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Come Right Your Wrongs I Redemption of Undin Pt 1

Ardgal was a god. Or, at least in his mind. But more than that he was a just, honorable god who felt the law was to be abided at all times. He was the enforcer of it. And frankly, he didn't care about morals, ethics, or anything of that nature. All he cared about was following the law. He was Lawful Neutral, you could say, for he was neither good nor evil.

Beings who broke that law, would pay. Regardless of age, reason, or logic. The crime would always fit the punishment and the victim would be honored. That was the way the law should work.

Per his promise, he was offering Undin a chance at redemption. A thing that few robbers, thieves, child slavers, and murders like him ever got. Whether the writer would take this chance to change his character or not would be seen, but Ardgal was throwing him a bone.

Here, Ardgal in this prison had taken all the kid's weapons, arms, and credits, he was escorted to a visitation chamber where Godkillers, Alpha Company Super Commandos, and regular soldiers were swarming. Basically, it meant that even the strongest godawan wouldn't stand a chance. The stun cuffs had not been removed from the youth since the capture.

The terms were simple, each victim of the boy would come forward and state their greivence. In return, Ardgal would oversee restitution as best could be made--as the boy agreed to have happen.

Ardgal was indeed a just god.

[member="Undin Jaii Kryze"]
[member="Titan Kryze"] ((Pass it along please, mate, I don't know who all he pissed off))

During is capture, Undin was given a chance to reform. He took it, here we are doing it. If you were robbed, attacked, kidnapped, stolen, or in any other way bothered by this character, make an IC appearance, state your grievence, and link the thread where it happened. We will work something out to clear the Karma. Cheers mates. Let's have a civil thread of burrying the hatchet and making things right.
The boy was in his cell , waiting for the moment when [member="Ardgal Raxis"] would come and make his life a living hell , even worse than he already had.
As he did he thought of all he did in his life. Steal from [member="Salllkar volling"] and [member="Ruby Senri"] , attack [member="Titan Kryze"] , [member="Jakkor Kess"] , [member="Akhilleus"] , [member="Xiarr Sair"] , show hostility towards [member="Zephyr Carrick"] and [member="Aerin Kath"] in auctions and that just what came to mind.
It was over for him, no more training with his master , [member="Matsu Ike"] , no more hanging out with Thar , no more nothing.
He's sole reason in life now, was to redeem himself , and then come back to get revenge on those who attacked him , one by one, thought right now, he was in a situation where that had to wait. Wait until he had the oportunity to change the tides and take over.
[member="Undin Jaii Kryze"]

Ardgal wasn't about to make anyone's life a "living hell" He was a god of justice not child abuse. He was crazy, not evil. He was bent on restitution and reform, not beating the crap out of someone who frankly wasn't worth his time. If the kid wanted to go cloud burner with a "clone army" and think that he too could exact revenge and be some sort of salt master, like that being who had gotten banned for his desire to do so and refusal to see the difference between IC and OOC; well, that was his problem. Not a single slice of phrik was given that day or th days that followed.

Right now it was just about plain old, "give back what you took from someone else." Pre-school justice, someone could say. Whatever the heck the kid did with his life afterwards was his choice. He could in fact, forget the whole idea of salt-revenge for things that the boy in fact started. He could be a regular person in the galaxy, not a cloud burner bent on revenge for things he started. But, ya know, it was whatever.

The general pressed the red intercomm, "First person, please."
(ooc his is unnecessary in my opinion.)

did some one call my name? Sal asked approaching he bench. and reclaiming her former maser's body.
it was the betrayal that hurt her most her maser had been a warrior of peace and her dying wish was for her fight to continue.
her body would be at home in a new saber.
[member="Salllkar volling"]

Ardgal, from behind his thick power armor (in La sig), pressed the button activating the recording. This of course, would all be transcribed for accountability and sent over to the planetary governments where the wrongs were also committed. If it met their judicial laws with the transcribed treatment of juvenial delinquents ((which, btw, this is a thing of how they do it in the real world according to Discovering Juvenial Treatment and Restitution Vol 3 5th ed)), then there would be no further need for justice otherwise--there would be more to pay out until all the crimes were done.

"Please state your grievence," Ardgal said, setting a mic down between the minor and the Shard, "And evidence there off."

((All related threads which you desire restitution for and what he took from you. Thanks))
While she was on Dulvoyinn resting her battle-weary body, where in a few short weeks she fought Mandos on Kashyyyk posing as a Republican sniper, using an anti-tank weapon to hold the third line of trenches, holding even a Mandalorian general in terror, and she played in the Galactic Games, putting the Sanctum's first shot on goal of the game, she received a Holonet transmission, offering her a chance to state her grievance towards Undin. She was wronged by that [member="Undin Jaii Kryze"] on one occasion although his attempt at committing crimes on her fizzled. Upon hearing the Please state your grievance and evidence thereof, she encoded her grievance and evidence in the response she was about to give from her hotel room on Dulvoyinn:

"He attempted to make me commit sexual crimes! I've given the team of bounty hunters a free Wicca flying broomstick, the very same Undin tested at the time of the crime. You should get yours in the mail soon"

[member="Ardgal Raxis"]
[member="Ardgal Raxis"]
[member="Undin Jaii Kryze"]

"He has meddled in an auction of mine, and personally interfered when I was unable to get back to my holonet console, and correct issues. Due to this, he has cost me quite a lot of credits and made a few items in my possession...unsaleable. Therefore, I desire recompense. To be blunt, he's going to pay every credit he has to my possession."

This transmission was sent by Warren Century to the place where the transmission was coming from. A few logs showing the aforementioned interruptions were put into the transmission by Warren Century.

"That should be sufficient recompense for his actions."

Warren was currently on Tatooine, drinking a glass of fruit juice as he typed away from under a shady booth.
Btw [member="Ardgal Raxis"] , you don't have all of credits , since they're not even with Undin they're stored in the V-Wing , that is in the swamp in Nal Hutta , which would be almost impossible to find.
Enduri stepped up to the counter , alongside with the shard , Lady Jessica he had met the other day and some strange man. He decided it was best to greet Jessica first , then explain why he was there.
"Hello Lady Jessica , it seems we like to cross paths. What are you doing here anyway? Did Undin do anything wrong to you?".
He then turned to the counter directing he's speach at [member="Ardgal Raxis"] "Hello , I'm Enduri Jaii , prince of Rionda , from the planet Rishi, and I would like to request and audience with the kid.". He wanted to meet his possible brother , and to help him out , if there was any way of doing that.

[member="Jessica Med-Beq"] [member="Salllkar volling"] [member="Warren Century"]
[member="Ardgal Raxis"]
"I have all that matters here. my ship can be rebuilt my saber remade bu this was my maser" she showed a dull red crystal.
" this was Jedi master Rhamba Sallasar she died saving a village on Rhyloth. her legacy is all i truly have." with that the Shard turned to leave.
" I have a Ruby to Free i did my part."

Fair, game then. Your acounts will be settled by me lending the money then. You will IC-ly work the debt off at minimum wage until every credit has been accounted for. Just for reference: You earn 30k a year at minimum wage. From what I have seen your already going to owe in the hundreds of thousands. Not counting when you auctioned off the sabers, the boy, and so on.

Alternate option: Pay those credits on the V-wing rather than "working it off." Your choice.

You said you wanted people to quit dwelling on the past with this character. Well, here's your chance to turn over a new leaf. Choice is yours. Change or keep making enemies. Cheers.

Ardgal pursed his lips, the accounts of sexual assault were--well, a little stretched by the records. At most it would be a domestic disturbance, or disorderly conduct. The standard fine was 500 credits, however, he would bump things up, "Considering the nature of the situation, a 700 credit fine shall be a fixed to him, and in return this shall be give to you, alternately, you may opt for 2 weeks of community service for the planetary charity of your choice."

He sent out a message to Warren, "I have reviewed the logs. There are no laws against a 'garage sale' of goods you have sold. Considering there was no damage to the goods, a fine of one third of the value of the merchandise seems appropriate, alternately two weeks of community service for the planetary charity of your choice to underprivileged neighborhoods."

The prince came through the doors and Ardgal heard his request. "That's too bad. We are in trail. Anything you want to say shall be spoken here, now, and no other exception shall me made. If you wish for a private audience, wait until after all the victims have been heard out and the options weighed."

He looked to the shard, clearly a person that this being had wronged. There was no real way to make up for lost artifacts like that, still, "I am sorry for your loss. I wish I could do more, all proceeds he gained from fencing the ill-gotten goods shall be forwarded to you from his account. In addition he will serve two weeks of community service in the planetary charity of your choice. Once again, I am truly, deeply sorry."

[member="Salllkar volling"]
[member="Warren Century"]
[member="Jessica Med-Beq"]
" he was just a bit creepy to me. but thanks to him i was able to admit i am a lesbian.
no hard feelings [member="Undin Jaii Kryze"] it relay was me. those hotpot's were good though"
kami thaught to her self
" hold on why am i here i barely me the kid?"
A transmission came from Warren Century to [member="Titan Kryze"].

"I will accept the recompense of one third of the value of the aforementioned items, with the understanding you will keep him out of my business in the future. "
Enduri heard the fines. He could pay some of them , using the credit from the Royal Bank. But what would he say to his parents...Researching funds? Right, researching funds. "I'll wait , but how big are the fines anyway? I mean he's just a little boy, it can't be that much. What 1000 , 1500 credits?".
He had to meet Undin , whatever it costed. He could be his brother , and he couldn't let the opportunity to have a brother pass.
The young Prince was imagining how having a little brother would be like, playing games , teaching him stuff , covering up for him if he messed up. Well, that last one , was probably going to be done sooner than he'd imagine , but it would be worth it.
The writer refused to acknowledge this honestly sad attempt to get his own character out of the crap he was in. His stony general's eyes gave this noble a glacial stare. There was no mercy in them. This was mercy, the fact that he was not facing second or third degree murder charges was a kindness.

"You will stay here," Ardgal said firmly, "You may be royalty, and you very well may be used to people bending the rules for you, but here the law is the law. Period, regardless of who you are or what your last name is. Things will be handled appropriately, fairly and equitably. If you have a problem with that--get over it.

"What is that money? You can feed a family of four in most parts of the galaxy with that for three weeks, longer even in some parts. Its a down playment on a car. Its a month of rent for the average Family. Its what he is going to pay period, I don't care who you are or what your excuse is to try and get him out of this."

Ardgal had to hand it to Mr Undin, by the reaction of these females, apparently he had a way to weasel his way into their bedrooms.

He sent another message to Mr Century, 'What this boy chooses to do with the remainder of his life is not up to me, or the state. His life choices are his own to decide."
@Enduri Jaii
[member="Warren Century"]
The man seemed rude , and to be honest he kind of was. And who said he was going to try and get him out of this? He was thinking it , but he didn't say it. How could he know such a thing? Anyway he was bending the question Enduri had put him , so he decided to repeat it "As I asked earlier , how big is the fine anyway? And who said such as to get him out of here? To me , he's just a criminal with the same last name as I and I'd like to clear this up with this kid , so he doesn't make my good name into rot. Understood?". He lied. He had to , I mean what was a little lie here and there?

[member="Ardgal Raxis"]
"Familial ties, sir I am not a fool," the general answered, still professional, as he had been before. If Mr Hot Shot had a problem with manners, well he could stop trying to weasel his way out of things and just freakin' pony up, "Same last name, your family. This isn't the first time I have dealt with this situation.

"Family who hates family do no visit and request to see prisoners. The running fines, as stated in on the door ((first post)) will be composed of all the wrongs he has committed previously. Every person he scammed, robbed, mugged, wronged is getting justice, as I stated before. I frankly do not care what your reasoning is to try and talk to him--as I stated before, the law shall be followed. You may speak with him after the victims have received restitution, as I have stated before. Failure to comply will result in your own detention and a loss of that right. Now if you are quite done, step back and let the victims of this criminal get their restitution. Thank you."

@Enduri Jaii

[member="Salllkar volling"]

Ardgal nodded his head, "Prior fines for this crime have been dropped, community service of repairing 5 community service vehicles shall be the payment. Next."

Aerin Kath

Sentinel of the Outback.
[member="Ardgal Raxis"]

(ooc: I'm glad this is here to try and help Undin's writer and not just to punish Undin, I won't be posting on here as I think ICly Aerin doesn't wish to make the kid anymore mad at anyone else and blame more people for his crimes)

a simple message was sent to the trial procession from Aerin

it was a gif of a grinning protocol droid giving a thumbs up with it's eyes flashing.

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