Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rebellion Conflict at Kuat - Too Many Cooks Edition [The Grayson Imperium vs The Republic]

Hoid Hallafax


Conflict at Kuat

Miscommunication and conflicting narratives have long been the cause of wars Galaxy wide. The story of the nascent nations of the Republic and the Grayson Imperium is no different. Both convinced they have dominion over the world of Kuat, the unexpected arrival of a recently partitioned portion of the Republic fleet dropped out of hyperspace nose to nose with the Imperium's and Kuat's own defense forces. Startled the commanders of both fleets held steadfast as both sides were able to hold from firing immediately. On the brink of war delegations from both the Imperium and the Republic moved to Alderaan to begin deliberating what had occurred...

The next few hours were a slog with neither side budging and the tension only building back at Kuat. But dark forces conspire to see the two nations fall to one another's sword, an easy win for the ever growing tide of darkness. A shot is fired, cracking a Kuati frigate in half...The Aeon falls in a burning heap, its scraps flung across what was soon to become a battlefield. The Kuati forces move to attack despite the Impirium's best efforts to cease the combat but its already begun...Reports are sent back to Alderaan that the Republic opened fire and a battle has begun. At the same time a Republic ship catches fire, its green flame licking the outside of the hull and sinking the Kalist warship Desert Dawn. Captains scream Imperium sabotage.

Remember the Aeon!

Remember the Desert Dawn!

On Alderaan the meeting takes a turn with the information and now what seemed like a meeting to stop a war before its even begun has turned into ending a war that was all but inevitable.

Welcome to the Rebellion of Kuat! Republic vs Grayson Imperium! True Democracy vs. Jedi Monarchy! Shadowy third parties and political intrigue. I hope you enjoy it and have fun! Remember to contact the person you're involved with directly if you have an issue, and then talk to the faction admins or owners if that doesn't resolve it. Reports are a last resort! Let's talk to each other! Here is the OOC thread!

Impirum Staff
P Placeholder 0128
Dak Dak
Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt

Republic Staff
Raona Cadera Raona Cadera
Fable Solborne
Vaudin Miir Vaudin Miir

Republic Objectives
  • Rout Imperium Forces at Kuat
  • Debate the legitimacy of the Imperium's claims at Alderaan
  • BYO
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It is hardly a secret that with the new large governments springing up in the Core, it would only be a matter of time before greedy eyes would lust to the part of the galaxy that holds both Kuat and Alderaan. And this is exactly what happened over the course of a small amount of time. Where the Republic had come to Kuat to squash the last CIC remnants and then left for Alderaan to convince them to join the Republic as well, Kuat got attacked by those of the Brynadûl. The Grayson Imperium came in to save them - for the price of owning them.

Such was the nature of the galaxy, the very nature that everyone had somehow come to accept as a status quo. A planet undergoes some woes, an interplanetary controlling governments offers their aid, and something that could've been solved for much cheaper now suddenly makes the planet part of said government's sphere of control. Or, as the Agents of Chaos describe it, disgusting.

Plans for talks of peace were made between the Grayson Imperium and the Republic, set to take place on Alderaan, and news of these peace talks made their way all the way to a certain dark corner of the Unknown Regions, the very corner in which the Agents of Chaos resided.

The opportunity to obtain the complete freedom of not one but two important planets in one go could not be passed up on.

Let Chaos Reign

The Agents of Chaos had arrived. Three main groups, split between the planets; the first one, led by the Head of Speakers would attend the peace talks. The second group of ground combatants would be on Kuat, showing the locals why being owned by an interplanetary government was always a bad idea. And the third group, would be up in space.


Team Objectives

The peace talks on Alderaan have already begun. Team Whodunnit was there. Sort of. They were outside, because someone didn't want to make an open forum out of it. And at last, their chance arrived. When no one was looking, when no one knew the better, a single shot was heard. Screams and chaos erupted. Now is the time to use your mouth, your muscles, your weapons, and your refusal to let this planet be owned and drained by yet another interplanetary government shine through - do the violence against the Republic and the Imperium. Show them what an Agent of Chaos is made of!

If the name didn't give it away, then this is the team that will be on Kuat. Kaut, after so many different factions have held it, is broken. The rings were not fixed (or fixed only to be ruined again - reports vary), cities are partially ruined, and the aristocracy is looking like it won't have much to aristo over pretty soon. As team Whodunnit, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to show the local population why remaining independent is their best chance at not only survival - but to thrive as well. Should that fail, remind them that it has been over a decade since the Rings of Kuat last functioned properly for more than a few days. If you want to screw with some of the shipyards, you have full access to Karkmatter and Liquid Ion Sugar.

Raise your hands for those who have taken the fleeting on! In space, there is no up, there is no down. There's also no air. Those who wish to fleet will find small numbers of enemy faction ships around the planets.


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Justin is seen hopping into the cockpit of his modified Z-95 Headhunter. He launches out of the hanger bay after getting clearance and follows a ship in as combat starts, awaiting to intercept any bombers that come his way. Hoping to protect the capital ships for as long as he can, he wishes that this battle would not be his last, after flipping a few switches, it is obvious of what modifications have been made. S-Foils like that on an Arc- 70 star-fighter flip up on his Z-95, with no purpose other than to add personality to his ship, as well as a the Imperium insignia on his S-Foils

Synthia Fellstarr

Location: Aboard The Roost Starhawk-class Battleship Mark I
Objectives: Supply Space Superiority for Republic Fleet, Defend Fleet
Allies: COMETS (First Special Ops Starfighter Squadron) Pilots: Max Darksun, Kade Seyta Kade Seyta ; Republic Navy Zahara Myneto Zahara Myneto ; and Jerek Zenduu Jerek Zenduu
Enemy: Imperium Forces (and the Other Cooks who show up I guess)

In the hangar of the Starhawk-Class Mk I battleship, The Roost, Major Synthia strolled to her X-90 x-wing. It was parked in a neat row with the other members of the Republic’s special operations starfighter squadron, COMETS. Following her was the members of the three flights within squadron, Red, Black and Gold Comet. As she turned and ducked beneath the hull snout of her X-wing, her BB-K8 droid Screech followed, rolling in weaving patterns between the pilots. Reaching an open space between her and the other x-wing parked beside hers, she spun around and gestured for Screech to roll to her.

“Listen up,” she barked.

She pointed to Screech, who spat out a holo-map projection of the Kuat planetary space. It bubbled and beamed in blue ghostly colors before refining its image into detail.

“Rez-Comm** has us playing bodyguards to the Navy that have jumped themselves here.”

As she spoke various points of the Kuat space zoomed in for focus and highlighted routes.

“The operation is simple, nothing flashy just…”, Synthia’s briefing was stopped when an officer from the bridge ran in screaming bloody fury.

Synthia rolled her eyes and turned her head to shoot a glare at the officer.

“What?” she snapped.

“Desert Dawn is down mam” said the officer in gasping breaths.

Synthia’s mouth slowly slid open gapping.

“Kark,” cursed Synthia.

She looked back to her pilots and drew in a long breath, spitting it out immediately after in a heaving sigh.

“Scrap that last briefing,” she continued.

“We move to Yellow Alert** and sortie now.”

“Go!” She finished.

Running off, with Screech behind her she fixed her helmet and climbed the ladder into the cockpit of her X-90. Sitting down she flicked the switch that drew down the canopy as Screech rolled to the docking port beneath the hull that pulled him to the astromech section of the starfighter. All around flight deck crews scrambled and deck escorts with glowing batons signed Synthia to the hangar exit which was powering down its port shields. Synthia pressed the all-comms on her control array.

“All flights, follow my lead” she began.

“Red Comet prepare for dark maneuvers** put on your Ion-Scramblers, I don’t want them picking up our chatter.”

“Black and Gold Comet, keep to fleet and keep enemy forces out of operation zones.”

Shutting off the communications, she taxied her starfighter to the port exit and blasted the engines into a bright purple translucent plume. Her X-90 burst from the Roost and flew below the ship way down below the vector level the Republic Fleet was on. Red Comet would hang below the action and observe, then intercept where need be.

“Red Comets, report in,” Synthia commanded.

  • REZ-COMM: Phonetic pronunciation of RSCOMM (i.e. Republic Starfighter Command)
  • Dark Maneuvers: Covert Starfighter Operations - often involves flying below a battle vector and conducting "out-of-sight" attacks
  • Yellow Alert: Yellow Color Code denoting Probable Attack
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1: Defend the peace negotiations on Alderaan from problem children.

2: Defend the shipyards from terrorists and Republic forces

3: Protect the noble houses below from terrorists

4: Help to negotiate peace in the negotiations/work in the protest line

5: Defend the Imperium's fleet from the Republic's assault

Shortly after the assassination of the Kuat of Kuats, the aristocracy had elected to hold an emergency council. Chairman Dorian's relationship with Lady Elane Kuat had helped to usher in the acceptance of a a bill that would tie the Kuat and Coruscant's economic systems, and would call for Kuati representation in the House of Lords. The decision had been a natural one given cultural similarities between the Imperium and the Kuati, and revitalization efforts had begun in hopes of restoring the shipyards to their age old glory.

The Imperium's forces hadn't managed to leave Kuat before the Republic arrived. Its contingent was little more than an escort fleet comprised of a few larger ships, and supplemented by the Kuati forces.

Or at least it would have been, were the Kuati not ignoring orders and frothing battle.

The rings themselves were manned with the Kuati security forces, and the Imperium's greatest legion.
The Sons of Ession were present in full force: half their legion remained groundside to defend the estates of the nobility.

Reports of fighting were coming in frantically. The Kuati were refusing to listen to the Imperium's directives to cease firing - something that would have to be dealt with later - and the commanders heading the Imperium's ground and fleeting contingents were hailing desperately for orders. They'd been ordered not to fire a shot, even if Republic forces elected to fire upon them first, lest they find themselves locked in a cell for the next decade or two.

Unfortunately it seemed the Republic did not share such precautionary thinking. This, coupled with word of unidentified combatants in civilian clothing only served to worsen the situation.

The Imperium was on the edge of declaring a war that would go against the very principles it had been founded upon.

"Engage the unknowns - do not return fire on the Republic," Cedric snapped into his wrist-mounted comm. The commanders voiced their desire to shoot back quite loudly. "I repeat, hold your fire. There's still a chance we can resolve this peacefully - and get a handle on the Kuati. Remind them that what was promised can be taken away just as quickly as it was given."

A few moments of silence, and then the chorus of agreement. Cedric could tell from their tones that they were not particularly thrilled, but had faith in his words. Hopefully it wasn't misplaced.

He cut the comm, and strode back to the negotiating table. Clad in full war-plate, the Imperator folded his arms about his chest as he addressed the Republic's lead diplomat. "You need to call off your troops. My men aren't firing back - our people are dying over nothing, and so might yours if we can't stop this and bring the Kuati some sense."
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Aldera City

Despite their presence and power dwindling, the lingering threat of the nationalist insurgency has yet to be completely irradiated. The Imperium has foiled their plots on both Vulpter and Kuat in recent past, but newly acquired intel suggests the rogue band have a few last tricks up their sleeves. The Ministry of Intelligence has uncovered evidence of an assassination plot against a not-yet-confirmed Republic diplomat. The extremists aim to frame the Imperium and let loose the fires of war, hoping the Republic will do what they have failed to. As the border disputes begin in the Alderaanian capital, so too does the countdown for stopping this imminent attack.

Objective: BYOO – Stop the Assassination Attempt
Tags: P Placeholder 0128 Republic Engineering Republic Engineering

Dak throws himself tight to the wall as he dashes through an alleyway, the sound of the first shot ringing out in the distance catching him by surprise. The cries of panic in the streets soon follow, prompting the droid to tighten his grip on his B-212. He had dim hopes that this situation would resolve without issue, no matter how many times he ran the calculations bloodshed seemed inevitable. But for things to take a turn so quickly, that was concerning.

The clock was counting down quickly. Much faster than he anticipated. The Republic would be on guard now and the increased violence could force the insurgents to strike sooner. That is, if the distant chaos wasn't them already.

<Shots have been fired near the hearings,> he reports to the Lord-Imperator over his integrated comlink <I cannot confirm the source. I must keep moving, contact me with information when available.> At that, he pulls himself from the wall and continues dashing forward.

He was nearing the location now. Dak would have to move carefully and as patiently as possible. Security was likely to be tight with the parties on edge. They stand at the brink of war with fingers on the trigger. As urgent as the matter is, a wrong move would surely paint the armed droid approaching the meetings in a bad light.
Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
BROADCASTING to a familiar tune

Look at you proclaiming that we'll be a righteous kill
You can't stop thinking like a Sith and I guess you never will
And you can try to rule the universe but you just don't have the skill

'Cause you think your philosophy's profound
And your reputation's on rebound
But your vanity project better get on its knees and praaaay

'Cause you can't save your fleet

Your autocratic ruler wants to feel like a man
So he tried to dick around with his encirclement plan
And so I'm gonna bash the fash and save Alderaan todaaay

'Cause you can't stop
Assimilating planets, their consent is a lie
Your story's wrapping up now and I promise you'll cry
And if you wanna rule Kuat then you're a Jedi gone astraaaay

And you can't save your fleet
Location: Alderaan, Aldera City
Objective: Disrupt Peace Talks.


As a Silencer, Vale spent a lot of time hiding in the shadows and waiting for his moment to strike his target. News of the peace talks on Alderaan had reached the Unknown Regions and his leader wanted them stopped. It was a chance to keep not one but two planets free of the oppression of greedy governments.

Despite the high level of the talks going on between the Republic and Imperium it hadn't been all that hard for the Dark Jedi to slip past the security. A hand wave here, a tactical use of shatterpoint there and he easily found himself a vantage point near where the talks were going to take place.

That location was significantly more reinforced though and getting through those guards wouldn't be nearly as easy. Vale favored discretion over slaughter when he could but it appeared he'd reached the point where discretion was no longer an option.

He stood up on his perch and summoned his lightsaber from inside his dark cloak. Then he heard the blaster shots, they were muffled so they weren't close by but they were close enough to draw a response from the soldiers nearby. Vale knew he wasn't the only Agent of Chaos sent down to Alderaan to cause a disruption but there were also native resistance groups on the ground who didn't want these talks to go through anymore than he and his group did.

The Kiffar assassin knew that getting between those soldiers and whoever was doing the shooting was what he needed to do in that moment. He launched himself from his perch and used the Force to fling himself the rest of the distance to where the soldiers were rushing off to. He landed with the grace of a nexu and stood before the group of Imperium soldiers.

“What's the hurry?” He said as he held his hands out to the sides and ignited his lightsaber casting the surrounding area in its blood red glow before flinging himself at the troopers.
Allies: Alderaan
Enemies: Whomever volunteers
Location: Charlie the Unicorn, then a hangar preparing to depart for Aldera City.
Objective: Behave, help his sister in-law, don't set things on fire

He sat in the commander's chair upon the bridge of Charlie the Unicorn and contemplated just how many times he had been in similar scenarios. Often he was told to behave. Or to be on his best behavior. A few times he had been told that whatever he did, don't start a war. And the many situations of yonder year very seldom had gone according to plan. Most definitely not because of his own actions. No no, for he was a Paragon of Virtue.

However this time was different.

Not only had time passed since the recklessness of youth and his disdain for authority but he had truly and sincerely changed. He no longer wished to watch the galaxy burn while he danced along the flames. He had morals and established strict rules as he had matured from the moniker of Madman. Yes. He no longer wanted madness and chaos to wash across the entire galaxy. Just some of it. But thankfully Alderaan was not part of the limited run of Chaos. Instead it rested within the zone that declared it was not to taste the madness of Chaos, it was to be safe.

And so he sat in the command chair of Charlie, before the naval force that Alderaan had composed.

The Republic and Imperium both had set very strict guidelines of what they found as acceptable behavior. Apparently attacking Alderaan in any way, shape, or form was agreed to be inconsistent with the goals both governments wished to reach. Of course that didn't mean rules wouldn't be broken, yet the word of both foreign leaders decried such an act as inconceivable. Muad briefly wondered if that word meant what they thought it meant.

Nearby Captain Hrakness watched the viewscreen and observed the different arrivals of opposing governments with nary a flicker of emotion upon his face. However the hands gripping one another as he stood at parade rest gave testament that he cared little for the placement of power pieces upon the figurative board of maneuvering. Muad caught his eye as he rose from his chair and headed for the turbolift. He shared the captain's misgivings for not arriving at the head of their own Armada. Yet they wished to keep an air of agreement and the status quo somewhat balanced to ensure no particular body would feel slighted by smaller fleet size. There was a joke there that had slipped by, Muad was sure of it.

"Captain, you know what we're here for. Keep Alderaan safe. If the Republic and Imperium want to blow themselves to the seven hells of Corellia, let them. But if any begin targeting any Alderaani in any way, we act. We aren't here as warmongering madmen but concerned family. Take care of my Unicorn."

Muad nodded at Hrakness as the turbolift doors closed and the lift began to move. Heading for the hangar bay where troop transports were standing by along with four hundred Aegis Tactical Troopers awaiting orders to depart for the planet's surface. A flight of E-25s sat prepared for take off should Muad desire to depart for Aldera City immediately. A full squad of Knights of Aegis watched Muad to determine where they would go.

Climbing on top of a waiting E-25 he waited for an answer to his query to the Leader of Alderaan, his sister-in-law, as to where she wished him to be.

Faith Organa Faith Organa

Location: Aboard the The Roost Starhawk-class Battleship Mark I
Objectives: Establish Space Superiority, Defend Fleet
Friendly Tags: COMETS, Max Darksun | Jerek Zenduu Jerek Zenduu | Synthia Fellstarr | Zahara Myneto Zahara Myneto
Enemy Tags: Grayson Imperium, Threats to Fleet/AO

Kade had been sitting in the hangar moments before the other pilots had arrived, finishing up some final touches on his recently assigned X-90 stealth starfighter. Though it was reported as combat functional, he always liked to double check and make sure everything was in order with his personal preferences. Simple things like calibrating the targeting system, the holocommms that were linked with the Squadron and Flight Commander's display, and just making sure no hatches were left open or had broken off.

Just like every other time he did a routine check on a starfighter, everything was already in order.

Sooner than later, the DEFCON* had dropped a few levels. The ticks on his wrist device slowly went down, deepening to a sinister yellow before stopping. DEFCON 5's peaceful green turned to a darker green, DEFCON 4's dark green turned to a bright yellow, DEFCON 3's bright yellow flashed on his wrist a few seconds before stopping. It was already time.

Just on cue, the Red Comet flight commander (Synthia Fellstarr) strode into the room followed by the pilots of other flights. After she had neared her lead starfighter, she turned and spoke to them to give a short briefing.

It was pretty simple, just some sort of defense mission. Babysitting some vessels that had jumped in for support.

Then, thanks to the delivery of a panicking naval officer, they were all informed that there was no vessel. The entire plan had changed.

"Scrap that last briefing, we move to Yellow Alert and sortie now. Go!" she commanded, dashing off to her ship.

And just like that, at a moments notice, Kade found himself inside the cockpit of his starfighter, flicking a few switches for ignition and waiting to takeoff without the need to stop to ask for PTL*.

Just as they were about to leave, the Flight Commander spoke over the comms systems, a small hologram of herself appearing in the bottom left of the array of buttons, switches, and triggers.

"All flights, follow my lead. Red comet prepare dark maneuvers, put on your Ion Scramblers, I don't want them picking up our chatter." she said, the ambience of her own starfighter heard in the background.

"Got it." Kade said to himself, pressing a few buttons to ensure his Ion Scramblers were on. "Make sure those stay on just in case I bump into 'em." he called back to his own BB unit, receiving a series of beeps in reply.

As the lead of each Flight took off, they all took off. Eventually, it was Kade's turn and when he slid the thrust to an adequate speed, the powerful thrust caused him to jerk backwards into his seat, launching him out of the portside hangar and into space.

Shortly after, he'd find his Flight Commander and fall into formation, waiting for his turn to report.

"Red Comet Four reporting in. Read you loud and clear Red Comet one. Ion Scrambler enabled and all systems functional." he said, removing his finger from the comms button and looking around, examining the AO.

DEFCON - A Series of progressive levels used by the GAR

  • DEFCON 5 - Normal State, Flight Crews on the air strip/hangar, weapons holstered (Excluding security/SOCOM personnel)
  • DEFCON 4 - High Alert State, Flight Crews still on air strap/in hangar, weapons at the ready, performing pre flight checks
  • DEFCON 3 - Battle Stations/Take Off phase, Flight Crews excluding pilot/co-pilot off air strip/in secured areas of the hangar, weapons at the ready and Security Personnel at battle stations, green light for free take off
  • DEFCON 2 - Main ship/Fleet critical, starfighters report back to their designated vessels to defend from any further damage while Naval personnel find a solution to their problems
  • DEFCON 1 - Battle is lost/too many casualties, begin Hyperspace Skipping, Random Hyperspace Jumping, whatever there is to get out of the situation
PTL - Permission to Leave/Permission to Take Off
Objective 3: Defend Noble House of Depon
Location: Kuat, Countryside

Equipment: On Bio

The wind would gently blow towards the large house over the hill, the leaves slowly blowing towards them. It was slowly becoming fall on Kuat, though the summers head was still upon them. It was unusual to think wars happened in the summer but then again, when the harvest occurs in spring, so does war when it is stockpiled and readied. The wind blew again, revealing burnt grass nearby, crushed flowers of machines used in the assault of Kuat by the Republic Forces just a few days ago. It is only by a miracle, not more of the planet was damaged. Very slowly, a shadow would come into view with another, the loud clacking of steps outside the Estate of Depon, a pair of figures walking side to side, one Human and one Sullustan. Their steps were taken in stride, both discussing between them as they walked out towards the gardens of the estate.

"I worry over the security of this place...many people were injured when the Republic came...many more were injured when those aliens invaded the stations over Kuat. Now we have to worry about a war happening in our own space?!"

"Mr. Depon, I have no desire, nor does the Grayson Imperium of seeing a war occur over this beautiful planet. We are doing everything in our power to not let that occur. The leaders of the Republic as well as the Grayson Imperium are meeting at Alderaan to discuss a settlement. Hopefully, this can be resolved without further bloodshed."

"That may be said, but those on Kuat are not pleased with this possible attack forthcoming. We are a proud race of people and we remember well of any of those who attack us."

"How I know that to well...regardless Mr. Depon, I give my word that no matter what, I will make no plans to disgrace the land before us."

The two would walk around the corner, going into the gardens of the estate. It was of beauty, multiple shrubs of flowers of kinds unimaginable. Vines that stretched upon stone pillars, water that seem to stream in tiny rives all around small walkways. The soft steps they make onto the bridges, they would creak lightly as the pair moved forward. The surrounding area was peaceful, it did not seem to carry any form of hostile hate, nor did it feel as if it was drenched in the Dark Side of the Force, it was just...peaceful. They would stop to overlook a particular clearing before them, it was open and wide of greenery, a few shrubs here or there but the wildlife of Kuat was strife in that area, as if being very peaceful before them. However, it was soon interrupted by some persons broadcast as Mr. Depon, whom was a short and stout man, built around the shoulders with long black hair, held it up to the Sullustan to hear as it was on speaker now.

"What in the name of the Force is that music?!"

"Sounds like something from my day...but worse. It has so much beeps and booping, is this some form of...what do you call that, pop?"

"Close but it sounds like screeching portions of my ears! The words are good though, could go good in a rap for a rhyme but...well..."


"You said it."

The two looked upon each other for a brief moment before muting the communication device and at the corner of the Sullustans eye, he saw someone to his left. It was a human, a woman though she looked rather young for an adult, his daughter perhaps? She had flowing jet black hair, looking a bit tall for a woman on Kuat, with her brown eyes overlooking a direction towards the trees. Before the Sullustan could even ask, he would hear Mr. Depot speak about her.

"My daughter, Emia. She has been staring at the forest every day for the past four days."

"Why does she look out though in that particular direction."

"She keeps hoping her fiance comes home. She won't accept that he is really gone, killed during the ground invasion on Kuat though by whose one really knows."

"Is it alright for me to have a moment to speak to her? I...I know loss a bit to well in that matter."

"By all means...go ahead, but go easy on her. She is my delicate flower."

Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr

Cataline Holt

Objective: Organize and Lead the Anti-War Protests
Tags: Open

"No War for the Core!" A loud, rapturous yell from thousands of voices.

This wasn't supposed to happen. Cataline, along with millions to billions of others had been caught off guard by the sudden escalation of tension. Another war in the core was brewing... One between two sides that promoted good things. Had good values. Democracy. Benevolence. Egalitarianism. Good, wholesome values that only a few other nations in the galaxy had. They had their differences, of course, but they had so much promise by friendship rather than by hostilities.

And somehow and it what seemed like minutes, thousands converged on Alderaan. Thousands from nearby planets, such as Coruscant. Perhaps even some from the Republic, all converged into the streets in front of the building that the negotiations would take place in. A resulting and resounding hundreds of thousands. All with the hope of a resounding message from the people of the Imperium and potentially even the Republic: Peace.

It turns out their most common agreement: this was not a time for war. This will time to build relations. Make friends. Rebuild. Repair. Revitalize the Core. And truly? Help the millions that need help surviving in the galaxy they found themselves in.

"Looking for War in Alderaan places!" The chants rolled out, mostly from the Alderaanian's in the large crowd, but was quickly picked up by others.

Cataline stood, along with several others, at the forefront of the protest - right in front of the building the negotiations were being held in. In the sky, hovercars flew with cameras as the holonetworks recorded and broadcasted the message being sent by the protestors: Peace. The media had plenty to do in the crowds too - there was probably dozens of interviews at any given time in the huge crowd. A crowd filled with picket signs, loud voices, and a hope.

She knew how weak the core was already. It had been beaten, downtrodden, ruled over by merciless autocrats. Xenophobia had been rampant. Kark, she lived in her tiny apartment with her family as the Sith bombarded the planet during the fall of the Alliance. The beginning that saw so much progress lost.

But, being in front of thousands was something she had never done before. And man, was it horrifying. She simply worked with the poor, the homeless, and the destitute. She hadn't expected the uprising of support for peace, not in a galaxy known for its violent ways. Either way, her heart beat fast in her chest, occasionally making her react by placing her hand there as if it would calm her down. Worst of all, her palms were sweaty. But she had a mission: Peace. "What do we need?!" She raised her picket sign far into the air, "Peace for the People" written in several languages.

"Peace in the Core!" The loud, ripple wave of a multitude of species cried out to the Imperator and the politicians from the Republic. They had a choice to make - and the choice was to figure it the heck out. And it wasn't a secret that she hoped their chants and cries for a peaceful resolution could be heard inside the building where a few people gambled with millions of lives.

But then, the sudden, piercing noise of blaster fire and guns...
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Objective: Disable Kuati starfighters
Equipment: Aspis Combat shield, Lightsaber, Defender II class starfighter
Tags: Bernard Bernard

Flying through the depths of space surrounding Kuat, Lanik had a front-row seat for the fall of the Desert Dawn. Forced to watch as flames consumed the vessel, with each passing second lives within the ship began to wink out. The Jedi could feel it in his core. The pain of loss, those who’d never see their daughters, sons, parents. Presences extinguished at the cost of war. This was why Lanik had turned his back on the Silver Jedi once before. Though this time in the face of it, he would do what was necessary to neutralize the threat to lives whether it be Kuati, Republic or Imperium. He need not wait for the order to come in over the coms. Hand’s grasping the steering yolk, Lanik dove straight towards the oncoming Kuati fighters.

To be a Jedi didn’t mean one would be a great pilot, in fact, Lanik held a great distaste for flying despite his reputation within the Republic. The Jedi who single-handedly flew a stolen Imperial shuttle through the halls of their Battlecruiser, a single misstep away from death and yet he’d done what some would consider impossible.

Entering a dive, starfighter banking around, Lanik weaved through lines of laser fire. Beams of green and crimson coming too close for comfort, alarms wailing the Jedi continued the maneuver pulling around behind a Kuati fighter formation. The droid targeting computer tracking the first fighter to land in Lanik’s display. The Jedi did not wait, his hand reached over activating the stutter fire laser cannons. The beams lanced out penetrating the wing of the vessel and sending it careening off course. Disabled but not dead.

With one fighter in their formation down the Kuati began to scatter, and right behind them, the Jedi followed each one, disabling engines, weapons, whatever he could to leave them alive but unable to do more damage than was already done. Those aquamarine eyes hardened, the strong jaw hidden beneath his beard tight, his hands white-knuckled as they gripped the steering yolk.

Hails came in over the com channel but they fell upon death ears as the Jedi continued to spin and pilot his way through what had quickly become a warzone. Heart hammering in his chest, adrenaline filling his veins, forehead dampening from sweat Lanik continued on in his mission of disabling the starfighters.
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Location: Main Bridge, GNR Warhawk
Objective: Destroy Enemy Resistance and Rout Imperium Fleet
Tags: COMETS, Grand Navy of the Republic, Grand Army of the Republic
  • 5x Nebula II Class Star Destoyers (Wing Alpha)
  • 5x Endurance Class Fleet Carrier (Wing Beta)
  • 1x Colony Class Battlecruiser(Wing Delta)
    • 6x Bador Class Light Cruiser
  • 7x Strident Class Star Defender (Wing Zeta)
  • 1x Ferrara Class Carrier (Wing Epsilon)
  • 1x Starhawk MKI Class Battlecruiser (COMET)
  • 3x Starhawk MKIII Class Battlecruiser (Wing Gamma)

Fleet Admiral Zahara Myneto paced the bridge of the Watch Tower Class Battle Cruiser Warhawk, in a nervous fashion. The standoff between the two fleets, those of the Republic and the Imperium. The savage battle had lasted for nearly a minute, and both sides were taking heavy causikites. However, the feudal like system of the Imperium was proving beneficial to the Grand Navy as the forces of the Republic outnumbered that of the Imperium but with their Jedi Commanders, evens were met with odds.

"Admiral, Wing Gamma has deployed the Archchild to defend Wing Epsilon from enemy attack. The Roost has deployed COMET and has reintegrated into the formartion. Our rear echleon is taking extensive damage, and I suggest calling our reinforcements. I also suggest we use our Ventor Class Star Destoyers to engage the enemy at a longer distance."
Reported Read Admiral Gray, her facial expression as dull as ever, something Zahara had begun to expect of the women. She seemed as if, she was bored.

"Very Well. Deploy Auxiliary Wings 17 and 19 to reinforce our rear echleon. All ships are to fall back and move our Venators to support the forward assault" he ordered. At this point he had stopped pacing, his eyes resting wearily on the data that was flowing in on the holo-tabke settled in front of him. So many lives had been claimed that it was hard to count, but it was no doubt, this was the largest military operation the newly minted Republic had ever undertaken. And hopefully, it would be the last.


Location: Main Bridge, Conquer Class Star Destoyer Chimera
Objective: Protect from Invaders.
Tags: The Grayson Imperium

Tristan found himself, yet again in a battlefield. His fleet was taking enormous losses and so far, there was no good if reinforcements from the High Lords. Most likely because they were caught up in another vigorous debate. Again.

"Weapons Free. Target incoming fighters" he ordered. His fleet was in a hopless situation, and one he couldn't afford to risk losing. "Sir, the Imperator is ordering us to stand down and target the incoming vessels " reported the Comm Officer.

"Well, do it!. Open a channel to the unidentified vessels: Attention Unidentified Vessels, this is Marshal Tristan Evore of the Grayson Imperium. Stand Down and vacate this system or be destroyed" he replied. Time could only tell what they would do.
The Lady Luck
Objective: Eliminate Imperium Forces
Republic Tags: Lanik Dawnstar Lanik Dawnstar Zahara Myneto Zahara Myneto Kade Seyta Kade Seyta Synthia Fellstarr Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr
Imperium Tags: Bernard Bernard Justin Beka Justin Beka
Other Tags: Cataline Holt
Location: Kuat Space

The newly slapped together "Kuat Defense Group" had been facing an awkward situation...When they'd arrived back in Kuat after weeks of high command deliberation they were greeted with ships from the Imperium, their Imperial Jedi led neighbors. When he'd fought alongside the Jedi of the late Republic and the Galactic Alliance and he'd only seen Jedi turn when they themselves wanted more from life than to defend the people. He knew that Jedi who loved and wanted power never stayed Jedi for long and he worried that would be sooner rather than later for the Imperium.

For now though...He was staring at a Kuati defense of Star Destroyers and the Imperium defense fleet. They were shooting at him. His forces were shooting at them Reports had reached only just now reached him about what had sparked the battle and it looked bad. Real bad. Someone had fired on one of the Kuati ships, that he had seen, and one of their own vessels had fallen to sabotage. The likeliness of the Imps getting aboard and sabotaging a ship was low, but not impossible and he had to think about that if he wanted to come out of this battle alive. A large hand scratched his chin as he pondered the tactical display before him. A squadron of starfighters flew by the viewport reminding him that the battle was more than the digital screen .

A light turbolaser blast bounced off the shields and one of the shield officers called out a percentage of shields that had dropped. It was insignificant for now.

"Com officer Braidy," he said calmly, "Have we re-established long range communications yet?" A flash of a blast exploding illuminated the dimly lit bridge. He preferred it like this, it kept the atmosphere calm but still urgent. Almost as soon as the battle had begun most ships had turned on their jamming and shields. Its what you did in combat...But now he realized that it was problematic. What did seem to be working however was short-range communications and someone had been playing some sort of song over every channel, even via tightbeam. While it was amusing, he had the crew shut it off early into the battle.

"No sir," he replied. "Not even tight beam is getting through."

"Hrmm...For now we have the advantage. Their plot makes their military leaders' overconfidence obvious. Move command the other ships to push our advantage. We've probed them long enough. We will re-secure this system."
The Dug leaned back in his chair as he watched the Corellian Task Force engage the much smaller Kuati and Imperium defense. The Corellians did have a penchant for war but he didn't think they would bring this many ships

"The Corellian Admiral seems to be having a ball up there."

"As long as he doesn't accidentally shoot us!"

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A lone JC-747 "Nox" Class Raider Corvette emerges from hyperspace, taking great care to not show up on Imperium of Republic scanners as all of its stealth technologies are engaged. The vessel gracefully careened down towards the planet's surface, passing through the upper atmosphere and sailing along with the clouds. It dipped through an opening in the overcast and skirted atop the canopy of a great and mighty forest, its hull brushing against the tallest trees on occasion. Just ahead of the craft loomed the glittering city of Juranno, which had been built to the exact same specifications as its predecessor on the original Alderaan. From what the pilot could gather, it was a perfect replica.
The ship, without transmitting clearance codes to the local traffic control, settled down in one of the city's many spaceports. In response, the control tower sealed the landing pit with a ray shield to prevent the corvette's departure. A squadron of militia soldiers flooded onto the landing deck, weapons at the ready, to confront the trespasser. A puff of hydraulic steam preceded the lowering of the boarding ramp, which tediously lumbered down to the ground with a clatter. Footsteps echoed out from the craft, the vague shape of a hooded figure appeared at the top of the ramp. Not much of his appearance could be discerned, not with the steam and the gloom of the interior cabin distorting it, except for a single camtono slung under the crook of his left arm.
They called for identification, and when that was not given and the man began to walk down the ramp they called out for him to halt. When that was not heeded, they raised their weapons as a warning and repeated the order. None of them managed to follow-through on their next action as an invisible force seized each of them by the throat and throttled the life from them as effortlessly as a child would twist the head from a doll.
Leaving the corpses behind, the cloaked figure walked out onto the busy streets of Juranno. There were few who viewed the hooded stranger with distrust, but the majority of Juranno's inhabitants went about their daily lives completely ignorant of his passing. It wasn't until the hooded man reached the center of the city, the heart of the bustling metropolis, that he stopped and set the camtono down onto the ground. With an effortless twist, he disengaged the locks, the sides popping open with an audible snap. He pulled the top by the handle to reveal what was hidden away inside. It was a small diamond-shaped device that pulsated with dark purple energy, faint sparks of electricity crackling around its body.
The effects of the device would become apparent as the surrounding populace gradually descended into a maniacal state of panic, the radius of fear expanding for every minute the device remained exposed to the free and open air. The only one who seemed completely immune to the effects of the device was the one who unleashed it, who walked a short distance away and proceeded to sit down on the nearest bench.
And waited.

Alderaan // Aldera City // Palace District -> Museum of Antiquites.
Mark [-00:06] Before Operation Commencement.
Objective: Defend the Diplomats from Hostile Threats.
Secondary Objective: Passively Recon Imperium Personnel.
Friendly Assets: The Republic >> Sigma Squad.
Possible Hostiles?: The Grayson Imperium, Disgruntled Locals, Problem Children.

To put things bluntly, Alderaan was a nightmare for security personnel. While the Commandos of Sigma Squad couldn’t speak for what troubles the delegates from the Grayson Imperium encountered, the Republic found itself with an ever-growing list. The local law enforcement initially wanted minimal presence from both sides, leaving the diplomatic summit wide open to infiltration and any would-be assassin’s hiding in the shadows.

Sure, they proclaimed that Alderaan was a peaceful world - but that was in the past. The scars of the Sith Empire’s core-ward campaign still dotted the landscape surrounding the planet’s Capital City, despite the recent efforts made towards healing the inflicted damage. Like many of the Core Worlds, Alderaan was plagued by war and was one of the few that adapted poorly to the shifting political climate. They clung to their ancient traditions in the hope of forgetting the horrors of the present, bequeathing a sense of normality amongst the primarily pacifist population.

Thus, the demands of only delegates making the transit planetside were rebuffed. It was the Sith’s way to leave lasting reminders of their power and reach. The Republic and the Grayson Imperium thereafter would be fools to trust that they were safe from harm on a world that wasn’t truly integrated into either Faction’s growing sphere of influence.

So, it was with many heavy sighs and a few choice words that the delegations were allowed to bring their respective security details. However, the most significant constraint that was applied to either group was that they were forced to work alongside various Alderaani agencies. They were guests of this world, after all. Wanting to respect the wishes of one of their newest, prospective member worlds, the Republic sent a handful of personnel along with their delegation, ranging from armed guards to trained commandos. Even select members of the fractured Jedi Order were expected to make an appearance, likely wishing to reunite with their diplomatic roots.

Yet, all of these factors didn’t make the security detail’s job any easier. It was how the city was built that proved to be one of the many issues. As glittering spires of metallic ivory and glass, rimmed with the subtle hints of cobalt and steel, formed the majority of Aldera. In the time it took the leader of Sigma Squad to step off the transport and look up, the man located almost three dozen possible vantage points - all of which would’ve provided a potential avenue to assassinate the various Republic dignitaries. The man only imagined how many more would be found before they exited the secured spaceport, let alone traverse through the city towards their destination.

“Null,” a familiar voice spoke, drawing the man known as Gideon - or by his callsign of Null - out of his reflections. He spent far too long reviewing the details of the city, and the procession of events that led them towards the present.

“I’ve got some bad news.”

Gideon let out an inaudible sigh, one that wasn’t registered by his armour’s integrated vocabulator. His body language, however, gave off the impression that he was the furthest thing from happy. “What happened?”

“First,” the voice began before the speaker moved into Gideon’s visual spectrum. "Whoever's idea it was to have a diplomatic summit in a museum is touched in the head - as it's indefensible and terribly positioned. Secondly, We’ve received word that there are hostile assets in play seeking to take out one, or all of our representatives before an agreement can be made.”

“That’s nothing new, Whisper,” Gideon grunted. “We expected that someone, be it lingering Sith-Imperial ties or a radicalized local, would make a play to disrupt the negotiations in some form or another.”

“That’s just it, Sir,” Whisper replied, transmitting a burst of data to Gideon’s armour, which was subsequently relayed to the man’s integrated terminal. “We expected this, but now there’s trace evidence of a plot coming to light, making it a real scenario and I’m not sure what paltry defences they erected at the Museum are adequate enough.”

The Leader of Sigma Squad swiftly tapped the surface of his forearm-mounted computer, feeling the liquid crystal surface beneath respond to his every touch. He drew up the newly-downloaded file and allowed the data to fill his vision - drowning his senses in a false fire-light the hue of brilliant, flickering sapphires.

“Signs of increased traffic from beyond the Core Regions, several guards not reporting for shifts at the appointed time. Some may say this is wild speculation, but it carries the hallmarks of an attack.”

“You’re right. It’ll pay to be paranoid this time around, especially since we’re meeting on allegedly neutral ground. Gather the Squad and get them ready to move in-”

His words were suddenly cut short. An alert flashed across their collective visors, bathing their eyes in crimson light as Kuat became a hotbed of activity. Starships from the Grayson Imperium and the Republic proper found themselves squaring off with the locals. One of the Kuati ships was allegedly destroyed by a Republic vessel, whilst one of the Republic’s warships was liquidated - bathed in an ethereal emerald flame - by what was claimed to be sabotage carried out by the Imperium.

It was about to get chaotic. With tensions on the rise and the truth being lost in the tide of rising aggression, all Gideon could think about was how messy of an operation this would be. There were going to be casualties. It was unavoidable. His job was to ensure that the Republic didn’t cause any collateral damage and safeguard the delegates. If a battle broke out at Kuat - it was unlikely that its corruptive touch would strike Alderaan anytime soon. Should there be a conflict of sorts - it’d be in microcosm. A disgruntled patriot, or a shouting mobs wielding picket signs and flimsiplast posters - nothing that would warrant the use of lethal force.

However, that was when reports came in regarding a blaster discharging somewhere outside of the Museum. Protestors gathered there long before the various members of the Republic and Imperium’s delegations arrived - beseeching the monarchy to expel both parties from the planet. It was clear those individuals wanted nothing more to do with Galactic politics, especially after the Sith Empire razed their homeworld years ago. That plea curdled into cries of hatred and contempt as the mood soured. Alderaani Police mobilized to keep the peace - but as a weapon was discharged - all thoughts of maintaining the status quo were tossed aside.

The crowd likely fell into a fervour - further escalating the situation beyond the point of insanity. Some dispersed from the gathering as the blaster fired, for they sought not to get involved with the disputes of radicals. But, those that stayed behind were further galvanized to their cause.

Gideon watched the madness transpire before his very eyes, as the terminal projected a live-feed transmitted from one of the many orbiting HoloDroids that sought to cover the momentous event. However, knowing what would take place next, the Commando extracted snippets of the transmission and sent them to Republic Intelligence for analysis. He’d do it himself, but time wasn’t on his side, and the Squad was needed elsewhere.

“Sigma!” Gideon bellowed, letting his boisterous voice echo within the confines of his helmet and translate onto the secured squad-level comms channel. “Saddle up; we’ve got Politicians to save.”


Slapping a fresh cartridge into his weapon’s housing, Gideon slowly began to jog towards the distant Museum. His semi-mechanized armour purred with active-armour joints as he set the pace for his unit. The man felt a measure of joy flush through his veins as his thoughts drifted towards the superior construction of the newest panoply to adorn his muscular frame. It felt good to be in such advanced armour again. Not only that, but the suit was specially fitted to his body - which meant that it hugged his every nook and cranny comfortably. Discomfort would become a thing of the past, only experienced in awkward social interactions and after chowing down on poorly-prepared rations.

Not only was he comfortable, but the internal mechanisms of the suit supported Gideon’s muscular frame. He was considerably stronger and garnered a notable boost to his speed as well as his endurance. There was a part of him that felt like a new man whilst donning the stark-white panoply of the Commando.

“Keep your heads on a swivel,” the Squad Leader intoned reflexively. Even though his thoughts were elsewhere, the man’s extensive training regimen kicked into high gear. They were, after all, guests in a foreign sovereign’s world and who knew what dangers lurked around every corner. Sure, the Commandos of Sigma Squad would be well-equipped to handle whatever wrench was thrown their way, but it would’ve been foolish for them to willingly walk into an ambush that could have easily been avoided. “And activate your mobility shields. I don’t want anyone taking potshots at us with high-powered blasters.”

Almost in unison, the entirety of Sigma Squad was individually encapsulated with near-invisible barriers of shimmering plasma.

“Sir, Look!” One of the Commandos spoke, pointing an armoured finger towards the Palace. “Seems that Protest is turning nasty. Shall we intervene?”

Gideon shook his head. “Negative, Dynamo. We take the side passages and try to skirt around. The less the frenzied locals see of the Republic, especially heavily-armed Commandos, the better.”

With the word given and their altered route transmitted to the local elements SOB* Command, the Commandos of Sigma Squad filtered off the main throughway and began making their way towards the Palace. Little did they know that their path would force them to encounter someone of note. The figure seemingly appeared out of nowhere. It was clearly a droid at first glance, but the Squad wasn’t able to pinpoint the model or make within their suit’s consolidated database. The automaton was an unknown variable, possibly hostile - especially armed with what could be a high-powered blaster rifle. There was a chance that this droid could’ve been programmed to carry out the assassination or force the protestors into rioting so that the real assassins could slip into the Palace unseen.

Four particle rifles rose in unison, their barrels targeting the droid’s central chassis. While they could’ve forced the droid into conversing - it seemed like it wouldn’t have offered much in the way of conversation. So, in the mere microseconds that followed contact, Gideon labelled the target before them as hostile and wordlessly gave the order to terminate the droid. The Squad would’ve been able to extract what they needed from the synthetic lifeform’s central processor and databanks, as long as they were careful not to strike the head.

Without hesitation, Gideon - and by extension - Sigma Squad unleashed a burst of violently unstable bolts forged from coruscating ochre lightning.

If the droid was nothing more than a tool of another’s will, it was likely to turn into molten slag when the particle bolts struck home.

*Special Operations Brigade
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A Light Shining in Darkness

Location: Juranno
Tag: Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

Juranno was beautiful, with mountains climbing on either side and a river that split the grand city - cracking the basin with fertile lands and life aplenty. It filled Wyatt with joy to be apart of it, and it did him well to be left here of all places; away from the politics of Kuat, or Aldera City. He wanted these people protected -​
Away from the carnages of war for a touch longer, a mere moment to experience the tranquility of innocence; before hell came to them.​
Yet as he meditated in a park, he could feel the Force change. It was small at first, fluctuations and tremors that spoke little of what was coming - but Wyatt was well tuned to the machinations of the Force, could feel even a simple breeze from a planet’s length away; but this wasn’t just a meer zephyr. It was darkness manifest, and it threatened to steal Wyatt’s voice, steal away his very breath with its presence.​
His eyes shot open, and he ripped himself from the bench - glancing towards the direction of the intrusion. There, before him in the metaphysical, was waves of darkness - so thick on the air that it seemed more like an ichor, black and dangerous to touch. He raced towards it, despite the discomfort of the Force’s pain, the very nature of its darkness -​
Because the Force told him to. Because he knew what was coming.​
The crowds began to cry out in fear, murder became common place as the fear turned to insanity - and others grew mad with any number of ailments. It took everything Wyatt had to hold himself together as he ran past them, taking care to avoid those that struck out at him - knowing all too well they could not be blamed for their issues. An SOS was unlikely now… The operators were likely as mad as the people in the streets - and those that couldn’t escape the confines of the once-beautiful-city cursed would suffer much of the same fate.​
Wyatt knew only one thing - he had to stop this before it did any more damage than it had done. Stop whoever caused such cruelty, and figure out the why of their machinations. The Dark Side rarely made sense - but this was worse than that. Utter madness made manifest - and Wyatt couldn’t begin to understand as to why.​
He rounded the corner into the central area, where the effect was strongest. The Jedi Master could feel the buzz of its dark sorcery in his skull, could hear the whispers behind every post and wall; burrowing its way into his very psyche. It almost forced a sweat to his brow, but he trusted in the Force - let what uncorrupted means that remain guide him.​
There was the device, sitting just barely out of the camtono it had belonged to; and next to it - some distance on a bench was a hooded figure of massive proportions. Wyatt breathed heavy from his run, and approached with a hand near his lightsaber - knowing that danger was more profound here than anywhere else in the city; even if the distant cries said otherwise.​
Turn it off.”, he said as he got closer, eye’ing the figure for any movement.​
These people don’t deserve this…”​
Perhaps, crudely, the man could be reasoned with - but Wyatt somehow knew that wasn’t going to happen.​
The man's head turned to face the Jedi, the tiniest miniscule of movement indicated that he was looking at him. Nothing could pierce the gloom that lurked behind the hem of that hood, only utterly impenetrable darkness. He rose to his feet just as slowly, every movement a carefully considered choice as he pushed himself upright. When he spoke all sound seemed mute in the presence of his speech, though there were no audible words that came from the darkness; only a perceived understanding that reverberated along the back of your spine.
ʏօʊ ǟʀɛ աɛʟƈօʍɛ ȶօ ȶʀʏ, ʝɛɖɨ. ɮʊȶ ɨ աǟʀռ ʏօʊ...
In one smooth motion, the dark being reached down at his side and unhooked a lightsaber that had been hanging from somewhere within the wide billowing cloak. Though it remained unpowered for the moment, there was no doubt that the dark being was more than eager to ignite it if given the slightest provocation.
ɨ աɨʟʟ ɦǟʋɛ ȶօ ȶɛֆȶ ʏօʊʀ ʀɛֆօʟʋɛ.
Allies: The Grayson Imperium, Kuat Defence Forces
Enemies: The Republic, Unknown Intruders, Lanik Dawnstar Lanik Dawnstar
Location: Kuat Shipyards, Space Battle

Some ambience

The skies always burned through his eyes. The unique biology that allowed him to peer within the infra-red spectrum had always let him see more than many of his peers. Whether it be the emotions of those he conversed with or the subtle thermic signs left behind by those attempting to hide. The gift of vision allowed him to peek behind the curtains. It laid bare many details invisible to others, even those gifted with the Force. Yet what he had always cherished most about it was the adamant beauty of the night sky. A memory of his first glimpse of the unlit heavens above Arkania from the summit of a great glacier had forever been seared into his mind. It was a stunning display of beauty. A sky that seemed to burn with light which danced and flowed furiously like a river frozen mid-tide, illuminating a night that would of been pitch black for the lack of a moon. It was this very sky he peered at every time he gazed into the vastness of space. An ever-burning fire that blazed and blazed, consuming all that dared to cross its brilliance. The same fire that now raged all across the hull of the Aeon. The broken ship was engulfed in flames as it slowly sank across the viewport, pieces of debris breaking away likes cinders.

The silence of shock had permeated the hangar bay the moment the flash of light that signalled the Aeon's demise had struck. Heads all turned in disbelief. A momentary calm that was soon broken by the sound of sirens and distorted voices booming over the intercom. Just like that, the moment faded and footsteps began tapping away all throughout the hangar, indistinct calls covered by the sounds of engines springing to life. The Arkanian remained still, however. His gaze never breaking from the burning wreck before them. The curse of his connection to all things living kept him transfixed, focused on every cinder turned to ash.

Suddenly, however, his world was shaken, the faint voice of a Duros breaking through his focus "Apologies, Master Jedi!". Only a moment later did he realise that the Duros was a mechanic who'd accidentally ran into him. He waved his forgiveness in the woman's direction but she was already long lost within the crowd of fighters and pilots scrambling to depart. His own fighter was being readied only a few steps behind him. The shock had left the faces of those he peered at, replaced by an unwavering resolve. He sighed, to battle, then.

A single Defender II-class starfighter departed the Kuat Fleet's hangars alongside the Kuati's own forces. Dozens of arrowheads loosened towards the Republic's battleline, met in kind by their foe. The Jedi departed late, hanging back to obtain a better overview of the engagement as it unfolded. He was unbound from the Kuati's structure of command, reporting instead to that of the Grayson Imperium, but his mission had been a solitary one, he had no one to report to directly. As the combat information began streaming in, reports of lost ships quickly filling one of the many combat displays before him, Bernard keyed into the Imperium's comm-lines. Orders came in immediately. Hold fire upon the Republic, even at the cost of your own life. Defend the Kuati forces from anyone, except the Republic. Watch helplessly as those who you swore to protect not a full rotation ago fight and die before you. From his vantage point above the battle, he saw nothing but the colours of Kuat and the Republic.

His grip on the steering yolk tightened as his eyes wandered over the battle. There was nothing he could do but sit idly and continue searching. The flashes of laser fire and explosions began filling the viewport in its entirety, but still no unknown contacts. He stared in silence, his engines cut, as he slowly drifted, waiting and watching. The tension kept building to an excruciating level. His training was slow to react. As a Jedi he knew to keep his emotions in check, he'd spent countless hours practising meditation techniques for every imaginable scenario, but he'd always found his thoughts racing when his training demanded them to be calm. A flaw that was too stubborn to be overruled by both his training and own wishes.

He knew he had to breathe more calmly, he could feel the agitation creeping throughout his system. The elevated heartbeat, the tension within his muscles, the absolute focus trying to find the slightest excuse to jump to action. The memory of his master scolding him during the aftermath of a battle entered his head. He sighed, hoping to exhale the tension with his breath, but it lingered. There was nothing for him to do, no reason to get worked up over a situation he had no control over. The only option was to breathe, to meditate. A Jedi need remain calm even during battle. He drew in a deep breath.

The beep of his console drew his attention. A singular unmarked fighter had been spotted, weaving through the Kuati, destroying one ship after the other in quick succession. His sensors reported nothing on the fighter's identity. It appeared to be neither part of the Imperium or the Republic. The pilot seemed to eclipse all his foes in skill, but Bernard could feel an extraordinary connection to the Force emanating from him. It was no ordinary excellence that allowed the man to shoot down so many Kuati fighters, it was the guidance of the Force. The ordinary pilots stood no chance.

The engines of the Defender II roared to life. The fighter sped towards the scene of battle on a direct intercept course of the unmarked fighter. He kept close to the capital ships as he approached, attempting to mask himself until the moment he broke free of their line and entered the fray proper. The distance closed quickly, his eyes never leaving his prey. His targeting computers began their calculations, watching as the fighter cut down another of the Kuati. The Jedi inhaled deeply as the massive cruisers he was using as cover sped by him in his periphery. He was only moments away from battle.

The steady sounds of the targeting computer were abruptly replaced by the reassuring steady tone of a target lock just as his fighter broke from the formation of capital ships, entering the chaos of battle. Immediately green bursts began streaming continuously from the Defender II's weapons, the lines of green on a direct course to intercept the path of the unmarked fighter, timed precisely so their vectors would collide.
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