S u p e r i o r
Syngia, the distant outer rim planet that was the location to the once rumored Genesis Pool since the days of the Old Republic. Now it was just a ruined out of the way planet that was home to all manner of Sithspawn that lurked in its ruins and shadows after many scientists had all but drained the mysterious pool of its contents. More importantly, it was the location that was given to the bounty hunter Arador Kahn after some colorful persuasion to an acquaintance of his intended prey, [member="Kzaevas Vi'ze"]. While hunting Force Sensitives was not usually in his repertoire, the bounty placed on her head as well as his past contracts with the individual that posted the bounty was a bit too tantalizing of an opportunity to pass up. And so he had spent a few painstakingly long cycles following a shadowy trail that eventually brought him to the planet.
Arador Khan's ship roared through the air, not leaving much room for subtlety as he found a clearing large enough to land. The ramp to his ship would lower as he started to step off onto solid ground, raising a hand up to his shoulder as he rotated it a bit and letting out a quiet groan, his voice vocoded as he looked around, " Hope that karking 'informant' gave me some good info. Sure as hell won't be walking any time soon...Or rather ever again... " He would check his armor systems and make sure everything was working properly. It would be an extreme shame if it malfunctioned on him while he was hunting a force sensitive. He recollected to the past as he thought on why he took up a job when he was more interested in keeping his head over credits. Hunting down a Sith of all targets. Had to be a Sith didn't it?He lowered his hand from his shoulder as his armor diagnostics completed. His shoulder pod launcher was loaded up with electric nets to subdue his target in the event she was ready to be captured and transported. He would hold his cybernetic wrist as he rotated it around a bit before thinking to himself. Oh right...Too much of an incentive for me to pass up...Well, if things go south I'll just bail out and say that she had a lot more friends than I could handle. Maybe Abyss will throw me a few expendables to throw at the next target and make it an easy job. "He began to set out into the ruins as he began to hum a quiet and eerie tune to himself.
His cybernetic hand wielded his blaster carbine, "Shatter" while his other hand held his sonic pistol "Howl", both raised as he switched his vision to thermal to make sure he wasn't snuck up on by either his prey or any potential Sithspawn that might be in the area. His head would scan left and right as he spoke, " Come out, come out, wherever you are... " Both his index fingers hovered over the triggers of his weapons as he kept one eye ahead of him and the other on the sensors displayed in his helmet.