The heat of his cybernetic arm didn't register for Choli. Nor did his state of undress bother her. The Lieutenant Commander might be young, but she had a couple of years under her belt in the Galactic Alliance Navy. Carrier refreshers and double occupancy cabins along with Squadron Locker rooms left little to the imagination for her to really care.
A grunt and a grimace traced her lips as they slowed. The sensation was coming back to her legs, the slight pins and needles feeling fading away. Where Trextan had used the excuse to slow down, Choli stubbornly attempted to speed up. It resulted in an awkward few stumbling steps for the pair, her hair swinging back and forth as it flanked her olive face.
"Doesn't matter." she chirped out through tight teeth, the dark slash of her brows angling down. It was hard for her to simply answer that, her expression suggesting that whatever it was, it troubled her. From a glance, one could gather the bruises on her wrists and her ankles. A few yellow-green ones decorated her collar. Some were old, perhaps a few weeks? Her head rose, eyes scanning for signs and any more nurses or medics that would end their little escape.
"What do they have in there?' She side stepped along as he tightened his grip on her hip, moving her along. A half thought came in the awareness that she was likely hurting him by leaning so close. Those red welts and all. An after thought along with her hardheadedness in the situation prompted the girl to try and pull away.
"I can walk now." yeah, no, not quite; but she was getting there.
A grunt and a grimace traced her lips as they slowed. The sensation was coming back to her legs, the slight pins and needles feeling fading away. Where Trextan had used the excuse to slow down, Choli stubbornly attempted to speed up. It resulted in an awkward few stumbling steps for the pair, her hair swinging back and forth as it flanked her olive face.
"Doesn't matter." she chirped out through tight teeth, the dark slash of her brows angling down. It was hard for her to simply answer that, her expression suggesting that whatever it was, it troubled her. From a glance, one could gather the bruises on her wrists and her ankles. A few yellow-green ones decorated her collar. Some were old, perhaps a few weeks? Her head rose, eyes scanning for signs and any more nurses or medics that would end their little escape.
"What do they have in there?' She side stepped along as he tightened his grip on her hip, moving her along. A half thought came in the awareness that she was likely hurting him by leaning so close. Those red welts and all. An after thought along with her hardheadedness in the situation prompted the girl to try and pull away.
"I can walk now." yeah, no, not quite; but she was getting there.