the Star Destroyer has destroyed, crippled, or forced into surrender at least 89% of all vessels to engage it. This is of no technical reasoning as the vessel has always remained stock, even after it's reconstruction, having undergone no major or significant modification from standard. Many high ranking members of the Imperial Navy count the ship as a lucky charm, however those more cynical officers refute this idea. None the less the Subjugator has become an iconic member of the Imperial Fleet, this status having been what prompted it's reconstruction. As such, the Subjugator has been featured in multiple pieces of propaganda, from posters to holo films, along with many other iconic vessels of the Imperial Navy. The Subjugator is the replacement for Captain Lorne's previous vessel, the Imperial II Class Star Destroyer 'Resolver', which was crippled and decommissioned.

Born to a rather large middle class family on the shipyard world of Kuat, Cole lived a relatively common and uneventful childhood. He had been born into a long line of starship builders, as many of the inhabitants of Kuat work in their world's galaxy famous Kuat Drive Yards, though the Lorne family had made this more than an occupation, and a deep seeded family tradition. As a teenager Cole learned basic starship mechanics and function from his father, and while the topic of starships and starship mechanics did interest him, the prospect of solely using this knowledge for their construction did not. Against the wishes of the entire rest of his family, Cole left his home world as a young adult, and set out for Alliance space. Here he signed on board a freighter crew for a brief time though the constant harassment by pirates along lengthy unguarded trade routes left a sour taste in his mouth. Deciding he would do something to bring order to this lawlessness, he signed on once again with the Alliance Navy, and was educated in their Naval Academy. Not long after his training and education had been completed did he find himself working as bridge crew aboard an Alliance cruiser. Ever observant, Cole watched and learned from each of his superiors, and while he found Alliance methods far too lax, he still admired their structure of leadership through inspiration. Years later Cole found himself the Executive Officer aboard this cruiser, second only to his captain, and shortly after that, the captain of that vessel, when it's previous leader had been promoted to a new vessel. Cole served faithfully for years in the Alliance Navy, though he constantly had butt heads with it's lax ideals and poor conviction. He eventually came to be of the mind that it was this weakness of the Alliance that allowed the galaxy to fall into the war and disarray that it had.
After failing to resolve this problem my proposing reform internally, and after being labeled an 'Imperialist' as an insult, Cole decided that hope for bettering the Galaxy did not lie within the weak grip of the Alliance. Consulting in secret with the Imperial Intelligence Agency of the Imperial Remanent, Cole would eventually defect from the Alliance, and enlist within the Imperial Navy, as he viewed the ways of the Old Empire as the only hope for the Galaxy, not the weakness of the Jedi or the Alliance, and not the cruelty of the Sith, but firm, resolute authority and order. After spending months being weeded out as a possible spy, Cole was granted full Imperial citizenship, and a position as the Executive Officer aboard the 'Resolver' Imperial II Class Star Destroyer, after a more brief and formal training at the academy. It would be aboard this aged vessel that Cole would spend the majority of his career, learning the brilliance of Imperial tactics and war strategy, and their ruthless but effective methods of maintaining order, and peace. Here Cole fell truly into his own as an Imperial, even going as far to begin a family and a life for himself outside the Navy, marrying his wife, Elaiza Lorne, and being granted a home for himself and her on the world of Manda, in Imperial Space. As his veterancy and distinction grew he was promoted to the rank of Captain following the death of his previous commander, and took command of the Resolver, serving as it's Captain for many years, up until it's relatively recent crippling. Even shattered and broken Cole managed to drag his ship and most of his crew back to Imperial space, receiving a commendation for this act, and a pardon for loosing his vessel, technically. With the Resolver decommissioned and scrapped, Cole was granted Captainship of the Imperial IV Class Star Destroyer 'Subjugator', the same vessel which he serves faithfully on today.