Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Compliment the Person Above You!

My thanks and my apologizes, [member="Gorto Lutt"]
As my feeble attempt at stitching my own wardrobe allowed me sir Connery, my new and lovely tailor [member="Mariya Fleischer"] suggested Sir Hopkins. Who were I to refuse such an offer from a most wonderful young lady?...and a very pretty one, I have to add.
Nay, tis old man cannot deny such an offer from such a lady. As thus, I proudly wear these clothes on my back (signature).

And Admiral, I'd have to admit your avatar tis one of the best I've encountered of late. Tis very ...menacing.

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
[member="Gherron Dragonsflame"]
Say no, or your house or ship will be infested with the collective! :eek: Bug like peeps!

Nothing personal, [member="Silent One"]
I'm just watching out for another INDIVIDUAL. :p

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