Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rebellion Conflict at Kuat - Too Many Cooks Edition [The Grayson Imperium vs The Republic]

Objective "Try to keep the peace" save the sister
Tags: Cataline Holt

Ah Coruscant. The place they'd ended up after a bit of nonsense, only to run inevitably into ever more nonsense. Nonsense just seemed to follow them wherever they went. Of course, Coruscant had always had problems. It had gotten attacked time and again. They didn't exactly have a record for being a planet of peace. And yet, in spite of all that his sister Cataline Holt still went out to protest war on Alderaan.

He didn't really pay much mind to all the political stuff. It never was his thing. His thing was fixing parts, making things, and trying to find those ever elusive batteries in trash piles that seemed to always be either completely deteriorated or in such a state that even trying to fix them would be more of a danger than a help. Cat though, she was always seeming to do something to help people.

And he would still be searching for those batteries, if it wasn't for the fact that he really wasn't so sure how things were going to go. And eventually decided that he needed to go to even if he didn't spend much time around the protest itself. Originally he was venturing, however when he noticed things were about to pick up he began to head her way He was wearing Rocket_boots with controls on the insides of the sleeves. Pull out the control and pinch it. That's all it took. A A-180_blaster sat holstered behind him on his belt. He wasn't really armed like a soldier or law enforcement. Just a guy. The only thing that did put him above most was his Cybernetic right arm. That fortunately hadn't been damaged recently, or he'd have had to find a way to replace the synth skin.

His walking started to turn to more of a run as he noticed things starting to get worse. "Wanting peace indeed. That's not liable to happen anytime soon is it." he muttered as he took off shaking his head, he saw police vehicles starting to file in. "Cat! Cateline Holt!" he yelled trying to see if he could be heard over the crowd. "Screw this."

He pinched the controls of the boots as he took a run sending him into the air gaining a bit of attention but giving the chance for him to recognize Cataline Holt out of the group and give on extra boost so he could land nearby, a bit out of breath from the run but not too exhausted, "Heya Cat, this uh...doesn't seem like it's going to well. Why don't we...just scram for now and leave this to-oof" he got run into as one of the people ran past.

He grabbed them with his right arm and pulled them close, angrily warning, "Calm yourself dude before you get someone hurt." which didn't seem like it went over fantastically as the guy shoved back and ran off. He looked at Cat apologetically as he realized maybe that was a bit aggressive, "Uh...if you've got a plan other then just run away and leave this to the police. Now would be the time."
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Location: Aldera, Alderaan
Friends: Dak Dak , Salamander Salamander , Cataline Holt
Possible Friends: Republic Engineering Republic Engineering , Kaleleon Kaleleon

What a pity. Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

Blood had already been shed. War had begun, hundreds and thousands cried out in an instant and fleets engaged in the space over Kuat. Lan knew in an instant who it was, why they were here, and what they wanted. Kuat and Alderaan, all because another regime had laid claim to these worlds via legal succession and charter. All had been fair and peaceful in the galaxy until now, where a burgeoning Republic threateningly loomed nearby a growing Imperium. All for what? Values? Aesthetic differences? For territory?


Lan had already declined dozens of offers to hold the frontlines, whether it be on foot or in the skies. His presence wasn't needed there - nor would it ever be. Jedi were not warriors, they were guardians and arbiters of peace. Taking part in senseless violence against likely friends would only spell their doom, both for the Republic and the Imperium. It was like watching brothers wage a pity fight because mother said the eldest could have a toy, and the other wanted to play with it instead.

So they staged a protest. Dozens, if not hundreds, of Alderaanians filled the streets before the Great Museum and other political sites to express their distaste with the current situation. Some of them did it differently, and that was entirely why the Master Jedi had come. He held no picket sign, didn't join any chants, but merely remained as a silhouette in the foreground. Clad in the traditional robes, he carried very little for violence or war other than the saber that clung to his belt, untouched.

When the blasterfire erupted, he'd sprung into action. The Force guided his motion, augmenting already existing physical prowess and sending him leaping through the streets like a bat out of hell.

The sight was something to behold.

Dak, an Imperium attendant, cowering behind cover as Republic soldiers fired upon him. It took only seconds for the barrage to subside, another voice joining the fray to demand a cease fire.

Lan strode forward, making a point to keep his hands visible. "Military Intelligence is an oxymoron, trooper. Mistakes happen. My friend here isn't any worse for the wear."

A surveying glance backwards told him such. Dak was dandy as ever.

"Let's avoid unnecessary measures, and make sure our people are able to speak in peace. I'm sure a resolution can be made quickly. Trust in your leaders, trust in the Force."
A Light Shining in Darkness

Location: Juranno
Tag: Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex
Physically, the intimidating stature of the man was on Wyatt in less than a blink - faster than his heart could beat, or his hands could react. All at once, a greatsaber came down upon him like a thunderous river - and a hand reached up with energy unlike Wyatt had seen in a long time. His body screamed for a reaction, to lift his blade and stop the greatsaber - but it’d leave him open to the force of the other hand.​
A lose-lose to any regular man. To any man, infact.​
Yet as Wyatt could feel that splinter of despair as they closed in - he knew it wasn’t he that could fight this monster, but the Force. With a clenched jaw, Wyatt let his body react as the Force willed - a battle trance, in every sense of the word. Premonitions leaked through the Force - but they were chaotic and scattered, momentary glimpses into futures that could be, would be, or never would be; only made worse by the Phobis device that racked his thoughts and shook his nerves.​
Wyatt’s Lightsaber surged upwards to deflect the other strike - forcing him to cry out to stop the sheer momentum of the great weapon. His free hand however, moved like lightning - ripping through the air to catch the other fist that came for him; but he could feel it rend the flesh of his palm, and creep its way up to his elbow in the milliseconds it took for the exchange to happen;​
Yet he himself knew there was only one way to achieve victory in this - and it wasn’t to focus on the Sith Lord, yet he needed space. A chance to react - So he made room, through the Force. A leg lifted, stiff and outreaching as he sent it lunging towards the unknown man’s stomach, hoping to send him back - far enough back to give Wyatt a moment to do something, anything to stop the carnage to the citizens.​
To free his mind of this angst and fear.​
Were he successful, the hand that the Sith had flayed the skin from would reach out - moving to pull the Phobis device into his palm. He only needed a second to rid the city of this terrible machine...​

Current Fleet:
x2 Bulwark Mark III Battle Cruisers
"The Creature" & "The Tear"
Hangar bay:
x5 Squadrons of Bandit-Class Starships(12)
Objective: Board Kuat Drive Yards ring at any cost.


They came without warning nor notice. A boom shook the interior of the vessel that dropped out of hyperspace. Sun rays reflecting off the metal producing a shine to the newly arrived ship. Massive and it was not alone. Bulbous protrusions stuck out from every facets an surface. Some type of blast shielded capsules retrofitted with armored shielding. From far outside glance the ship could of appeared to of been infected with Cystic like raises much akin to what someone would see on the flesh. Carbon scoring had made its home apon almost the entire ship and it even ate at the symbol of a bygone era. A skull mark equipped under a helmet with twin horns. This ship was
"The Creature" a Bulwark Mark III battle cruiser modified and retrofitted for everything a pirate and slaver would ever want or need. With another boom and shake from hyper space a twin also seemed to be birthed into the void. Yet another battle cruiser with the same protrusions raised on its hull. This twin being an exact replica held its own mark of individuality by its given name. "The Tear" Both vessels were positions on the outer reigon of the ring away from the main attack between the two opposing forces of the conflict. Greyson Imperium and The Republic.

" What do we have here?"

Crossing his arms and folding them over his torso the newly appointed captain had just got done reading scanners and frequencies readout terminals within the bridge. Information absorbed into his large pupils with each passing moment of time. Far past the viewport and across space the rage of battle continued to rage. Leaving the readout terminals with a large stride the reflection of the ships current distance and coordinates were burned into memory. Orange colored irises stared close at a the battlefield. Ship positioning, angles and attack patterns from what he could manage to gather suggested this battle was between military forces of some kind. A battle for Kuat Drive yards. Most interesting. " Listen up worms. Advance toward the ring and hail their com, NOW!" The man snatched his helmet from where it lay and snugly placed it back over a tattooed visage of dense muscles and tendons. All of which were twitching with anticipation of what was to now come. " Contact Scour at once!" A malice left in the bridge was enough to bring the nearby working crew into a frenzy of effectiveness. Blood was indeed in the air.

Animalistic growls stirred become a constant. Slamming a metal finger down apon the console nearest to himself the communications channels opened up for a open broadcast. As of yet no message could be clearing heard just the cries of men, women and children. Was this a recording?! Then he spoke. " Kuat and those concerning. We come in peace. Lower your shields, halt your defenses for my ships and prepared to be boarded on the Kuat Drive yards." He chuckled. " Resistance of any kind will be blood spilled on your hands. Yes you heard me correct! UNVEIL THE PODS!!" The transmission halted with the new outside movement on the hull of each Battlecruiser. Each and every bulb in the hull began to move on the surface of "The Creature" and "The Tear". They were opening. Metal plating retracting to reveal a thick barrier or dome and within each one lay two lives. Man, woman and child trapped to gazed in horror at the upcoming battle. Slaves. The Creature was covered in them all around, which meant any damaged inflicted to the ship came at a cost.

" I hope you take the time to magnify your scanners on our hulls. HAH! We have managed to collect a multitude of species and given them a front row seat to view a beautiful galaxy as we explore. FREE OF CHARGE TOO! Now I hope you understand why my requests will be met. Your situation is dire. THink about the lives you could save by coming to an agreement with me. We need only your credits after all. There is no need for a us to open fire apon you. You have five. No. Three minutes to respond!" The broadcast ended abruptly. The wails of despair were not recordings it. Was very much real board both of the vessels headed toward the rings.

" Status?" He questioned peeling a layer of paint from black clad armor.
" We are currently 2500 meters away and closing." A crew member spat.
" Mark our coordinates at 1000 meters save the data to our systems and transfer it to our fast attack forces. We will leave them in reserve." Mr. hate smiled under his T shaped visor helmet.

Alyson Halle Alyson Halle
@Those near Kuat drive yards ring...

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Objective: Peace and Tranquility - Peace talks

When approached about holding peace talks Faith had been uncertain about it. She as not still yet certain of this Republic it could start as positive and devolve into a heinous mess of which she wanted her people far away from. But first she had to decide whether this was good or...a shoe waiting to drop.

Her son, Theo had spent time among them listening and learning. He came back with nothing but positive remarks for them. She of course being a cynic in her older years looked at her young son and thought youth knows nothing and her son knew nothing of wars. In the end though she relented and provided the Museum, The Royal Museum of Alderaan.

Some might say it was the Museum of Antiquities it was filled of course with ancient pieces. But it was a representation of Alderaan, its history, its people, and its desire for peace. It was the perfect place. She left the details to those best suited

Already things were not going according to plan.

Faith looked out the window riots in the streets, riots were bad protestors were another kind of interesting. She looked to those within the room. "The jammers.." She thought about the list of defenses that Alderaan was there anything within it that would stop jammers. She could think of nothing at the moment.

It didn't matter about how many defenses they had with peace talks scheduled some had been taken off line to allow for the ships, Ahh Feth I should have known better every time we do something every time we try to step over they are waiting.

Interacting with -
Dak Dak | Kaleleon Kaleleon | Salamander Salamander | Raona Cadera Raona Cadera | Fable Solborne | P Placeholder 0128 | Maou Maou | Cataline Holt | Vale Vynar Vale Vynar | Xenro Xenro | Alwine Daye Alwine Daye | Myrium Okar Myrium Okar | Denzul Yorkell
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Allies: Alderaan
Enemies: Whomever volunteers
Location: departing Charlie the Unicorn in a ]E-25 headed for Aldera City before being drawn to a Phobis Device
Objective: Behave, investigate the Phobis Device and who activated it
Accessories: in profile

Patience was never one of his strong virtues, or even an average virtue of his. So he climbed into the Starfighter and closed the canopy. As his hands became familiar with the controls he opened the comm frequency.

"All of you stay and wait. The perk of being boss is I don't have to. Send the correct codes down so the Alderaani know I'm headed in. Don't exactly want to get shot out of the sky now do I?"

Smirking he raised the fighter on repulsors and turned the nose towards the mag field, gently easing the ship out the hangar and into the void of space. Of course space wasn't quite so empty these days. The Republic and Imperium made sure to be represented by their own space faring vessels. Add in the Alderaani Navy and the plethora of other ships and space wasn't as spacious as the term implied. Still smirking he slipped the throttle forward and felt the pressure push him back into his seat as the dual engines accelerated him toward the planet's atmosphere.

He raised the shields while making sure not to power up his weapons nor engage his targeting computer. He didn't want to raise any more suspicion that might have anyone deciding to fire on him. That most definitely wasn't his plan. Especially not with his armor on. The E-25 wasn't exactly the most spacious of cockpits before you tack on armor, so any ideas of making any extravagant aerial maneuvers was not at the fore of his mind.

Yet even as he checked the power level as shields heated at his re-entry he felt a warmth run the length of his spine. A tingling sense of familiarity. The taste of danger. His hand gripped the stick and pressed forward even as he slammed the throttle fully engaging the engines. The shields sparked a frenzy across the sky as he flew down toward the city, the pulsating mania calling to him as a lover. Absently he shunted power from weapons into his shields as he streaked across the sky.

Finally he felt the echo as he pulled back on the stick and throttle, slowing his speed over the city as the oscillating tempo echoed from its origin. Below he watched the madness spread through the city's civilians as they felt the grip of paranoia and fear tear at their souls and consume them in madness.

Below he watched a large figure square off with another, each looking at the other in warning and invitation. His emotions built from the Phobis Device and his fingers lightly caressed the triggers that controlled the laser cannons and launching tubes. Something held the instinct to fire. Perhaps it was the slow methodical lullaby of madness that wrapped him in loving tendrils of chaotic impulse. A song he had danced to many years ago with his blood brother Dresdin Astil. A melody he had learned to love and hate.

His fingers slipped from the weapon controls and he eased the stick to the side while engaging thrusters and repulsors to land softly in the grass. Quickly he popped the canopy and leapt from the Starfighter without the proper procedures. He cared little about the E-25 sitting at power. No, he wished to join the madness that called to him, like a current breathing upon an ember and stirring it to life.

Suddenly the two beings engaged, a strike from lightsaber coming with a second through the Force in blinding speed. The second man countered an attack and took a painful brunt of another while attempting to open room between the two with a counter strike.

Muad grinned as he reached over his shoulder and pulled the beskad from it's sheath. Teeth glinted in feral bliss that the Phobis offered to those that embraced its demented tune while blue eyes stared in rapt attention at the two engaged in the duel.

Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga I Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex
Allies: Grayson Imperium
Enemies: ???
Objective 3: Defend the Noble House

The Sullustans steps would slowly echo across the stone pathway, walking over one of the tiny bridges before him. It would creak lightly as the lady he was soon going to meet, known as Emia, daughter of the Noble House of Depon, would keep staring straight towards the forest. Going right next to her, he would watch the forest with her in calm silence. The wind would slowly blow as more leaves would start to fall off the trees in various colors. It was going to be an early fall apparently and yet, they were still in the summer time. When the wind blew a second time, removing more of the leaves on the trees, the Sullustan would speak his mind.

"I used to stare at sand dunes...over a cliff top from my village when I lost my fiancee. I refused to believe that my entire life was shattered before my eyes, my hope destroyed...I kept believing that if I stared at the dunes long enough, she would return. It never happened...and I wasted many months looking out towards the desert."

The Sullustan would turn his head to look at her, only to see an old blaster pointed directly between his eyes. He was getting slow, he did not even hear her unclip the blaster from wherever she hid it. The fire in her brown eyes were obvious of intent, holding it with one hand before grasping it with both, pressing the barrel between the Sullustans eyes as he remained calm, not the first time he ever been threatened with a blaster this close. She would speak, not of an angel, but of a venomous snake.

" and your people come to our planet, one of peace...and you just destroy everything in your path. Republic, Silver Jedi, does not matter, you all just make more and more choices in death the more you walk along your line. And tell me you know how it feels to lose someone? I was of royalty, to be stepping up to make my house proud and now your type of people take it all away! I should shoot you right now where you stand."

"Then perhaps you should."

Moving rather quickly for an older Sullustan, he would grip onto the blaster barrel and push it more firmly onto his forehead, staring right into her eyes. She looked out in surprise, barely holding the blaster as her finger almost pulled the trigger. Holding it right there with his left hand, his mechanical hand, he would see her trying to jerk away but could not, the Sullustans right hand gripping onto hand where her finger was on the trigger and helped place it better.

"You are insa-"

"I am hurting...I have lived for so long, mourning the death of her and hoping some day I could see her again...except I cannot, I am a cursed man doomed to walk this galaxy till time ends...unless you pull that trigger, let me feel the end. Go on...pull the trigger, set my tortured soul free, and begin your path of vengeance...that never ends."

The situation got very tense as the woman before him shook, having her grip tight on the blaster as she made a shoving motion with the blaster as it hurt quite a lot on a Sullustans sinus. Wincing, he had to let go and stagger back, seeing her aim the blaster more expertly than before right at him. Wondering if she was going to furfill his wish, he would slowly close his eyes and await the inevitable. The fatal blaster bolt to end it all...the sound of a blaster would fire, the end. was not, he did not feel any pain, nor anything hurting him. Opening his eyes, he would notice the blaster was pointed slightly to the left of him and turning his body, he would turn just in time to see a human slink off a tree and fall, killed by the blaster bolt.

"Into the house Sullustan...we have company coming."
Allies: The Grayson Imperium, Kuat Defence Forces
Enemies: The Republic, Unknown Intruders, Lanik Dawnstar Lanik Dawnstar
Location: Kuat Shipyards, Space Battle -> Kuat Surface

Some more ambience

White eyes tracked the sudden movements of the Defender II through the viewport with cold precision. The ship's trajectory had changed in a way that caused the vectors of his shots to no longer be tangent to centre mass. Instead they clipped the fighter's wing and only partially at that, many of the bolts missing entirely and fading as they approached the burning fires of empty space. The burst of lasers had been precisely calculated. A familiarity with his ship model's durability and the destructive powers of its guns allowed him to accurately gauge the required amount of laser fire to destroy a ship just like his, even accounting for unexpected upgrades to building material and shield strength.

Approximately fourty percent of the barrage had impacted the enemy's ship. The distinct glare of ray shields was visible during the impacts of each laser, leading the Jedi to the conclusion that his foe's shielding was depleted by perhaps fifty-five to seventy per cent. A slight nudge of the yolk to follow his opponent's new trajactory aligned him with the fighter's path once more. His initial position had been above his foe and off to his side. His approach vector had been at a diagonal angle, granting him the advantage as his foe began a steep dive, his own alterations to the ship's flight vector needed be far less dramatic in scope. The difference in turn extent granted Bernard greater targeting control, which brought with it a new firing solution.

Green lasers burst towards the Republic's fighter again. Bernard accounted for his opponent's possible evasive maneouvres, the wreck of the Desert Dawn was directly within his path, whether he dodged left or right, the green bolts should find their mark, his angle of approach guaranteed as much. The new barrage was once again precise and controlled, but far longer than his previous had been. He needed to account for his opponent's potential flight path too. Should he make the attempt to dodge further leftwards, his distance to the Arkanian's fighter would increase, equally prolonging the path his laser bolts had to travel, which meant an extended firing interval. His eyes were transfixed on the other fighter. Despite the certainty of the imminent killshot, his attention wouldn't wane until it was made reality, a policy resultant from a mistake already learned from.

But the expected explosion never came. Instead of altering his flight path to avoid the obstacle, the fighter disappeared into the blazing cruiser, Bernard suddenly recognised it as the Desert Dawn. His brows lifted by the smallest amount, but quickly furrowed again as his eyes briefly left his target, hands moving around the control panel before him to make immediate alterations to his own course. Only moments later he found himself following the fighter into the heart of the burning cruiser, where he was greeted with the sight of his prey's thrusters.

Their pursuit continued through the vast hangar. Dodging and weaving out of the path of all manner of debris, Bernard matched his foe's every course alteration, always looking for the perfect angle to bring an end to this chase. The hangar was still filled with crates and ships of all sizes, a miryad of cover for his opponent to hide behind, which made the matter of finding such an angle pratically impossible, at least until they cleared the hangar. Until then, Bernard simply continued to give chase.

The bright light of explosions caused him to flinch, however. Whether it be through the laser fire of the ship he tracked or a delayed chain reaction caused by the Desert Dawn's initial damage, a large explosion filled part of the hangar, engulfing him and blinding the Arkanian momentarily. The beeping of shields rapidly depleting overwhelmed his senses until he was ready to open his eyes again, where he was met with the sight of the hangar's other opening on the opposite side of the ship. The conclusion to their brief one-sided exchange appeared to be within grasp, only a few moments more and they would both clear the starting area back into the void of space.

The Jedi's head turned slightly, however, as his opponent's fighter appeared to release flares despite the distinct lack of a missile lock on Bernard's part. For a moment his thoughts were eliminating possibilities, attempting to reach the conclusion that his opponent had made a strategic mistake, but before that he was done he found himself blind once more. His eyes closed involuntarily as he flinched away, bringing his arm up to shield himself from an intense explosion of vibrant light all around him, where the flares had been.

Several moments his fighter simply sped forwards in a straight line. His other hand was still on the controls, ready to adjust his heading and continue to give chase, but as he was about to regain his sight the ship shook abruptly. The power of an impact made him sway sidewards hard, causing him to nearly fall out of his seat, stopped only by his harness. Several alarms went off simultaneously, assaulting his ears just as he began opening his eyes. The plasteel window had cracked in various places, the view beyond it covered in majority by a window exactly like his own.

Whatever his opponent had done in the brief window of Bernard's inattentiveness had caused their fighters to collide, their frames sturdy enough and their speed seemingly low enough to prevent both their ships from disintegrating completely on the spot. The collision had left both their ships extensively damaged, however. He could see his own ship's warning lights mirrored in the cockpit of his foes'. For the first time he also laid his eyes on the man, staring at the human with adamant disdain for a moment, broken by another unwelcomed surprise.

He could hear the hiss of air escaping through miniscule breaches in the frontal viewport. Immediately he reacted, applying a barrier of Force energy to the surface of the plasteel and pressing it inwards with all his might. With his hands extended and committed to preventing immediate death, his gaze returned to his opponent who sat mirrored upside down only a few feet above him. The two starfighters were well and truly interlocked, wings fused together during the crash, their thrusters completely out of control. They careened through space, quickly spinning towards the surface of Kuat with no apparent way to break their fall now that their systems were unresponsive, interlocked in such chaotic a way.

Bernard's concerns were far more immediate than the re-entering of Kuat's orbit and subsequent crash landing on its surfac, however. If he failed to contain the leak of air from his viewport, the entire plasteel structure would break, venting the artificial atmosphere and leaving him dead in the void of space. The entirety of his focus was spent on maintaining this barrier, his mind slowly calming as he pushed any idea he had of attacking his foe out, instead transitioning into meditation. It took a considerable amount of effort to keep the starfighters' plasteel barrier from exploding outward. Meditation helped lessen the burden considerably. Pushing his conscious to the side, he allowed his focus to remain entirely on the barrier. His breathing was slow and controlled, a mode he entered on instinct whenever great focus was required.

Several long minutes passed as the two fighters fell, eventually reaching the atmosphere of Kuat. Flames began lapping up the sides of their ships. Their ablative shielding was still intact, for the most part, but their ray shields were out of commission. The heat began building slowly, temperatures quickly mirroring the heat experienced under Tatooine's sun. Sweat began pouring down Bernard's forehead, the cloth staining below his armour's plates. Physical exertion and heat combined in a discomfort that left him craving the snow dunes of his home.

Treetops soon filled the view left unobscured by the other. The atmosphere had slowed their fall enough for the flames of friction to die down, rapidly cooling their fighters' exteriors as they sped towards the surface. The sound of bending metal announced what would come next. Another jolt broke the two fighters apart and with it half of the Arkanian's wings. The smoking trail the two fighters had left behind parted into separate ones as they raced closer and closer to a most impactful death.

Thinking on his feet, Bernard reversed the pressure his barrier was exerting on the plasteel, letting it explode outwards and be swept aside. Immediately an unrelenting wind pushed him into his seat, demanding much of the strength he had left to even lift his arms in order to undo the harness that held him. The belts snapped open, left flailing behind his seat, allowing the Jedi to slowly push himself out of his seat. He was still several hundreds of metres above the treeline at this point. Planting one hand on the edge of the fighter's former window and the other on the steering yolk, he attempted to stabilise his fall as much as he could, reversing the fighter's facing so it met the sky instead of the ground.

Though the fighter's thrusters were shot, it obeyed reluctantly. He exhaled, grateful for the lack of wind pushing him into his seat, instead similar forces now attempted to expel him out of the cockpit. He put the thrusters into full power, immediately bucking forward. His grip on the ship tightened as he mentally kept track of the progress he'd made towards the surface. The newfound thrust wouldn't kill his momentum entirely, but it would make the fall more survivable than it had been before. Several seconds he waited, getting closer and closer to the ground, until finally he leapt into action. Releasing his grip from the ship, he pushed himself off, jumping out of the cockpit, aided by the Force, he tried to cancel out as much of his downward velocity as he could.

The several seconds he spent in freefall he remained in utmost concentration. Using the Force to further break his fall, he eventually felt the relentless assault of leaves and branches. An explosion rattled the treetops as he fell through them, slowed even more by their resistance. Several cuts appeared on his unarmoured limbs and face, but his core remained uninjured as he finally passed the barrier. He was falling at an astronomically slower speed than he had entered the planet's atmosphere with at this point. His trajectory had him falling at a shallow angle towards the surface, his body angled so he would meet the ground feet first with his back towards the direction in which he was headed.

The time it took for him to complete the distance between the barrier of leaves and the ground was measurable in heartbeats. His feet met the ground first, the impact sending vast amounts of pain through his system as his centre of mass was instantly shoved backwards. He only made brief contact with the ground before he continued flying. His world spun slowly as the wood's ceiling was slowly replaced by the blur of brown and green of the ground below him. His body made a full turn length-wise in mid air, causing him to impact the ground again while on his stomach. Dirt was flung far as the wind was knocked out of his lungs and his body turned against his wishes. He began spinning sideways quickly, arms brought up to protect his torso, as his cape drug up tiny bits of earth and then expelled them again violently.

By the time he came to a halt his head was spinning. The pain he felt overwhelmed any other senses. He couldn't tell how much was broken exactly, or how much blood was flowing uncontrollably below his skin, but he knew he was alive. He remained completely still for several long breaths. The clean air of Kuat's forrest had a far more vital edge to it than the stale air of his starship's recycler. The sound of a slight breeze rustling leaves in the trees above him brought him back to the temple on Tython. The Jedi there had employed special wooden instruments during meditation at times. Turning a carved piece of wood filled with small pebbles over again and again to mimic the sound of leaves or rain. He felt his muscles relax, the pain taking on a more passive quality as his breathing returned to the legato of meditation, spurred by memories of more pleasant times. He could feel the Force flowing through him as he attempted basic healing techniques taught to every Padawan. It wasn't uncommon for him to end up in positions like these, so he'd become quite adept at applying them. Nonetheless he hoped his fighter had not been obliterated in its entirety. While the Force was potent, he found it never quite did the job like a shower of bacta did.
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Alderaan // Aldera City // Palace District // Alleyway Near the Museum of Antiquities
Stop the Assassination Attempt
Tags: Republic Engineering Republic Engineering Kaleleon Kaleleon Avo Avo

Dak steps out from behind cover with his own rifle lowered in one hand, being sure not to make any erratic movements as he moves to the side of the Jedi that had assisted him. "Your assistance is well appreciated, Master Jedi," he gives a quick nod of his head to the Knight "your intervention may have prevented an unnecessary escalation, and may yet save the life of another."

The droid shifts his attention to the Commando standing a short distance away. "
Not to worry, Lieutenant Null. It would seem we've lost control of our surroundings. Such a reaction is only natural." Organics were beings of instinct, the droid would not fault them for such "We can be thankful for the opportunity to diffuse an otherwise unfortunate event."

Unfortunate for him, that is.

His receptors shift to Kale when he begins to speak. The Jedi's words trigger fragments of distant memories, reminding him of a name and face he could no longer recall. Words of compassion and peace, like a Jedi of old. Dak nods in agreement to his conclusion.
"The Jedi is correct," he looks back to Null "this situation has escalated beyond our individual allegiances. If we work together now, we may be able clear our nations' names when it comes time for those responsible for this to answer for what has happened here."

A familiar voice interjects, prompting Dak to turn his attention once more. Although there is no sign of a reaction on his unmoving metal features, the droid is truly surprised to see the Mirialan approaching their motley crew. "Jedi Master Graendal," he speaks out, informally introducing him to those around them "how unexpected. And welcomed."

Surveying the growing team, Dak gives a nod of approval after coming to a silent conclusion. "
I am not programmed with pride. I welcome your assistant, Lieutenant," he glances to Kaleleon "-Master Jedi." He then turns to the Council Master of the Imperium's own Jedi Order, "and if you would, Master Graendal, we're going to need all the help we can get. But we must reach the Museum quickly, I will explain as we move."
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Location : Kuat (Orbit)
Objective : Aid the Imperium in repelling the Republic Forces
Allies : Alyson Halle Alyson Halle | Bernard Bernard | Tristan Evore Tristan Evore
Enemies : Zahara Myneto Zahara Myneto | Andien Gale Andien Gale | Lanik Dawnstar Lanik Dawnstar | Max Darksun | Grrwunhoooll Agaburry Grrwunhoooll Agaburry

As the Battle Raged between the Imperium and Republic Fleets , the Directorate Forces remained behind the Kuati and Imperium Fleets sending a total of 50 Fighter Squadrons (35 Tie Interceptor Squadrons , 13 Tie Avenger Squadrons and 2 Tie Phantom Squadrons) to assist the outnumbered Kuati and Imperium Fleets against the Republic Forces whom continued their advance against the Imperium and their Kuati Allies. However as the Battle proceeded a second group of 2 Bulwark Mk III Battlecruisers jumped out of hyperspace and relayed a message to all Fleets present in the system.

"Kuat and those concerning. We come in peace. Lower your shields, halt your defenses for my ships and prepared to be boarded on the Kuat Drive yards.Resistance of any kind will be blood spilled on your hands. Yes you heard me correct! UNVEIL THE PODS!!"

Upon hearing this the entire bridge of the Hunter Killer went silent. Maracel knew that this Battle would be crucial into regaining the favor of Cedric Grayson and with the arrival of these ships he could finally prove himself. As they stood undefended , Maracel knew that these Ships were instantly vulnerable to Fighters and Bombers and that the Battlecruiser would be unable to take face over 50 Fighter and Bomber Squadrons Swarming the Battleships and knocking out their defenses. Then an officer broke the silence by simply asking "Sir what should we do" Maracel then simply replied. "Get me Admiral Adam Versili and Operative Josiah Miller."

Soon both Adam Versili and Josiah Miller would appear on large holograms infront of Maracel Yorkell. The Director had a special mission for them in which would allow the Directorate to capture these Bullwark MkIII Battlecruisers and use them for the Directorate. This would soon be one of many blows Maracel would deliver to the enemies of the Imperium and soon the Director would once more be part of the Grayson Imperium. As Adam Versili and Josiah Miller awaited Maracel to begin speaking , Maracel simply smiled and began.

"Adam Versili and Josiah Miller , i have an important task forr you both"


Objective: Stop Kezeroth
Allies: Imperium, Kuati forces
Enemies: Kezeroth
Location: Kuat Drive Yards

Kuat had once swore allegiance to the Empire and as a result, it had prospered. It was a hard life for the common man under the regime, but a peaceful one. A time to rebuild, and as Kuat stayed within the confines of the Core Empire's protection it's own holdings had even began to grow. It became almost a rich world again and thrived. But, as time went on, the Empire was done in by it's own greed. With the death of the Emperor Tanomas the generals and Moffs holding the core together turned on one another. United by nothing, but the long since burned banner they had once sworn allegiance to. The warlord of Kuat was feared, but respected. He used the credits he made from what was left of the massive space docks to rebuild the planet. The fear that he wielded kept neighboring worlds from attacking the prospering nobles. He maintained peace and order. He was a Great Dictator. It was not until something so terrible that it terrified even this man came to Kuat that order and peace faltered.

The Bryn'adul attacked. Countless thousands of people lost their lives to their rampage. It made his tyrannical crusades look paltry. The roaming band of savage raiders reaved all across the drive yards. The warlords forces were not enough to repel the monstrous pirates. He and a petition of nobles asked the Imperium for assistance and the Imperium agreed in exchange for fealty, which was promised. But, their were those who sought to take advantage of the Bryn'adul's attack. The Republic invaded the peaceful world and destroyed the warlord's forces. They wrought war on a planet claiming to bring democracy, but perhaps after something more... Chief and his squad were not on the planet's killing fields when countless of their comrades were murdered for what appeared to be the greed of corrupt senators. They had been battling the monsters raiding the shipyards. Protecting what was left of the structures that kept Kuat so wealthy. When the last of the Bryn'adul had died so to had the Great Dictator...

Now chief sat atop a crate in the hangar of the drive yards. He helplessly listened to the chaos of chatter as the battle between what was left of the Kuati forces and Republic conquerors continued. It was all he could do. No orders were coming from the warlord's command and Chief assumed the worse. For the first time in his entire life IC-104 was unsure as what to do. He looked to his brothers as if the answer may lie there and yet still nothing came but the distant chaos of battle over open communications.

Arson stood with arms crossed and spoke angrily "You know what I think we should do Chief!?! I think we should give the Republic a lesson. Teach them what happens when you mess with the empire," Arson unfolded his arms from his chest and pointed a finger to IC-104 "Just give me the order Chief and we'll go mess those democucks up!"

Hacks sat crouched nearby and shook his head, speaking dismissively "The Empire is dead, Arson! We will be too unless we get the hell out of here!" Arson began pacing and Hacks looked to Chief, speaking a little more hopefully "Chief the Empire is over and it's never coming back. But, we still have us and while Empires may fade brotherhood is forever! We need to leave while we still have the chance!"

Rev pushed himself off a wall he had been leaning against and shook his head "And go where Hacks? We're war criminals!" Rev said with venom in his spit. "We've done terrible things for the Emperor and wherever we go we'll be hunted!"

Chief listened to his brothers argue silently. Part of him felt like Arson was right. He wanted to avenge his comrades on Kuat, take the loss of the Empire out on something. But, it just didn't feel right. His comrades had served an evil man, done terrible things. The only reason they had swore allegiance to the Kuati dictator was because out of all the warlords who sprang out of the remains of the Core Empire, he seemed the least evil. Hacks seemed to make a point too. Why not just run? Leave all their troubles behind and try to lay low on some backwater world in Sith space. But, even the Sith would come to find them. Exploit them for their training as weapons. Just as the Empire had done. It was not that they were evil. It simply wasn't in a Fett clones programming to disobey Imperial orders. If it were up to them, they would do good in a galaxy to cold to love. They proved it in the way they treated one another. The love and loyalty they showed their brothers. They proved it in the care and compassion they showed each other.

Rev was right. No matter where they went they'd be put on trial for crimes against the galaxy or used as weapons to fight in another man's war. It seemed odds were against them. They had never had the freedom to choose. Now that Chief did, it baffled him. He was unsure how to proceed. Nothing in his training prepared him for this moment. The moment when he would finally be free of The Empire. He and countless other of his brothers had chose to serve the Great Dictator, because he was at heart good. Or at least so Chief thought. He was the best out of the Empire's remains. Now that he was gone Chief decided he still wanted to fight. But, to fight for something truly good. The Republic had taken advantage of Kuat's moment of weakness and invaded. While the Imperium had offered help, but only at a price. It seemed both sides had something to gain... Suddenly a communications came over open comms. The commandos ceased arguing as a angry sounding being spat pure hatred over the mic. His words were curious to chief, but also obviously full of malice.

"Hacks give me a feed from the drive yards panoramic cameras," Chief spoke nonchalantly

"Yes, sir," Hacks said as he tapped buttons on his forearm's tactical data pad.

Chief and squad witnessed as two massive vessels covered in transparisteel domes loomed ever closer to the shipyards. Chief forced the cameras to zoom on the ships with a thought to his telepathic communicative HUD. Suddenly Chief froze in disbelief. Their were people inside those domes! It was unbelievable. An act of pure barbarity, to use slaves as a meat shield from which to hide behind. Chief felt a rock grow within his stomach and his tongue go dry. If he had ever wanted a way to do good, it seemed as though one had just appeared. But, Chief had hoped it wouldn't come at such high risk. But then, nothing was ever easy. Chief removed hand from chin and thrust it outwards as he stood. He looked to his team and spoke as his head carefully scanned each of his brothers.

"We may have done terrible things, but it was always for each other. We may no longer have a home, but we'll always have a family. And in the end we've always done good when we were given the choice," Chief paused as he stared at the camera feed once more. It sickened him. "Now The Empire may be gone, our dictator dead along with most our brothers, but we're still here. Before, our training wouldn't let us do anything else," Chief paused as he remembered his flash training and the live exercises with the Mandalorian trainers on Kamino. "But now, we have a choice. We defended Kuat against true evil. We beat off the hordes of Bryn'adul. Now, evil rears it's head again!" Chief shouted the last sentence with red hot anger in his voice. "How many of our brothers died, because someone else stripped them of the choice to fight? How many more will die, because someone else wants them to do as they want!?!" Chiefs shouting became fervored almost frenzied as he thought of the countless lives lost to war or fighting for the ambitions of another man's greed "We will no longer sit idly by while evil men hurt those around us brothers! The Republic is not at it's heart evil, neither is the Imperium! But, whoever the feth that is out there... They obviously are! It's up to us to stop them. Now let's stand for something good, let's stand for peace and freedom!"

Scorch walks towards Chief with speed in his pace. His brother's words have inspired them all. They each collace around their leader and place hands atop one another. They've been given a choice. In a galaxy so often muddled by grey areas and dim lines here is a obvious decision. They each want to do good. It's in the hearts of men to be kind to one another and help wherever they can. At least it's so for these men. Chief wants to help free the galaxy of strife and suffering. End war and help those in need. He knows his brothers do to and as each of them place hand atop his they echo their agreements.

"The Empire was nice and all, but nothing beats the gratitude of saving a busty Twi'lek," Arson says merilly.

Hacks stares at his sargents extended hand then stands from his crouched position and places a hand atop Chief's. "Maybe after we rescue those people we can use their ship to run away?" He jokes doubtfully.

Rev walks to his three brothers and completes the squads hand shake vow. "I figure it might be time I tried killing for a good reason... Killing in the name of the Empire was getting boring anyways," Rev says, his voice mock serious, or at least Chief thinks it is.

Having reivigorated his brothers with a new cause Chief and his squad realese each other from their vice. It was what he had wanted he supposed. An opportunity to do good, but the stakes were high and Chief never was a good gambler...

"Let's move out," Chief said to his squad, waving with hand towards the ship they had flown in on.

It was a FC-115 stealth ship. The hyper velocity cannon had been removed allowing for more room for the occupants. Chief approached the ship first and as he neared the ramp Arson spoke again.

"You do think one of those slaves is a busty Twi'lek right?"

Grrwunhoooll Agaburry Grrwunhoooll Agaburry
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Objective: Disable Kuati starfighters
Equipment: Aspis Combat shield, Lightsaber, Defender II class starfighter
Location: Space above Kuat ---> Kuat's Surface
Tags: Bernard Bernard

The collision of the starfighters shook Lanik down to his very core. Every joint and muscle ached, his jaw tightened as his hand fought against the steering yolk that attempted to force its way out of his grip. Ears ringing as the klaxons blared and the droid brain read off all the damage reports Lanik tuned them out to simply stare forward at the one who’d been chasing him. The one who’d forced him to commit such a desperate maneuver. Never during his tenure with the Silver’s or since his return to the Jedi had he been pushed to such lengths.

What stared back was another forceful being, not just any forceful being, but a Jedi. In such close proximity, it was impossible to deny the aura that the figure radiated. One distinctly of the light, even if slightly conflicted. This is what battle had led to? Jedi against Jedi, one willing to kill the other in the name of the side they took. Was the galaxy even truly divided between the light and dark anymore? Or had it all just become shades of gray, with both sides existing in a twilight? It hurt to know he’d nearly been killed and still possibly could face death at the hands of another Jedi.

Looking into the white eyes of the Arkanian, Lanik simply stared. One of pity, shame and sorrow. If he’d doomed them both he’d never forgive himself. Leaning back in his seat the Jedi closed his aquamarine eyes. “I am one with the force, and the force is with me. I am one with the force and the force is with me.” Lanik chanted the mantra he’d been taught as a youth. Back in the days when he’d first been taught how to harness and utilize the force. How to channel it. Many of the more experienced padawans back then scoffed or laughed at the human for what they believed to be relying on the mantra. In truth, it was a comfort to the Jedi. A way to reaffirm himself.

From one Jedi to another a tendril of the force was extended, not in draining but to feed. Lanik poured his being into the force to amplify the Arkanian’s efforts whether they realized it or not. Despite the panels of his own fighter being torn away, in the face of the wings being shorn off. There was no fear, for why should Lanik fear death? He was a Jedi, if he lost his life in an attempt to save even a single individual it would be worth it. Lanik had been on Mirial to watch his home be destroyed in a blinding flash of light, he’d seen the depths of depravity and destruction that the light could cause when in the wrong hands. He’d been there when the Brynadul came to Formos and attempted genocide of the world’s population. He’d seen death, he’d been surrounded by it, they’d simply solidified that no matter what he faced he’d do what was right.

While his physical body fell through space, Lanik’s being was above it all, detached in a way. He could see it all from above. The starfighters falling uncontrollably to the planet below, the arrival of larger fleets, the escalation of a battle that should’ve never happened. How had it all truly began? The Jedi searched the force for answers, replaying all the events in his head, even with the added clarity there was no answer evident.

In an instant, Lanik’s presence was snatched back to his vessel. Eyes darting open, he finally took in the interior of his own fighter. A glance at the status displays showed that he was flying in nothing more than a hunk of metal. Flames engulfed his fighter, the missing panels letting some of the heat leak through. Chest rising and falling from the great increase in temperature, vision blurring Lanik did the only thing he could to keep himself from burning to a crisp. He pulled the heat into himself, a technique some within the Jedi may have forgotten but a most valuable one against various forms of energy.

The heat transformed into a well of power within the Jedi that simply continued to build. A final jolt came with enough force to split up the two’s lethal dance towards the surface. The blues of Kuat’s skies were visible, at least somewhat through the trail of smoke that Lanik’s fighter emitted. The Arkanian had left his site, but Lanik had faith that the other Jedi would make it down. He had to worry about himself.

Fighting against his safety harness Lanik’s hand reached for the base of the seat, feeling around for the ejector. The ship continued to jolt back and forth slamming his body around within the interior. Finally grasping his chance at escape the Jedi pulled on the lever. The canopy of his fighter exploded outwards before quickly being snatched away by the wind so he waited to follow it. The Jedi continued to wait for the span of another second before staring incredulously down at the seat that failed to eject. “Fu-” The rest of the explicative about to escape the human’s mouth was drowned out by the howling wind.

Arms crossing over his chest, eyes closing once more Lanik drew upon the well of energy that sought to escape. That which had been added to his stores that didn’t belong. He pushed out, his hands doing the same and the mystical energy obeyed. Within the starfighters cockpit, a semi-translucent barrier began to form. Layer upon layer the energy built up around it to protect the lone human within. The droid brain having gone defective long before they’d even reached the atmosphere.

The first slam was the hardest. The hunk of metal shook heavily, a large portion of it caving in. A sharp pop coming from Lanik’s left shoulder as the hull slammed into it. A groan was all the Jedi gave, unwilling and unable to tear his concentration away from the barrier. The second collision with Kuat’s ground came with slightly less force but sent Lanik into a dizzying spiral. The third and final came with the raucous sound of stressed metal giving away before a solid obstacle and coming to a sudden halt jerking the Jedi around within his safety harness.

“Another happy landing,” Lanik grunted out, the sarcasm palatable. In the face of what could’ve been death, he still had room to joke. Looking out where his viewport and canopy had been Lanik saw a shield of trees above. Light of Kuat’s primary coming down, bathing him in their light. He could feel the warmth of the rays upon his skin telling him he’d survived. What Lanik couldn’t feel was his left arm. Everything from the shoulder down to his fingers was numb. A dislocation of the limb, he’d had enough of them during his time on the battlefield to know the throbbing pain. The burning that filled the joint.

One hand tearing at the restraints the Jedi freed himself, stumbling out of the remnants of his vessel and onto solid ground. “I hate flying,” Lanik muttered through gritted teeth, his stomach roiling, wanting to expel the breakfast he’d had. The crimson ichor of life retreated down the right side of Lanik’s head, staining his black hair. The taste of copper fresh within his mouth accompanied by an ache from inside his cheek. Things could’ve gone a lot worse for the Jedi but as he reached through the force he could feel the Arkanian had also managed to survive and had fallen not too far away.

Setting out Lanik moved towards the other Jedi, at what began as a limp but after a solid few minutes turned into him walking upright. Right arm gripping between his bicep and tricep of his shoulder Lanik simply massaged the muscles, aided by the force covering the portions he couldn’t reach and with a wet schlop the bone slipped back into the joint. Coming to a stop at the bottom of a hill Lanik looked up to where the force told him the other would be.
Location: Kuat, ground.
Wearing: Nightmare Mk.IV Armor
Wielding: 1 Rin's Lightsaber | 1 Blackout Baton | 1 Terminus Shiv
Allies: Agents of Chaos
Enemies: Everyone else
Direct Tags: (people on Kuat) Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter Lucius Fendam Jegy Sesara Jegy Sesara

Kamyrin stood in the shadow of a alley way, looking out across the cityscape of Kuat, her face half covered by the shadow building beside her. In the sky explosions of the battle above could be seen, though small specks comparable to stars. This did not stop the people from panicking, running all around and attempting to collect what they could before fleeing home to hope the coming storm would pass them over. Among them stood, like rocks against a running river, Imperium troops and Kuat security forces attempting to create some order. Seeing this Kamyrin further backed into the shadows hearing foot steps from behind she turned on her heel to be met by several AoC troops sporting the same armor as her. With their helmets all ready on, they had changed recently, after having checked their targets. One handed her a data pad with several images, seems some folks had either expected a republic incursion on the ground or knew some other folks would get involved. Protection had increased, but that actually made the prize that much better. If they succeeded it would showcase their current protectors, even knowing the danger was coming incapable of protecting them.

Damage the nobility that supported the Imperium, and you damaged any stable ground in which they could hold the planet. Lose the control method that they held or at the very least a key piece. Let the Republic and Imperium fight in the skys and space, the AoC was intent on disturbing the ground they intent to take ensuring it would not be possible at least any time soon.

Looking back out she pondered what they were about to do before clicking her comm link to connect her to Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter . "Seems we have a few targets, security has gotten tighter, but with us and a few assets we should be able to shake the pot enough. I'll meet you at Manor 5, also sending some images, might be a headquarters for one of the parties intent on slowing down our chaos. But that aside don't forget to sow some chaos on the way, meet you their soon." Clicking her comm link off she looked up to denote she was down one person, doubted she would be late. Seems one of the other manors security might have been tighter than expected. Checking the list Manor 2 was her missing agent. Guess after they cause some chaos at manor 5 that would be their next target.

Signalling her men, they planted explosives on the wall before running down the alley way, along with sachels planted around the area. It was time for some fireworks as she clicked the button, maybe a little to close to the most recent placements. The helmet stopped most the ringing but she had to tap her head a little as a near by building began to collapse. Other buildings seemed in no better shape with fire now rampant, she could hear the screaming of both the soldiers who had acted as bulwarks of order seconds ago along with many innocent lives. Let the fire of Chaos spread, it was now their turn to take action.


Nox Aeternum.

Interacting with: Alwine Daye Alwine Daye

One of the women in the rabble he arrived with spoke up, and she asked if he knew who she was. He had only a vague idea, but everyone sent along from DeWinter's collective had a purpose outlined. No agent was wasted. To undermine intergalactic superstates, any amount of waste was a liability.

He took the communicator from his wrist and passed it to her. "I won't need it," the Sith replied as it exchanged hands. For someone who's skill was with the spread of propaganda and utilizing her words to sow dissension, the tool would be much more useful in her hands. That, and Xenro preferred to work alone.

Once the battle was joined properly, they would part ways. For now, he would offer her a means to defame and demoralize the targets. More chaos meant more derision, and enemies that were torn apart from one another became easier targets.

His green gaze peered out from under his hood at the firefight ahead of them. He could feel their horror and desperation steadily grow.
"It's beginning."

"Sir the Imperium forces have pulled back to form a defensive perimeter!" A curious move. His eyes scanned their vessels and a plan formed in his mind. He motioned for the com officer, he was still young. Most of the new officers were. The older officers like himself were spread across the galaxy, either disillusioned with wars of the last twenty years or just content with defending their home systems.

"Get me a message to Red Comet Leader. Get them to target the Imperium's lead ship's engines. We want to stop their movement while we move in. Keep them off their game." The man nodded and went off to relay the message. The battle nearby with the Corellian fleet was still moving strong. They'd brought a much larger force than he thought they would have or needed. While they were holding off the Kuati fleet they needed to move on the Imperium now before-

"Sir!" His attention was drawn to the sensor team. "Two large vessels dropped out of hyperspace and are headed towards the Ring!" As if on cue the ship's open broadcast picked up an incoming transmission. The message was grave but according to initial scans their claims were true. Dozens of life signs were speckled along the ships' hulls. There wasn't much they could do from this side of the ring though. If they could take control of the system they could get a team on the ring after the Imperium is dealt with.

"Its a shame, but for now...Fire all ion cannons on the Imperium Battlecruiser. We'll coordinate our strike with the Comets. We didn't start this fight but we will end it."
Allies: The Grayson Imperium, Kuat Defence Forces
Enemies: The Republic, Unknown Intruders, Lanik Dawnstar Lanik Dawnstar
Location: Kuat Surface, Forrest

You know the drill

He awoke calmly, eyes opening slowly to greet swaying blue. Only shapes and colours presented themselves to him. A small ball of blue blocked out the green and brown his mind tried to fill in for his surroundings. He knew he was in a forest, the rustling of leaves told him as much. He could feel the chill of something light covering half his body and the caress of a warm breeze gently coaxing him into consciousness. The colours began taking on more detail. Shapes began to form more concrete outlines. He could make out the trees in the distance, the solid earth next to him, and slowly the ball of blue which bounced back and forth right before his eyes. It began to take form, a roughly spherical head with some conical protrusion attached to a round and full body that tapered off into a roughly conical conclusion supported by two thin lines below its centre.

Some feathered creature, small and compact, but round and soft. It hopped from left to right in small distances on a white surface that, as his eyes focused on it, revealed itself to be his own arm laying idly in the grass. He gave the familiar command for it to move, but it didn't budge, stubbornly lying in defiance to allow a bird to trample all over it. Within his mind Bernard shrugged, letting his eyes wander further downward, where the sight of red met his gaze. A small pool of crimson liquid had accumulated right before the lower half of his head. It was still fresh. His mind attempted to fill in a few blanks, instinctively straining his neck to get a better look, but stopping immediately as an intense pain shot through his body like lightning appearing seemingly out of nowhere. Only then did he realise the blood to be his own, his mouth standing ever so slightly ajar as blood streamed slowly from within.

He closed his eyes again, allowing the pain to consume his senses for a few moments without letting panic settle in. He simply felt it for a while, every nerve crying out with each breath he took. Yet, before long it began settling further away from his direct attention, fading into the background as more immediate concerns came to be centre stage. The Jedi continued breathing slowly, drawing in the Force with each breath to allow it to fully permeate his being, soothing his muscles and easing the pain further. When he felt the strain on his body fade sufficiently, he mustered up the courage to begin experimenting with his motor skills. Carefully he attempted curling his toes. To his relief, the feeling of solid shoe resisting his efforts quickly came in response. Next came his fingers, which both curled into fists, dragging small pieces of earth into his palms. With confidence he began testing more and more muscles, each one casting off the rust of sleep as they strained against the discomfort of his injuries.

The small bird hopped backwards as it felt its solid footing stir. Before it the Arkanian slowly pushed himself off the ground, employing great care not to falter as his arms and legs shook beneath the weight of his armour and body. His robes were stained with blood and earth, streaks of red highlighting the dirt that covered his once pristine robes. He breathed heavily as he held the position, steadying his arms and legs slowly before daring the next step. Memories of a chase began filling his head, recent ones. Two starfighters interlocked and falling towards a vast plane of green. He'd crashed. But why? He remembered the droning of automated warnings. Flashes of light began replaying their spectacle before his mind's eye. A great battle had erupted, above where he was now. He'd been mixed up in it somehow. Something had drawn his attention. An overwhelming need to remove a threat surged into his conscious mind and with it came adrenaline.

He'd crashed alongside an enemy. He could still feel the presence somewhere nearby. The human hadn't perished yet. The feeling of his enemy's presence grew closer with each moment he let pass. The urgent need to ready himself for battle began to override the temptation to simply lay there and rest. Despite the pain he rose to straighten his back, lifting one knee to plant his foot on the ground, then pushed himself to his feet. His head turned to scan the area surrounding him, looking for his ship. It didn't take him long to spot the line of uprooted trees, barely hanging on as they leaned heavily to one side, a trench of dirt dug between them going in a straight line away from Bernard at the conclusion of which lay a smoking wreck of twisted metal.

Wiping the blood from his face, the Arkanian began to slowly stumble towards what was left of the starfighter. Its wings had been scattered all over the place when it slid across the ground. Bits and pieces of solid metal pipes and cables created a path like long roots leading back to its stem. The fighter had been demolished completely. It was still recognisable as some form of a vehicle but had become little more than scrap to be sold. When he finally reached the wreck he climbed atop it, searching the twisted shell that had once been the fighter's cockpit for a metal box. It didn't take long for him to spot its familiar shape lying half-buried a few feet behind the wreck, battered and bent.

The box carried medical supplies, though Bernard wasn't so much interested in bandages and synthskin as he was the bacta the stimpack held. Prying open the metal casing, he discovered most of the supplies to be completely ruined. The stimpack had been bent and broken, four of its five vials shattered in their entirety and the last one cracked. It was encased in the tatters of a bandage roll that had broken loose during the impact which had absorbed much of the bacta, as well as the shards. Sighing inwardly, he reached for the last remaining vial. The tiny dose was far from the amount he required to recover fully, but it would make do for a quick fix of some open wounds. He didn't hurry to apply the bacta, allowing it to run over the shallow cuts and the worst of his bruising, squeezing the bottle for every ounce he could manage. He exhaled deeply as the cold fluid's relief began to ease his pain. Though the intense discomfort lingered, he felt a familiar sense of control over his body return, one unimpeded by the crippling sensation of injury.

With the immediate concerns of his bleeding dealt with, his attention wandered to his enemy, slowly approaching him from his west. Checking whether his lightsabre was still locked in place on his belt and finding in relief that it had not detached during his tumble, he began marching towards his foe, prepared to face whatever saboteur had aided in bringing about this war. With long strides he moved through the forest, all the while replaying sequences of former battles in preparation for what was to come.

It didn't take long for him to reach the edge of this forest, where the downward slope of a hill was visible a short walk's distance away from the treeline. He could feel his foe approaching through the Force. They were close to each other now. The shadow he cast was short as he cleared the distance, coming to a halt at the edge of the hill, gazing below where the same human who had peered through the plasteel window came to greet him on the plane below. For several long seconds he simply stared, his head raised ever so slightly as he studied his opponent intently.

His arm fell to his side, an invisible force pulling the lightsabre hilt from his belt directly to his palm. A faintly cerulean blade formed out of its hilt. It bathed the Jedi's side in white light almost as pure as snow. A small flick of his wrist cut into the knee-high grass swaying in the breeze around them, causing several blades of grass to be carried away by the wind as it began to pick up.
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Lucius Fendam

Location : Kuati City , Kuat
Objectives : Defeat Terrorists and Save Nobles
Tags : Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter | Kamyrin Gyvolis Kamyrin Gyvolis | Jegy Sesara Jegy Sesara

Inside the Manor of House Knylenn , Lucius Fendam and the Head of House Knylenn John Knylenn were overseeing the current state of affairs , Imperium and Kuati Secuirty Forces were scrambling throughout the Planet while enemy Insurgents attempted to push them back. Lucius had arrived shortly after thee Chaos began with a simple mission to protect the members of House Knylenn whom were a valuable ally of the Directorate as well as many other Nobles whom could also become allies. Directorate Stormtroopers and Defense Walkers where deployed on Kuat to aid the Nobles and repel any Insurgents that came their way.

As the battle raged , Lucius Fendam and John Knylenn observed it from a Command Center deep underneath the Manor where many people were shown dead either killed by terrorist attacks or after being caught in skirmishes between both sides. Knylenn was very distraught with this. With the assasination of the Kuat of Kuat this had been his perfect opportunity to seize power as his ancestors long wished to do but that opportunity was quickly lost as the Noble found himself beseiged by unknown Insurgents.

A Small Task Force consisting of 2 Stromtrooper Platoons and 5 Defense Walkers under Lucius Fendam's protoge , Patrice Roundili was soon sent to Kuati City to rescue a Kuati politician that was trapped by enemy Insurgents. This Kuati Politican was a key ally for the Directorate and losing him would be a hug blow to their plans for Kuat and saving him would be a priority. However as they marched towards the building in which the politican and his guards were entrenched in an explosion was heard nearby and a building collapsed. Another Terrorist Attack , Roundili thought. Soon Roundili would arrive at the area in which insurgents and Kuati Security Forces where fighting with the Insurgents besieging the Building holding the Kuati Politician and soon they would join the fight.

Meanwhile back at the Command Center , Lucius Fendam and John Knylenn were focused on the area around the recent terrorist attack catching wind of a group of Terrorists that were responsible for the attacks. However at this point the Directorate could not mobilize any more of it's units and therefore Lucius could only watch as these Terrorists prepared for their next move.
Objective: Disable Kuati starfighters
Equipment: Aspis Combat shield, Lightsaber, Defender II class starfighter
Location: Kuat's Surface
Tags: Bernard Bernard

Standing at the base of the hill Lanik looked down to the ground beneath his feet, drawing in a common breath the Jedi once more opened himself to the force. It burst into his being like a dam that had given way before a massive flood. The cooling and restorative properties of the force brought with it a sense of tranquility only one truly willing to listen to the force could feel. In his youth, Lanik had been nothing more than a stubborn child, obsessed with his own talents and only using the force in ways he wanted. He’d never listened to it. During his time as a spacer surviving paycheck to paycheck? He only used it then to profit or to save his own life. It wasn’t till Formos that Lanik had actually listened to the force, the first time he’d truly let it guide him. Guide his hand, guide his being. A Jedi wasn’t like a Sith, they didn’t bend and break the force like a beast of burden. A Jedi worked in tandem with the force.

Lanik’s senses expanded, he could feel the Arkanian was coming, that they still endured and were prepared for a battle. Lanik didn’t seek battle, but oftentimes one was forced into positions that they never sought. After disabling Kuati starfighters, then crashlanding both of them on the planet, the human doubted the other had any thoughts on letting him simply leave. It weighed heavily on Lanik’s shoulders, yet he couldn’t simply turn himself in. So much was in question about the Imperium already, especially what they would do with a prisoner of war. He was one of the few Jedi who’d signed up to truly accompany the Republic forces to Alderaan. In fact, to Lanik’s knowledge, he was the only one out of the entire order to do so.

An exhalation of the breath Lanik had been holding escaped and he looked up to see the other Jedi staring down at him. The light of Kuat’s primary framed the Arkanian. The near-perfect white hair shimmered magnificently, the pale skin made far more evident. The look that sat upon the Arkanian’s face, was that determination? Possibly Annoyance? Arrogance? It was hard to tell. They didn’t even appear older than Lanik himself. What he felt when he watched the Arkanian was not fear, not a sense of pride for bringing them both crashing down to the planet. He simply felt pain that he and a fellow brother of the light would be pit against each other.

Silence hung in the air between the two, the tension in the air was so thick that it could be cut with one of their sabers. In fact, it seemed the other planned on doing just that as their weapon appeared to respond on its own eagerly flipping into its owner’s palm. As it sliced through the grass, the harmless turf destroyed a rancid smell Lanik had come to know as ozone filled the air.

Looking down to his hip where his saber sat Lanik glanced back up the hill to the Arkanian. He would not yet reach for his weapon. Not when there was still the possibility, no matter how slim of talking the other down. Away from the edge, yet as he felt the Arkanian’s presence Lanik knew that the other had killed. Lanik himself was no squeaky clean Jedi either but each death was a regret that had etched itself upon his being.

“This need not go any further.” Calling up the hill to the other Lanik began a slow climb towards the other Jedi. Each step was calculated, slow and unthreatening. “What do you think others would say if they found out? Members of the light at one another’s throats?”

Coming to a stop with a few feet of distance between himself and the Arkanian, Lanik felt a breeze come through the clearing. The cool breeze pushing his hair back and away from his face, revealing the gash upon his forehead. A trophy from the crashlanding. While Lanik still appeared mostly banged up, the Arkanian looked in far better condition as far as wounds being closed at least.

“Can you really consider yourself fighting for the light? Fighting for an Empire that is literally named after the individual leading it? That is not the way of the light! It smacks of vanity, beings like that are not truly Jedi. Please tell me you can see that. That you see we need go no further than here.” Swallowing, mouth dry, nervousness biting at his temperament and revealing itself in a slight shake in his hand. Tightening the appendage into a fist, Lanik tore his gaze away from the other Jedi’s active weapon.

“Don’t make me do this.” Extending his hand forward, a sign of peace, of brotherhood Lanik, waited to see or hear the reaction of the other.
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Alderaan, Museum
Objective: be political
Nearby: Maou Maou , Fable Solborne, Denzul Yorkell

Something had gotten to the woman, though Cedric was unsure as to what. The empyrean was not so useful as to simply tell him what was bothering another, though the dark ripples around them were telling enough. Surmising it had something do with the destroyed Republic ship, Cedric considered offering some form of condolence, though he knew to little of the situation to offer anything substantial.

Instead, he remained respectfully silent, a brow raising as the senator agreed with him. Thank the Ashla. "I'm glad you see things as I do. I don't know why the Kuati aren't responding, but my apprentice is back in the rings with Lady Elane Kuat, newly crowned Kuat of Kuats. If you give me a few minutes to meditate, I can likely pass on a message."

That force bond with Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt was growing more and more useful everyday.

"As to our forces, The Sons of Ession are permitted open comms with Republic forces. This fighting is stupid and a waste of time, we must put an end to it so we can deal with the true perpetrator." he waved a hand dismissively, making his opinion over the entire affair quite clear. "The Sith are behind this. I can sense the shadows all around us, it is only a matter of time before they reveal themselves."

He was beginning to turn from the table to pursue meditation when Maou Maou spoke. The suggestion was a sound one, though Cedric's nose scrunched in distaste as the man aimed a barb at the Imperium. "The Republic attacked us assuming we'd destroyed one of your ships, correct? What would we have to gain from destroying a vessel from the one nation we sought friendship with? The Imperium hasn't fired a shot at your people, and you still think we caused this?" It was fortunate he was wearing a helmet right now; his expression likely wouldn't have aided the diplomatic efforts. "Don't let yourself be a pawn in another man's game, sir."

He waited a moment for a response, before turning about, finding himself a more secluded corner of the room before settling down on a knee. His eyes drifted shut as he reached out into the depths of the empyrean, feeling the ethereal string that forever tied him to Loske. It was difficult to project things beyond feelings and sentiment, but his bond with Loske was a strong one. With great exertion, Cedric managed a few telepathic words.

"Tell Elane, stop firing. Open comms. Peace treaty." It was all he could manage. Sweat poked at his brow from the strain as he withdrew from the momentary meditation, eyes fluttering as he took in reality once more.
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Republic Engineering Republic Engineering | Kaleleon Kaleleon | Dak Dak | Avo Avo

And just like that, the situation was diffused. Heliobas offered no response to Gideon's hostility or Kale's irritation. It seemed most of the galaxy had yet to learn that appearances could be deceiving. He nodded to Lan as he arrived - the two had met briefly on Coruscant, when Heliobas had helped him and Cataline with the refugees - then shifted his attention to the droid, Dak.

"I am Jedi Master Casimir Heliobas," he said. "I offer my assistance as well."

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