Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Suggestion Community-run Event

Credius Nargath Credius Nargath Dak Dak Ellie Mors Ellie Mors Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar Irveric Tavlar Darth Metus Darth Metus Eldin Daine Eldin Daine Rika Rika Kyra Perl Kyra Perl Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus

In light of all the recent discussions about map wipes and various other proposals to address the problems of the current map meta, I would like us to start a discussion on what I believe is the root of our problems, here: lack of interaction between factions and a lack of large-scale, impactful storylines on the board.

We need to increase interaction between the major factions on the map and not just through invasions, so what I would propose is having a community-run event, where we perhaps start by grouping 2-3 factions together in a single thread where they have to deal with some McGuffin. Whether they work together, or fight eachother, this would create more interaction between the groups of writers and I don't see other ways of addressing this issue, given the size of this community.

Map wipes would not solve the issue. It would only exacerbate it. When you have a community of 150+ members, its easy to feel like your voice is "lost in the crowd", its easy to feel like you can't make a difference, or that your thread/character/thing doesn't have a meaningful impact on the larger narrative at large. This causes the natural reaction of fragmentation and tribalism, the community splits off into smaller groups that mostly tend to keep to themselves, because it is difficult for the human brain to keep track of more than a few people and without active intervention to address this issue, it will not resolve itself.

We, as major faction owners, need to come together to have a serious discussion about this. This event I proposed is one idea and I would like to hear your voices, as well as the voices of the community at large, so that we might work together and come up with a solution. Because if we just sit here and wait for the admins to come up with a solution, we might not like what they end up deciding.
I'm ambivalent on the map wipe idea and don't frankly think it's a positive or negative solution, but the core issue I can absolutely agree on. On the whole, inter-faction RP is limited to "who's our friend" and invasions. Frankly, that doesn't really have most of the board interacting much.

And when they do, it's competitive, and you're dealing with people you never interact with suddenly wanting to take your toys from you.

So, yeah, I can get on board with the idea of more stirring things up between factions. We've been doing that (OPA) with SJO for a few months and it's been pretty successful for meeting people and shuffling things up.
Agents of Chaos has taken a personal mandate on of playing patty cakes with the other factions and we've been communicating with nearly all of them for awesome stories. Since our beginning as a minor faction in October, there was only one month in which we didn't get to play with other factions. I'd love to expand the scope and turn some of the things into wider site events ♥
I think it’s a great idea, and definitely VOCALIZING it brings more attention to it.

In the last 3 months I’ve averaged 4 different different outer faction threads a month, each with a different faction. To put this into context- May I worked with 5 factions for 3 skirmishes and 2 collab threads

I say this to point out that factions have been working a lot together. A lot a lot. I'm really proud of seeing everyone work together and I think a bigger step towards it is great!

this is a great idea i'd love to see happen, i think this breaks down more walls and allows whats already happening between factions to expand further!

*edited cause this post was pre coffee and on a reread i think i was off point a little
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Kainan Wolfe Kainan Wolfe

In theory, I'm down. Darkwire has been reaching out to other factions recently for collaborative efforts on our own. But having a site-wide event has done wonders on Chaos in the past and are always hubs of activity and varying degrees of cooperation.

But please. We need to start moving away from arbitrary fixes to problems and start attaching real solutions with actual story proposals. I will take part in any discussion that leads to plot development and story-telling. They better be some damn interesting MacGuffins :p
Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus

That's a cool idea. Since it's at a distance and not attached to your influence cloud, I'd expect it to be a temporary hex gain? If so, maybe it could require less posts. As is, there's nothing really stopping us from writing prologues to these conflicts in neutral hexes nearby. But I can dig it.

Kainan Wolfe Kainan Wolfe

GA is always down to get stories going with other factions! Whether it's hyperlanes, diplomatic meetings, supporting your rebels to get some proxxy conflicts going on ( ;) ) or other! Lots of good opportunities to be had. Some attempts in the past have failed and things have been a bit busy for me recently OOC, but I've always liked to consider myself an advocate for at least trying to bring faction communities together to get stories moving. Whether that's through social threads, invasions, skirmishes, etc.

I do still support the suggestion of a partial map wipe, but I'd love a solid site event (official or community driven).

Ariel Yvarro

I am down for collaboration, I realize you only called for major faction owners but hear me out. Minor factions are great story makers as well, and am certainly up for working things out with bigger factions. It's specifically something I've had a desire to do as of late, and have reached out at the very least to Dak Dak about. I am certainly in a mind of being able to openly communicate about this on discord, so perhaps a channel in SWRP Gen for faction collaboration outside of the major faction channel or at the very least making it a public server for minor and major faction owners to jump in on.
We used to do this fairly often back in like 2013. Hell the first event I was involved in here was the Roche Asteroid event and I managed it all as a player, just talked to two faction admins and was like "Hey lets do this thing right here?" and we made it happen. Either way gating community events behind a faction staff only discord seems like a poor decision.

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