"Ke'Tek, in our tongue. It is a strong and noble beast with as much ferocity as any Iridonian. It's hide isn't so easily pierced by conventional weapons, so the recruits will have to be smart to overcome it." Krest smiled over to [member="Tarana"] , clearly pleased with her interest. In the ring the fight had begun, the yelling of the recruits as they formed their rough organization and the creature that stomped it's way through, battering those who got too close.
"The Res'Selenoren consists of three parts. A mental challenge, a physical one, and a social one. For you both, you've already passed a mental challenge. To die, and to be tortured, and come back while still being able to continue with your life. Well, there is no stronger proof of your strength of mind and will. So." The Zabrak King paused, nodding down to the ring. "You'll be fighting that Ke'Tek. The soldiers below don't seem to be ready to face an opponent of this strength, though they have proved their own." They were loosing, terribly so. Many were bruised and cut, their weapons gone. But none turned to run, and not a one was left behind. Krest then lept down into the arena, holding up a hand to the beast. At once it fell to it's knees, as if under an immersive weight. It's clicks and groans became far more sluggish and strained.
"There was no victory for you here. You aren't soldiers, or Jedi. Or Sith. Or Templar. All you had was your own raw skill and strength. And loyalty. You didn't leave anyone to die, and you stood your ground even as you were battered and broken. For that, you deserve your marks. Or, you will once you complete your last trial. The Rising Festival is in a couple of months, so prepare yourself none the less."
Asajj blinked slowly, peering over to her sister with a confused look. "Did he just say today?"