Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Come in from the cold


Location: Draellix Castle
Objective: movie night
Tags: Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix


Isla did jump slightly at the clawed attack from the beautiful Tiresh, and put her hand on her chest in mock terror. "I might have to have words with my security for letting a monster sneak into my bedroom." she laughed, then blushed "I suppose I could let them off just this once." As Tiresh collapsed onto the pillow Isla couldn't help but stare at her, she looked very relaxed, it felt a million miles from when she first arrived and she made her confession.

She turned the film on with a thought but completely forgot to put the sound on as she stated dreamily at her girlfriend, she still couldn't beleive it was happening to her.

"Its a good omen that you dont mind monsters and want to be protected, this planet has quite a few inhabitants that would come under that description." behind her back she had held her hand against the ice bucket that had come with their champagne until it was frigid and then slid it discretely under the covers.

"we might even see a few of them on our drive in the morning. What i am concerned about is the sitings of Ice hags, they are women that died in the snow, and now haunt the night, creaking though old buildings looking for prey. They typically lurk in the shadows, or under beds until people aren't paying attention then...GRAB THEM!" she grabbed Tiresh's thigh with her icy hand and squeezed it tight. She couldn't help but burst out laughing before giving Tiresh a very sweet, please forgive me look, before reaching down under the cover and gently kissing her thigh as a way of apology.

She did wonder if they would see anything the next morning, only part of her story was untrue, there really was monsters out there, quite a few of them, way more than she realised when she built her castle.


Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana

Tiresh giggled at being described as a monster. She noticed Isla's captivated gaze, and she smiled back at her as she lay there on the bed and looked up at Isla, who's gorgeous frame was silhouetted by the screen behind her. Finally she broke and giggled softly at being the center of her girlfriends attention, "What is it?" She inquired, wondering what she might be thinking about.

As Isla began commenting on a specific type of monster that frequented Lur, Tiresh listened intently, wondering if the Ice Hags were real or just an attempt to scare her. But as Isla's icy grip latched onto her thigh, she leapt up in the bed and screamed, partially from surprise and partially from the cold itself. "Isla!" She exclaimed in exasperation as she joined in with her laugh, shaking her head. "I guess I forgive you…" She said with a playful expression. She patted the bed beside her, offering an invitation for Isla to lay next to her as the movie was already beginning to play. "I think I might need you to cuddle close to me for this next one, but no more cold surprises!" She teased.

As they started to watch the movie, Tiresh would nuzzle herself close to Isla, wrapping her feet into hers and resting her head against her neck. All the emotions of the day had drained her terribly, and in her completely relaxed state she found herself unable to keep her eyes open any longer as she fell fast asleep, her breathing pattern changing into a rhythmic slumber at the side of her lover.


Location: Draellix Castle
Objective: movie night
Tags: Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix

Wearing: Guarderma bio-suit Blue Hex style

"Good morning beautiful!" would be the first thing Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix heard as she opened her eyes. Isla had been up for a while making preparations. "I didnt want to wake you, so i went and got the kit all ready for us to go exploring, what do you think of the outfits for our excursion?" Isla pulled a pose for a moment and then laughed, the suits were comfortable but very form fitting.

In front of Titesh was a tray with fresh juice, a selection of pastries fruit that Isla had selected, along with a rose laid across the tray. Isla had her back to the bed as she adressed her hair, putting it into a pait of coiled french plaits to allow her to fit her helmet on. "its goind to be really cold out today, but these will keep us warm, even if we want to get our and walk" Isla was huffing slightly at the activity of having to get her hair in place but was getting there. She had slept very well, one of the best nights sleep she had had in a very long time. She was already wondering if there was any way she could just concince Tiresh to live with her already, just the smell of her hair and the sound of her breathing was comforting.

"I was going to ask if you knew your way around a rifle before we went out, but then i remembered Kalie" she laughed. "we arent going to shoot anything though unless we have to, or unless game shooting is a secret passion of yours? But I wasn't lying about the dangerous creatures out there, so, yeah, you'll have a gun.

She turned around having her hair finished and in place, her hair up made her look quite different, but there was a sparkle in her eye as she observed Tiresh, there was a bit part of her that just wanted to slide back under the covers with her, but they had limited time to get out exploring today.

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