Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Common Misinterpretation

Veiere gave something akin to a short chuckle, shuffling back some on his seat to cross his arms over his chest, his gaze dipping for a time in consideration and further attention to the mans words while too avoiding to jump to conclusions as the younger answered his questions with further questions. "Regarding the Galactic Republic's relationship with the Jedi Order, it is true that they co-operated with one another though the two were always separate bodies of which governed themselves first and foremost. Given the Jedi Order was an isolated organization more akin to some as a monastic group, the need for financial support has always been present as our enclaves, our temples and many of our praxeum's have been spread thin across the galaxy. On our own the Jedi could not support the need that we had for means of living, technological and medical supplies as well as facilities for which we trained our pupils so yes we were known to take on missions in order to support order and peace across their worlds under their democratic governance which compared closest to the Jedi pursuit for peace across the lives of those we could reach out to. However [member="Lady Kay"] here is also right, the Jedi were forbidden from taking up political positions and discouraged from any political involvement so to remain unbiased towards peoples we might come across who sided not with the Republic. Beyond this, we also took on objectives or jobs per say from other governments which as you can imagine didn't always sit well with the Republic and thus they were quite happy to keep us at arms length..."; this was all before the war with the One Sith however and over the years that fueled the war against the Empire, standards had slipped and by the end of Veiere's self-exile, coming back into service in the Republic, he had been deeply disappointed to see the Order having slipped so far from it's former moral compass.

"I'm afraid I have to disagree with your perception of the foundations that the Jedi Order were built upon..." Veiere dipped his head in consideration and empathy towards [member="Soryn Solimar"] yet offered no apology as their understandings differed and such was their right as individuals apparently brought up within different origins of the Jedi Order. "It was never the purpose of the Jedi to strike first out of the fear or concern that someone might act out with bad intentions and in doing so you lose the defining principles that separate prosecution from persecution. The Jedi Code gives no one the right to be judge, jury and executioner and all that you bring to justice should face the justice of the system in place over the given sector of space that you inhabit, not your perception of right and wrong. Approaching others in conflict for fear of conflict is a contradiction in and of itself and will only ensure violence ensue; this goes against the heart of the Jedi Path and in acting out like this under the presumption that you are doing good will only place you in the shoes of those you seek to deter. In essence you are becoming exactly what you are striving to defeat. Where is the middle ground, the compromise and at what point do you stop and take responsibility for the conflict you yourself will have no doubt influenced...".
Soryn looked at [member="Veiere Arenais"] and [member="Lady Kay"] for a long moment. It seemed inevitable and unavoidable that they circled around to the same conclusion. That conclusion being that Soryn and the Order of Relentless Light only wanted to cut a bloody swath through the galaxy killing everything in it's sight despite everything he had tried to explain. It was as if the old ways were not only gone but reduced to a level of unspeakable heresy. Guardians and Protectors were no longer wanted and worse off was reduced to warmongering in the eyes of so many. It was a rather tragic considering Sith who were actually warmongers were viewed as innocents in need of protection but not entirely unexpected. It did serve to explain why the Masters felt the need to abandon their principles though. Perhaps they even saw the vilification coming. That was not enough for Soryn though. To abandon their sacred duty was far worse than the prospect of having to explain or justify any intervention they committed.

Having never taken a seat to begin with Soryn simply gave them two of them a bow.

"I thank you for your hospitality. I however must be going. It was nice to meet you both. Perhaps we shall speak again should the opportunity present itself."

Soryn slowly took a step or two back before turning to depart. He paused just outside the boundaries of the garden to wait for the escort to take him back to his ship.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Veiere Arenais"] began his employ with Kay as her advisor and bodyguard. Through the years they had gotten quite close. She trained under him and even now, after marriage, he still protected her and advised her on matters when she needed it. Their affections were always set aside for the needs of others. With running a planet and now an entire system, their personal time was limited.

Kay got to her feet after setting her tea down and bowed her head as [member="Soryn Solimar"] decided to make a quick departure. "It was good to meet you too. Perhaps next time you can visit the Praxeum?" She glanced over to Veiere, almost as though she was asking for his permission. It was his place of learning afterall.
Veiere sighed inwardly, a silent note of resignation as he turned to glance to [member="Lady Kay"] as she stood to her feet, himself waiting a moment before finally concluding that there was little hope in further discussion with the young man. It hadn't been his intention to end the discussion then and there, after all thousands of people believed in varying ideals and still managed to converse and discuss matters of philosophy for the share enjoyment in the sharing of opinions and the conveyance of personal learnings. "Of course" Veiere replied gingerly, dipping his head in respectful farewell to [member="Soryn Solimar"] as he spoke, "Perhaps in time it might be more accommodating to your experiences within the known galaxy". Offering a smile and awaiting for the youth to step out of sight having not needed to ask for directions nor thinking to wait for an escort simply out of respect more so than the need, Veiere finally turned to glance to Kay Larr again and gave a shrug of his shoulders before returning to take his seat.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay watched [member="Soryn Solimar"] as he left. Once he was out of view, Olivia met up with him again to take him back to his ship. She merely offered the youth a smile, having no idea of what was discussed. More than likely she'd be filled in later. "I hope that your visit was a good one." Small talk, that's all it was. Her mind was busy going over schedules and tasks that needed to be taken care of.

[member="Veiere Arenais"] caught Kay's attention when he shrugged his shoulders and sat down. She sat down as well and picked up her tea. "Well that was a bit of an eye opener. If there are plenty of others that think in the same way, then I could really be in trouble if my secrets and what went on during my abduction were made public. It could ruin Commenor." And me, she thought. There were certain things that she had kept from him, more so as she was worried that he'd hate her, think less of her and not want to be near her. She had killed in cold blood and tried to tell herself that she had no choice. But did she really? No doubt some would say otherwise.

Kay cleared her throat a bit and changed the topic of conversation to something that she was more comfortable with. "So the Kingsguard flies well, you say? I'm glad you like it. She's the first of her kind, you know. Came out of our own shipyards."
"I don't think it's you who should be worried" Veiere replied rather skeptically, turning to face her a little more, sitting sideways and offering an expression of great discontent; "My concern is more towards how marred the Jedi of today have become in their intentions toward others. It's not the lads fault, he seems to have been educated upon these ideologies that all darkness must be extinguished..." Veiere shook his head, finally able to let his concern show in the privacy of their own company and now without their visitor present in the discussion any longer. "This is exactly the kind of blind action that led to the sacking of Atrisia and the decline of the Republic's sect of the Jedi Order to begin with. I'm not sure how else I could have approached it with the lad, violence begets violence...Nothing good will come from that attitude and his wish to combat the Dark side of the Force will only encourage others to pursue it. It's an endless cycle of travesty...-And the worst thing is, the boy believes this was how the Jedi were brought about, that this devotion in arrogance has been how we've always been yet he's half my age if I can tell right. I can't explain to you how much this disturbs me, Kay...-These people were my life once; Brothers and Sisters of the Order for decades". Commenor was doing well for itself, so well in fact that they had began to reach out to their neighbors who sought similar conditions of living and shared their desire for democratic standing, rights of fairness and a government encouraged by the people for the people. If people were to rise up against them, it wouldn't be Jedi to his mind but rather those alike the Dominion for their past histories together; or perhaps the Mandalorian for the proximity in which their homeworld was to Commenori Space. "Come the time for our trip to Yutan, I'm going to visit the Jedi Temple there. See what state it resides in and perhaps seek guidance of my own through meditation; the affairs of the Order still bother me a great deal, even now so long after the conclave there".

He soon nodded with a brief smile, "Yes she's quite the spectacular ship for one person. Terrac seems to be comfortable flying it, bigger than the free lady if I'm not mistaken and most accommodating for my Starfighter, that I can certainly appreciate, thank you my love" He leaned in to place a kiss to her lips, smiling against the warmth of her touch before breaking off and sitting back within his seat once more. "You don't need to hide your place in the force anymore. You reside over Commenor as I do now as well. The people recognize my place in the Order here and they think little of it. The fact that you're force sensitive may be far more insignifcant than you fear".

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay wasn't as confident as [member="Veiere Arenais"] was. She knew that she had to be worried. Her past would come to haunt her at some point. It usually did, in some form or another. Hopefully it wouldn't repeat.

Her brows furrowed as she listened to him speak, the emotional wounds from Atrisia were deep and easily brought to the surface. Kay wondered if it kept him up at night too. She took his hand in hers and held it, knowing fully what it was like to be betrayed by ones that you have pledged your life service to. She had that with the Republic, until it's leader fired her and cut her off from serving and all for the simple reason of being a Force user. It helped to cement the resolve in her to keep her Force Sensitivity a secret.

She nodded as he spoke of his destination on Yutan. Kay was there too during the conclave that taught them that the Order couldn't gain a good footing in the Republic. The various ideals of too many left it too fractured to function. "Alright. And you know where I'll be headed, to speak with the government. It shouldn't be dangerous, but I'll bring some protection with me just to be sure."

The topic was changed back to the Kingsguard. She smiled as he informed her of his appreciation for the gift. Kay returned his kiss with her usual gentleness, almost as though she was wary of being spied on. Privacy was such a rare thing. "You're welcome, my dear."

And then Veiere brought up the subject of one of her secrets. She picked up her tea and had a sip. Already he'd be able to sense her disagreement, before she even uttered a word. Such was the strength of their Bond. "You've never hidden it from them, Veiere. You've never had a reason to hide yourself. But I have. There are other governments out there that would cease to trust us and do business with us if it was known that I'm a Force User. It could bring more powerful Sith Lords to us, all the while bringing non-Force Users to Commenor to attack us. When they think of Force Users leading government, all that they think of is Palpatine. And with more planets seeking to fly our banner, what do you think that looks like?" A new Emperor taking control of the Galaxy. That's what they'd see. Not to mention they'd do some digging and question her rise to power to begin with. It was all very suspect and she'd rather avoid the turmoil and keep her secrets to herself. It may be viewed as being selfish, but it was for the best.
Veiere had to resign to nodding once as he listened and considered her response rather swiftly; it wasn't as though they hadn't spoken about this often. [member="Lady Kay"] had a right to be cautious about how others perceived force users within her position, The Jedi Order itself tried to abstain from becoming intertwined with the nature of politics because of the way it could muddy the water and lead others to temptation in which they might abuse the power they'd dedicated themselves to serving. "The beauty of the government being run in the form of a confederacy is that as Monarch, you reside over the power to decide for yourself how you wish to live your life while the nations under our umbrella so to speak are still within their given freedoms to choose how they would take the news and whether it would affect them under our care...-Though outside of our territories, yes I'm forced to be reminded of the nature of the galaxy we live within" he offered her a sympathetic half smile, wishing that things weren't so difficult that she needed to hide the truth in who she really was. Had things been different, perhaps she could've learned to follow the life of a Jedi. Everyone knew the name Palpatine, though some revered him and continued to follow in his imperialist legacy, others such as Commenor could not achieve such a state of neutrality using the methods that were reminding of the fall of the old Republic and the rise to the Galactic Empire, no matter how long ago that was. Such history does not go forgotten.

"With Yutan potentially joining with us, a lot of doors are going to open for Commenor, you know..." He spoke up once more after a moment of silence between them, his gaze drifting back to search for hers, glancing down as he added in open thought while they had the privacy to speak their minds within their own company, "Perhaps you should consider making moves to pushing things towards a more democratic approach. The Monarchy was all well and good for Commenor's sector but the more worlds we gain, the more peoples we reside over. These governments require a voice to be heard and we're never going to be able to keep up meeting them individually...-I wonder if perhaps creating a new senate might not be such a bad thing...". Palpatine had effectively killed such a very thing off during his move to reign as Emperor. As King and Queen, he and Kay had final say over all things within their government yet Veiere knew where his heart was and it wasn't in politics what-so-ever. For Kay herself, he knew she was bred for such a life, she had done an amazing job thus far yet looking ahead, there were plenty more opportunities with the contacts and relationships they'd established outside of their own government. "...-The Commenori Republic" He chuckled abruptly in thought of mixing Commenor with the former government that lead these worlds, "Or the Republic of Commenor. The United Systems Confederacy..." he mused further before glancing back to her with a smirk. Making it difficult to determine whether he was teasing her or being serious.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kat frowned a little, dropping her head as she thought back on the times that she could remember where she did inform others of her secret. Most of the time it had ended badly. People got angry, she nearly faced execution for it. Who knows what people would do now that she was a Queen.

She kept her hand in his, stroking the back of his hand with her thumb while he spoke. Giving people freedom was important to her. She didn't want anyone to feel oppressed or as though they were under occupation. [member="Veiere Arenais"] was right. She wouldn't be able to keep up with the needs of everyone on her own. No matter how much she tried to do everything, the fact that she had her own internal struggles competing with her duties to the people under her care, the stress of it all was going to be far too much for her to handle. There would be a breaking point and she could make a lot of mistakes. She didn't want to do that.

Kay inched closer to Veiere so that she was directly beside him and was able to wrap his arm around her and she could rest her head against his chest. She was always more comfortable that way, most especially when she was deep in thought. In a way it kept her grounded, yet also made her feel safe as well.

"Maybe we should. With you working on the Temples and rebuilding the Order, my workload is pretty high. I have more assistants, but it hasn't been enough. Having a Senate could decrease the stress that I'm under and leave me free to visit you more. No doubt the Senate Hall should be built in Chasin City, a notice should be sent out to the government of each world, but what title would I give myself? Supreme Chancellor? Even that title holds ill memories." And what would they call themselves? The Republic of Commenor had a much better ring to it than the others did.
"New memories can be made" Veiere smiled as he wrapped his arm around [member="Lady Kay"], gently resting his head atop her own as she seemed to lean into him, seeking the warmth of his embrace for which he took her up in both arms, his gaze looking over the path and the wild beauty that was the garden around them. "You know I hold no love for the title of King, least of all leading these people. Politics has always been your path and you're excellent at it, but for me, my calling belongs with the Jedi Order and my heart with you. There's simply no room for such a position" He smirked faintly, making light of the fact that he held no taste for being pegged up on some sort of pedestal as they were often thought of being.

"With a Senate, the worlds around Commenor will have more direct control over their economy while following under a mutually consented government regime. A monarchy has worked for this world, Commenor has flourished but we can't think solely for Commenor anymore with our expansion moving out to others...-And like you say, you won't be the only one doing all the work. Senators and committees, all that kind of garbage will help co-ordinate the work load" he chuckled softly. He didn't truly think of it all as garbage, Governance was entirely necessary and politics and unfortunate necessity; it was the dishonesty in the job that he was disheartened with, never knowing quite who to trust, everyone being out for themselves with their own motivations and goals, often their interests being put before others and most notably always the rich leading the poor with little real idea for how their decisions effected the lower economy when they lived nothing of it; the very sort of people that the Jedi were so good for helping to support.

"I suppose Supreme Chancellor would be most fitting..." He glanced to their left in consideration, thinking back upon the Galactic Republic and their time in governance of the district. "Once Yutan agrees to come under our umbrella then we'll have the momentum to push for a Senate. Assuming control of the heart of the former republic will give us the people once qualified and skilled in those area's to better promote our bid for democracy in the sector. Though there's also the matter of leadership and how that could change in the future too. Chancellors were expected to take up terms for which they would then step away and another be voted for. Naturally, we don't have to be what the Republic was but for fair leadership, everyone needs to have a voice...-Would you be willing to risk your position in such a way?" the fact that she might lose her place at the head of government might prove daunting for Kay, Veiere wondered whether she was prepared to take the next step and put all her cards on the table for the sake of democracy. On one hand, the idea of the two of them sharing simpler lives seemed like a blessing in waiting, yet with his intent to return to Yutan and her term likely only just about to begin, they had a fair deal of time before then.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Being King. It was the price that [member="Veiere Arenais"] paid for marrying her. It was his suggestion, not hers, yet she didn't even hesitate to agree. Kay brought up her knees, curling up in his arms while she listened to him speak. "I know that you don't wish to be King. Crowning you was just a formality, a tradition. But I don't expect you to rule. The Jedi Order is yours, first and foremost. Everything else is secondary." She didn't say it in a bad way or by any means to guilt trip him. It was just the way that things were.

Veiere spoke further about the Senate and her role within it. She listened carefully , knowing full well what he was implying with it. Would she relinquish her position over the sector for the sake of democracy? Or would she hold onto it and keep the power for herself? It was a test on her character and what her desires were. Kay lifted her head and looked up at him so that he could see her eyes and the truth within them. "I have no desire to rule the Galaxy. I don't want to be thought of as a new Palpatine. I will stay for as long as people want me to. A Charter could be made to create limits to terms as one of it's mandates. Once I'm no longer needed or wanted, I'll step away. I promise." Commenor was her home. It always will be. Would there be a chance that she could step away from that too? Maybe.

She then got to her feet and held out her hand, a loving smile enveloping her features. "Come on. Let's go somewhere more private." Kay gave him a wink.
"I suppose I knew what I was signing up for when I married you, love" Veiere glanced down to offer up a reassuring smile as if to suggest she need not worry about it, elaborating "I will always have something to complain about where politics are concerned, though I understand its importance, I do not trust men to govern fairly for all that I've seen within this Galaxy. It is partly why I chose to take the position, our relationship aside. I could have happily remained your dirty little secret, yet as King I have a say in the way things are overseen with Commenor. There are a good many people working in your ministry, two pairs of eyes will go further than one, you know?" He grinned faintly, having thought about this often and while disliking the idea of being involved in any form of government, for the time before his bid for Yutan, it had served them all well. Now however, things were shifting and they were beginning to turn onto a very different path, one where his role would diminish in political importance, yet remain ever so important to [member="Lady Kay"].

"On the subject of you eventually stepping down, our people admire you greatly; you've done a hell of a lot to bring the world of Commenor up in reputation amongst the rest of the known political infrastructure. We've expanded our reach across multiple worlds and will seen be taking Yutan and her neighbors under our care..." He rose from his seat, speaking following her suggestion to head on in-doors to somewhere more private, his words fading a moment as he now questioned her reasons, losing himself at the given hint for a change in their activities today turning rather more intimate, he smirked a little taken off guard though managed to find his conclusion; "I doubt you'll be going anywhere any time soon. And if so...-There will be more time for us" His hand fell into hers, lacing at the fingers and leading her on away from the garden, towards the Palace.

~End Thread~​

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