The Admiralty
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Bank of Taris - Banking Clan Branch[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px][member="Arrbi Betna"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]This was some time after the meeting with Anja had taken place, the InterGalactic Banking Clan used to have a standing army, a standing fleet - warriors and ships ready to defend the interests of their Muun Overlords wherever in the Galaxy, whenever simple diplomacy didn’t work out. These days the situation was far more complicated, to a degree that the IGBC had to downcut most of its interests, operations and locations; retreating back towards the core worlds of the factions that currently reigned over the Galaxy and their own core worlds.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Today Vassik, one of the Magisters of the Banking Clan, found himself on Taris. They were going over the operations on the planet, trying to figure out how to streamline the economy and lead it back to the more… [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]worthwhile[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px] directions. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]It was difficult to see how the galactic economy had suffered under the constant threat of wars, factions appearing and disappearing in the short timespan of years and rogue Force Gods threatening to cause upheavals in the common axis of balance. Not exactly a pleasant breeding for the confidence of consumers and producers alike.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]But the Muuns did what they could to stabilize the Credit, it’s what they did… it’s what they had always done and they weren’t prepared to stop it now. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]An appointment had been made with one of the Field Marshals of the Mandalorians, it was time to start restructuring the IGBC. A personal guard would need to be trained and formed for the Magister himself, before they could start talking about returning back to a time where [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]operatives[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px] forced people to avoid defaulting on their loans.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]The Muun waited on one of the many balconies of the Bank of Taris and a little table had been prepared with some refreshments.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px][member="Arrbi Betna"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]This was some time after the meeting with Anja had taken place, the InterGalactic Banking Clan used to have a standing army, a standing fleet - warriors and ships ready to defend the interests of their Muun Overlords wherever in the Galaxy, whenever simple diplomacy didn’t work out. These days the situation was far more complicated, to a degree that the IGBC had to downcut most of its interests, operations and locations; retreating back towards the core worlds of the factions that currently reigned over the Galaxy and their own core worlds.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]Today Vassik, one of the Magisters of the Banking Clan, found himself on Taris. They were going over the operations on the planet, trying to figure out how to streamline the economy and lead it back to the more… [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]worthwhile[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px] directions. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]It was difficult to see how the galactic economy had suffered under the constant threat of wars, factions appearing and disappearing in the short timespan of years and rogue Force Gods threatening to cause upheavals in the common axis of balance. Not exactly a pleasant breeding for the confidence of consumers and producers alike.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]But the Muuns did what they could to stabilize the Credit, it’s what they did… it’s what they had always done and they weren’t prepared to stop it now. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]An appointment had been made with one of the Field Marshals of the Mandalorians, it was time to start restructuring the IGBC. A personal guard would need to be trained and formed for the Magister himself, before they could start talking about returning back to a time where [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px]operatives[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6666666666667px] forced people to avoid defaulting on their loans.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.6666666666667px]The Muun waited on one of the many balconies of the Bank of Taris and a little table had been prepared with some refreshments.[/SIZE]