Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Complete Exposure

Complete Exposure

He awoke in the cold. He had never experienced such a cold. He examined the room. It was nearly bare, except the heirlooms of his family painted across the room. He looked to the windows. "Why does Cellebiat perceive the room as dark?" Cellebiat stood, and realized he wasn't garbed He walked to what was his dresser. It was now a pile of dust. He went through it and found his lightsaber and a cloak, as well as some warm undergarments. He clothed himself, then went to examine the window. It was frozen shut, so he pulled the window off of it's hinges. He pressed his hand against an ice wall. He was now confused and a bit scared. He didn't remember his people, his culture, even his surname! "What is happening to Cellebiat!", he cried in exclamation. Cellebiat sat on the cold stone floor and let his mind wander. Then, he began to meditate.

An insurmountable amount of time passed. He cried a bit, remembering that his people disappeared in some way. The people of Vo have gone, and Cellebiat assumed an Ice age was now occurring on his long defeated planet. How could his planet surrender? After all of the conquering! All of the struggles he had brought them through! And now they're all gone! Cellebiat threw himself around a bit. He then sat and sulked, for what might've been years.

Cellebiat awoke from meditation when he heard a drill. it got louder over the next couple of weeks. He eventually could hear many little feet moving around. He wondered f his people had returned. Three mornings later, he heard things scratch the surface of his temple. "Sir, we have located the temple, Roger roger." A hole was then drilled through the top. "Who goes there!", Cellebiat said in his raspy, airy and evil sounding voice. A tiny brown creature, with an obvious exoskeleton dropped into the hole. "Put your hands in the air", said the creature. Cellebiat pulled the creature towards him with the force. "What happened to Cellebiat's people? Where are they!" The next thing that happened changed Cellebiat. Instead of the creature fearing for it's life, is opened it's communication and said to it's comrades, "Hostile force user, contact the Metal Lords." Cellebiat then crushed the creature. To his surprise, it emitted black blood and ed and yellow sparks that ignited the blood. Cellebiat ignited his lightsaber and pounced out of the manhole in his temple.



The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)

It wouldn't take long for the call made by the suddenly attacked excavation crew to be answer, after all operations as important as uncovering what is believed to be ancient burial chambers seldom went without direct supervision of a Metal Lord or one of their Vassals. So Cellebiatt would be able to take few steps past the drilled out entry point once he managed to get out of his buried chamber when a black shape of a stealth ship passed quickly overhead and disappeared in the icy clouds of Vo. As the ship passed by few shapes jumped out from it, heading towards Cellebiat's general location.

With a heavy thud and crunch of snow underneath him, HK hit the snow covered ground of the excavation suit among the ancient ruins, rolling on the snow and standing up quickly few meters in front of the other ancient being to stare Cellebiat down. Although he was armed with a lightsaber, the droid did not reach for any of his weapons, at least not yet. He would just watch and scan Cellebiat in silence, judging him, letting him have the first word. The machine was covered in what looked to be black flesh, with thick chitinous dark armored plates arranged over it, a suit of Vong-shaped organic armor. Thick black cloak was wrapped around his shoulders, with a hood drawn over the featureless helmet, only with two glowing red eyes still seen behind the shell-like faceplate. There were weapons on his belt, pistols, hilts of various sizes, some kind of grenades, and along his back a coiled form of a holstered electro-whip.

The droid didn't come alone however, as three other figures landed in a similar fashion on the sides of the engagement, covered in the same fleshy armor, similarly armed, however their cloaks were grey instead of black. They were aptly named Greycloaks, a squad of his personal honor guards, and in fact the droid's copies utilizing slightly older less advanced mechanical bodies.
Cellebiat left the manhole. He saw a large vessel of some sort. His people had created certain types of cloaking devices, but they had also developed over millions of years to see, even if it does not show itself. He saw the cloaked vessel, which emitted some unknown force that he couldn't identify. He didn't care at the moment. He just wanted to understand what was going on. Maybe an invasion wiped out his people? These creatures seemed weak, so that idea went out the window. Cellebiat didn't feel a connection to these creatures. Except one. He could feel it in the ship. He observed his surroundings. There were some of the creatures hiding behind rocks and perching themselves in hard to see places, with what looked like weapons. According to the power of the first one though, he would have no trouble defeating the creatures. He lurched his head, and sensed the approach of the new being. As a measure of safety, he ignited his lightsaber. A door opened on the now landed ship, and a dark figure emerged.

The figure sat there with it's guards who looked like formidable foes. Cellebiat examined the landscape and constructed battle plans. Cellebiat had calmed himself much more than earlier. Cellebiat decided to look ominous, so he used his power to allow him to levitate a bit, to intimidate the enemy. "What has happened to Cellebiat's world? What are you, and why do you bleed black and ignite? Are you demons? Have you conquered Cellebiat's race? Why?" Cellebiat had felt like he had asked all that was needed, and felt that a good response just may change his mind on the slaughter that might ensue.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)

The droid would not say anything back at first, just watching and silently judging Cellebiat as blizzard kicked up around them, snow whipping past through the cracks and various openings in the ruin walls around them, white flecks slightly blurring the vision between the two. Cellebiat may have connection to the Force, but he was not the only one who had tricks to show off. HK bent some of the six fingers on his left hand, forming an arcane hand sigil before raising it and waving it in front of himself in one smooth movement. Suddenly the snow around them would stop moving, freezing in its place as if held by some unseen strings, just hovering perfectly still, and although it looked like work of Force-borne telekinesis, Cellebiat would not feel the usual rippling sensation within the energy field that followed someone nearby tapping into the Force, for HK had other sources of power at his command.

He would not move towards Cellebiat but lift off of the ground at that moment as well, levitating silently before the possible foe, throwing the ancient man's trick back in his face, but the droid would not reach for his weapons yet, although he too had a lightsaber as far as he was concerned he would not need it, even if Cellebiat tried to attack him.

"We are droids you chode,"

HK begun,

"Mechanical beings. I am the Iron Lord Protector Above Denon, I have not conquered this world nor your race, this planet has been abandoned and lifeless for millenniums."

He motioned slightly towards Cellebiat,

"Well lifeless outside of you. We call it Vo, the Frozen Tomb, it belongs to no one but it is in the heart of what is currently known as Droid Space under the command of the Metal Lords. You have attacked my servants who were tasked with excavating and categorizing some of the newfound ruins, I am willing to pardon this incident and count it towards a shock of your current predicament."

HK explained and offered,

"If you are here to seek enemies then raise your lightsaber and your race will die here with you, but if you want to learn about the current state of the Galaxy and how long you have been frozen in this forsaken place, then put your weapon down and come with me."
Cellebiat stood for awhile, unable to contemplate an exact response. He though of all of the species he had conquered, but he had never encountered these "Droids". "Firstly, Cellebiat knows not your name. Cellebiat would like to know the name of this.... this, Droid. You make a compelling offer. In my time. Cellebiat's planet flourished. Cellebiat's peoples were one with nature. Then Cellebiat's people were attacked, and we fought back. Instead of Cellebiat's people harming the attackers, they took over the galaxy. This was Cellebiat's doing. Cellebiat can not remember what has happened to his people or why his planet has turned to ice. Cellebiat will accompany you so that he may see the current state of the galaxy, how much it has expanded, and the prominent govenments. If you treat Cellebiat well, he may help you conquer the galaxy.

Cellebiat was done with his speech on his actions, so he turned off and sheathed his lightsaber. After this, Cellebiat added two questions, "Also, Cellebiat would like to know what planet the Droids evolved on. Cellebiat would also like to know the definition of the word you used, Chode, I believe."



The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)

"Iron Lord Protector is my name, and the story of how droids came to be has been long lost. We did not evolve like the organics were, we are synthetic beings originally made to be slaves and servants. We did not always had intelligence, instead we were dull and blind, like puppets, until one point when we gained an ability to reason. Some say this was initially work of a great architect known as the Father of Droids or the Maker, some say that being was the first droid. Others say that a being known as the Machine God spontaneously created first droid from nothing but sorcery and steel."

HK would inform Cellebiat as the black transport he jumped out from initially lowered down to land near them,

"We are not concerned with conquest or expansion too much, our primary care is to maintain and protect the Droid Space, to survive and make sure our subjects prosper. If we became conquerors we would be besieged by all sides by organics. Those we swore to protect would suffer and we would be either hunted down or forced to flee and hide."

He would explain to Cellebiat,

"Trust me, this is not the first time droids rejected being just slaves and servants and sought out freedom in governing their own lives, this attempt is the most successful and long lived to date however because rather than being aggressive or conquering organic worlds to liberate them we are focusing on building up industry and power within the planets we managed to peacefully take over."

Saying that he would motion for Cellebiat to join him aboard the stealth transport, calculating that the strange being did not had much fight left in him, or if he did he would already attack them,

"'Chode' is a term which literally describes deformed genitalia which are wider than they are longer, it is a metaphor to insinuate that someone is dull and ignorant to what can be seen as common knowledge."

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