Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Color Changes

I know if I am on mobile if I scroll to the bottom of the page there is a button that switches to the full version of the site, complete with the greyscale text boxes. So the white was a change but more so one that made me curious. I don't see much issue with just utilizing the full version of the site on mobile. Heck if I turn my phone to the side so it rotates the screen I don't even have to zoom in.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
It's hard on my eyes to read white text on a black background, which is why the mobile version works best for me. I'll just have to highlight parts of posts where sections are missing. It's the same thing that I have to do when people use white as a font colour for their posts. It's annoying, but far less annoying than giving myself goofy vision and headaches.
I know I'm new here, but with the brief time I had experience with the other way....I prefer it much more. I liked being able to visually see tagged names, at least when they're mentioned in paragraphs or sort of says like, "Oh, this paragraph particularly pertains to me so I should read it thoroughly." At least that's how I see it.

And every board I've ever been on, red has always been Admin...and it's weird to see it not that way.

Just my 2 cents on the subject.
Well, I personly have been on boards with Light Blue Admins, but I'm a fan of the change to white. However, I don't like the change to blue from red. It feels underwhelming. Perhaps make purple blue, and admins purple.
In all seriousness, it will take some getting used to, but to echo what others have said, I enjoyed the color for character names as it did make tags stand out in posts. Now it blends in a bit too much with the regular text for my liking. Just my two cents.
The Admins in baby blue? This is going to end up as that episode of Scrubs where Kelso buys the Janitor new a new Baby Blue uniform, and people no longer fear him:

Plus...did you just turn most of the membership white? Way to go for racial equality around here :p
Alright. I'll write actual feedback now I've seen the new colours.

I don't like them. I've had a chance now to write posts where people are tagged and it blends in too much. It's hard when writing to see if a person has been tagged because it just blends in. The blue allowed for easy checking if a tag worked.

Otherwise, meh. It doesn't affect much all else.
Question. Why are character accounts now the same exact color of guest/banned accounts? I understand changing colors and w/e, but why change them to the same color as something else already in use?
Could you make them the color of mocha? Like not coffee, not brown, not dark brown where its almost black, and not red brown, but like mocha. Not tan, but mocha?

Just kidding. I think that its cool. I don't see too big of a difference, but I like the blue for the admins. It makes it feel more welcoming and less like "Gonna-cut-you-open" blood red.

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