Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

"Glad to have you with us, dear. A talented young woman like you can go far. I look forward to seeing a great deal more of you in the days to come," Siobhan said with a smile, giving Purity a pat on the shoulder. Perhaps she was just being nice, trolling her or she had decided she wanted to get to know her. Or all three. She turned to Tegs "Let's go, love," she told her wife and offered her arm. "Xalda."
The Xioquo, still clad in the stealthy outfit, seemed to be mulling over something. Finally she spoke up. "If it pleases the Karishzar and Her Blessed Consort, I would like to spend some time with Scholar Purity and test the suit further."


Elpsis brushed Tylania's apology aside. "Mother probably doesn't want to make a big announcement till she's found a replacement," she shrugged. "It's not me. Sitting in a boardroom, going over profit margins, entertaining kings and queens. Hell, I wouldn't be able to read anything unless it's written in braille. Up high, you lose sight of the people on the ground. They end up looking real small in comparison. I don't want Mother's crazy cultists to fawn over me."

They made her uncomfortable. She also did not like how Tegaea responded to Siobhan's crazy pets. She did not encourage them, but in Elpsis' estimation also did not really discourage them either. No person, no matter how powerful, could stand above the Lifeweb. To claim otherwise was hubris. And it was wrong to exploit the earnest belief of people who put you on a pedestal and worshipped you because they mistook your powers for divine.

Tylania's further words gave her pause. "It's...hard to imagine you on the dark, but people change, I suppose. You know I don't follow the Light. I've been burnt too many times. Jedi trying to force it on me killed any desire." There was venom in her words. "I serve balance. I do what's right. Or try to at any rate," she said a bit self-deprecatingly. The pyromancer frowned slightly when Tylania got to the heart of the matter. A lot of people want my help these days, she thought sardonically. "Well, no time like the present. What happened?"

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Elpsis Kerrigan-Alcori"]
Purity smiled, coughed, looked down at her feet. “Thank you, ma’am, I’ll do my best to live up to your expectations!”
Fortunately she was soon given a distraction by Xalda. She looked up at the Xio and smiled. “Yes, that sounds great! I have some ideas for fine tuning the mechanisms so they’re easier for you to control. I think what we need to do is recalibrate the disruption fields…”

Soon the couple left them to it. Poor Xalda might well be overwhelmed by the technobabble, but she would certainly be a great tester for Purity!

As they walked along, Tegaea glanced at her wife. They were alone…all except the heavy tread of a Granite Guard a respectful distance behind.
“Regarding the ex-First Order arms dealers and the Qadiri slaves, I’ve sent Elpsis and her team, and Hasana is going along as well to assist. Knock that scum out quickly and free the prisoners I hope. Semiramis will be displeased she’s not leading the expedition, but they’re not ‘her’ Qadiri anyway.”


“A truer word has rarely been spoken. Leaders who feel that any divine destiny leads them makes them overlook realities and what their people actually want. I once thought my rule was ordained because my masters created me as such. Only later did I realise that was empty – a master of slaves is no true master. I sought to guide my people not because I want to control and dominate, but because I have unique knowledge they do not.”

“Your mothers, I deem, attract those to them who are loyal…by one means or another. Some whom they have raised up high naturally revere them, but others they might harness fanaticism to their own ends. Not wrong, per se, but in many cases involuntarily manipulative.”

“No one group, not Jedi or Vash or any others can claim the Light. You serve balance, it is true, but your actions are more of the Light than not. I feel your actions are a net positive to the galaxy, and I wish to encourage that, not try and convert you to some rigid faith. Your judgement on what is right has not let you down much so far, so keep it with you.”

“And yes, I wanted to discuss with you getting your assistance. As you see several of the Worldships are under construction, and some are nearing completion. I have discussed with Tegaea, and she consented me to ask – though you may of course decline – coming aboard the first of them and providing assistance. Specifically, I feel you can greatly assist us in the areas of training young Vash with some different set of experiences, teaching our warriors and turning them into soldiers, and also to assist on our first planetfall location. You will of course be allowed to organise a team to take with you, and the positing would be no more than two months to start with. We can then re-evaluate and see how you feel about it then. How do you feel about that prospect, do you have any questions? Are you swayed towards yes or no?”
[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

Xalda looked a bit...lost when Purity started technobabbling. Her writer could sympathise. They felt the same way when trying to do Factory subs. " a disruption field?" she interrupted Purity, feeling a bit embarrassed. She had tried to catch up since being freed from slavery, but in times like this in felt like she had jumped in time thousands of years. It made her feel foolish and that made her angry.


"Semiramis is almost the the most eager to please when she's displeased. She needs to be reminded of her place sometimes," Siobhan said knowingly. "Hmmph, Hasana," she frowned slightly, trying to jolt her memory a bit. In all fairness, Firemane had millions of employees. "That's the rebel mamluk leader from Khawjar, right? I remember now. She's a good asset. Tough. It should be a suitable test for Elpsis. Time to see what her teachings have wrought."


"They're my mothers. I wouldn't be here without them. But while they may not be ordering others to worship them, they're not stopping them either and the favour those who do gain encourages it. If you keep someone ignorant of the truth and use their faith to make them obedient to you, it's still wrong," Elpsis remarked when Tylania talked about her mothers and their fangirls. She was silent when the Paragon went on about how she didn't want to convert her and thought her actions produced a net positive. Sometimes, she had her doubts. She clenched her fists, willing the all too familiar image from Serene Springs not to form in her mind. The one that far too often haunted her at night.

She almost lost track of the conversation. She caught the tail-end. "You want me on your worldship?" she asked for clarification. It would be a way out, part of her thought. "I like your people and a lot of their culture. You respect nature instead of trampling on it. But your people aren't keen on those who don't follow the Light. I'm not out to convert anyone to anything, but I would not be putting up with people who scorn me because they don't like my colour scheme." Shikoba, a Vash trainee in her group, had implied that she had difficulties with the mainstream, though not elaborated.

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Elpsis Kerrigan-Alcori"]
Purity was just about to start describing how the disruption field worked, but managed to slow down, take a breath.
“I’m sorry, Xalda, I just tend to babble when I’m nervous. I know how machines work, I know how science works. That’s easy. It’s just people…I don’t know how they work. They’re confusing.”
She coughed, looking down at her feet.
“What I meant was…I want to tinker with the device to make it better.”


“Yes, Bantajh,” Tegaea said, reminding her wife about another title Hasana had which should make placing her easier.
“I think that it’s a good test for Elpsis as well. She’ll have allies with her, but she wants to be useful, effective, and this is a good place to start. She doesn’t want to be locked in an office, so we may as well make use of her. I just hope the reports that she is back to strength are accurate.”

She glanced at her wife. “Speaking of which, my new bodyguard is doing some training. Want to go see if she measures up?”


“Part of the Light is understanding and compassion, Elpsis. This is where I feel too many of the Jedi and other groups allow themselves to become rigidly dogmatic. They use their faith as a cloak and a shield to justify their own righteousness. Now of course some of my people do this, but on the whole we look at actions more than anything else, how could we not?”

“If you come to us and offer earnest help and respect those you live among there will be no issues, I can tell you that now. The choice is yours though. Very much my life is and has always been a struggle between Light, Dark, and what’s the difference.”
[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

"Thank you for explaining," Xalda responded. Seeing how embarrassed the human was, she reached out and raised Purity's chin so that she was looking her in the eye. The Xioquo had longer fingers than was typical for a human. Her hands were callused from hard labour and fighting. "It is fine. I find many sky people confusing," she confessed. "I know many think me foolish because I do cannot read well and do not understand all their...machines or how their sky-ships traverse the great void."


There was a spark of recognition in Siobhan's eyes. "Oh, her. Yes, she's very talented," she smiled knowingly. "I saw footage of the simulations and training Elpsis was put through during her convalescence. She's fit for duty. She wants to lead, so now's her chance to sink or swim." She put a hand on Tegaea's arm and stroked it.

"Yes, let's go check her out. I'm sure she'll put on a good show. We can pick up the kids along the way. Speaking of which, I've given thought to eventually sending them away to spend some time with the people under our protection. Gives them a new perspective, builds empathy. They need to get to know them as people, instead of having teachers present them as exotic curiosities in a classroom." Siobhan was not anti-intellectual, but she still preferred what she called practical education to book learning.


Elpsis was quiet for a moment. Grass caressed her feet, and air brushed against her skin. "I'll come and help your people out to the best of my ability. Maybe we can learn from each other. I have to be able take my unit along though. I'm responsible for them," she said at last. "I made some...friends on Tephrike. They're with us now. Maybe you could meet some time. They could use help. Down's madness." She turned and looked at Tylania. "One day I'll go back. I have to."

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
Purity looked absolutely wretched. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to make you feel bad. I don’t think you’re foolish!”
It didn’t seem the Xio was angry though, so she laughed nervously.
“I can…teach you some things, if you’d like? I don’t know anything about fighting and war like you do, but I know machines, like I said. That might help you out?”
She gave an anxious smile.


Tegaea shared a look with her wife, a shared smile.
“Yes, the training was hard, as it should be. She passed all the relevant trials. A concern was raised about her ability to resist mentalist attacks, but she performed well enough to pass. Leonina has asked to bring in an expert though after this current mission is concluded.”

Siobhan’s suggestion gave her pause, but she nodded. “Livia needs a tempering influence, get her out of the ivory tower she is building for herself. Adril needs the opposite; to settle down and think more about the consequences of her actions. Suggestions on hosts? I would not suggest Semiramis; whilst she is not stupid enough to try and use them against us, she’s also the sort to try and convince them of things they are not ready for yet.”


“You may bring who you need. However, they must follow our laws and rules. There is nothing shockingly different from your own laws except that the killing of animals must have a reason and permit to do so.”

She pondered. “Of course you must return. Nobody goes through the experience you did without leaving an echo of that place on their soul. To truly heal your mind and spirit you must confront Tephrike again. I am happy to meet with anyone you bring from that place, and if they desire my aid I will give it freely.”
[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

Xalda looked a bit puzzled. She wondered whether she had upset the human. Perhaps it was because her Basic was not good. It was difficult to express herself in it sometimes. "I did misunderstand," she said at last. "You have not offended. What I mean to say is that I find it difficult to relate to people here sometimes as well. Just in a different manner. Your offer is very kind. I could teach you how to defend yourself."


"I won't be sending them to Semiramis. They're too innocent to look past the smiles and the glamour. I believe you'll like my choice in resident to her worldship, but I digress. I considered sending Livia to the Kar'zun, but that might be a bit too alien for her right now. I believe Lia would be a suitable choice. She's loyal and I've heard she's adopted a little Xio orphan. So Livia will have someone close enough in age to relate to. The Xio are poor, so it will show her how people live and struggle outside of the ivory tower."


Meanwhile, Elpsis still had a long list of appointments. At least she could not complain about not having stuff to do on the Arx. Hopefully she would not have to walk from one end of the station to the next. "They'll behave themselves. I'll make sure of it. And thanks. Mother thinks me naive for wanting to go back. Probably believes I'm dumb enough to think I can waltz in, topple the tyrants and everything will be fine. I'm not that foolish. Still, gotta go. Gotta do what I can," she shrugged. "Well, I guess I'll have to get going soon. Would you...meditate with me before I go?"

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
Purity brightened up when she realised it had been a misunderstanding.
“Oh, that’d be lovely kind of you!” she said with a smile. “Let’s do some last testing, then we can take that suit off you and we can go do some training.”
She got back to work playing with her datapad, rearranging sensors. Finally she looked up.
“Right, so what I want you to do, Xalda, is to move past this camera with the stealth activated. Let’s do it four times; slow and stop in the middle, slow, moderate and then running. I’ll measure each one for differences in volume, visual blur and heat. Ready when you are!”


“Good thinking. The Xio…especially Lia…have had a lot of struggles and are practically rebuilding their own culture and race from the ground up. It will be difficult, but she will adapt. Also, as you say now she has an adoptive daughter that will help too I think.”

“For Adril, how about Anya? She has little Ariane who is a bit younger relatively than Adril, but that will be good too. Anya is reliable and she’s mostly cleared out her weeds in the garden with the Raevana ‘settlement’.”

On the way to the training grounds they came to the school where Adril and Livia were being taught today, with Harmony as their escort.
"Finally we can escape!" Adril declared.
"It was not that bad!" Livia replied. "Or at least it would not be if you paid attention and did your work."
"It would be even better if you didn't snitch on me to the teacher!" Adril said moodily.

By this stage they had reached one of the many training areas onboard the Arx. The guards let them pass. Entering they saw Freya Solveig sparring with Alisa, the Vashyada. It was a no-holds barred duel with wooden swords and padded armour, but the hits were still hard and brutal, especially when they shifted to hand to hand.
“She’s excelled at all the trials. Though she’d never admit it, I’d say even Freya is possibly, potentially, satisfied.”
The Vash were potentially the strongest of the Eldorai races, but Alisa seemed to be strong and tough even compared with peak humans, which while not unheard of was rare.

Tegaea had a thing for strongly muscled women, but this one seemed to be talented as well as strong.


“When the time is right, Elpsis, you should go. I trust you will make the right judgements.” When Elpsis made her request she nodded.
“Of course, my dear. Would you like me to try anything like help relax you, or just join you in meditation?”
[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

Xalda nodded curtly. "I am ready." A press of a button activated the cloaking device and she disappeared from sight. Crouching, she sneaked into the vicinity of the camera. Cue montage of the Xioquo sneaking, walking normally and running.


Siobhan furrowed her brow slightly. "I had not considered Anya. I suppose her court has been sufficiently pruned and I suppose it makes sense to get to know the people of her namesake. But are the Eldorai such a good example?" she let the question hang. "I'm due to meet her in a few days. I will make an assessment then." Regardless, she took her wife by the arm and the couple headed towards the training area. They were alone, save for the heavy tread of a Granite Guard that followed at a respectful distance. A small detachment of the Kar'zun warriors was assigned to guard the First Family on a rotational basis.

On the way, they picked up their two wards. Naturally they were arguing. Siobhan suppressed a sigh. "I trust that you will be able to complete your homework and give the teacher no cause for complaint, Adril?" she asked.
"Yes, Mum, of course!" the girl responded huffily.
"By that Mother does not mean copying my notes, like you did in Physics," Livia interjected a bit tartly.
"I do just fine without them. Just because you spend all day looking at books, doesn't mean you're smarter than me. Besides, I'm better at Maths than you. Even the teacher says so!"
"On the rare occasions when you bother, you're not bad at it. Most of the time, you don't."
"Girls," Siobhan said very sharply.
"I am sorry, Mother," Livia said contritely.
Adril was not so easily disciplined. "Why do I even need school? The Order can teach me anything I gotta know. I want to fight bad guys and help people, like you and Elpsis. You never had to go to school!"
"I was never given the chance because my parents could not afford it. Where I was born, only the rich received the benefit of an education. It was a privilege they hoarded to keep the rest of us uneducated, powerless and dependent on them. The moment I was in a position to catch up I did, because otherwise I would never have made it so far. You have a privilege many children do not, so you will not waste it."
"Yes, Mum," Adril said with a sigh.
"Besides, even warriors need an education. It is crucial in many areas." She turned her gaze to Livia. "Likewise, there is no shame in admitting that there are subjects your sister may have more of a knack more. We each have different strengths. What matters is achieving a level of balance." Having had the final word in this argument, she beckoned the children to follow. They eventually reached one of the many training rooms of the Arx. There Freya was sparring with Alisa, an impressively muscled Vashyada. Neither woman was holding back much. Each warrior was like a predator, moving with feline grace and launching strikes of precise brutality as each sought to establish dominance over the other.

Tegaea's comment caused Siobhan to chuckle. "And we both know how difficult it is to satisfy Freya," she said knowingly, giving her wife a wink. Siobhan had always been attracted to muscle women. It had been one of the things that had originally drawn her to Tegs, back when she had been a soldier with a rippling six-pack.


"Just join me. I think I can handle it, Lady," Elpsis responded. She may or may not be better off if Tylania helped her settle herself, but the girl had her pride. Regardless, she settled down on the grass, assuming a meditative position, and closed her eyes. Slowly, she tried to centre herself.

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

With each sequence Purity carefully took note of the settings.
When it was done she looked up from her notes. “Right, good work, Xalda. I will make my fine tuning based on this. If you want to get out of the suit you can get changed and we can go somewhere. I can finish my notes later.”
She politely turned her back whilst Xalda stripped down.


“The Eldorai screwed up a lot in the past, but I think Anya’s a good example. Besides, little Ariane could use a playmate, and it’ll be good experience for both of them.”

The twins were as animated and rowdy as ever. Tegaea watched the banter with amusement.
Since Siobhan had handled the situation no nicely she walked alongside her. She took Adril’s hand, but the girl was getting to the age where being with her parents and holding their hand especially was very uncool.
“Aww, mum, you don’t need to hold onto me,” she said. “I’m not going to get lost.”
“What if you’re holding onto me so I don’t get lost?”
Adril peered up at her. “You know the way don’t you?”
“Yes, but you can’t always assume something.”
“Is this a lesson?” Adril asked with a bit of a huff.
“Everything in life is a lesson, dear. It just comes down to whether you want to learn.”

Alisa and Freya were fighting full force. There were punches, kicks and elbows, barely moderated by the padding and gloves they wore.
Finally, there was a whistle and Tempest emerged. She glanced up at the observation box, sensing her bosses, then down.
“Alright, ladies, that’s enough for today. Go clean up and then Alisa, report to the box. Freya, you’ve got armoury duty.”
“Sure, boss,” Freya grunted. She was bleeding slightly from a cut above her eye.
“And get that treated. Don’t want to get blood on my floor. Surprised she got that punch in.”
“She was lucky,” Freya said dismissively.
“Alisa, get that black eye seen to.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Alisa said and headed out.
Tegs glanced across at Siobhan. “Tempest is doing duty as supervisor here until she’s back to full fitness. She doesn’t like it.” The prospect amused her.
“Who was that lady Auntie Freya was fighting?” Livia asked.
“Yeah, she looked tough and fighty!”
“You’ll find out very soon, girls,” Tegaea replied.


Tylania obediently closed her own eyes and started to meditate, entering a trace like state. She could sense Elpsis’ roiling emotions very easily, but did not intervene. Waiting instead to see if she was needed.
[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

((Should add this doodad to the suit))

Purity had looked away, but Xalda did not seem to notice or care. Regardless, she quickly stripped out of her stealth outfit and neatly folded it. After putting it away in an orderly fashion, she slipped into her uniform. Once her buttons were and she had put on her boots, she beckoned to the Dahomian. "Follow me."


"Is she one of your girlfriends?" Livia asked innocently.
"Livia," Siobhan said flatly.
"You have lots of those, Mother. How do you remember their names without name tags?" Adril added cheekily.
Siobhan gave her a very frosty look. "I have an excellent memory. And I will remember this when you want to bring a girl home."


Elpsis closed her eyes and gave herself to the Force, trying to clear her mind. I am the flame, she thought, repeating it inside her mind as if it were a mantra. The flame of justice and balance. She focused on the image of the flame. One day her fire would return to the source. The flesh was not eternal, but the Force was. Her breathing slowed. Her perception of her surroundings shifted. There were dead bodies everywhere. Some had wounds from slug rounds, others had been stabbed. Many had been burnt alive. The scent of death permeated the air and invaded her nostrils. Then she saw her. Roxane stood before her. She was Elpsis' mirror image. The same face, the same scars and milky-white eyes. Only she was dressed in brown Jedi robes.
"You turned away from the Light. Why did you turn from it? The Dominion saved us."
"They enslaved us. Is that what you call the Light?" Elpsis challenged her. She could feel the anger rising inside her.
Roxane stepped closer. "The way of the Light is an arduous one. There are growing pains. We could have changed things for the better."
"You know that's not true. The Dominion would've used us up and spat us out. There's no changing something that evil for the better."
"And now you have returned to being a corporate mercenary. You think that spilling your own blood will undo your sins? I am you. I know your mind inside and out. You are cursed. Damned to chase after the affection of a dark matriarch who vies you as a tool. Tell me, does it trouble you that thousands died for you? Tephriki and Firemane."

"I was one of them," a new, accusatory voice spoke. It was Danita Barek, the Firemane pilot Elpsis had murdered. Her tattered, soiled uniform was stained with blood. The bullet hole inside her chest was clearly visible. Elpsis flinched but could not look away. "I was on your side. I had a wife and children, but now I'll never come back to them. They have no body to bury. They don't even know the truth because your family had to protect its precious reputation."
"I...never asked for them to lie for me," Elpsis had to retort. Her body trembled.
"That is no excuse."
Perhaps surprisingly, Elpsis nodded. "No, it isn't. They deserved better. My rep's not important. I was brainwashed, but it was my hand that pulled the trigger. I am responsible for your death."
"It should have been you."
"Probably," Elpsis said slowly. "But I'm here...I can only look back at what I did, never forget and do everything I can do better."
"If you think all will be forgiven just because you do 'the right thing' now, you're a fool."
"I...don't. A good deed does not wash out the bad. I must face where I did wrong. I must do everything I can to atone for it, without expecting that my sins will be washed away and the scales will be balanced. The moment I do something to be forgiven, I'm doing it for selfish reasons."

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Elpsis Kerrigan-Alcori"]
Purity eagerly followed Xalda through the station.
“I’ve done basic training with weapons but, umm, not much more. I’ve never actually fought anyone.” She frowned. “Well, only once. That was a bit different though. Anyway, lead on, what do we want to try?”


“Maybe I want to bring a boy home!” Adril said proudly, as though this would be a record scratching moment which would shock her parents.
Tegaea merely patted her on the shoulder. “Whatever makes you happy, dear.”
A little deflated, Adril looked at the floor.

Soon Alisa emerged and smiled. “Ladies,” she said respectfully with a bow. “I trust my display was to your liking?”
“There’s not many people who can stay upright when Freya gets going. It’s a good start,” Tegaea replied. “These are our daughters Adril and Livia. You will protect them as you guard either of us…even more so.”
“I swear I will do so,” she said. She knelt down so she could be closer to their eyeline. “Pleased to meet you both, little ladies.”


Tylania could feel the turmoil. Elpsis was haunted by something which had happened on Tephrike. Many things likely, but especially one thing she had not confided. That was fine, Tylania did not demand admissions.

Many times before she had assisted the human, but this time she stayed back and observed through the Force. Slowly, steadily, Elpsis had refused to falter. She had stayed strong.
Tylania said nothing, but felt happy, even proud that Elpsis was finding a way to deal with her demons. Not ignore them – that was the path to breakdown. Rather, one must confront and overcome one’s issues…as she once had.
[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

"You are a machinist. You surround yourself with machinery, so you will learn how to shoot," Xalda stated. It was a bit of a walk, but they reached a shooting range with an armoury. Xalda showed her ID to the quartermaster and the guards, and then they were allowed to enter. Various Firemane employees were already making use of the facilities. Sometimes the targets were static, but more than not they moved to make it more of a challenge. They could also be programmed to shoot back with stun bolts.

Xalda led Purity to a less crowded part of the range. Leaving her alone for a moment, she rummaged in a gun cabinet for a while before returning with a blaster pistol. Personally, Xalda still found blaster weapons strange. Why did they require two different types of ammunition? If they were so advanced, why did they fire bright beams of light that gave away the shooter's position? But she figured it was what the sky people were used to. They had many mysteries and she did not need to seek revelation for every one. Returning to Purity, she handed the weapon to her. "Load the lightgun."


"And you'll make sure he knows who's boss," Siobhan added. She was bisexual, but while she invited members of the other sex into her bed sometimes, she preferred women. Indeed, she was less nice to her male lovers. Boys could be fun to play with, but they needed to be broken in and recognise their place in things - on their knees. Regardless, Alisa appeared and bowed. Siobhan liked it when people bowed to her.
"Pleased to meet you, too," Livia said politely. "I am Livia. Are you a Vashyada or an Eldorai?"
"She's too ripped to be an Eldorai, sis," Adril opined, glad about the chance to correct her sister for a change. She leaned forward to Alisa. "You're tall and strong. Mother likes 'bossing' tall, strong women."
"Adril Kerrigan-Alcori," Siobhan's voice was sharp.
"Sorry. I was just...telling her how tough she looks."
"Adril, don't push your foot deeper into your mouth than it already is," Siobhan said with an air exasperation. "I believe you will be a good asset for the team. You come highly recommended," she addressed Alisa before her cheeky daughter could embarrass her more. "Your primary duty will be guarding my wife and my children here."


"And what of Tephrike? Will you forget about it now that you live in safety and comfort? Even now the darkness grows," Roxane demanded.
" day, I'll return."
"You'd place these barbarians over your own people, your family?" Danita, or at least the mental projection, challenged her.
"They're not all barbarians. And I got a responsibility. I made a promise."
"And you think you can waltz in, sling fireballs around and everything will be rosy?"
"No...I'm no saviour. But I can be a torch."
"Beware the Vong demons and their bomb throwers. They are not your ally. They will betray you," her mirror warned her.
"We'll see. I'm not their hireling."

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Elpsis Kerrigan-Alcori"]
Purity picked up the blaster pistol, scrutinised it for a second, and then efficiently loaded the weapon.
“Ah, the good old Brynar X22. Very good, solid pistol. I’ve heard it favourably compared to old DL-44 from the Galactic Civil War.”
She was babbling and she knew it, she tended to when she was nervous. With excessive caution she picked it up with her finger nowhere near the trigger. The target of an exaggerated Sith was pinned up for her.
With shaking hands she raised the pistol with both hands and pulled the trigger…nothing happened.
The safety was still on.


Alisa did not look too embarrassed, except by Adril’s comment which made her cough and glance at her employers. Once it was clear that that was just a ‘guilty’ conscience on her part and the girl was not making an actual joke, she nodded.
“I am a Vashyada, yes. Though the Eldorai are an interesting race, my origins are on Tygara. I am very happy to meet your daughters at last, I have heard great things about them.”
“Oh?” Tegaea asked.
Livia gave her a look. “Mum, shouldn’t she have heard great things?”
“Certainly not about your humility, Livia,” Tegaea said airily.
Adril was still a little sullen about things, so she looked at the floor. “Real pleased to meet you, sure,” she grumbled.
Alisa rose and looked at Siobhan. “Whilst I am employed on this contract I swear by the Goddess and all my ancestors that I will allow no harm to come to them. However, as part of this I would like to review the security measures in place and offer suggestions if needed to improve them.”


As Elpsis emerged from her trance, Tylania opened her eyes, smiled. “I sensed great conflict in you, but also resolution. You are starting a hard journey to reconcile your past. It is not a short journey, but it is worth the trek, so to speak.”
[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

Xalda did not know about the DL-44, though she assumed it was a blaster. She did not know anything about the Galactic Civil War. Ironically, the first blaster rifle she'd received as a member of the Auxiliary Corps was an E-11. Purity pulled the trigger, and nothing happened. "You must switch off the safety first," Xalda said softly. "Your hands are shaking. Relax. Do not let a piece of metal push you around. It is a tool. You are around powerful machines all day, and you're always in control of them."


"I accept your oath. And I vow that you shall always have a place at my hearth, and food and wine at my table and pledge to ask no service of you that might bring you dishonour," Siobhan responded. It was what she used for Qadiri knights who swore fealty to her, and the Vashyada warrior seemed close enough. "Your request is granted. My security chief will fill you in. We spend most of our time on the Arx, but we also maintain a villa on Arkas. We have property elsewhere, but these are the ones are the most important."


Elpsis was not sure how long she had been meditating. She had thought it had been merely a few minutes, but the way her body felt it must have been hours. Her muscles felt stiff and stight. "It's a trek lined with thorns. But worth it," she said quietly. "I can't stay still and wallow in the past." She stretched her tight neck slightly.

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Elpsis Kerrigan-Alcori"]
Purity felt like facepalming…but fortunately she did not considering she was holding a firearm. Xalda’s words made her take notice though.
“You’re right…it’s just another machine. It’s far less dangerous than the flux capacitor on a hyperdrive. Less unpredictable than a sonic fracking scoop. Yeah.”
She spread her legs to better balance and took careful aim after disengaging the safety. She took a good ten seconds to aim, then pulled the trigger.
The bright flare of plasma arced across the space, hitting the stylised Sith Lord right in the chest.
“I did it!” she said excitedly.
Of course, carefully hitting a stationary target was different from a combat situation, but they all had to start somewhere!


Alisa smiled and nodded her head. “Thank you, Lady. I will consult with them as soon as I can and lay out any changes I feel are needed.”
“Can you teach me how to use a bow?” Adril asked eagerly. The prospect of weaponry and adventures always cheered her up.
“If you’re good and listen to Miss Alisa she might do that,” Tegaea said sternly.
Adril huffed a bit. “But what you say is good always changes, it just means whatever you want.”
“Yes, it does,” Tegaea agreed.
“I think our mothers are very fair in their judgements,” Livia put in primly.
“Immune to flattery too, Livia,” Tegaea replied with a sigh.


Tylania rose and offered her hand. Perhaps to Elpsis’ surprise a full half hour had passed when it had seemed like only a few minutes.
“I have some new orchids, do you have some time to sense them with me? The old ones have bloomed beautifully after your last infusions of the Force.”
[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

"You did," Xalda confirmed. "It is a start. Remember. when someone assails you, you will not have time to think. You must act, or they will. Aim for centre of mass, where possible. It offers the broadest target. Now...continue." Because shooting a static target was easy, the Xioquo pressed a button on a device she had been told was called a 'remote control'. This would cause the target to move. In deference to the fact that Purity was still inexperienced, it would not be fast at first.


"Do you wish to become a warrior, little lady?" Alisa asked.
"Yes," Adril declared eagerly. "One day I'll have my own ship, a lightsabre and I'll kick lots of Sith arse."
"Language," Siobhan chided her sternly.
" use words like that all the time. So does Elpsis!" her daughter protested.
"Immaterial. You will express yourself with proper decorum. And I think you'll find a battle is a lot less romantic than the stories."
"Yes, Mother. Can I still learn how to use a bow? Please!" It was very rare for Adril to use that sword.
"If your mothers have no objections, I can show you how to use a small one young Vash train on. You are not strong or large enough for a war bow, but it will prepare you. But you must follow my instructions."
"Thanks, you're the best! I'll be good!"
All this youthful exuberance made Siobhan suppress a sigh. "With that settled, let's return to the villa and get you accommodated, Alisa. I'll introduce you to my staff and you can meet my eldest daughter when she comes home," she declared impatiently.


As they say, time flies. Having finally gotten some feeling in her legs other than them feeling sore, Elpsis got up, taking the profferred hand. She smiled slightly. "Yeah, I'd like to see them. I should make my own garden. I can blow chit up just fine. Might as well spend some time making it grow."

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Elpsis Kerrigan-Alcori"]
Purity acknowledged that enemies would not stand still in battle, so when the target started moving she began tracking it. She fired a blaster bolt, but it went wide, clipping the ‘cloak’ of the Sith.
Frowning, she swiftly calculated in her head, compensating for movement and reaction speed, and put two blaster bolts into the target as it moved past.
“It’s all about calculating the speed and delay of the blaster bolts from hitting the target. You have to work out where you need the shots to be then, not where you should aim now. This is fun!” she said excitedly.


Back to their suites they headed, looking quite a strange gaggle of humans and elves. Soon though they were back and the household staff lined up as though this was a period piece. All the staff in this case were all extremely attractive ladies though, which added rather a different feel to it.

“Ladies, this is Alisa, she will be providing security to all of us, but especially Adril and Livia,” Tegaea said. Her pride would not allow her to put herself in the category of ‘needing protection’ in front of the staff.
“You are to follow her instructions when it comes to security, so long as they do not contradict my own or Lady Kerrigan’s. I want you to introduce yourselves and state your role to her. She will be conducting a security audit. Go about your business as normal and answer any questions she asks,” Tegaea ordered.


“Creating is more difficult than destroying. Whilst both are necessary at times, creation is ultimately more satisfying.”
Tylania led her into a smaller chamber where numerous pots and flowerbeds were laid out. Beautiful orchids and wildflowers from all across Tygara grew here.
“I have been having trouble with these. They are very rare Emberdawn orchids, found only in Force sensitive desert areas. I think your expertise is needed.”
The Emberdawn looked unremarkable to normal eyes, though to Elpsis’ gaze it glowed with a latent Force energy. To the mundane eye it looked like a greyish-green shoot with a bud which was nearly black.
Whilst Tylania watched Elpsis’ progress she held out her hands to another flower, a beautiful blue and red one, and with an infusion of the Force helped it spread its flowers broadly.
[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

"Yes," Xalda confirmed, watching Purity's progress. "The ability to defend yourself is what gives you freedom. You are free, but others may one day try to steal your freedom from you." Doubtless her own experiences were talking here. The Dahomian might have noticed the vicious scars on the Xioquo's face. Pressing the button on the machine, she sped up target a bit more.


The Kerrigan-Alcori household had a multispecies staff. However, without exception they were all pretty and female. Siobhan employed some males in her office, who did office stuff, but the household was a woman-only domain. Siobhan's breath brushed against Alisa's pointed ear. "Many of these ladies here offer special services. They are very diligent and eager to serve. But are to be treated with respect," Siobhan informed the Vashyada with a completely straight face.
One of the ladies stepped forward. She was an attractive Chiss female dressed in an impeccable women's business suit. She had some nice longs legs. "I am confident you have made an excellent choice, Lady Alcori, Lady Kerrigan. The little ladies deserve nothing but the best of protection." It was not sycophancy at all. That done, she gave Alisa a winning smile. "Welcome, Alisa. I have heard great things about the Vashyada's courage and prowess. I am Royal, Chief of the House. I wil get you integrated into the bodyguard staff and familiarised with our protocols in no time. I have already prepared your accommodations," she reached into her jacket and removed a datapad. "Here you will find a map of the premise, a list of staff members and essential protocols."


"I'll try my best," she said quietly. She settled down on the ground so that her eyes were level with the Emberdawn. The orchids would look unexceptional to a mundane gaze, but Elpsis did not see the world most people, be they squib or space mages, did. This came with its own set of advantages and detriments. To her, it glowed with the energies of the Lifeweb. "Hey," she said quietly. "You miss the desert? I don't blame ya. There's no real wind here, or real heat. It's just make believe. But you can grow nonetheless, and be the prettiest of them all." Gently, her hand touched the flower.

Tegaea Alcori

Back to Square One
[member="Elpsis Kerrigan-Alcori"]
Purity had heard that Xalda had once been a slave. She herself had fortunately avoided such a fate, but many of her kin had not been so lucky. It was a testament to the sentient need to dominate and destroy that such an illogical and hurtful institution still existed. Purity was not always the best with emotions, but she knew the reasons for keeping someone as property went beyond logic and efficiency. It was evil.
“What we all deserve is freedom not to be someone’s property,” she said feelingly.

The target moved faster, and Purity had good success when she had time to take careful aim and calculate where the target would move. However, when she had to fire quickly when it moved behind cover he became a bit flustered and often missed her shots.

“I guess it gets easier. Can you show me how you do it? I can learn by studying your stance.”


Tegaea’s face went completely blank when Royal spoke. Sio would recognise it as her ‘politician face’.

Alisa however smiled warmly. “That is very kind, thank you, Royal!” She took the device and studied it, nodding.
“I think perhaps we can go over a few things so I get familiarised with the house and the staff. Do you have time to do so now?”

Livia meanwhile looked up at her mothers. “Can I please watch the holo? There’s an interesting documentary on the development of levitation by that Jedi friend of yours.”
Adril meanwhile immediately arced up. “That sounds so boring! I want to watch Heroes of Firemane again! Mum, when can I get my own holo so I don’t have to share it with the bookworm?!”
“That bookworm is your sister, Adril,” Tegaea said sternly. “Livia asked first, and politely.”
Adril looked to Sio. “Muuuum, surely you agree it’s better to watch something exciting than some boring doco?” she asked. It was a time honoured tradition to ask the other parent if the other said no.


As Elpsis’ hand touched the flower she would feel a sensation like the sun, a real sun, on her hand, the dry desert wind. The power flowed through her and into the plant. It grew like some long record vision was suddenly sped up.
The unassuming grey bud opened to reveal a brilliant red and orange flower. The scent was that of jasmine. Even more curiously Elpsis could ‘see’ the flower as though she had her regular sight back. Not unlike Tamara’s magic box it seemed to tap straight into her brain.

“Excellent! It likes you!” Tylania said happily.

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