OOC Account
Veiere gave something akin to a short chuckle, shuffling back some on his seat to cross his arms over his chest, his gaze dipping for a time in consideration and further attention to the mans words while too avoiding to jump to conclusions as the younger answered his questions with further questions. "Regarding the Galactic Republic's relationship with the Jedi Order, it is true that they co-operated with one another though the two were always separate bodies of which governed themselves first and foremost. Given the Jedi Order was an isolated organization more akin to some as a monastic group, the need for financial support has always been present as our enclaves, our temples and many of our praxeum's have been spread thin across the galaxy. On our own the Jedi could not support the need that we had for means of living, technological and medical supplies as well as facilities for which we trained our pupils so yes we were known to take on missions in order to support order and peace across their worlds under their democratic governance which compared closest to the Jedi pursuit for peace across the lives of those we could reach out to. However [member="Lady Kay"] here is also right, the Jedi were forbidden from taking up political positions and discouraged from any political involvement so to remain unbiased towards peoples we might come across who sided not with the Republic. Beyond this, we also took on objectives or jobs per say from other governments which as you can imagine didn't always sit well with the Republic and thus they were quite happy to keep us at arms length..."; this was all before the war with the One Sith however and over the years that fueled the war against the Empire, standards had slipped and by the end of Veiere's self-exile, coming back into service in the Republic, he had been deeply disappointed to see the Order having slipped so far from it's former moral compass.
"I'm afraid I have to disagree with your perception of the foundations that the Jedi Order were built upon..." Veiere dipped his head in consideration and empathy towards [member="Soryn Solimar"] yet offered no apology as their understandings differed and such was their right as individuals apparently brought up within different origins of the Jedi Order. "It was never the purpose of the Jedi to strike first out of the fear or concern that someone might act out with bad intentions and in doing so you lose the defining principles that separate prosecution from persecution. The Jedi Code gives no one the right to be judge, jury and executioner and all that you bring to justice should face the justice of the system in place over the given sector of space that you inhabit, not your perception of right and wrong. Approaching others in conflict for fear of conflict is a contradiction in and of itself and will only ensure violence ensue; this goes against the heart of the Jedi Path and in acting out like this under the presumption that you are doing good will only place you in the shoes of those you seek to deter. In essence you are becoming exactly what you are striving to defeat. Where is the middle ground, the compromise and at what point do you stop and take responsibility for the conflict you yourself will have no doubt influenced...".
"I'm afraid I have to disagree with your perception of the foundations that the Jedi Order were built upon..." Veiere dipped his head in consideration and empathy towards [member="Soryn Solimar"] yet offered no apology as their understandings differed and such was their right as individuals apparently brought up within different origins of the Jedi Order. "It was never the purpose of the Jedi to strike first out of the fear or concern that someone might act out with bad intentions and in doing so you lose the defining principles that separate prosecution from persecution. The Jedi Code gives no one the right to be judge, jury and executioner and all that you bring to justice should face the justice of the system in place over the given sector of space that you inhabit, not your perception of right and wrong. Approaching others in conflict for fear of conflict is a contradiction in and of itself and will only ensure violence ensue; this goes against the heart of the Jedi Path and in acting out like this under the presumption that you are doing good will only place you in the shoes of those you seek to deter. In essence you are becoming exactly what you are striving to defeat. Where is the middle ground, the compromise and at what point do you stop and take responsibility for the conflict you yourself will have no doubt influenced...".