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Dominion Commen'or Leaving? | GA Dominion of Commenor


Coruscant, Senate Rotunda
Tags: Annasari Annasari , Rens Ahim Rens Ahim , Xasha Callisto Xasha Callisto , Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr


"There's a far more logical course of action than banning an entire group of people from travel," Yumia chimed in. "I have no love for the Jedi, but restricting them from access to planets opens a floodgate for the repulsion of others a planet may deem as 'undesirable.' We'd be legitimizing discriminatory practices on a mass scale. I feel that the far more reasonable course of action is to keep better track of the Jedi. If the practice of taking youths into their order is to continue, then proper documentation of such an occurrence, formal signed consent of the families, and proper education of the public should greatly assist in ensuring no citizens are being trafficked. And for Jedi who wish to remain connected to their families, I can certainly see the restriction of travel completely cutting them off from their roots."

The Jedi were helpful to have around, and Yumia knew as much, even though she had no particular fondness for their order. It was a matter of principle. If members of their Alliance were, goddess forbid, taking advantage of their people, wandering Jedi would be of great value. This was a loophole. The Trade Federation intended to use it to isolate and exploit planets. Even the Jedi alone was a large step in their favor, and using it to argue that Senator Laborr had no ill intent certainly made it clear that there were reasons that the Vice Chancellor didn't want the Jedi to be snooping around either.

"I see no reason why we should be satisfied with allowing lesser evils in our Alliance," she added. "This is a road that can so easily snowball out of control, one which I feel could be remedied simply by holding the New Jedi Order to an ethical standard."


The back and forth was already rather heated in the Senate. Sonya restrained herself from interjecting up to this point, but finally found it in her to step forward, "I find the claim that one must exist in lieu of the other to be rather disconcerting, Vice Chancellor. Nor, would I argue, are the terms even accurate of Jedi practices. The Senator from Old Providence is right," If a little overzealous in her opening remarks. Not that Sonya was ever worried about well-intentioned fervor, "We've no reason to settle on discrimination," She emphasized with disgust, to cement how ridiculous it sounded coming from a senatorial discussion of all places. "Or any lesser evil, if and when there are more reasonable alternatives."

"As it is, the wording of this bill seems little more than bad faith scapegoating against Jedi. And given the current circumstances regarding Skako,"
A massive understatement to say the least, "I fail to see why any bill proposed by their leadership should be taken into consideration until such a time as investigations are completed. The Alliance hasn't exactly garnered a reputation for poor religious protection the way things are."
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Caedyn Arenais


LOCATION: Commenor, Illaria Woodlands.
OBJECTIVE BYO: Visit the Force Praxeum of the Commenori Order.
INVENTORY: Staff of Preservation, Garments of Rebirth.
TRANSPORT: The Repertoire.

Leaving the Repertoire in the clearing at the mouth of the Ilaria Woodlands, Caedyn Arenais moved into the shadow of the looming trees, his eyes searching for the old security sensors that marked the Praxeum's perimeter grounds. Motion detection had been installed as part of the Commenori Governments assessment of the grounds, Veiere Arenais having used his position as King to ensure that the Praxeum would be off-limits lest visitors had the appropriate permissions through the Chasin City Palace. It wasn't a place for civilians to visit, but a place of sanctuary, discipline and training for the Guardians of Commenor, especially after the Sith Empire's year-long occupation of the people.

Long ago, Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex had blockaded Commenor and forced the Royal Family to flee. Their people had been enslaved and Commenor had been ravaged of its natural resources for the benefit of the Sith Empire, which was at its apex back then. By a year's time, Veiere had mounted a Resistance with a variety of allies including the Order of the Silver Jedi and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, to which they wrought against the Dark Lord of the Sith and freed their people, driving the Empire out. The Guardians of Commenor was one assurance of such a time not repeating itself, yet the Woodlands felt entirely absent of sentient life today.

The Jedi Knight felt his boot kick at something solid and unmoving while mid-step. Caedyn maintained his composure and soon glanced down to recognize one of the motion trackers, of which looked aged and lacking any sign that it was still receiving upkeep from the Artisans that should have been present in the Praxeum. "Guess there won't be much of a welcome..." He muttered under his breath as he knelt down to better inspect the device.

It wasn't that surprising really. When Veiere Arenais and Kay Arenais had been killed, Caedyn and Loreena discovered the World of Mnemosyne through their parents' Will. Mnemosyne had been a closely kept secret and a world that was to mimic the success that Commenor had found under the leadership of House Arenais. Unfortunately, by the time the Twins resumed their parent's work, Mnemosyne had been neglected and the Commenor Systems Alliance was but a memory that only few would recall.

To say that Alicio Organa was biased on the topic of the Jedi was... a gross underexaggeration.

He'd had a rather public wedding to the New Jedi Order's Chief Healer, after all. Anyone with their ear remotely to the ground would have a good sense of how the senator from Alderaan would vote, regardless of the debate tonight.

Thankfully, it seemed the Alliance would be spared from his overly-biased talking points tonight, as other Senators were quick to disavow any notion of the motion. Alicio leaned back in his pod, trying not to smile too hard. The Jedi and the GA had been stalwart friends for years; there was no way the Assembly would turn on them so quickly.

Though not for a lack of trying, as Alicio discovered with a furrowed brow.

"Vice Chancellor Vahl," Alicio finally said, swallowing whatever distaste he had for the woman, and trying to project understanding instead. "If we have genuine concerns about the current practices of the New Jedi Order, I would suggest we take them to Intelligence first, before resorting to driving a wedge between ourselves and our most staunch allies."

"If an investigation were to find evidence of practices that go against our tenants, I would be the first to shout 'accountability' from the rooftops."
Senator Yumia was sent a nod of agreement.

"But until that point, Vice Chancellor, if you are searching for manipulation and injustice within Alliance borders, perhaps there are more deserving, more obvious, targets."
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Hovik Vaiken



GA Dominion of Commenor
Senate Floor, Foerost Pod. . .
The Federalist Senator of Foerost
TAGS: Alicio Organa Alicio Organa | Annasari Annasari | Rens Ahim Rens Ahim | Valette Puritis Yumia Valette Puritis Yumia | Xasha Callisto Xasha Callisto | Sonya Provost Sonya Provost


"The Native Religions Protection Act...Heh, dumb and bold; if I can say one thing about Mr. Laborr, he's bold and such an arrogant butterfly, which is exactly why he won't win. He needs to keep that rubbish in the private sector or move aside.." Ms. Aquiliux stated addressing her junior-rep with a rough voice as she entered her pod, the young girl writing down every word per usual. Calista had most of her peers profiled and 'Rulonom Laborr' was a man which she described as a Gold Bandit, he was a Hawk and breathed capitalism, something which'd prove inefficient long term.

She listened with mild interest as the respective parties enacted a front against the Skakoan mouse, in her honest opinion...she didn't have one. The Skakoan's bill was might one say, bland and too general, he didn't realize that Jedi & Denial didn't mix together well more so this bill was an obvious targeting upon the religious monks who which she saw as simply enforcers.

"..The Honorable Senator-Elect of Foerost calls the floor:
My fellow ambassadors, in this moment we must acknowledge that we are a civilized delegation of democracy...not snake-bit orators. I hope to refrain myself from participating in an ever-ending subduing of the Honorable Skakoan representative, however, it is to my judgement that this 'Native Religion Protection Act' as you all have verbally expressed is but a rickety ladder to which one can manipulate and utilize against the honorable Jedi Knights." She exclaimed, her dark eyes glowering throughout the large rotunda. The Iron Senator was an opportunist in natural state, to align herself with the Honorable Skakoan would be to pronounce idle Federalist-reinforcement, and in this moment supporting the bill would be useless.

"I am under the assumption that the Honorable Laborr means to push this agenda in way of conserving as titled, Native Religions, nevertheless the enforcement of equality via the establishment is what we strive for, and if we are to do so, I suggest the reconfiguration of the lining of the bill to fill...all...Foreign-Religions. This Act views the Jedi as Religious-Lobbyist because of their capabilities regarding...sorcery...when in reality, all religions wield sphere's of expansionist influence, thus all religions have the capability to sway native populaces; you strangle one group because they have certain abilities whilst another converts a decamillennium worth of traditional religious alignment...Of course being, this could be prevented simply by improvement of education, educate populaces and they won't be prone to these situations." She finished, her tone quite cold and confrontational. She shook her head, Calista knew the Skakoan had alterior motives involving the exclusion of Jedi however she believed this was improper powerplaying. If he wanted this bill passed, he should've utilized local-level lobbyism and pushed nigh State-Atheism which could get rid of the religion topic altogether and aid his power moves.

Damian Du Couteau, Senator of Empress Teta
Location: Coruscant, Senate Chambers


Damian flinched inwardly as he wondered how much larger of a budget the Alliance needed before the cushions within the Senate Chambers were replaced. Replaced with something far more comfortable, like Tetan Silk Pillows. The young Du Couteau heir had no time to recover ,since his rather unfortunate encounter with the former Maw forces, before Senators were once again called for another meeting. He had considered sending one of his Advisors to represent him, but with enough makeup and prep time, Damian figured he could avoid raised eyebrows or questioning glances from other Senators. Or worse, cameras inspecting every flaw of every Senator.

His eyes scanned the data-slate in his hand and wondered how these proposals even passed focus groups or other think tanks. The idea of limiting the Jedi Order’s movements was one that had backfired quite a few times in the past. Damian’s own father left notes of his opinions on the matter and it was quite clear the Senate shouldn’t be adversarial to the Jedi Order. Such actions would lead to needless diversion and endless bickering that could only lead to dangerous factional in-fighting.

The young Du Couteau heir listened to the few Senators already speaking against the Proposal and he wondered to himself if there was any other outcome. The Jedi are far too popular, and such a blatant targeted bill will only bring such fierce defenders. Damian for his part remained silent, he had already made up his mind on the matter. The Vice Chancellor made attempts to calm and cool the temperature of the more outspoken detractors of the bill, and brought up perhaps the most valid criticism against the Jedi.

“Where do the Jedi’s authority begin and end, and would they listen to anyone outside of their Order’s hierarchy?” Damian mumbled quietly to himself as he remained in his seated position. Vigilantism was an issue not new to the Alliance, but when paired with someone who controls powers of the Jedi, the issue becomes that much larger. And we have plenty of examples to point to, so much so that some of us might call it a trend or pattern.

Damian returned to his data-slate and wondered if, despite the Vice Chancellor’s efforts, would this forum devolve into futile arguments. Senator Laborr was quite blatant in his desires, he wasn't first nor the last to hold grievance against the Jedi. Justified or not. The young Du Couteau heir wouldn't mind this sort of discrimination against Sith and other practitioners of the Dark side of the Force, but the unfortunate reality was that even Jedi can fall, and will fall.
So what do we do to prepare for that eventuality?
if they're watching anyways
"I've heard enough," she said. Auteme had given Senator Callisto a nod at her motion, but she'd decided to let things play out a little. Every time she spoke on Jedi issues someone would accuse her of bias. Which, fair, she probably was biased, but she still liked to think she had the right idea on this sort of thing. In this case...

"It is clear to me that this bill was proposed out of self-interest and bad faith, in order to be wielded as a cudgel against the Jedi. Let me be clear -- criticism and scrutiny of the Jedi is not unwarranted. However, they are subject to the same laws as every citizen of the Alliance. To open the gates to codified legal discrimination and restriction of rights based on individual identity is, obviously, wrong, and sets a terrible precedent. For these reasons I accept the motion to strike this legislation from the ballot, which we will vote on momentarily.

"As touched on by Vice Chancellor Vahl, however, I will remind this body that we represent the people of the Alliance, and personal attacks are discouraged. I would also remind this body that, like any other person of good standing, making such comments -- or accusing a person or group of a crime -- opens them up to potential legal ramifications."
Auteme's head didn't move, but her gaze was boring into the back of the Vice Chancellor's skull.

She paused a moment, eyes scanning the chamber. Part of her wanted to go further, but the weight of decorum still held her back.

"We are approaching the end of our session. However, with nothing imminently on the table -- I would look favourably on a motion for a statement of displeasure towards the Member for Skako and the Trade Federation." A censure seemed appropriate -- if, perhaps, small. But to escalate too quickly would be terrible; they needed to move at a reasonable pace.



Oh this wouldn't do at all.

The Native Religion Protection Act. What a fascinating name! Not entirely accurate of course, but he expected nothing less from the fabled Senator from Skako, the ever intriguing Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr . The proposal itself was a non-starter. The people of Alsakan hated strong, powerful governments and the idea of them supporting legislation to regulate the affairs of religion on any ground was laughable to say the least. It would never happen. Not even under his corrupt predecessor. Then there were his own personal convictions to take note of. He'd spent decades studying the nature of the force before being called upon to represent Alsakan in a rather unusual election and had closely aligned himself with the forces of good - Ashla - for most of his academic and philosophical career. The Jedi were of particular interest to him, and while he did not pretend to understand all of their dogma, he most certainly did not appreciate attacks on their way of life.

"My dearest Senators" The voice of the pale, weak man called out from his senatorial pod. With a sweeping hand gesture, he cast aside his aides and began the process of formally requesting the floor. So many rules and regulation to get accustomed to. "My fellow delegates..." He momentarily lost his train of thought before glancing towards Laborr, his eyes heavy with contempt. Or was it disappointment?

"I must admit I cannot bring myself to admonishing the Honorable Senator from Skako. But I must admit, I weep for the inconsolable indifference that has plagued this great body for many years" A pause. "While I am naturally pleased to see the response of many Senators in opposition to this piece of legislation, I must admit there are certain questions regarding the practices of the Jedi Order that we must address. To ignore it would be a grave injustice not only on our part but on the part of the billions of citizens we represent, as we are a democracy full of voices - distinct, sometimes opposing voices"

Another pause. He quickly glanced the Senate rotunda where his eyes met those of the Chancellor. He offered a warm, encouraging look before turning his attention to her second in command, Annasari Annasari Vahl. Quite the intriguing character, from what he'd surmised, Vahl had essentially led a coup de grace, depriving the Chancellor of her ability to control her administration by granting the Senate powers it did not have and apparently his predecessor had been instrumental in his power grab. Quite bizarre.

"But that is a matter for another time. And when that issue comes up I would suggest to all of you, my dearest colleagues, that you approach it as you would any other issue. That you take the time necessary to aquatint yourselves with a culture you do not fully understand, and you make your judgement based upon facts instead of innate feelings of distrust" A simple statement, one free of any philosophical quips or any imploring to ponder the inexhaustible quandaries of the universe. Not terrible for his speech on the Senate floor.

"With that, I move to do the one thing I have never sought to, nor do I relish it but I recognize now that sometimes a firm stance must be taken in defense of liberty and a strong statement must be made against those who would weaponize our democratic system for their own personal gain" He leaned forward, ever so slightly purposefully avoiding eye contact with the Skakoan delegation. "I move to censure the Honorable Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr for his recent actions"

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Aiko Hayata|Coruscant|Senate affairs


Aiko didn't care much for the trivialities of faith and its adherents; sure, it paid well to make gestures and nods towards the Atrisian folk traditions back home, but she was a pragmatist whose only genuine faith was money and how much she could make for her interests and that of her home planet.

The Atrisian corpo turned senator lounged in her senate pod, flanked by two bodyguards on either side; she listened intently to the proceedings, as much as she could feign interest anyhow, as she filed her nails and kept a side eye on her tablet displaying all stock market info by the second and analyst data. She'd been attending such sessions this way for many years, ever since being elected on a robust, economic reform platform and advocacy for Atrisian needs.

Laborr reminded her of Tambor, not that she could tell you what defined each Skakoan aside from similar interests in money like herself. Those masks they wore made it quite difficult to distinguish which Skakoan was which, and the hissing gas noises that Tambor emitted during trade federation meetings tended to either mildly annoy the Atrisian or outright scare her when he'd make a sudden SKEEEEEEEEEEEEEK during a conference.

'A strong statement must be made against those who would weaponize our democratic system for their own personal gain'- Ruto Tane Ruto Tane .

That got her attention fast.

The Atrisian put down her nail file and leaned forward to listen, debating on weighing in or not as such a statement and rhetoric might be used by the anti-corporatists against her sooner or later.

Xasha Callisto Xasha Callisto Rens Ahim Rens Ahim Valette Puritis Yumia Valette Puritis Yumia Annasari Annasari Sonya Provost Sonya Provost Alicio Organa Alicio Organa Calista Aquiliux Auteme Auteme Ruto Tane Ruto Tane Damian du Couteau Damian du Couteau Calista Aquiliux

Objective: 2
Outfit: Jedi Attire
Tag: Jand Talo Jand Talo | Ichika Masudo Ichika Masudo | Silas Westgard Silas Westgard

Dreidi looked around, she was part of a team that was meant to be tackling some pirates in the Commenor area. She was surprised by the reports since the SJC had made Commenor their capital at one point so to hear reports of pirates this deep in their former territory, showed how much the galaxy had changed. Dreidi was concerned that Kashyyyk might not look anything like the home that she remembered but that would be something to think about at a later date. For now, she focused on the mission ahead. There four of them for the mission, Dreidi had declined the chance to pilot the ship, her skills were far from good when it came to piloting so it was better left to one of the others.

It was going to be her second mission as a Jedi Knight, her nerves to do well were flaring up big. She was never sure what was expected from her and Dreidi wasn't exactly confident that she was on the correct path. No longer able to lean on her Master like she once did, no longer able to explain her weaknesses or flaws as just growing pains or due to her being a Padawan, now she had to accept responsibility and step up in terms of her approach to being a Jedi and being a person.

The ideas were all terrifying for her as much as they were exciting.

Looking up to Jand as he discussed the mission, she gave a firm nod of her head. Breathing in deeply and allowing the anxieties and nerves of not being ready or feeling like an imposter Jedi Knight flow from her. Instead she accepted that there was a job to do and she had to do it to the best of her abilities.

"Are we wanting to capture all the pirates or just the leader?" Dreidi asked, not wishing to jump into killing the pirates and comprising the mission. She didn't think it would be necessary to hold back against these pirates but she was also not the one to decide that.


Old Caulder Dune shifted in the posh seat of his senate pod, relaxed and half-listening. He had transcended the need for datapads and - while it looked like he was paying ample attention to proceedings - his vision was actually crawling with an assortment of fluctuating charts and graphs. If the legislation on the table had come even remotely close to passing, he would have likely been howling obscenities at this most august body, red in the face.​
Mercifully that was not the case. More surprisingly, however, the Senate was actually about to issue a more decisive response to Rulonom Laborr's inelegant political grasping. One by one the charts blinked out of existence and Caulder Dune came back to the present. Ruto Tane was calling to censure Laborr.​
Skako and its Senator were becoming something akin to problem children these days. Why was it always when things were cooling down, someone had to cause a scene? Jam a stick into the spokes of their own bicycle and then cry foul, declare democracy a failure, weep that their planetary governments had no right to conduct themselves repressive, reactionary dictatorships, etc.​
Caulder indolently leaned forward and switched on his microphone. His senate pod remained attached to the wall - no need to float around dramatically for this.​
"The Commerce Guild is in complete support for the motion to censure Senator Laborr."​
It shut off again with a click.​

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Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble // Capris Halcyon Capris Halcyon // Valery Noble Valery Noble

There was a clear tension rumbling beneath Colette’s skin. Part of her seemed unfocused and distant as if she was so deep in her thoughts that she didn’t quite register where it was that she and Valery, and the other two, were at the moment. Her brown eyes seemed to try and burn a hole in the metal floor of their transport until Kahlil snapped her out of it.

“Yeah.” She said in response to whatever it was that he had said. “Of course.”

With that said she shifted back into her thoughts.

Was this the day that she would have to take a life, and had this always been unavoidable? Where was the line drawn after that? Life was sacred, but it was also—

Who made her the judge—

Why was she—

Her jaw shifted for a moment as she swallowed spit and let in a deep breath to try and snap out of it and at the very least look over at Valery who undoubtedly would have noticed these thoughts. Colette frowned for a second longer before she eventually put on a weak smile. Her master wouldn’t have sent her on this mission if she didn’t trust that Colette would be able to do the right thing. There was some comfort in that.
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Objective Three - Debating Religiosity
Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr | Caulder Dune Caulder Dune | et al.
Protecting native religions from the Jedi? What an inane concept. If the people of Skako were incapable of distinguishing between a being able to move rocks with its mind and a god, they needed public karking education, not legal protection.

Besides, Laborr seemed like the last person to care about the opinions of superstitious fools.

No, there had to be another reason. Were the Jedi involved in the Skakoan incident, somehow?

Whatever the case, it was clear the bill would not pass. The motion to censure Laborr himself was more interesting. He was inclined to support it, but he was not about to censure a Corporatist without the express backing of the Board - as such, he practically pounced on his communicator, quickly setting up a secure call with the available executives.

Persuading them might have been an uphill battle, but Caulder Dune's support changed things. Suddenly the motion was not just about accountability. No, it was also an opportunity to align with more sensible elements.

An opportunity for responsible Corporatists to chastise those who thrived on chaos.

"I support the motion for censure. The Senator of Skako's recent conduct is unbecoming of this august body."

Was the Skakoan responsible for the recent issues related to his homeworld? Likely only partially, if he was being perfectly honest. Did it matter? Not in the slightest - he was here and 'the Elders' were not. A message had to be sent.
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“Interesting attempt at exploiting the value of choice.” Sesi mumbled, tracing her fingers along her jaw and tapping just beneath her lip. At her side, her aide nodded but looked unconvinced. Confused. They tilted their head to emphasize that they missed the point and the Bill’s value.

“Populists love to support ideals that leverage planetary discretion.” She was about to speak to the chamber, but her hand hovered too long above the lever that would have put her pod in motion.

Faster than she could react, The Chancellor eloquently but quickly motioned for the discussion’s conclusion. Codifying prejudice was a dangerous thing, but the Skakoan had tried. Did that mean there was appetite for such measures, but the origin of the idea had been poor? Or was it the subject? Clearly, the combination of both was poorly received.

“Pft.” Disgruntlement puffed out and she turned more rightly to her aid. “I can’t recall, but are there ramifications if a planet denies entry to Jedi now?”

“I’ll have to check.”

“Do. And while you’re at it, there was mention of a SIA investigation into Skako's affairs, see what you can find about that. And see about making an appointment with The Vice Chancellor.”

After generating the list of to-do's before she forgot, she leaned forward and voiced her support. A statement was but the first step.

“Corellia supports a statement of displeasure towards the Member for Skako and the Trade Federation.”

Desric Terassi Desric Terassi | Caulder Dune Caulder Dune | Xasha Callisto Xasha Callisto | Aiko Hayata Aiko Hayata | Rens Ahim Rens Ahim | Valette Puritis Yumia Valette Puritis Yumia | Annasari Annasari | Sonya Provost Sonya Provost | Alicio Organa Alicio Organa | Calista Aquiliux | Auteme Auteme | Ruto Tane Ruto Tane | Damian du Couteau Damian du Couteau





PERSON OF INTEREST (POI): Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr | SKAKO

  1. Parts from ships found within Empire space have the logo of Senator Laborr's company stamped on them. Senator Laborr's support must be wholly in The Alliance's favour. Interrogate his affairs and deduce his alignment and dedication to democracy.
  2. Raithal bombed by Hyena Class Bombers
  3. Detainment of Galactic Alliance Federal Personnel


  1. Report of Skirmish over Hydian Way submitted by Zahara Myneto Zahara Myneto [DOWNLOAD Y/N]
  2. Last communiques from MIA Agents [DOWNLOAD Y/N]
  3. Image of Empire ships with Trade Federation Logo [DOWNLOAD Y/N]
  4. Map of Camp where Federal Agends are allegedly held [DOWNLOAD Y]


  1. Acquire inarguable evidence of allegations, including but not limited to:
    1. Alliance agent detainment
    2. Ownership of Imperial ships. Suspected assets include Zelleon-Class A Star Destroyer.

Entirely concealed within the Reticent-Class ship, Cordé and the accompanying agents were fast-approaching the drop point. With the meters and seconds both counting down rapidly, she gave one final checkover to her filtration system and the levels of her backup supply. Her own, and the additional packet she was secured with as the medic support for the mission.

Skako was a hostile world to human lungs, and the idea that federal agents were being detained in camps here made Cordé a dangerous mix of anxious and angry. If any of them had died because of a negligent environment, the consequences The Trade Federation would be all the worse.

Their landing was swift, and as undetected as suspected.

With a final recheck of everything, the agents filed out and into the high-pressure atmosphere. On her HUD, their pilot's countdown initiated. While a formal investigation could be organized, that would give the Skakoans time to prepare and conceal whatever might be found by the team now on the ground.

<We're about a click out from where the last report was issued before comms went dark.> Cordé read the map out loud to the group, and started in the direction that glowed on their makeshift map.

IMPLEMENT: SIA AND GADF COMPLEMENT | Jaqu'n Boiv Jaqu'n Boiv | Teshi Ocano Teshi Ocano | OPEN

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Senator Rulonom Laborr certainly had plenty to think about on the ride through the Clouds of Cormelish. The Skakoan Government and the Trade Federation of Planets were at present engaged in an internal dispute with the Galactic Alliance over the violation of planetary sovereignty as Alliance Marshals unlawfully entered into the most sacred site on the planet to arrest the Ruling Body of Skako, The Elders based on presumed evidence. The punishment for such a crime was swiftly carried out as the marshals were denied trail and sent into labor camps. Naturally this act did not bold well politically for the Galactic Alliance as it tries to maintain its Golden Renaissance Era after the Second Great Hyperspace War's devastation.

Instead of trying to smooth tensions between them by releasing the marshals immediately, the Trade Federation decided to respond unfashionably by causing trouble along the Hiydan Way which was a rather important trade route. It was rapidly turning into a all out political disaster for the Senator of Skako who had little choice but to call in a favor from the Main Branch of the Trade Federation underneath Gat Tambor who had sent two recently commissioned star destroyers to support Skako from the Empire's Former Drydocks.

Although the following report from Captain Pok Nargg about the Skirmish over Raithal with an Alliance Fleet did not help the situation. He was partially to blame for the outcome of the battle as he ordered the Neimoidian to stand his ground instead of retreating to find another route. Breaking through the clouds until finally arriving at the Power Mounds of the Elders.

"Welcome, Laborr; Son of Skako." Came the voice of the Chief Elder Magogga. "Wise Elders, I seek your council in trying times. Our beloved planet has come under risk from the Alliance due to my rather short sighted efforts to secure more power for the Trade Federation." Laborr said kneeling in front of them in respect. "Power...Respect..Profit..Those are three principles that all skakoans naturally follow. Skako has withstood the change of galactic governments from the Galactic Republic to the Galactic Empire and onward. We have little to fear..." Came the voice of Elder Sukkoz. "I disagree with your assessment of the situation. The Galactic Alliance is far more powerful at this point than anytime in history given the recent collapse of major factions across the galaxy. They simply mean to oppress us with their unfettered dogma and we should fight back!." Was the response from Elder Kuzzo with brazen clenched fist.

"Patience, my fellow elders. We have gotten ourselves into this mess by our own hand. We can't defeat the Alliance in battle given their superior resources to our own. But we can't simply sit by and allow them to occupy us without a fair resistance." Chief Elder Magogga explained glancing down at Laborr in blunt judgement. Laborr certainly had to agree that this mess was the responsibility of the Skakoan Elders who administered the sentence for the Alliance Marshals in the first place.

"Then what am I to do to safeguard our homeworld.." He asked after some deliberations within his head before speaking. The Alliance Branch of the Trade Federation was completely surrounded by Alliance Territory on all sides which meant getting reinforcements was next to impossible as was proven by the interception of the Federation Convoy by Admiral Myneto.

"You....must..flee to avoid being captured by the alliance...head towards the Grenonine III System." explained Elder Sukozz wanting to avoid having the Representative of the Skakoan People captured by the Alliance before efficient resistance could be applied. The Chief Elder and Elder Kuzzo nodded in agreement with the proposal as Laborr would bow one last time and then exit the Power Mounds of the Elders.

"Prepare my shuttle...I need to leave immediately..." Came quite a frantic but robotic tone from the Senator as there was only a limited opportunity to flee.

First and Last Post....
Mostly Fluff Information


Caedyn Arenais


LOCATION: Commenor, Illaria Woodlands.
OBJECTIVE BYO: Visit the Force Praxeum of the Commenori Order.
INVENTORY: Staff of Preservation, Garments of Rebirth.
TRANSPORT: The Repertoire.

Caedyn Arenais had reached the front lawn of the Force Praxeum, a large expansive and wildly overgrown clearing leading to the front of the once-magnificent, and now old and decrepit building. The roof was caked in plant life and mould growth, vines draping the outside walls, much of which reached the ground below. The paint had dried, cracked and peeled on the outside; showing clear evidence of neglect. The sight of the place caused a shallow sigh to escape the man as he pushed on forward, reaching the main doors and pushing them open with a long drawn-out creaking sound that would echo throughout the Praxeum.

Moments after he had entered, Caedyn noticed a flickering of light further down the corridor followed by the sound of movement, muffled and distant. The light was visible from the main hall, the corridor moving far deeper into the Praxeum. Frowning to himself, Caedyn questioned the likelihood of Force Users still being present, yet the lack of care for the Praxeum gave him cause for doubt. Those that had once inhabited the facility, had respected its purpose and maintained its upkeep.

With his Staff in hand, the Jedi Knight began to make his way towards the glowing light reminiscent of a fire of some kind. He suspected that whoever these people were, it was likely that they were using the place as a means of shelter. What technology remained, resources that had been left behind may well have attracted scavengers.

It was once Caedyn had rounded the corner of the corridor that he spotted the three individuals, two of which were laying on makeshift beds, mattresses and dirtied blankets suggesting they had been there for some time now. Remains of food, empty cans and rubbish surrounded the firepit. "Greetings friends" Caedyn announced his presence, speaking softly so as to not frighten the small group.

"Bloody sunder!" one of the two males who had yet to fall asleep, exclaimed in response to the Jedi coming into view; "What the hell are you doing in here!?" the scruffy-looking layabout demanded from Caedyn, while the other man and a woman had awoken from the intrusion.

"Look! He's wearing Jedi clothes" the woman pointed at him.

"Don't hurt us Sir, we have nowhere else to go" the second man pleaded with Caedyn.

"Calm down, I mean you no harm" Caedyn assured them, moving to lean his Staff against the wall and stepping away to show his hands open and empty; "I saw your light from the entrance. My name's Caedyn" he introduced himself and soon gestured to one of the seats nearby the fire, "Would you mind if I joined you?".

"Uh..." The three squatters looked back at one another, clearly not having expected the Jedi Knight to want to share in their company; "What the hell, take a seat. Just know we have nothing of value, mister" the first of them seemed to be sizing Caedyn up, threatened by the man's presence.

"You have nothing to fear" Caedyn encouraged in response, moving to take a seat in front of the fire. The warmth and glow enveloped him. "My ship is on the outskirts of the forest. I can send for my droid if you are in need of food and water, I have plenty to spare".
In stark contrast to Colette, the other Padawan seemed at ease. Bored even.

An absolute, raging lie.

After the events of Batroine, Capris had done everything humanly possible to dodge her Master. Bending over backwards to skip training, meals, assignments… Anything and everything that would have her risk the chance of interacting. It wasn't fair to him, not in the slightest. But Capris couldn't help dishing out the cold shoulder. Especially not when she had it down to a science.

So instead she reclined in her chair, arms crossed and expression unbothered as Valery briefed them, pointedly avoiding eye contact with her own Master. There was simply no need. She was fine. Everything was for that matter. All fine and dandy.So fine in fact, that she could fully direct her emotional energy towards the other, fresher padawan in the room.

After a slight, almost stiff nod to Kahlil's question Capris tapped her knee against Colette's, trying to gain her clearly preoccupied attention.

"You're looking pretty… intense." The girl quirked up a sympathetic eyebrow with the slightest touch of amusement. "Not that I blame you. First time messing with pirates?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Colette Colette
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Jand Talo Jand Talo | Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic | Silas Westgard Silas Westgard

Not only had Ichika learned to fly, but no less than Mylo Thorne had been her instructor. Mind, those few lessons - before the war had put a pin in there being more of it - were geared towards piloting a snubfighter, and that started with airspeeders. It was a reasonable foundation, nonetheless, and it gave her a firm grasp of the concept. And focusing on adapting her foundational knowledge and reflexes to learning and piloting a less aerodynamic vessel kept her thoughts from the unsavoury paths they tried to tread, these days.

Any problems? “Nothing outside of expected parameters,” she said to Jand - those parameters being the asteroid field itself. Did dodging rocks in space make her nervous? No, certainly not. Nervousness was a distraction, and pointless, and she could handle navigating the field, relying on instrumentation and her greater awareness, “I have heard that SIA’s intelligence is rarely wrong,” Ichika continued, keeping her gaze where it needed to be, “but I am prepared, nonetheless.”

Yet pirates were a new thing to her, in the sense that she had personally never encountered them, and their tactics tended to differ from what had been the organized and highly trained will of the Empire. They tended not to thoroughly vet their personnel, from what she understood. But therein laid the danger - they were far less predictable.

Ichika had no questions, but when the blonde did, she was quick to flatly shoot back a response, while monitoring their forward progress, “The orders only indicated the capture of their leader,” had she not been paying attention at the briefing? “And the likelihood is high that we will need to neutralise whoever stands between us and our target. Groups such as these are ruthless, but lack the cohesion of a trained militia.”

Ichika frowned lightly.

“That also makes them less predictable, and… willing to take greater risks.”

She could have just said no.


Objective Two: Securing the Future

GADF Q-boat Hook

"Hey," Joland calmly spoke, "you alright?"

"Yeah," said Makko, looking up sharply. He didn't look convinced by his own answer.

"Hey yeah ready for pirates?"

Makko gave a small, half-hearted fist pump.

"We've got a signal. Stay seated! Two fighters incoming."

Two Headhunters did a close pass on the freighter. The Hook was venting enough coolant to make it appear like a reactor failure, drifting on minimal power. The freighter fell into the shadow of the pirate vessel. It was a modified bulk freighter, bristling with weapons that had been retrofitted to the hull. The two snubfights that had passed the Hook stayed in flight, slowly circling the mothership.

The dorsal hangar opened up slowly. Two great doors that retracted. A crude mechanical arm snared the Hook and started to draw it into the bay. The doors started to close around the Hook.

"On your feet everyone! Pirates are approaching, they're going to try and cut through the port hatch. The hidden repeaters are going to surprise them, but we're going to deploy up onto the hull of the ship and counter attack. Our target is the bridge. We do not have a deck plan to follow."

Makko removed his harness and stood up. He had light Jedi armour and a small shield projector but this was one of the first times he had put himself in the line of fire. It was easy to focus and listen to the Force when it was little stun blasts coming his way.

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