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Companies and Copyright Infringement / Factions and Tech specializations: Should they be restricted/

Should technology be restricted to specific companies/factions?

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Iram the Fierce Avatar said:
I allow some copycats to use my work.. in fact, I encourage it
I would believe it would be in bad taste to allow this to happen on the end of Incom Corporation or other major entities within the Galaxy, IC wise. Why? It could be misrepresented, spun into a bad PR campaign, ect. Why do you think Alyesa refused to sell the rights to those C.I.S affiliated vessels? *shrugs*

So much more than just a profit margin in the grand scheme. Yes, even in a game.

I said it. Take me to court.


Alyesa Praxon-Organa said:
I like it when my ships don't touch me in the no-no places.

Yeah... Yorik-et beings are into some weird things.

Like that one time with the Zeltron, the Falleen, and the Twi'lek....
While I am against the idea of the Sith of having Republic stuff for the sake of having their good stuff, I do believe that is more of an issue that lies elsewhere, rather than copyright. Copyright itself can be infringed, and be punished by law. Through a natural order of things. Through a copyright that goes by OOC conduct, it would be impossible to even try to copy this without extensive permissions, meaning that piracy of that ion cannon blueprint is now against OOC rules rather than just IC laws.
Silara Vantai said:
While I am against the idea of the Sith of having Republic stuff for the sake of having their good stuff, I do believe that is more of an issue that lies elsewhere, rather than copyright. Copyright itself can be infringed, and be punished by law. Through a natural order of things. Through a copyright that goes by OOC conduct, it would be impossible to even try to copy this without extensive permissions, meaning that piracy of that ion cannon blueprint is now against OOC rules rather than just IC laws.

What I mean is more along the lines of a Factory Judge telling you that the item you want to use is owned by another faction/company and asking you to find alternative technology or accept that an IC lawsuit may result from the submission.
Copy-catting is the natural way of things. Mimicry is the greatest form of flattery.

Look at iPhone and Android.

It's a real thing, people, and it isn't going away. Not even when you make silly OOC rules to keep it out of your fantastical story in a non-existent galaxy far, far away.
Captain Larraq said:
What I mean is more along the lines of a Factory Judge telling you that the item you want to use is owned by another faction/company and asking you to find alternative technology or accept that an IC lawsuit may result from the submission.
Wouldn't be all that fair, man
Progress comes at the infringing of other's work. Company A makes something wonderfully innovative. Company B eventually copies it and makes their own spin on to improve it just a tiny bit. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Also, the Atrisians didn't invent the hypervelocity gun. Those have been around a while. That said, I'd like it if more factions took a specialty approach with their tech, if only to give it all a common design element unique to the faction.
[member="Iram the Fierce Avatar"]
Arguably, you're right, but at the same time, it's a thing.

I can see the arguments against, and I can see the arguments for. I personally think this is really cool and could add another layer of RP element to the board. That said, I can also see the problems with enforcing it. It's a 50/50 sort of thing. Trick is, how to enforce it without enforcing it. If that's sorted out, then the concept is golden in my book.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
If this is your thing and makes you happy do it and be happy... I don't like it, I don't care for it. Have it be optional and not a way for people to just be prickish to another member they want to troll.
[member="Captain Larraq"]

If that is the case, I could see it being used correctly and done right. I am still very wary of it being put into practice, but as long as there are no OOC consequences on IC, then I have no qualms with it. IC lawsuits would be fine, but anything that involves action being taken through OOC is a complete no-no in my book.
Silara Vantai said:
[member="Captain Larraq"]

If that is the case, I could see it being used correctly and done right. I am still very wary of it being put into practice, but as long as there are no OOC consequences on IC, then I have no qualms with it. IC lawsuits would be fine, but anything that involves action being taken through OOC is a complete no-no in my book.
The worst OOC consequence I can think of would be a company tier reduction after a particularly bad IC lawsuit.
Ayden Cater said:
That said, I'd like it if more factions took a specialty approach with their tech, if only to give it all a common design element unique to the faction.
I agree and I'd like this too, but in no way should this ever lead to forcing Factions to do it.


Any random can copy a piece of tech. Not any random can make it truly great. Imitation is the greatest form of flattery or some poodoo like that, so I say "why not?"

You also have issues like the Subach one where one party is amused by the prospect of claiming infringement and the other is morbidly disdainful and unamused. The lines between "to have fun" and "to one-up" will inevitably become obscured.

And lastly, either for or against, you can't just say "let the community handle it" because no, we can't behave properly for poodoo. I think that's been proven agelessly.

I like the idea, but I am indifferent in decision.
Tsavong Kraal said:
I agree and I'd like this too, but in no way should this ever lead to forcing Factions to do it.

*shrug* I liked when the Atrisians came up with the Hypervelocity cannon. It's always irked me that it's become so well proliferated now. The Keldabe and Kyramund are as close to canon as I can get them, and a lot of my other designs are developed to have similar weapon loadouts. For the more specific stuff, I try to make Tech Subs to prevent too much copying, but without OOC support from judges, it all amounts to jack in the end.

Granted... it's a game and it all amounts to jack anyway.... But I still don't like it when I or someone else comes up with something inventive, and then see it all over the place a month later. Yeah, a lot of the canon stuff is kinda public access.... But... meh.

Honestly, I'm surprised the vote is as close as it is.

Ashe the Reaper said:
Any random can copy a piece of tech. Not any random can make it truly great. Imitation is the greatest form of flattery or some poodoo like that, so I say "why not?"

You also have issues like the Subach one where one party is amused by the prospect of claiming infringement and the other is morbidly disdainful and unamused. The lines between "to have fun" and "to one-up" will inevitably become obscured.

And lastly, either for or against, you can't just say "let the community handle it" because no, we can't behave properly for poodoo. I think that's been proven agelessly.

I like the idea, but I am indifferent in decision.

Imitation is cool to an extent. But there are some things where I'm just like "No. That's mine. Go come up with your own fancy poodoo."
Iram the Fierce Avatar said:
.... there actually IS a lawyer type here?

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