Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Suggestion Community-run Event

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Kyra Perl Kyra Perl

I don't know I always forget to watch the main discord server because who I know are on the faction servers. And on a separate server, it would be easier to give everyone the role of their own faction, so you could see who represents whom. Less work than selecting staff members from many hundreds of people, provided you want to involve others other than the faction owners.
Ariel Yvarro Absolutely. Minor factions (and people who aren't part of any factions) would be free to join as well. This thread was only meant as a "first step" to gauge interest and get a discussion going.

Damian Starchaser Damian Starchaser We're not gating anything. But we might need a staffers discord for logistics purposes, in order to facilitate dialogue between the staff teams of the factions involved without getting lost in the clutter of Chaos/Faction general. We did this in our recent invasion against TSE and it worked really well.
Ariel Yvarro Absolutely. Minor factions (and people who aren't part of any factions) would be free to join as well. This thread was only meant as a "first step" to gauge interest and get a discussion going.

Damian Starchaser Damian Starchaser We're not gating anything. But we might need a staffers discord for logistics purposes, in order to facilitate dialogue between the staff teams of the factions involved without getting lost in the clutter of Chaos/Faction general. We did this in our recent invasion against TSE and it worked really well.

Okay so is the community invited to participate in planning and brainstorming this event or only faction staff members? That's what I mean by gating. If this is an event started by and run by faction staff that's fine, and I actively encourage this as it would help facilitate stories and activity across the board. But the title says community event. If it is a community run and driven event don't you think the community should be involved? I guess I'm just asking if in this grand plan there is any contingency to allow the majority membership of the forum a meaningful voice in proceedings?
I think you mean "gatekeeping," and I can see why you'd say that.

So uh I meant gating like boarding school punishment. Having access to activities and leave restricted. Gatekeeping is better though lol.

And look I don't want to make it out like I'm coming down on faction admins as being an elitist dick club right? I understand that at some point too many cooks ruin the broth and all that nonsense and that a general consensus might never be achieved in a meaningful way and that somewhere someone or some small group would just need to make some decisions for an event to function. And honestly if it comes to a proper board wide event and not one run by a single player or small group of players faction admins and staff make sense for that role. I would just hope that until decisions are made and finalized the community gets to contribute.
Kainan Wolfe Kainan Wolfe Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

My solution to the problems brought up is simple. Let's have Valiens Nantaris Valiens Nantaris Create a seperate channel on the main discord as he suggested. We can set it up to be viewed by everyone, but only those with a specific role can type in it. It will keep it public and above board, everyone will be free to discuss it on their own and talk to their own representatives, and yet it will be kept organized. This way we avoid problems in the long run. What do you say? If it's truly a community event, let the community see and have a say in it's planning.

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