Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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" well taking in new people is not thad hard, most of them we have liberated fore Thad reason they can follow us to the base, and volunteers will find us, we are fare anof from the civilized world Thad most people don't think to look here, as fore the many most of it comes from raids on slaver camps and ships, this leaves very fewe witnesses, and the slaves don't rat us out, as fore trade, mostly we use drop of points so they never see us or know were we are, those rare ships Thad fly in here like you, have been chekt to make Shure they got no allegiance to any slavers".
@[member="Maya Whitelight"]
Boy you have thought of everything, Before making up her mind at the same time she pick up her vine kitty Heta petting her behind her ears as she relaxed her her mommy arms. It only took a few moment before she was sound to sleep. Oh count me in if you every need any drop off or pick ups from staying way from slaver, I kind of have my own dislike for him. @[member="Regor Laxvan"]
Regor smiled, looking at maya and her cat. "We have to think of everything al these people's lives depend on it." he looked at her ship "if your interested I might have a proposition fore you, something in when we can put your ship to good work"@[member="Maya Whitelight"]
Stopping at him and looking at him, for a bit thinking this over in her mind, before coming to answer. After all @[member="Regor Laxvan"] had her curious as vine cat. It was at this time she spoke but in a way that one could only take as she was feeling him out of what every he was about to put on the table. Oh, really just what would that be.
Regor was stil looking t the ship. "your ship id the biggest here it would make a perfect boarding vessel to raid the lager slave ships, whit support of are fighters and bombers ofcours, beceas of the limit zize of are own transports we never have been able to liberate those massif groups, simply beceas we could not fit them in the ships"
@[member="Maya Whitelight"]
Chuckling out loud to herself, before speaking, It is a big ship, I guess should come clean there is a AKK dog in one cargo hold and in that one is also all my plants. just how many plants could one Zeltron want or need on board a ship. It was a sort of hobby for her to pick up different and strange plants from all the world she had visited. Here come with me and I'll show you, I don't aways fit what one would think is a book case Zeltron. giving him a playful wink before leading him up into the now empty cargo hold, on to another hallway, to the first of three room, first one seem to be set up like some kind of training room. Then came Heta and Hunter room which had a small whole in it. That saws the mystery of how the Heta got out, she just sometime gets so bored after all she still a kitty likes to get into mischief. Now came to her other cargo hold as she open the door one would feel the hummity of the place along with strong flower smells. Getting into there was a walk way on the upper that was whole never floor along with a very diffrent climate room for her dessert type of plants, then came some of other types of plants. She would want fo rhim to take this all in before trying back to him as she pick up one of the flowers. Pretty isn't it, but also deadly if one don't know how to mix it right to use it as a eye smoother. @[member="Regor Laxvan"]
Regor looked around amazed "well there is still a lot of room left" he looked surprised at the vine kitty "well sometimes great strength comes in a small shell" He looked at the flower "never underestimate even the prettiest flower, seems like good advise, this is a interesting ship though"
@[member="Maya Whitelight"]
Giving away a grin, as she walked around her paradise before trying back to him, as she did so, letting Heta down to run and climb as she wished. Walking over to a where there was water running down the side of the wall into a pool it was more of how she keep the place humidity. When do you think you might need me, @[member="Regor Laxvan"] I just need to know that way I can prep my ship, as to make sure all the dangerous things are put away, guys have there shapes knifes and guns I just happen to have both dangerous and deadly. Lady like me can't be to careful in a galaxy full of scum.
"a big slave ship is suppose to travel truw the sector tomorrow, if you want we can help you prep" He looked at the pool "do you swim much?" He smiled at her last commend "seems logical, if they ever bother you to muse just give us a call"
@[member="Maya Whitelight"]
Sounds like we got some work. Knowing the first thing was to try and build a place for Heta that was escape prof, Knowing that the cat was just trying to sharpen her claws on something. Still the door what if it was a wall next. Why didn't she think things through like how much it took to look after vine kitty. It wasn't something she could take back, it wouldn't make it out in the wild for very long. Yes I do like the swim, it helps clear one mind and relax.
"Well, what do you do to relax, Mister." as Maya waited for answer, bring him around to the cock-pit. It was your stander with two seats with a pull out three one. Making a mental note of the system she would need to cheek on. After which time she started to run her number and system cheeks on her weapons system. Sharing this information with @[member="Regor Laxvan"] to see what could be done if anything to make her weapons system better then it was and along with that her shielding.
"well when im not training or having to organize things here, I just get a drink play some games or just rest." he lissend to her doing the check on the systems. "well I geas I could ask generators to reinforce the shields we got some small old generators Laing around they could maybe work as auxiliaries, as fore the weapons we don't have many ship guns, we could strip some from the fighters, maybe try to build a gun turret on here, we got rapid fire lasers and slugtrowers"
@[member="Maya Whitelight"]
That might work, for the shielding, with the extra weapons would that way the ship down, to slow the speed this ship was made for a quick in and out" letting the program run the rest of it to make sure that nothing was wrong with the systems. Only then did she let herself relax lending the way to other parts of the ship only to stop, by her room, to make sure that nothing was touch with in her room. If one could see with in the room would see it full of more planets with a large tub off to one side but also along one wall was armor just not any armor one would see a scale sort of armor. what kind of games do you like to play. @[member="Regor Laxvan"]
"wel they micht slightly way it downe depending on wince weapons we put in it, luckily we don't have to consider aerodynamics or the turret would really increase the drage of the ship ( I was thinking of like a Lancaster stile revolting turret) he smiled "I like to play pazaak and sometimes Dejarik"
@[member="Maya Whitelight"]
Smiling at him, with a slight nod to what he was thinking of. After all this was her ship, that he was missing with. It was only after a time did she just walk on by some of the techs that was working. Lets add them, might give the edge of the matter at hand. I think maybe a game of Dejarik after this is over with, might be in order. @[member="Regor Laxvan"]
Regor gave a slight nod to the tech as to acknowledges his good work, before turning to maya ageing "it might give us the edges, and a game of Dejarik would be nice, maybe a few drinks"
@[member="Maya Whitelight"]
Giving one last look of those working on her ship, walking up to a over side door, putting in a code, then a scan of her eye. Do you mind if Hunter scratches out his legs, after all it has been a long journey to this hide out. Calling to him, as he came to her with his black eyes looking at her then to him, calm him down that he was a friend not a foe, then sniffing the air, knowing that @[member="Regor Laxvan"] wasn't the only one on board his ship. Letting him once again to know that he was okay, let them be. Yep that my big boy, he harmless as a slug. You want to pet him.
"shure, animals are great" regor came clocer sat down on one knee and pedet hunter "hey there boy, so you look after this lady" he said whit a smile.
@[member="Maya Whitelight"]
He keeps me company, makes things interesting, then whats life with out a few unexpected adventures. Taking his leash that look more like a 15ft of rope. As she let herself get him ready for a walk. Waiting until they was down the ramp before speaking to him so more. so, now what does the rest of this place look like I shown you my ship, after all you should feel special not a lot get to look into my personal space. giving off a cheese grin, some one a play on words. Well, and live to tell about it. Most end up torn up if that don't happen, then poison does the trick. Patting him on the shoulder, just wondering how this one was keeping himself in cheek, then again, she was trying to keep her pheromones in cheek but at the same time, trying to make sure to judge him, to make sure their wasn't anything hiding in some dark place with in him. It wasn't after something that she would just leave with out having some defense.
@[member="Regor Laxvan"]

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