Josh listened to it all. The accusation, the response... Though Draven's response took him aback a little, he wasn't all that surprised either. His attitude back at the potluck, and the reports he'd seen since made it so he wasn't entirely surprised, but to be this far gone? That was a problem. He listened to it all and remained silent... Until the moment that Jyoti would look toward him.
The Jedi Master would gently rise to his feet and began to pace around the room a bit. His expression was blank, completely unreadable. His mind even, was closed off to all in the room. He kept himself to himself, as he allowed everything to formulate before he spoke.
"So I hate to be a dog-piler" He would admit in a small glimpse back at the Josh they knew as he would look from the Assembly, to the witnesses, to Draven and his men, before shrugging his shoulders. "But you haven't given me all that much choice."
He walked toward Draven then, stopping in front of him. Normally, he would make jokes about the difference in height, if this were the normal Josh. But this wasn't. Even if it was a bit funny considering Jyoti's little display earlier, and the fact that Josh was even bigger than Jyoti. Instead though, he stepped a few ways back from Draven so he could see him fully and he could see Draven fully without having to look down on him much. He would give him that much courtesy.
"I challenged you to a sparring match during the potluck both to give the people a show... And for you to learn something" He spoke calmly, yet firmly, his eyes burrowing into Draven, piercing... Almost like he could disintegrate him with just a gaze. "We are Jedi, we are bringers of balance... And for that, we must PRACTICE balance. Even in combat. Against me, you were all offense... All ra ra ra, strike strike strike... And I told you it would be your undoing. You leave yourself open to killing blows... And to mistakes.
And you did it again despite that.
Worse yet... This mistake was not made in the heart of combat... But before the battle had even begun.
You disregarded all that I had hoped to teach you in our battle. I wanted you to LEARN, Draven. I wanted you to be BETTER. Better than me, better than all of us, I wanted you to be part of this Order's FUTURE, because you know what?
I'm not going to live forever."
He let that sink in for a moment, before he continued. The more that he spoke, the more the intensity increased, and the more that it rang out in his voice...
"I don't say this often because I am not a man of ego... But I am fully aware of my abilities as a combatant, that's why I'm here, that's part why I am in my position and it's part of how I'm still here despite seeing Republic after Republic, Jedi Order after Jedi Order rise and fall... You think your "Guys", your "Boys", have seen battle? I have seen wars, Draven... I have seen death, I have seen amounts of it that would make you, tweedle dee and tweedle doo on your left and right vomit. And the worst part of it is... I cut many them down myself. That's something I have to live with, and yet at the same time... I am damn proud of the warrior that I have become. Because it means that I can serve my purpose... And protect my family.
But one day, Draven... One day, I'm going to fight a battle I will not win. There is going to be a day... That I'm not coming home.
I have a wife and a son, you know that?"
Another pause, another moment.
"They are what drive me. The Jedi drove me for so many years, and yet I have chosen to continue to serve despite the fact I could have walked away when I found my drive, and my purpose... Because now I can protect my family, and because there are people who need me. Families that need me. Families that NEED ME... To be a JEDI MASTER... Make the right calls, do the right thing, and be smart about it because I am playing with their lives. If I kark up... They die.
But one day... I am going to be struck down. One day I am going to fall in combat, I know this. So when I'm dead, who's going to protect my family, huh Draven? Who's going to make sure that people like those slavers don't take my wife and kid? And what happens if they do? What happens if those slavers take my wife and my son?
The future of this Order... You... You are who would be tasked to get them back. And what happens then, if the one that gets sent... Decides to be a dumbass and charge in blindly with no plan? I have raided slaver camp after slaver camp... If they feel they will not be able to keep any slaves due to an overwhelming force, they will kill them. If they cannot have them... Nobody will, that is how they are. They either escape with the slaves, or kill them so they can never be free.
So you think that my family, while they are carried away because some idiot charged in blindly, or are killed because of a large force approaching... You think they're gonna give a damn that you destroyed a droid army they can replace in a day? That you killed a few slavers, when you could have captured them all just by gathering intelligence and taking them by surprise? You killed a few. So what? You could have gotten them all locked up... Or better yet, waited until the time was right and killed them all.
No... Instead, your ego, your desire to rush in blindly... You doomed them. Now who knows when we'll be able to find those slavers again? Who knows how many slaves we could have saved if you'd just stuck with the plan?
You think I want to trust my families safety to someone who does that?
I want to trust my families safety to someone that is even better than I am."
He stared him dead in the eyes, a hush staying over the room as he spoke... His tone was intense, ominous... Completely serious. There was no playfulness, no jokes, no humor... Just a man who saw the demise of many families if people like Draven kept running around the Order.
"And you showed that you were unwilling to be better. That you care more about the glory of killing some droids and a few slavers than the big picture. There are hundreds of families that are missing members still because of you. So what if you saved a few? You doomed hundreds more. And for what? Your ego? Destroying a droid army that is of no consequence? I build droids for fun, if my droids get kabooshed I just rebuild them. But I can't replace the time lost in captivity... I can't replace lives lost.
When I screw up, if any live are lost because of me, Draven... It haunts me forever. Yet here you stand, proud of yourself... Acting like you're some kind of war hero when there is blood, and potential blood on your hands."
He shook his head.
"Be. Better. If you didn't understand my lesson the first time, understand it now... Be better. Be better than yourself... Be better than anyone else in this room...
Be better than me. Be the man that protects my family when I'm gone. Learn patience... Learn tolerance... Learn balance. Be five times... No, TEN TIMES... The Jedi that I am, I am begging you! Be better than me. The Order needs to evolve and we need the younger generation to be better than we are... Be a part of that. That's all we want. That's all we've ever wanted. You think we're here to punish you, to serve you some war crime sentence? What do you think we are, the Republic? If you want to be a soldier and ra ra ra go shoot people blindly... Go be a damn soldier.
If you want to be a Jedi... Then be the best damn Jedi you can be. If you have no ambition to be the best Jedi you can be... Why the hell are you even here?"
Josh took a deep breath then. It was a rare show from him, the way he was now. But Draven's actions, his arrogance in response, it struck a chord with him. Becoming a family man had opened Josh's eyes to the reality of their actions, to the reality of how important their mission was...
Josh never truly realized how important their mission was until he himself had something to lose.
And he couldn't trust his families future, the Order's future, and the lives of others... To someone who didn't hold enough regard for them to think with a broader scope.
"But... I think I have an idea" He spoke, more softly now as he would begin to calm down. "I agree with Master Nooran's decision to have you work under her... But I have a boon to ask, Master Nooran" He spoke as he looked toward Jyoti. "I request that before he work under you, he accompany me on my next slave camp raid."
He then looked toward Draven.
"I want you to see how the situation should be handled... I want you to learn, hands on."
His expression deepened then as he stared at him once again.
"But if you pull what you did before, in that mission... I will personally track down the families, somehow, some way... Of every slave who was either killed or compromised because you screwed up. And you will personally apologize. You will look them in the eye and you will tell them exactly why their husband, wife, father, mother, brother, sister, loved one... Isn't coming home. Go ahead. Tell them you killed a few slavers. Tell them that you killed some droids."
His expression told that he was dead serious on this statement. Josh was not a man that lied. So he would finish with one last statement...
"Be the Jedi we know you can be. If we didn't think you could be... You wouldn't be sitting in this room with us right now."
Harsh? Perhaps. Josh could be a strict teacher when he needed to be... This was a time where he needed to be. Or Draven would doom himself, and others.
The Order needed to be better... Now and in the future. And Josh would lay the foundation down brick by brick if he needed to.
[member="Jyoti Nooran"] - [member="Alyisa Mithel"] - [member="Varindar Asyt"] - [member="Sala'dine"] - [member="Draven Dursden"] - [member="Charlie"] Brown