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Open Market Concord Specialized Technologies

Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii

Concord Specialized Technologies

Concord Specialized Technologies is a modification, customization, starship, droid, and weapons company that was originally based on Concord Dawn and mostly run by Clan Gred. The company was started to modify the many bounty hunting craft that the clans would fly, and any other custom work that they could draw. After a few years, the company began to get into creating its own droids and weapons, and recently have begun to work on starting their own ship lines, focusing on smaller, more agile starships.

We will create unique vessel, droids, and weapons as well as modified ones.


Lighthouse-class Freighter (OM)
Kessel-class Armed Courier (OM)
Neebray-class Cargo Frigate (OM)
HA-2 Pike unarmed civilian model (OM)
Barri-class Cargo Frigate (OM)
Arcon-class Utility Ship (OM)
Valiant-class Arms Freighter (D)
Influunt-class Aquatic Utility Corvette (OM)

GF-2 TwinTail (Gred/Taanab/SJC)
GF-3 Talon Fighter (M)
GF-4 Stinger Multirole Fighter (MC, Gred)
"Kodashi" Viper MKII (M)
Directorate "Ghost" Viper Interceptor (D/SJC/M/CM)
CST Toscan 8-R (OM)
PF-1 Mynock Parasite Fighter (OM)
HF-3 Aran Long Range Heavy Escort Fighter (OM)
EX-90 (SCJ Tech Expo)

Assault Craft-
HA-1 Beskad (M)
HA-2 Pike (M/SJC)
HF-1 Hammer (M)
HF-2 Jair Kyr'am (CM)
HA-3 Hutthound Assault Craft (OM)
HA-4 Rimhawk (RTL)

HB-1 Hssiss Heavy Bomber (HS)
Nau'ul Stealth Bomber XB-2 (HS)

Patrol Ship-
Dinii-class Dral'tabalhar Me'sen (Heavy patrol ship) (M)
Spitfire-class Light Patrol Craft (OM)
Arkonok-class Patrol Courier (OM)

Enigma-class FAC (M)
Ranger-class FAC (EEoZ)
PS-1 "Tagger" Corvette (OM)
Archangel-class Blockade Runner/Transport (SJC/M)
Tionas-class FAC (E/M)
Rain-class Direct Fire Escort Corvette (OM)
Kih Jair-class EWC (HS, D)

Storm-class Torpedo Assault Frigate (M)
Sur'haai-class Scout Frigate (M)
Dragonsnake-class Picket Cruiser (OM)
Downburst-class Stealth Torpedo Frigate (Gred)

Firebrand-class Artillery Cruiser (M)
Atin'la-class Heavy Cruiser (M)
Shield-class Escort Cruiser (M/OM)
Sorgan-class Ordnance Cruiser (M/SJC)
Acklay-class Cruiser (OM)
Tra'verd-class Line Cruiser (HS)
Agitator-class Artillery Cruiser (HS/MC/D)

Star Destroyer-
Skira-class Assault Star Destroyer (M)
Concordia-class Heavy Destroyer (M)
Tsad-class Fleet Carrier (M)
Blizzard-class Heavy Starcarrier (OM)

Praelium Mihi-class Battlecruiser (HS)
Aranar-class Orbital Defense Battlecruiser (HS, CM)


First Degree-
V-2 Series "Minimech" Astromech therapy variant (OM)
K1-D (OM)
V-4T Medical Droid (Tal, HS)
V-4U Medical Droid (OM)

Second Degree-
V-1 Series Astromech (OM)
V-2 Series "Minimech" Astromech (OM)
V-3 Series Astromech (OM)
K1-B (OM)
V-4 Series Utility Droid (OM)

Third Degree-
K1-C (OM)

Fourth Degree-
C1 "Spark" Tactical Droid (OM)
WD-1 Reaper Droid (CM)
K1-A (M)
Shriek-Hawk Basilisk (Jai'galaar Bes'uliik) (M)
DF-1 Scarab Swarm Fighter (OM)

Surface Vehicles:

A-1 Frontline TD/SPA (M/SJC)
T-1 Slugger Tank (M/SJC)

Armored Vehicles-
MOB-1 Mobile Operation Base (SJC)
MOB-2 Leatherback (M)



Concord Specialized Technologies Ablative Armor Plating (CM)

Weapons Parts-
Sparker "No-Tech" Contact Fuse (OM)

Central A.I. (M)

Starship/Vehicle Weapons-
Varactyl Heavy Dual Turbolaser (CM)
Strill Universal Launch Tube System (CM)
MPC-1 Eyayah "Echo" Hyper Particle Cannon (CM)
BM-1 "Clean Sweep" Radiationless Baradium Missile (M)
PC-3 Uur "Silence" Starfighter Particle Cannon (CM)
FM-1 Hailstorm Fighter-to-Fighter Missile (M/Gred/CM)
PC-4 Jair "Shriek" Particle Cannon (CM)
HS1 "Kyranator" Baradium Mass Driver Shell Line (M/SJC)
BB1 "Thunder" Baradium Bomb (M/SJC)
HM-3 Blister Smart Missile (OM, Baradium warhead SJC/M)
PC-5 Beviin "Lance" Hyper Particle Cannon (CM)
PC-2 "Blackout" Particle Cannon (OM)
Squall-class Quad Flak Turret (OM)
MPC-2 Jair "Shriek" Hyper Particle Cannon (CM)

Vex 2-8 Shield Generator (CM)

Handheld Weapons-
PS-1 Particle Shotgun (OM)
PR-1 Ravager Heavy Particle Repeater (OM)
Crusader Bow Rail-bow ( Aya Clarke Aya Clarke )
CRP-01 Rim Cartridge Revolver (OM)
CRP-02 Mite Cartridge Revolver (OM)
CRC-01 Cartridge Revolver Carbine (OM)

EX-1 Plasma Pulse Engine (CM)
IJ-X1 Baffled Ion-Jet Engine (D/CM)
IJ-X2 Baffled Ion-Jet Engine (D/CM)

DL-1 Decoy Launcher

Custom Work:

Enigma (Unique Enigma-class)
Dentes Dracones (Unique Enigma-class)
Yùhé (Unique Enigma-class)
Alex (Unique Enigma-class)
Screw You (Unique Enigma-class)
Luathas (Unique Enigma-class)
Buckler (Unique Enigma-class)
Akaata Queen (Unique Enigma-class)
Daemon (Unique Enigma-class)
Nemesis (Corvette)
Baipā (Unique Mandalorian Viper)
Cuyan (Unique, interdictor Kandosii-type Dreadnaught)
Peacemaker (Unique Kom'rk)
Autumn Light (Unique Lighthouse-class)
Artemis Mobile Shipyard
Keros' Kad
Star Hunter
Silver Nexus
Taanabian Spirit II
Echo's Light

Prudii'yaim Shadow Ports (In Part. Secret)

OM: Open Market (Open to all)
CM: Closed Market (Order)
note: CM only used when not a faction product.

M: Mandalorian
MC: Mandalorian Covenant
E: Enclave
SJC: Silver Jedi Concord
EEoZ: Eternal Empire of Zakuul
Gred: Clan Gred
Tal: Clan Tal
D: The Directorate
HS: House Solus
RTL: Rimward Trade League
Last edited:
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Announcement: All ME/UCM designs, excluding the Tal-type, and all GF-2 variants, may now be considered available to purchase for all Mandalorians, excluding those that have sided with the Sith Empire.

Sirius Nova

You do custom lightsabers by any chance? If so, I'd like to acquire:
Lightsaber Tonfa x 1
Lightwhip x 1
Twin Short Lightsabers
Two Katana Lightsabers
One Lightsaber modeled after a Calvalry Sword.

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