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Collossus of Zeltros

[member="Kurenai Yumi"]

"THe privacy screen is on, they can't hear us and as far as they know or think I am most likely pleasing you." She said it though sitting there for a moment as the transparasteel was darkened on the side for the others to look in. THey could still look out though and Wu was speaking. "We have a few players here, mostly ones on the payroll who will defend but they won't do much if their payday is arrested without prpomise of a lot of credits." She gave that a nod and their greed could be used for the good and against them. Maybe..... she knew a few things that might be helpful though with a smile on her face. "We'll stick together, though the dancers spend sometimes several hours with the bounty hunters."
"I see, I am not very familiar with the inside of these private room and all", but Wu seemed to be, no now was not the time to think about that, they had a task to do, free those here and take down the Hutt. "So, guess for the most part we only target the Hutt, all the mercs are second game, and good, I can bring you along as my, 'girl' for the most part, only question is how to get everyone out and safe". Unless they planned to use the Hutts ships to get everyone out and safe, as there would not doubt be a few mercenaries that would stand their ground and take a few pot shots, or just the huge amount of slaves the had to free. "Guess we can work on that as we go, anything else we need tot talk about"?

[member="Wu Yeoh"]
[member="Kurenai Yumi"]

"Well yes we have a plan but you don't want them to think you are a chump do yo... you have a reputation to maintain and I have worked to get the cover as one of the more talented." She gave her a look of amusement though while waiting there and sitting down with her legs across her lap. "So come on Kurenai.. lets talk about Sukai. I want to hear more embarrassing stories about my padawan... and I can tell you all about how she has been replacing her fear of things with fear of marshmallows. It is a very powerful motivation... means she will know how to defend herself against sith and others trying to mess with her mind.
"Well my reputation is not as strong as most would think, over the many years I have gone by different names and looks, the me they knew was Kuernai, but Isayama, though I see you point anyways". Her past was never simple to explain, perhaps this time around she'd keep the look and alias, maybe use her given name for once. "You really think that? well if so that is useful, seeing she was always more focused on not turning into a murderous psychopath, old stories, involves a Sith she brutally killed with a large amount of enjoyment". Though embarrassing moments, well she did not know many, mainly due to their childhood being focused on, but that did not mean there was non. "Embarrassing let us see, maybe the day when Tana swapped their clothes around, meaning Sukai wore an outfit a little tight around the chest but with long sleeves, let us just say she got a lot of stares".

[member="Wu Yeoh"]
[member="Kurenai Yumi"]

Wu was listening and oh this was a good one... she was thinking about ways the pair fo them might be able to go undercover and continue some of these works. There was a good team here maybe... or at least well they knew how to trust each other and not risk getting each other killed. Sukai and her master might be able to work on something like this. There were no shortage of places in the galaxy one would need to go to and explore. No shortage of bad guys or throngs of people you needed to try and help or at least provide the chance for a better life. A jedi couldn't be anywhere but if there was a problem they could work to try and help. Wu leaned back against her and sat a little as she turned her head just in case someone could see when her hand came up. "Well hopefully I can work on protecting Sukai and helping her not slip to murder."
She gave a small nod to Wu, glad that Sukai was able to get a master like this, and anther Jin at that. "Well despite your... unorthodox methods I think the whole marshmallow thing will work out in the end, though in terms of emotions there are somethings things we can't really avoid". "Like did you know her first boyfriend was a dark Jedi they became a slave to a Sith mistress later on"? Information that she obtained from Tanasuki, how he knew was still a mystery, probably something to do with the boys former links with the First Order. "Hmmm I wonder, perhaps I should get a student in time, have a Padawan relationship with someone like you and Sukai, seems like an interesting experience that makes both participants grow and learn". Something she was in need of regardless of the age and experience of Kurenai.

[member="Wu Yeoh"]
[member="Kurenai Yumi"]

She thought about it and had a look on her face.. interested in this story now. Sukai with a dark jedi and a sith mistress... that seemed a little adventurous compared to the more reserved padawan. Still she wasn't going to question it, stranger things had happened to others she knew and well she had read some of the files for other jedi. That almost seemed to be tame. "Well maybe one day I shall get the full story." She turned and was leaning over while looking at Kurenai then speaking. "But you should get yourself a padawan, you have a lot to offer, you have a lot of knowledge and skills that could greatly benefit another."
Perhaps telling Wu about Sukai's past love life was not the brightest idea, but she had to learn not to date people like that, even if she had stated over and over again it was to prevent him from falling to the dark side."Perhaps, it may either be embarrassing for her to tell or just sad, she seemed to have really liked the guy, like, I never once saw Sukai do anything perverted, but when they where dating apparently she liked do secy poses for the guy in her old suit". She wave Wu a strange look as she leaned over, her dancer outfit revealing a lot about the busty Atrisian, "you think? well I will have to find one, the CIS does not really have many students, and even if when there are new arrivals the more experienced people snatch them up".

[member="Wu Yeoh"]
[member="Kurenai Yumi"]

Wu had a look on her face and oh this was getting so so so much better then she could have expected... and she thought Sukai had no more secrets... well okay one or two but she was allowed that.. now the Jedi master would just have to tease her a little. Maybe at times pose as she was right now just to see if Sukai notices or drops a hint... nothing to damaging or painful. SHe would expect nothing less from Sukai in terms of poking fun at her and she knew she did plenty to welcome it. "Well I won't be too horrible to her about it. Now we should finish this off and oh lets see what we can do." SHe was thinking about ti and messing up their hair a little with her hands going through it a little loose clothing and maladjusted strap here or there. "Perfect."
"Yes all good talk but a job their is to do", they had been in here long enough to fool the other outside of doing something rather naughty, Wu changing her look around a bit to reflect some rough play. Kurenai followed suit a little, loosening her pony tail for the moment, and ruffling the hem of her skirt, unclipping the sword she wore, carrying it in hand to look as if the two had actually discard the clothes for a bit. "Perfect? sounds like you have some experience in this area Yeoh", she kind of joked, but actually a little interested in why Wu did have expedience in this area. Maybe it as a Jin thing, she would not put it past the Jedi master if she had used her 'assets' from a young age in order to gain an upper hand in diplomatic negotiations. "Anyways let us be off, the Hutt will only wait so long".

[member="Wu Yeoh"]
[member="Kurenai Yumi"]

She gave a nod of her head to that comment. SHe had a smile though while walking and stumbling a little for show. "Well maybe I'll go and join you." She said it louder with a wink though and was heading back into the locket room with a small look on her face before she stretched out. The jedi master was moving with some ideas about what they might be able to do. She got into the locker room with a look on her face as she shifted and went more serious. She was ready for this and since her shift was over well she would be able to go out and about the city now... investigate and move around as she checked some of the trackers and bugs with a small grin on her face. She was sneaking out the back way and into the streets of zeltros.
"Perhaps, perhaps", Kurenai replied, going along with the whole act, making her way back to the throne like room for the Hutt in charge. "Ahem, it seems we have reached an agreement, I look forward to working with you more, though I believe you are more interested in the girls that I bring". "Anyways I bid you a good day, I shall be leaving now to undertake this assignment, I'll report in when the booty is collected", her voice putting a little emphasis on the booty part, indicating the joke. Leaving the Hutts throne room she now had to get changed from her revealing outfit and into something more stealthy, before meeting up with [member="Wu Yeoh"] to carry out the second half of the operations, they had gotten valuable Intel on the inside, not it was time to exploit it.
[member="Kurenai Yumi"]

Wu was more then happy to work on things.. she was prepared to do this while she moved through the street and made a way for Kurenai to follow and join her. A little afterhours hotel that no one really saw as she slid her id and checked into the room. A small panel in the lift opening and revealing a biometric thumb scanner for her to use and she set it up. Let Kurenai join her as they were going down into the lowest levels of the city with the sounds and feel of zeltros changiong to be barsoom. Wu stood there as the doors opened with a small smile on her face as the doors opened to reveal the sterile hallws, the rooms filled with equipment and jedi investigators exchanging and using information to map out cirminal organizations and movement across the planet.
It did not take long for Kurenai to meet up with the Jin Master, entering into your average one day stay hotel, apparently one of the many Silver Jedi hide outs around the City. The pristine halls that Wu opened the side door to where something to marvel at, she wondered if the Queen of the planet even knew about this. Possible, but who honestly knew, at the end of the day the Silver where doing good work here, so it hardly mattered to Kurenai, would not be the first time she did something that the ruling government did not know about. "Tell me, how long did it take you to make this under ground lair for the Silver Yeoh"?
[member="Kurenai Yumi"]

"No idea, the Ike clan of jedi work in mysterious ways... and have something of history and power others don't. I have documented several places across the galaxy they have constructed from this place under zeltros capital to a massive temple on cato neimodia, shri-tal, atriaia, ahch-to, rhen var, felucia and kashyyyk." SHe was looking at some parts of it though with her hands clasped behind her back while she got to go into the one room and she was changing out of the dancers outfit. Before she looked over at Kurenai though where she stood with a smile. "THey are jedi after all and know how to get many things done better then others."
"Well I have had talks with Junko Ike, the princess so i have some insight, but yes, their family is quite the mysterious one", though the whole being related to Sawa the ancient Sith lords would have to be kept secret for now. "I don't think there is anyplace in the galaxy where you won't find something made by Sasori, probably have something on Korriban as well", more a joke then anything else, but to be honest probably someone in the vampire side of the family may very well have some personal complex there. Kureni's reply coming as Wu changed into a more suitable outfit, herself keeping in her combat attire, "Jedi are quite the useful bunch, that is something anyone could agree with".

[member="Wu Yeoh"]
[member="Kurenai Yumi"]

Wu gave a nod to that and was standign there in her jedi outfit.. ready for possible combat as she had a lightsaber hidden in her pocket to not draw attention. Hair over her shoulders in a thick tail with bangs. Section of the base would let her move around freely. A smile on her face. "it is true, even now the Jin are enjoying many of the benefits of Sasori, freely given without demanding a price might seem strange but it does mean they have more customers who pay and some who will overpay to cover others." Wu started walking towards the central area of the base with all of it designed in the lift. Where they can check it out and go up to the hangers.
"Ah yes the Jin, I have heard some rumors that your race is decedents form Atrisians that crashed their many years ago when their empire stretched as far as the Chiss home world". "Perhaps we may visit Tian'tang one day, I know my husband and children are eager to see it", Sukai and Tana only knowing about it through their father. "Your home world sure seems like a nice place to live, if anything where to happen here on Atrisia you'd probably find us moving to your home world", though hopefully such would not happen anytime soon. Taking position next to Wu she accompanied her deeper into the complex.

[member="Wu Yeoh"]
[member="Kurenai Yumi"]

"Well you would be welcomed though I will admit if something happened on Atrisia it would be saddening same as the other worlds like Seoul where I saw atrisian's had gone to before. Colonies upon colonies across the stars must be nice." She offered it and it would be nice to go home.. have guests. She spent so long away it was strange while she was moving around and checking out some fo the other parts here. In the lift going up as the doors opened. The private hanger was not large but it wasn't small compared to some and it was multi leveled to allow them to hold many personal sips in secluded docks. Where she was going was to a pleasure yacht type ship. Converted to a jedi training vessel.
"Welcome? hmmm times must have changed, my husband often talks about how they view strangers with a little bit of 'space', though that may just be the Riben-Jin, you are one of the Yu are you not Yeoh"? The Yu-Jin seeming to be more similar to Atrisians and the Jak'kai is she recalled though she could not be entirely certain, though considering she was a diplomat that would add evidence to the assumption. Continuing down with Wu they entered the hanger, the luxury yacht being one of the first things for her eyes to fall upon, reminding her of the little operation with Sawa. "This for personal use of an under cover ship for operations around Zeltros"?

[member="Wu Yeoh"]

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