First, I'm gonna tackle this from an IC legality standpoint. Then I'm gonna tackle this from OOC factory judge turned codex judge standpoint.
IC Legality:
Laws are dependent upon the nations that make them. The oldest nations present on the map with major legal codes are the Mandalorians and the Republic. Both governments have gone through numerous shifts and pulls, and neither of their regimes are more than a decade old, giving the most generous estimates. Now, to be frank, for international law to apply, you would need to brook some kind of international agreement. No faction or nation would be obligated, or beholden to recognize legal proceedings in other nations without some sort of treaty stating such. As an example, during the Ithor Treaty, signatory members of the Fringe refused to accept the extradition clauses moved for as a motion by the Mandalorian delegation, arguing that a lack of extradition was a large part of their military constituency. The law between young nations, half of whom are at war with each other, is not something that can simply be agreed to and enforced without the creation of a United International and Extraterritorial Policing Force with actual legal authority. Which, as of right now, none of the major governing bodies in the galaxy would be happy to allow in their domain.
OOC judge-like thoughts:
See how conditional this all is? Like, nightmarishly so? Yeah, that's what law is like. It's a series of convolutions and obfuscations, and it's better left IC. Why? because the factory judges are here primarily to keep things fun. Forcing people through the inevitable bureaucratic baggage being proposed here is....not. If you feel there is a plagiarism issue, we have a policy for that. If you feel your tech has been stolen with no IC justification, well, hash it out with the player, and if that's a fail, report it. If your stuff has been stolen with IC justification, then take some IC vengeance. Corporate espionage, daring mercenary operations, exploiting weaknesses in stolen tech, these are legit IC ways to fight back. We're all here to have a good time, to write a story. "I don't like what you did so I'm telling" isn't as great a story as "Greed is good. Greed is what I'm using to stab you in the back while I laugh at your folly."
In short, I feel like forcing you all to comply with some imaginary code that applies to everyone equally with IC justification as to why it applies to everyone equally is both lame and uninteresting. If you wish to create some sort of minor faction that handles international law, allows all members, and tries hard to get recognition in multiple faction nation-states, then this might some kinda sense. At which point, it'd be your job, not ours. Which is, in my opinion, way more appropriate to the board.