Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Come out, come out, wherever you are...

S u p e r i o r

Syngia, the distant outer rim planet that was the location to the once rumored Genesis Pool since the days of the Old Republic. Now it was just a ruined out of the way planet that was home to all manner of Sithspawn that lurked in its ruins and shadows after many scientists had all but drained the mysterious pool of its contents. More importantly, it was the location that was given to the bounty hunter Arador Kahn after some colorful persuasion to an acquaintance of his intended prey, [member="Kzaevas Vi'ze"]. While hunting Force Sensitives was not usually in his repertoire, the bounty placed on her head as well as his past contracts with the individual that posted the bounty was a bit too tantalizing of an opportunity to pass up. And so he had spent a few painstakingly long cycles following a shadowy trail that eventually brought him to the planet.​

Arador Khan's ship roared through the air, not leaving much room for subtlety as he found a clearing large enough to land. The ramp to his ship would lower as he started to step off onto solid ground, raising a hand up to his shoulder as he rotated it a bit and letting out a quiet groan, his voice vocoded as he looked around, " Hope that karking 'informant' gave me some good info. Sure as hell won't be walking any time soon...Or rather ever again... " He would check his armor systems and make sure everything was working properly. It would be an extreme shame if it malfunctioned on him while he was hunting a force sensitive. He recollected to the past as he thought on why he took up a job when he was more interested in keeping his head over credits. Hunting down a Sith of all targets. Had to be a Sith didn't it?

He lowered his hand from his shoulder as his armor diagnostics completed. His shoulder pod launcher was loaded up with electric nets to subdue his target in the event she was ready to be captured and transported. He would hold his cybernetic wrist as he rotated it around a bit before thinking to himself. Oh right...Too much of an incentive for me to pass up...Well, if things go south I'll just bail out and say that she had a lot more friends than I could handle. Maybe Abyss will throw me a few expendables to throw at the next target and make it an easy job. "He began to set out into the ruins as he began to hum a quiet and eerie tune to himself.

His cybernetic hand wielded his blaster carbine, "Shatter" while his other hand held his sonic pistol "Howl", both raised as he switched his vision to thermal to make sure he wasn't snuck up on by either his prey or any potential Sithspawn that might be in the area. His head would scan left and right as he spoke, " Come out, come out, wherever you are... " Both his index fingers hovered over the triggers of his weapons as he kept one eye ahead of him and the other on the sensors displayed in his helmet.


Citrus Dreams

Despite the crisis the galaxy seemed to find itself in once again there was still money to be made, and the profit always went to those bounty hunters, mercenaries and so on. Everyone had enemies, it was as certain as death, but more often than not one could not dispose of their enemy themselves and so bounty hunters are used; bounty hunters like Koda Fett. After being made aware of the bounty by Darth Abyss, whom must've been somewhat impressed by the capture of Lady Kay that he would dare think to use him again, he spoke to his contacts from all over the galaxy. It was easy to garner information on anyone if you knew the right people after all, and so Fett found himself on Syngia.

The Concord Spear landing in a clearing within the jungle, far away and out of sight, a trek was to be made and it wasn't as if there was anybody to steal his ship. He disembarked with what was the usual in terms of gear and took the leisurely stroll through the jungle, the sounds of it ever so apparent, but even animals knew to avoid Koda Fett. The infamous hunter was well known and rightfully so, he had earned that much. His eyes darting over the ruins after he came to a clearing, overlooking them from a vantage point as his scanners did their work. Life was definitely below, but more than one, someone else was there.

Fett knelt down, planting his knee in the dirt as he watched on through the folded rangefinder over his visor. He couldn't see anything just yet, and for now he would wait. Whatever was down there would show itself soon enough.
What little her father told her of his past, what animosity he had wrought upon himself, and now her by association. Kzaevas had little choice in this new life of hers, it was do or die - fight and taste blood or be made an example of.
Sitting upon a cot in a chamber beneath the ruins, Kzaevas stared at the floor in deep thought.
This was it, her destiny. Predetermined and willed by sheer chance to exist for no other reason, but only to cause suffering and strife among society and the extremities of all that is pure. The Force hissed in her mind like white noise, and the urge to make it cease was undeniable. Alone, left to gather herself as some kind of individual and to make vital decisions for her own life, and it was already failing.
The high - the rush... the tendencies of a morbid nature bit down and tasted upon something wanting, fragile. A tired sigh escaped Kzaevas as she pulled herself together to the best of her ability, proceeding to exit her chambers. Making an ascent for the surface, the abomination felt something stir - a presence, no, two of them. The faint throbbing of hearts inside the Sithspawn's mind. She felt their flesh breathe with life.
Slowing her approach, Kzaevas decided to continue with caution. This was a new experience outside of interacting with her father, and alas, Kzaevas didn't exactly have the best social skills. The irides of her eyes came alive with a sanguine, golden glow as she came close to the surface exit. A warm breeze rolled down the weathered stone steps, along with an anomaly of a voice.
" Come out, come out, wherever you are... "
Kzaevas' heart began to pound loudly, her pupils dilating and her veins becoming noticeably engorged with blood.
This was a threat on her life, and she could feel it hunt through the air. Dread set in, and so too did the dark passenger. The Force gipped Kzaevas' being entirely and bathed her in pure negativity, overriding her personality and motor functions. Silent and dead in the eyes, the Sithspawn advanced surface-side. Making herself visible, standing perfectly still.
Waiting to be seen.
[member="Koda Fett"] | [member="Arador Kahn"]​
S u p e r i o r
There was the loud crunch of rubble underfoot as Arador's boots moved along through the ruins. His sensors had picked up something as his gaze shifted to the side. His expressionless helmet that remained dark like a polished onyx would give no indication of where he was looking. His thermal vision wasn't picking up anything as he stared at the treeline off in the distance. Too much plant life and distance made it difficult to discern anything with thermal vision, so he opted to switch to a different optic function. His vision from within his helmet would soon become a field of black, gray and white, the trees appearing as gray while a crouched figure appeared in bright white hidden amongst the bushes. He would raise his "Howl" and level it, pulling his index finger as the weapon began to hum and charge up. Two seconds later he would release the trigger as the sonic pistol fired a compressed orb of sound as he uttered a single phrase, " Peekaboo... "

The projectile would fly out silently towards the newcomer's position, making contact with a tree right next to it. The instant it struck the bark an ear-shattering wail could be heard as the field that contained the deadly sonic waves was ruptured instantly, splintering the tree. The shot had been charged to a lethal degree that would have absolutely destroyed a person's insides if it made contact with them, but was instead fired as a warning shot to whoever was watching from afar. Based on the backscatter profile, he was able to discern that whoever it was, did not match the description of his intended target. Perhaps a native or another hunter that was here for the same bounty. Either way, Arador did not know who it was or why they were here.

He would lower his "Howl" as he slipped it back into his "Booster" holster, a quiet click heard as the weapon and holster docked, rapidly recharging the heavy sonic pistol as he turned back to the ruins. Whatever the case, he needed to make his capture quick or have more issues arise. He would swiftly disappear into the ruins out of sight of his spectator, moving further in. His pulse remained steady, as any trained professional should, keeping an eye and ear open for the one he sought. His "Shatter" in hand he would make his way to an opening buried in the center of the ruins where he found himself across a courtyard from a female who simply stood there.

Judging by appearances alone, she seemed to match the description of his intended target. He'd shift his posture as he raised his blaster carbine and rested it on his shoulder. Though he was by no stretch a dark sider attuned with the Force, anyone who had the basic ability to sense would be able to tell that Arador simply bled with that of malice and cruelty. His vocoded voice would speak out as a wicked, crimson grin appeared on his dark visor, " You certainly chose an interesting place to hide. My employer wants you, either dead or in pieces, so be a good little girl and just come along quietly. Make this easy on the both of us. "

[member="Koda Fett"] | [member="Kzaevas Vi'ze"]


Citrus Dreams
Complete silence filled the air for a mere moment, his eyes continuing to dart back and forth from the inside of the helmet. The brown eyes of the bounty hunter shifted about in a particular pattern that caused his thermal imaging to fill his visor, scanning once more to find someone who didn't match the quarries figure. Better yet, they seemed to be looking in his direction, but before any action could be made the tree to his side detonated. The helmeted head ducking down, moving to the left in a roll of sorts whilst the high pitch scream squealed loudly, but to the Mandalorian it was only annoying, not harmful. Without the protective capabilities of the helmet some serious damage would surely be taken aboard.

Splinters soared across, harmlessly bouncing off of his armor as well as embedding themselves into the ground around him. Swift hands moved to snatch at the carbine slung over his shoulder, the rangefinder being slapped away as it went back to being an antenna. Nothing. Arador was gone and nowhere in sight, but the life signals still remained. This was it then, not only did he have to worry about the Sithspawn but another Hunter. As for the Hunter though? Nothing to worry about, Fett was the best in the business, and his extensive collection of bounties would only further emphasize this.

With a jetpack activation flames spat out from the bottom, thrusting him into the air until he landed with a thud on the top of the ruins. His eyes moving back and forth, keeping a keen eye on his sensors that would alert him to anybodies immediate presence. Yet for now he had nothing.

[member="Arador Kahn"] | [member="Kzaevas Vi'ze"]
Stoic in face and demeanor, Kzaevas did not waver from her idle stance as her eyes pierced through the man before her. His voice fell upon not deaf ears, but a mind that was undergoing a sort of evolutionary process. Kzaevas' body was altering itself to accommodate a variety of self-defense mechanisms and other unknown attributes. Not even the distant cacophony of distress could shake her from such a trance.
With sight returning from the void of darkness her mind frequents, Kzaevas reacted as if she had just resurfaced after nearly being drowned. Her breathing erratic and sense of surroundings veiled by a haze. Panic set in, and the anxiety hummed within her chest once again. She gave no heed to the options presented by the man - the bounty hunter, only being consumed by the mind-breaking nature of her affliction.
"Please... PLEASE!"
Head in hands, teeth clenched and veins popping. She was suffering, dying.
The pain of this existence, the irrelevance of the purpose chosen to strive. Kzaevas' only true nature in this reality was to tear the stars asunder - to stain sands and stone alike with sanguine warmth. Her curiosity was illusion - her questions about her life trivial.
At some point things would come full circle. Soon she would see.
[member="Koda Fett"] | [member="Arador Kahn"]​
S u p e r i o r
The bounty hunter would glance around at the ruins as if he were observing the aesthetic qualities of the place when in reality he was keeping an eye out for any traps, hidden individuals or any of the like around. He shifted his gaze back to the girl as he seemed content that there was no one else in the immediate vicinity of the two presently that he could see. Just him and her, alone together. All that was missing was a dark alleyway and it would have been just perfect. He would begin to speak as he took a step forward, holding a hand up in a nonchalant fashion as he spoke with a vocoded voice, " I truly love what you've done with the place. All the broken ruins and the atmosphere truly does suit you Sith folk... "

He would continue to move closer, moving at a cautious pace before halting about ten meters away from his target, pausing as her body language began to change and become sporadic. This wasn't a new sight to him. Prey always tended to become more predictable when they got cornered. His head would tilt to the side as he sighed and rolled his eyes from beneath his helmet, assuming that she was already begging for her life. No matter how many times he was on the job, they would always end up begging or something similar. It was

Arador would lift his blaster carbine off his shoulder as he aimed it towards the ground, pointing it just at the woman's feet before firing a warning shot. He found no enjoyment in prey that gave up at the mere sight of him. He really should spare no time to amuse himself with someone else still out there, so maybe he would have to settle for wrapping this up quickly, " I think I'll just settle for bringing you in pieces then... " He quickly holstered his blaster carbine as he whipped his left arm out, a metallic blade extending from his cybernetic arm as he slowly moved closer.

[member="Kzaevas Vi'ze"] | [member="Koda Fett"]


Citrus Dreams
The infamous bounty hunter's eyes would shift about beneath the helmet that protected his head so well, taking in the sight of the decaying/ed stone of these ruins, ready to crumble down to dust in a moments notice. Each step daring to beg the question on whether or not the roof or whatever it may be that Fett stood on would hold. In truth, it wouldn't for long, so he needed to move fast but not fast enough that they knew where he was. This Sith may be able to sense him, after all his presence within the force was apparent to many and easily identifiable. Yet perhaps with the panic she's in it's just not possible right now.

The distant pleas for life and idle chatter became apparent to Koda, his head snapping in it's direction. It wasn't too far off actually. Carefully he navigated his way towards the sound, appearing outside of Kahn's peripheral whilst well within the gaze of the woman. Standing at an elevated position, looking down upon the two within relatively close proximity. Koda's right arm was raised, firing a cable from it that would soar towards the Sithspawn and if it managed to hit it's target than she would find herself wrapped up, near immovable. Meanwhile in his left hand a blaster carbine was aimed down towards Arador, he spoke calmly as per usual with a hint of bitterness, "Move along, amateur."

[member="Arador Kahn"] | [member="Kzaevas Vi'ze"]
Collapsing to her knees, Kzaevas began to dry heave before vomiting an excess of what looked to be coagulated blood. With the bounty hunter closing in, fate seemed to favor the blade of the contract killer. That is until the abomination found itself restrained by a cable originating from an unknown source, someone other than the masked man himself. Presumably involved in the ruckus prior to the current predicament.
Weak and unable to put up a fight, Kzaevas' breathing became shallow. Darkness was closing in around her field of vision, and for a moment, consciousness was lost. In the darkness of her mind, Kzaevas dreamed of nothing. Cities reduced to sands and ash, barren wilds of uninhabitable corruption and decay. No life, no future for anything.
A timeless paradise of rule and dominance.
But were the dreams true to herself? Were they of what was to come?
One day she would find who she's supposed to be.
Until then...
The Sithspawn appeared to be out cold, unresponsive. Her mind descended into toxicity, overwhelmed by the will of the Force flowing through her. It twisted her, shaped and snapped her thin existence into what it deemed worthy of living. Like flesh to clay, molded and realized. Purposed.
The outsiders didn't know or understand her, they only knew the price on her head. To them, these difficulties that Kzaevas was having were not reason for them to stop or recompense for attempting her murder. But did she have the audacity to counteract? No skills learned, no kind of combat experience. Nothing but a worm writhing in the open, prey to the predators.
Time would tell.
For now she was lost, but not alone.
[member="Koda Fett"] | [member="Arador Kahn"]
S u p e r i o r
Arador would soon be upon his prey as she began to vomit what appeared to be blood as he thought to himself, "This was much easier than I expected it to be... " A quiet ping would chirp into his ear as he instinctually shifted to the side. A fibercord cable had been shot out as it entangled and bound his intended prey. He would turn to directly face the newcomer, who he assumed was the one to be the one he had taken a shot at earlier. He wasn't going to cut through that fibercord cable without spending a good amount of time sawing through it, too much of an opening to give to the rival hunter as he spoke and gestured a hand at him, " You know it's rude to try and take another hunter's work when they've clearly beat you to the prey. Buzz off... "

Arador would shift his gaze at the fibercord that ran between the hunter's gauntlet and his prey tracing a metallic finger along the length and giving it a solid flick of his fingers as it twanged. He would stare at it in silence for a few seconds before a crimson grin appeared. He had already given the other hunter a fair warning long before they had finally come face to face. So now he was just competition that needed to be disposed of. He would make a non-threatening pointing gesture at the rival hunter as if he were ready to say something. The only response that came was around the forearm where an extension popped out with a nozzle.

Arador would let loose as a jet of napalm that shot out from the extension that had popped out, in the hopes of spraying the other hunter with fiery napalm. His mind completely ignored his previous objective, instead, it had become a personal matter with the other hunter that he intended to get rid of. His right hand would pull his 'Howl' out from his holster. There was plenty of cover to utilize with the environment being comprised of stone ruins.

[member="Koda Fett"] | [member="Kzaevas Vi'ze"]


Citrus Dreams
The Mandalorian remained atop the ledge of the ruins, looking down at the two from behind the T-Shaped Visor with a blank face that read nothing but indifference. To be quite frank it was a feeling of relief that rushed over him initially, seeing the Sithspawn on the down and out, not willing to fight for the meantime. Though for how long nobody could know, they were a dangerous breed and there was no doubt she would be just the same. With the whipcord wrapped around it, it was immobilised for the time-being. The right arm that fired the whipcord had been placed onto the carbine, then shifting his attention towards Arador.

​Before anything could be done a flurry of flames came in his direction, if they struck they wouldn't be doing a lot of damage due to the protective nature of Mandalorian Armour. Though regardless of this, he avoided them with ease. Activating his jetpack through eye movements, and subsequently darting to the left and avoiding the napalm as it whizzed past him harmlessly. An odd choice came next, the idea of diplomacy. Koda was just not in the mood to be killing another hunter, and with concerns of some of his employers going under, he needed​ more. Abyss would suffice, but first he needed to get a shoe in other than Lady Kay. Do something that made him stand out, and surely this would be it.

"There's no price on your head, Kahn, only hers. I only need the credits; everything else is yours."

[member="Arador Kahn"] | [member="Kzaevas Vi'ze"]
A single word woke the Sithspawn, something completely foreign yet so familiar with her. It was always with her, dwelling within and waiting for its moment to surface into the world. Kzaevas' eyes were a deep crimson after opening, her gaze fixated upon the showdown. Silently, she mustered the willpower through the Force to break free of the bonds.
Once again it pulled another string, manipulating her actions to do the foul deed it derived pleasure from. The hollow darkness swarming within, gnawing at her bones and putrefying her flesh. Kzaevas stood with a new confidence, reaching out her right hand and unleashing a shock-wave tinged with an unnatural filth that could sicken one's soul.
Her eyes intensified with a deep red hue, the dark side of the Force having full control of her body.
The dark passenger had finally come to greet everyone, the thing that held the abomination together. Such an intimate relationship - to be one and share the same vessel. A stain upon reality, an unnatural birth from the womb of the dark side itself. Woe upon the common folk, the innocent, and the defenseless flesh that was to be robbed of life.
Though Kzaevas appeared strong for the moment, her body was slowly being robbed of its vitality. There was no way to reverse this, as she was an unnatural anomaly that wasn't supposed to be born. Her death date would come at some point, but for now she would delay the inevitable.
[member="Koda Fett"] | [member="Arador Kahn"]​
S u p e r i o r
Arador would have his sonic pistol drawn and aimed squarely at Koda Fett by the time he had stopped flying around with his jetpack. Arador was absolutely not the type of person to share, nor did he enjoy the company of other hunters on jobs that were meant to be solo. As far as Koda was concerned, he was not at all welcome to be assisting with this bounty; unless he was going to be Sithspawn bait. The sonic pistol would begin to let out a quiet hum as it charged a shot, ready to fly out at the other hunter as soon as his finger removed itself from the trigger. As of now, his attention was directed and focused on Arador, confident that if Vi'ze tried anything he would at the very least hear the fibercords that she was tangled in snap.

His vocoded voice would be heard through his helmet's speakers as the crimson mouth that displayed on his helmet seemed to distort and shift to emulate the movement of lips " I am not looking for charity. You're interfering with my job. You can kriff off or don't. Either way that bounty is mine. " Arador's body was positioned to present as little of a target as possible to the other hunter, his free hand at his side with his right arm raised holding his weapon. The napalm spraying nozzle would retract back into his forearm as he kept a laser focus on Koda. Judging by the lack of an effect his napalm had, the armor was probably insulated against heat.

Judging by aesthetics that the Mandalorians were always identified by, Arador wagered it was probably made of Beskar to some degree. That limited his choice of weapons to use against the other hunter, but Beskar or not, the clone's armor probably would not be able to handle sonic weaponry all too well. It sure didn't for the thousands of his brothers that were killed by such weapons back when Fett clones were still a relevant force to be reckoned with hundreds of years ago. Now they're just antiquated and outdated in a new galaxy.

[member="Koda Fett"] | [member="Kzaevas Vi'ze"]


Citrus Dreams
Before he could react to the other hunters words and actions the shockwave went off, sent rocks, debris and the like away from the Sithspawn, and even Koda was almost knocked off of his feet as the ruins he stood on shook violently. His gaze temporarily fixed on Kzaevaz, coming to the quick conclusion that she was a ticking time bomb, ready to be set off at any moment. But surely she could do with an extra push. Fear wasn't a thing Fett often felt, but he did definitely understand concern, and in times like these with such an unpredictable 'monster' he felt it more than ever.

It wasn't as if Koda couldn't say he didn't try. He gave Arador an offer, a chance to walk away even. Chances like that were rare from the professional, and now the amateur would suffer because of it. After Arador's words Fett appeared to be contemplating them, or so it seemed. Ultimately, however, he turned away. Disappearing behind the ledge and moving out of sight, but not from Kahn's radar. Surely he wasn't foolish enough to believe that was the last he'd seen of Fett. Atop the ledge still is where he stood, reaching onto his belt and rolling a sonic detonator down after priming it. Surely Arador may be able to activate some preventative measures, but it'd go off all the same, as for the Sithspawn? It was Koda's intention to set it off.

The Bounty Hunter hopped down from the ledge he was standing on, but not on the same side he was previously facing. Now a wall standing between the two as Fett kept a keen eye on his sensors. Treading backwards with his carbine raised, if that hadn't worked something more drastic would come next.

[member="Arador Kahn"] | [member="Kzaevas Vi'ze"]
Amid chaos is where Kzaevas felt beautiful, the debris falling like snow. Everything seemed to be passing in slow motion, the adrenaline firing through her veins. This is what it meant to be alive, and the very moment where everyone showed their true colors. Attempting another means of assault, Kzaevas focused on the rubble around her. The more she mustered, the heavier it felt upon her entire being. Soon a whirlwind of shrapnel and jagged rock barricaded the Sithspawn.
Blood trickled down her lip, but the euphoria was numbing any pain. True bliss was the only thing that could accurately describe the sensation happening at this very moment. Each breath felt new and reassuring, and a certain exuberance washed away any uncertainty.
The warm embrace of corruption, like a mother's touch.
But alas, due to being caught up in the moment, Kzaevas didn't take heed to the detonator being dropped. A high pitched whine tore into the air, piercing the Sithspawn's eardrums. Shock and anger filled the abomination as it let out a guttural scream, unleashing the aforementioned whirlwind. Many shards of broken, jagged rock fanned outward. An unfortunate time for anyone caught in it, or perhaps even a chance with fate.
Disoriented and unable to focus, Kzaevas began her retreat back into the ruins. Her head was throbbing, feeling almost as if her skull had been split wide open. This was good, however. Fuel for her anger, a means to please the Force with molested emotion.
For now she must survive and be smarter about her approach.
Do or die.
[member="Koda Fett"] | [member="Arador Kahn"]
S u p e r i o r
Arador would release his finger from the trigger as his 'Howl' sent out a concentrated sonic blast towards Koda as he began to move, taking note that the rival hunter had taken some time to do something before disappearing behind the ledge. The sonic blast would impact the stone as it shattered and turned to dust as an echoing wail was heard. The faint sound of something clinking and rolling as it dropped down from where Koda had been perched was heard, Arador's gaze trailing to follow a small spherical object slowly moving towards him. His rocket boots would trigger as he flew backward away from the device, raising his arms instinctively in defense.

There would be a brief moment of silence as the object rolled, and rolled until it came to a halt, a rapid beeping heard as it was powering up to detonate. The sonic shockwave that followed would radiate outwards as Arador's boots clicked off, the sounds penetrating his helmet as he raised his free hand to it, widening his stance to keep himself from being forced to ground. It wouldn't be long before a scream was heard and a series of jagged rocks pelted him from the left side as a result of the Sithspawn releasing a maelstrom of stone. Most of the fragments would shatter against his cybernetic left arm, but it didn't protect him entirely as his suit was pelted with rocks to leave some heavy bruising.

Arador would activate his boots once more as he darted off to the side and away from the stones, his left hand reaching at his belt as he grabbed a handful of small spherical devices, slotted between his fingers as he primed the miniature explosives and tossed them out towards where Koda was last in a fan-shaped direction. He would reach towards his back as he unslung his blaster carbine and wielded it in his now freed hand. His eyes would track one of the signatures retreating back into the ruins. He muttered under his breath " Of karking course... " as Vi'ze fled the scene before he shouted out in a vocoded voice over his helmet's speakers. " Make this easy on yourself and walk away. If I'm feelin' a bit generous, I won't kill you. We're both going to lose our prey and I sure as hell am not walking away empty handed. "

[member="Kzaevas Vi'ze"] | [member="Koda Fett"]


Citrus Dreams
Koda was leaving the scene, or so it seemed. It was more of a testing the waters approach than anything; was Arador desperate? Seemed as much. Obviously so considering the Sonic Detonator wasn't reached for after being out of his line of sight, and even then it appeared like a subtle hand movement. Who knows, perhaps he was paranoid? Whilst making his final step from the ledge a stone detonated, rupturing into dust whilst emitting a wail that would even bring pain to those ears of Fett's beneath that helmet. Rushing a hand up alongside his hand during the fall, landing with a kneel and keeping it there until everything else seemed to kick off.

The Sonic Detonator exploded and a distant squeal could be heard from the other side of the thick stone wall, shortly followed by shards of rocks pelting against the wall but of course doing no real damage. His hands both firmly gripping the carbine and keeping a keen eye on his scanners. One was on the move, and surely the other would follow. As would Fett, he had no intentions of leaving.

​"You're nobody."​ He taunted. His voice faint and even more so than it should of been for someone just on the other side of the wall. Mainly because he wasn't. By now Fett had made his way further into the ruins, disappearing from view, and maybe he had left entirely. Only time would tell.

[member="Arador Kahn"] | [member="Kzaevas Vi'ze"]
Anger slammed from Kzaevas' fists as she supported herself along a wall, descending back into the darkness of her humble abode. But she still sensed them, the two hunters. She still craved turning a morbid fantasy into a reality, stripping skin from muscle - muscle from bone. But she understood that it wouldn't be that simple.
But that didn't deter Kzaevas. She knew what it would take to survive this ordeal. If they wanted to play with brute force, then so be it. The demon snarled before finally feeling relief from its prior engagement. It lurked in the shadow, watched and waited. The sensation of multiple heart beats filled the Sithspawn's own chest cavity. It delighted in this...intimacy.
Slow breaths, deep lustful eyes awaiting excited flesh. The taste of sweat and copper: it was beautiful. Sensual, perhaps.
A deep, personal chuckle gave rise inside of Kzaevas. Whatever innocence there was inside of this girl, it was completely gone. There was no longer a struggle, no longer any disagreement between body and soul. The abomination was truly whole at this point, accepting of its fate to serve the Force and no other.
A purpose was finally found.
And it was to take it from others.
[member="Koda Fett"] | [member="Arador Kahn"]
S u p e r i o r
Arador would keep his weapons at the ready, his eye focused on the signals that appeared on his sensor as one had disappeared and gone out of range. His head would turn back towards where Koda was as he heard the other hunter's voice before snapping back another remark, " Funny considering I don't know who the hell you are and you knowing who I am. Really got me there pal." Arador would glance away as he decided to let the other hunter go off on whatever monologue he might have in mind about how he thought he was the greatest hunter the galaxy had ever seen or some other arrogant bantha fodder.

It was no longer his concern as the signal that indicated Koda seemed to be moving away as Arador would silently retreat into the shadows cast by the ruins as his dark colored armor seemed to blend in with its surroundings in the dwindling sunlight. He had made his way into the ruins, chasing after Vi'ze from where he had least seen her running off deeper into the catacombs that she had fled to. He would reach into his pocket as he took out a small device and tossed it on the wall, on an edge where it would not be noticed unless it had been passed and the person turned around to see it. The small sensor would serve to alert Arador if anything came from the way he came.

It was just the hunt now, and he would not be foolish in wasting any time like he had before now that another hunter was determined to try and steal away his bounty. His night vision optics would activate as the pitch dark tunnels began to glow in a ghostly green light that filled his HUD. He would pause as he knelt down, briefly inspecting the ground to trace a finger along some footprints that had been made faintly on the surface of the dusty stone. It appeared he was on track to following his prey as he continued to forge onward.

[member="Kzaevas Vi'ze"] | [member="Koda Fett"]


Citrus Dreams
Perhaps Fett was arrogant, but nevertheless his arrogance was deserved. As a Hunter held in such high esteem but not only his employers but by his opponents too, it wasn't often that he met his match - and he was doubtful he would he find it in Arador. It was possible that the other hunter, lesser by his standards, didn't know of Koda. It would surely be odd for one to be so out of loop, or maybe he just didn't care. Either way, he'd know soon enough. The professional didn't bother refuting his statement, needless banter wasn't required or anything he was too fond of.

Instead he kept on his path away from Kahn and Vi'ze as she fled into the ruins with the other hunter closing in on her. Higher ground was Fett's target, moving there and ascending via a makeshift set of stairs left over by whatever destroyed this place however long ago. His sensors pinged, and his vision remained sharp. Whoever was the victor of the two, Fett would make sure to claim it in the end.

[member="Arador Kahn"] | [member="Kzaevas Vi'ze"]

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