Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Companies and Copyright Infringement / Factions and Tech specializations: Should they be restricted/

Should technology be restricted to specific companies/factions?

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There's also the simple matter of licensing agreements. With no source saying otherwise, it's entirely possible, and even likely, the manufacturer of your example had purchased the rights to the designs it had used.

In fact, that's the easiest solution here ICly. If someone has unique tech you want, come to an IC agreement to license it, or be prepared to do work on another explanation.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
[member="Ayden Cater"]

You will never get me to state for one second that the trial was unbiased. Never.

[member="Alyesa Praxon-Organa"]

And the lawsuit spiraled out of control. According to the article on the subject, it looks like Apple was hardly successful in successfully blocking out Samsung's sales.
Dulkor said:
I actually have to say that I find the opposite to be more true. Restrictions encourage creativity by requiring a writer to work around limitations. I'd actually argue that such structure is already a large part of the tech forum and would love to see these kinds of things extend further IC.

If someone doesn't want to negotiate for tech, well just undertake some corporate espionage or track down salvage or whatever. There are plenty of ways to work with or around IC and OOC limits with some well done lateral thinking and ingenuity.
Well, I've actively watched factions and boards crumble to nothing because of oppressive regulations and restriction, so there's always the real life examples.

You'll find that there are those out there who do not realise that roleplaying is a game for many as opposed to a game for a few but here's the kicker. SWRP is not your own RTS game. There are a select few out there who excel in elements such as starships, technology, the things that our Factory and Codex provides but does that mean the Factory and the Codex are simply a tool for those who've spent their days constantly pouring over Wookieepedia?

No. That's ridiculous. This is a bloody hobby, if you expect people to spend their free time between working and sleeping studying up upon the endless, the stodgy and for some the downright boring then you are what's wrong with the Factory.

Thankfully staff are working very hard at making the Factory/Codex more approachable and easier to use, and as a person who actively struggles with Star Wars technology I appreciate it.

As for the original topic of factions using other factions tech, I can't see why not if there's a good story behind it and not just the OOC standpoint of, 'IT'Z DA STRONGAST!' (although technically 'IT'Z DA STRONGAST!' in itself could be a story). If the Mandalorians got their hands upon Vong technology and could actually learn about it, understand it and bring themselves to use it then why not? I mean, most of our factions are so far-gone from their original canon counter-parts that why the frick not?
Smeg said:
Well, I've actively watched factions and boards crumble to nothing because of oppressive regulations and restriction, so there's always the real life examples.

You'll find that there are those out there who do not realise that roleplaying is a game for many as opposed to a game for a few but here's the kicker. SWRP is not your own RTS game. There are a select few out there who excel in elements such as starships, technology, the things that our Factory and Codex provides but does that mean the Factory and the Codex are simply a tool for those who've spent their days constantly pouring over Wookieepedia?

No. That's ridiculous. This is a bloody hobby, if you expect people to spend their free time between working and sleeping studying up upon the endless, the stodgy and for some the downright boring then you are what's wrong with the Factory.

Thankfully staff are working very hard at making the Factory/Codex more approachable and easier to use, and as a person who actively struggles with Star Wars technology I appreciate it.

As for the original topic of factions using other factions tech, I can't see why not if there's a good story behind it and not just the OOC standpoint of, 'IT'Z DA STRONGAST!' (although technically 'IT'Z DA STRONGAST!' in itself could be a story). If the Mandalorians got their hands upon Vong technology and could actually learn about it, understand it and bring themselves to use it then why not? I mean, most of our factions are so far-gone from their original canon counter-parts that why the frick not?


Stark raving silly
First, I'm gonna tackle this from an IC legality standpoint. Then I'm gonna tackle this from OOC factory judge turned codex judge standpoint.

IC Legality:

Laws are dependent upon the nations that make them. The oldest nations present on the map with major legal codes are the Mandalorians and the Republic. Both governments have gone through numerous shifts and pulls, and neither of their regimes are more than a decade old, giving the most generous estimates. Now, to be frank, for international law to apply, you would need to brook some kind of international agreement. No faction or nation would be obligated, or beholden to recognize legal proceedings in other nations without some sort of treaty stating such. As an example, during the Ithor Treaty, signatory members of the Fringe refused to accept the extradition clauses moved for as a motion by the Mandalorian delegation, arguing that a lack of extradition was a large part of their military constituency. The law between young nations, half of whom are at war with each other, is not something that can simply be agreed to and enforced without the creation of a United International and Extraterritorial Policing Force with actual legal authority. Which, as of right now, none of the major governing bodies in the galaxy would be happy to allow in their domain.

OOC judge-like thoughts:

See how conditional this all is? Like, nightmarishly so? Yeah, that's what law is like. It's a series of convolutions and obfuscations, and it's better left IC. Why? because the factory judges are here primarily to keep things fun. Forcing people through the inevitable bureaucratic baggage being proposed here is....not. If you feel there is a plagiarism issue, we have a policy for that. If you feel your tech has been stolen with no IC justification, well, hash it out with the player, and if that's a fail, report it. If your stuff has been stolen with IC justification, then take some IC vengeance. Corporate espionage, daring mercenary operations, exploiting weaknesses in stolen tech, these are legit IC ways to fight back. We're all here to have a good time, to write a story. "I don't like what you did so I'm telling" isn't as great a story as "Greed is good. Greed is what I'm using to stab you in the back while I laugh at your folly."

In short, I feel like forcing you all to comply with some imaginary code that applies to everyone equally with IC justification as to why it applies to everyone equally is both lame and uninteresting. If you wish to create some sort of minor faction that handles international law, allows all members, and tries hard to get recognition in multiple faction nation-states, then this might some kinda sense. At which point, it'd be your job, not ours. Which is, in my opinion, way more appropriate to the board.

I feel obligated to point out that no one is expecting everyone on the board to come to the same level of proficiency as some others. For example, it should be a well-known fact at this point that I like making ships, and that I make good, interesting ships. Not just for myself. I make them for other people to use. Some are even my IC enemies. Why? Because that's how I have fun. Rather than take on this idea of needing everyone to have the same level of proficiency as I do regarding ships, or Larraq, why not find those people and talk to them. Ask them to help you and I think you'll find often times, we will.
[member="Ayden Cater"]

Funnily enough, since the Factory is currently being improved upon to be accessible to all members this point doesn't even need to be discussed anymore. It's not even on topic, I just got off tangent, like I often do.

But GURLLL nine times out of ten that I PMed you on Skype you wouldn't answer back, so the help factor was always seen to be believed for me.
Smeg said:
[member="Ayden Cater"]

Funnily enough, since the Factory is currently being improved upon to be accessible to all members this point doesn't even need to be discussed anymore. It's not even on topic, I just got off tangent, like I often do.

But GURLLL nine times out of ten that I PMed you on Skype you wouldn't answer back, so the help factor was always seen to be believed for me.

? Since when has it not been accessible to all members.
[member="Captain Larraq"]

I don't feel like it's accessible or user friendly.

I am a member.

Therefore not all members.

But that's a self-centered and far too simplified view to things. In case you haven't notice there have been a lot of changes made to the Factory recently, changes to improve. If something needs improved, then what was it before...? I'll let you fill in that blank.


Just because I find the factory inaccessible doesn't mean that everybody does. But just because you two find the factory perfectly accessible doesn't mean that everybody does either.

However, this is way far off-topic and frankly I don't wish to engage you on any matter, never mind this one.

the factory as a whole, or just a particular factory? Personally, I love the addition of the codex. I think it adds an amazing element to the board.

As far as using the factory... i feel that it always comes down to a sense of fair. Make something that's interesting an unique, but has a fair allotment of weaknesses and is (overall) the same tactical value of existing subs.

Everything I sub... I approach from the standpoint of "can this be countered?" if the answer is no, i design weaknesses into the sub and elaborate on them.

Id really like to hear what's been giving you so much trouble.
Some people like making ships, some people don't, some people want copy rights, some people don't, some people want the Factory "more accessible", some people think it's fine just the way it is.

This thread's topic was never really in question of whether it'd be enforced by Staff or the Company Judges. It won't. Though I enjoy the idea that we can make polls and vote on aspects of this website, something I enjoy doing, some polls just won't pass - and others just won't become a reality because the leadership here doesn't see it viable, whereas the member base might. There's a lot of things I wish we could do, and a lot of things I'm sure you all wish we could do. But we can't, or won't, for a variety of reasons.

Doing these polls is a good way to get things started and open conversations about it, but remember - it's a conversation. We're not forcing anyone to do anything.

Pursue copyrights through IC means. No OOC means to moderate this, whether by Staff or by the Factory, will be implemented for the foreseen future.


Well-Known Member
copy rights in war do not exist

reason simple, I capture your best weapon.

1: do I care you have a copy right on it

Answer: No, I am going steal every bit of tech I can from it, so I can replicate it. FACT

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