Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rebellion Conflict at Kuat - Too Many Cooks Edition [The Grayson Imperium vs The Republic]

Emiery Grayson

Location: Alderaan >> Aldera City >> Museum of Antiquities >> Adjacent Roof
Objective: Observe - Act If Necessary
Allies: Grayson Imperium | Jedi | Innocents
Foes: Agents of Chaos | Other Filth | Crumbling City
Weaponry: Heirloom Lightfoil | Songsteel Sword
Tags: Kaleleon Kaleleon | Xenro Xenro | P Placeholder 0128 | Leon Gallo Leon Gallo | Alwine Daye Alwine Daye | Venandi Venandi | Denzul Yorkell | Maou Maou | Republic Engineering Republic Engineering | Faith Organa Faith Organa | Vale Vynar Vale Vynar | Dak Dak | Fable Solborne | Cataline Holt | Tasha Blackmoor Tasha Blackmoor | Myrium Okar Myrium Okar

She absentmindedly rubbed the ring on the smallest finger of her left hand, with the thumb opposite it, eyes like a shriek-hawk taking in the scenes below. Citizens in a state of unrest, the faint feel of another more putrid darkness further removed from this location, tickling at the edge of her psyche, and the swell of the nearer, and in a sense, weaker one bringing her focus to a point. She had been watching for some time. Spend enough time counterpoint to the inky filth of the dark, and you became more sensitive to its presence... though much of that sensitivity was leant. Her power was both learned and borrowed, a melding of the one that was with the one she is.

There's something perverse about your rubbing, in a way.

The thumb stopped. Emiery frowned. Eye-rolling was uncouth.

I find it hard to believe, sometimes, that I'm you.

The same to y--

The place shook, loud cracks and grinding duracrete, causing her perch at the edge of the rooftop to become tenuous. Her teeth gritted, and her thoughts flicked to the people within the museum as she struggled to maintain balance. Cursèd Sith. Her gaze locked on the museum, a decision to leave the capable-feeling padawan to the business of the Sith, in favour of watching the roof of the museum in case of collapse. Power going to her legs, she made the leap, soaring through the air to the museum's roof, landing with a thud, and once again fighting for balance as the rumbles continued.

What are you doing?! Go end that filth! Rob him of his power!

The needs of the many, Armistra.

No-one was getting crushed if she could help it.

That aside, butting into another's duel is rude. Now stop being a madwoman and focus!

She laid hands on the roof of the Museum of Antiquities, at once steadying herself to a degree, and seeping her bolstered power into the structure to hold up the roof, if not the entire building, should it become necessary....
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Nox Aeternum.

His rage filtered upward, and the Jedi acted. Dancing like the puppet he was, the creature proved malleable beneath the crushing weight of the Sith's rage. As they collided and skewered one another, the spires of blackened earth splattered into dust and splintered, sloshing blood. When they hit the earth, it greedily drank them back in.

From the cracks, Alderaan moaned. The spirits that sought freedom funneled upward through the connection between that world and the next, ghastly apparitions haunting hungrily. Any soul they might sap for a meal, anything they might gorge themselves upon- nothing was sacred.

The green blade screamed upward to meet the Jedi's own head on, and as the man fell on him and sought to use all his strength, Xenro leaned into the blow and stepped backward. The economized motion, the weight of the body and the fluid energy absorbed the brunt of the stroke. Their weapons sparked and hissed, and the Jedi remained in front of him at a stalemate.

Such was the nature of the Third Form of Lightsaber combat.

Like a coiled serpent, the Sith wasted nothing. He used only what he needed to to outlast the foe as his thoughts raced to other things. As the youth would have landed, the ground where Xenro stood was a pool of still warm blood.

It twisted into softness, creating a small pitfall intended to take him off balance.

Kaleleon Kaleleon
Location: Outside the Museum dealing with angry and upset citizens

THEY ARE COMING a shout carried a message that soon sent all the native Alderaani to want to scream, "WAIT" Theo shook his head, "WAIT...LISTEN TO ME" oh man why is this happening now!

"NO ONE IS COMING RIGHT NOW. THERE'S A BATTLE AT KUAT" The crowd turned and looked at Theo it was terrifying to suddenly be the center of attention. "THERE ARE PEACE TALKS HERE, YOU KNOW THIS." Theo felt that sudden moment of paralyzing fear knowing they were really listening.

"WE HAVE TO BE.....vigilant. YES YES MAKE WHAT PREPARATION YOU ARE COMFORTABLE WITH." He shouted so they could hear him. He was competing with the ones chanting to those listening. He heard the murmurs some were heading home to prepare to leave they couldn't face another war or another occupation.

"The Republic has offered...."

Before he could say anything,


He nodded, "They did. You're right. But it wasn't this new Republic, new leaders, new thoughts. They'll stand with us"


"NO" he shot back, "With us..." People were coming closer to him, "I've been with them. I've been in their meetings. WE need allies, we need friends that can help defend Alderaan, our home. If we don't all the warning systems, defense satellites, and fortifcations will only hold for so long and they will come again, you can count on it."

Goddess he hoped he was right he hoped that what he believed was true, otherwise everything would be for nothing.

"Is it better to be on our own and know for certain we can't defend ourselves. Or is it better to join something bigger than us."


Whoever this was in the crowd Theo needed to win them over. He had come to find the leaders of the protest and quiet the rioting instead now he found himself at the center of his own people looking at him for answers.
Good Men Don't Need Rules
Green saber came up to meet me. At first, the weight coming down hard upon the blade kept me up, but natural gravity wanted me to come downwards upon the ground. He had already showed prowess in moving the ground. Altering the very foundation of the planet. I needed to make sure that when I landed, it wouldn't be met with something nefarious.

And I was glad I paid attention. Black viscera began to well directly beneath me. Well, might as well test the capabilities of my boots now. A sudden down burst of the jet and repulsor tech within the heel and ball of the foot ignited for a quick burst. Bringing a mere inch from the ground before twisting my body to the side away from the puddle. Even as I landed upon my feet, I expected much of this man to continue using the ground against me. Every step I took could be my last. However, I had to keep the offensive against him. Djem-So was all about controlling the fight. Yet, every step I took seemed to be relying heavily upon my ability to falter underneath him.

He wanted me to fall. He wanted me to fail. And that is why it connected. Soresu. The form that stood against everything as a brick wall. He would wait for me to fail to strike. Keep me moving and cause me to walk directly into the position he wanted. Only confirmed by stepping away and letting me fall into the puddle of his crimson life myself.

Landing there was not even a second before I launched myself at him again.

Striking directly towards his saber hand. It was with the smallest of flips from my wrist to change the angle of my saber. Aiming instead for his opposing leg. Followed quickly with a backhand strike.

Xenro Xenro


Nox Aeternum.
When the Jedi avoided his carefully laid trap, Xenro turned his body to face the direction that the boy had sputtered off in. It was no matter now; even if the initial plans were foiled, the expended blood was not wasted. His energies still coalesced and pumped through the body that were the streets of Aldera.

The Magic he had cast was already hard at work.

Xenro flicked his wrist almost dismissively in the direction of the young Jedi, and by way of response, the ground reacted. Almost like the spears of obsidian, and obstructive wall of permacrete ripped upward between them just as the Jedi launched himself.

The lightsaber sheared through, as such things were wont to do. Blue light warped and sent debris flying catastrophically in every direction, the smell of o-zone heavy where the blood had been severed.

Still, permacrete was hard.

And the Jedi was on a collision course.

Kaleleon Kaleleon
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Location: Alderaan >> Belleau-A-Lir
Objective: Hangin' with the Relatives | React to the 'Earthquake'
Allies: The Republic | Jedi | Civilians
Foes: Unknown source of unrest

Weaponry: Wits, the Force, and a Standard Lightsaber
Tags: None

It wasn't often he got to see his grandfather and great-grandparents, these days. Not since Grandpa Kelly had moved to be there for Papa Taddy and Oma Ossie, and travel was harder, he learned, the older they got, but they were still in good health. Even without the Force, people could live beyond their hundredth year. He saw his great aunt even less; it'd been so long that he could hardly recall the finer details of her face. Losing loved ones, even to time and the effects of age, was never easy, but the unexpected ends could be harder to bear. Losing Great Uncle Erix a few years ago had to have been devastating for her.

It was more than agen and increased infirmity that kept the family apart. It was responsibility. He felt his days as a padawan reaching their end; being a senior padawan meant increased responsibilities, a shift in his days that prepared for the eventual ascension to knighthood, but one thing was missing - he'd been going from mentor to mentor, often seen as 'grown up' enough to not be a priority for a dedicated master. Something he hadn't had since the disappearance of his master, a handful of years back. And speaking of people he hadn't seen often, his own best friend had been scarce. So much just didn't make sense.

So, a week into this visit, with only a few days remaining, and Andrik was in a dour mood, but he hadn't woken up that way. Something had been weighing on him, bringing him down, preying on his misgivings and doubts, but it was nothing of particular notice in the people around him as he walked the street with his grandfather, his younger sisters and brothers either out shopping with Oma, or entertaining Papa. Or both.

A hand clapped on his shoulder, and he turned his gaze to Kelly.

"You alright, kiddo?"

He looked to his grandfather. Faint lines were writ across the young Jedi's forehead, a concern that curled one corner of his mouth in the best flicker of positivity he could muster. Sometimes being a Jedi felt like the weight of the galaxy was on your shoulders. A weight that shifted and changed over each year, becoming less of a weight and more of an irrevocable calling as he moved through his eighteenth year.

"I dunno," he admitted, "I don't feel right." Rik glanced out towards the where the capital would be, over the horizon. That something dug at him. That something was... maybe guilt? Guilt that he was here and that..."Something is very wrong," over there. Then a faint tremor hit, and his gaze snapped back to his grandfather, wide-eyed, "Did you feel that?!"

He looked back out over the horizon. His eyes narrowed, as the cogs turned. The capital wasn't the only place affected by what was ultimately pulling him down all the way over here, in Belleau-A-Lir, and his thoughts went to the city behind him. What if it was only a matter of time for them?
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Boarding The Creature
Sword, Armor,

Mr. Hate. A man... well no. A being so well know for his stout defiance against many who would be considered Jedi, and Sith. Considering both of us had once been part of Sith Empires in varying degrees, it made sense why we hated them so. However, I do slightly remember talking to the man a while back. Plans for him to show up on a planet and demand all that he possibly could from them. I forget which planet he wanted. However, his flagship "The Creature" was very likely taken along.

It would not take much for me to reach him. Even though I was upon my own ship, millions of lightyears away from where he my potentially be, I felt like he would be more than prepared if I wanted to join him. Moving to my quarters, The red blade of my sword was drawn. I could feel the force ebb and flow around it as I channeled into it. Swinging almost carelessly into the air. The space before be began to tear. Almost as though the air began to break apart. The pull of the vacuum of a new place flowed from the ship into this tear.

Sliding the blade through the hole, I slashed deeper. Opening it up to walk through it. This rip in space allowed me to walk through and onto the bridge that was "The Creature."

However as soon as I walked through, there were sirens going off. Looking through the viewport as the rip within space sealed up behind me, I watched as the creature crashed down into whatever surface we were headed for. Barely able to brace myself the sudden impact sent me through the viewport and out into the space.

"What the hell you Gen'Dai bastard."

Looking to see that there was multitudes of ships and fighters flying around one another. I looked to see the planet beneath us. Kuat. Ah Kuat. A planet well known in history many times over. Breathing naturally due to the vong organs that had been grafted into my body almost years ago now, I latched my hand out towards the ring. Pulling myself into the window. Sirens blaring again as the window shut due to the vacuum.

Then on Cue, Mr. Hate himself decided to finally speak up about finding him at the location he was currently at. Shrugging my shoulders free of the broken glass, I began to look down the hall at him. Knowing where he was from his signature within the force.

"Oh you make things so difficult sometimes."

Grrwunhoooll Agaburry Grrwunhoooll Agaburry Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé Draconis Caesar Alyson Halle Alyson Halle Josiah Miller Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen

Mazik Stazi Alyson Halle Alyson Halle Loske Treicolt Loske Treicolt Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Synthia Fellstarr Max Darksun Kade Seyta Kade Seyta

Going against a direct call from a Senator typically wasn't a good move career wise in the old days of his Republic, but times had changed. The military was the most powerful force in the Republic. Truthfully if they were more base people, a coup would have been child's play. But they weren't base people and so when Fable had sent him the com message he was about to hold off his assault. That is, until Admiral Stazi joined the fray.

"Sir! A request for Flag to be shifted to Admiral Stazi's City of Ashes has been recieved!"

"Acknowledged." The bridge officer went back to clacking away at his console. He'd served under Stazi once before during the war with the Sith Empire and the Imperial Bloc. He was....A harsh man, and his words only brought the memories back quicker.

"Yes Admiral," he looked to his crew, "You heard the man hold fire until they leave or surrender." He paused looking down at his hands before interlinking his toes in pensive thought. "And prepare turbolasers and missile tubes. If we go in, we aren't using the Ion Cannons." What had started to look like a calmin situation had just turned into a-

An explosion in the distance where the pirate ships had last been lit up alarms on the ship. His eyes widened at what he saw as the foolish Imperium allied Directorate fleet opened up on the bulwarks, their ion cannons disabling the massive ships and sending them careening into Kuat's ring. One of his bridge crew gasped as little specks flew off the vessel. All the slaves exposed to the vacuum. Taldrogo cursed loudly, startling his first mate.

This battle was turning into a reall poodoo storm.

Fable Solborne

She was growing perilously close to snapping. She could feel it. The tension in her mind, in her gut, in the strained fluttering of her heart. She was glad she'd been doing cardio to strengthen that muscle. Too much more and it wouldn't surprise her if it gave out altogether. But she was healthy and could survive stress for prolonged periods of time. But she now knew why so many of the older civil servants and politicians smoked so many death sticks or drank so heavily, or had more negative vices. Needed to take the edge of this. And it wore on the body.

"Senator-Ambassador, the transmission was interrupted." An aide said through her headset. "By Admiral Stazi."

"What?" Fable's next question was cut off by blaster fire and the bodyguard hurtling past her to tackle a woman in armor and carrying weapons. Fable dove for the ground, taking cover behind the holodisplay. This had to occupy her attention now. It was crisis after crisis. Now she really wished she were a Jedi. She felt awfully vulnerable, in a way she never had, even when Kalist was under the guns of an Imperial Star Destroyer, most of them aimed at her location. That was still her home. Her home turf. She knew where she stood there and knew she was on the moral high ground. Here? it was eroding rapidly beneath her dress-covered feet. She didn't know anymore. And the more she heard about the entire situation, the more unsteady everything seemed. They had been manipulated and played, absolutely. But what had led them to the vulnerability of this entire situation? How had they been so easy to play? Like strings on a guitarra, she suspected someone was quoting it to themselves at the very moment, someone far away. Perhaps they were responsible for this debacle. But she could only manage to contain one fire at a time.

"Well done," she said to Venandi. "Bind her hands and let her up to explain herself. Perhaps she didn't realize what it implies to come armed and armored to a diplomatic discussion without invitation. It usually ends in an assassination attempt." She raised her eyebrow at the woman. "You were aware of that, weren't you? Or had the thought not occurred to you?"

"Get me a line with the Defense Secretary," she tapped the message into her comlink. "If I can't stop them, perhaps they could." What was this admiral doing? He was one of the old guard, fought many wars against different Imperials. Perhaps age had finally addled his mind. Or he had gone rouge and wanted to fight his own personal war. She didn't know. But he was jeopardizing everything the Republic worked and stood for. This wasn't the Galactic Alliance anymore, where everything functioned to fight a war. This was a new government for a new era. And the old was doing nothing but inviting even more wars.


Republic Commando // Sigma Squad // Sigma Two
Designation: "Whisper."

The situation was spiralling out of control. Gideon did his best to ensure the survival of the delegates was paramount, but Whisper knew they had to look after the people - especially when the Royal Houses of Alderaan deigned to stay their hand. So, when the order came to split up - the Commando took to his newfound duty gladly.

Breaking away from Sigma Squad, the Commando's hands busied themselves with reconfiguring his weapon. While the Blaster module was potent in its own right, His armour's systems functioned better when the Sniper module was outfitted - especially for engaging possible hostiles at a distance.

With the conversion complete, and his suit adapting to the changes, Whisper's next challenge was to scale the nearby building. Its location was ideal and ideally situated to offer the Commando a commanding view of the burgeoning battlefield.

He could've climbed it. By activating his armour's systems, especially the technology woven into the gloves, the man would've been able to ferry himself towards the crenulated rooftop. However, that would've deflowered the exterior siding, as metal and stone would've turned to rubble at his touch.

No, instead, the Commando elected to scale the structure with a little more class. There was also the notion of alacrity that couldn't be ignored, as the former path would've taken far longer than he would've liked.

As the man mounted an attachment to the forefront of his rifle, Whisper felt no hesitation - nor succumbed to the adrenal kiss of fear. He felt elated when the module activated, throwing his bulk through the air. He was trained for this. His entire life was devoted to doing whatever was necessary to complete the mission.

Yet, despite all of the years he spent training - the man loved his work. He loved the thrill that came with ascending entire structures in a single bound. The man cherished every piece of equipment he was issued, almost to the point where the man considered them a beloved toy.

They weren't his, technically speaking, but he treated them as if they were.

With a reverence that seemed uncharacteristic in the hands of a career soldier, Whisper gingerly flicked the switch that sent a surge of activity through the mounted grappling gun - yanking the man's bulk from the duracrete walkway and onto the side of the building. Despite his pace being set and ultimately governed by the ascension gun, the Commando swiftly scaled the nameless structure - taking his position not long after.

As soon as the man went prone, the sniper rifle found itself perched on the nearby ledge and already sighting possible targets. Several figures of note populated the plaza, from Alderaani nobles to disgruntled Ringleaders. Whisper made sure to make them all, just in case something needed to be done.

It wasn't until his magnified vision came across an individual, the very one he saw on the HoloFeed from the orbiting droids, that the Commando reorientated his position. Whoever this was, they were extremely dangerous. Some would call it a feeling, but Whisper knew better.

When a soul is ensnared by evil - it didn't matter if you could sense the Force or not - you'd have a bad feeling about them.

This person was definitely one of them.

He was lining up a shot when the youthful voice of Kale echoed within his Helmet. The Commando was glad that the headstrong lad decided to break away from the pack and help the people. Maybe there was hope for these Jedi yet.

:: Whisper, This is Jedi Kale. I need a location on the Saber jockey with these terrorists. ::

It took him a few moments to gather his Squad's former telemetry, but when the answer was written across his visor - everything fell into place.

:: Jedi, West Southwest. Red sabre, Dark clothing. ::

With the Jedi moving to intercept, Whisper found himself doing the same. There was a better position further along the rooftop that would have provided him with an unprecedented view of the would-be battlefield.

He was still settling himself into a prone position when the Jedi's blue sabre snap-hissed into existence.

Whisper watched, as the youthful Warrior-Scholar battled the Darksider - since it was difficult to tell that the man was a Sith from this distance. He studied the clash of wills and the earth beneath their feet begin to tremble and quake. That wasn't good. Nor was the inevitable shift in the tides of the battle between these two Force-wielders.

For a moment, Whisper thought the Jedi would've won. Yet, it was anyone's game now.

The Commando sought to forcibly tip the balance, however. He was capable of taking the shot. Of loading an explosive quarrel into the plasma-driven magnetic accelerators integrated into his rifle and giving the Jedi an opening. Perhaps then Kale would be able to land the finishing strike - either killing the poor bastard or taking his hands as any Good Jedi would.

Regardless of the Jedi did, it'd matter little if Whisper didn't take the shot. Using a combination of training as well as the advanced systems of his armour, the Commando sighted an opening, then took the shot.

A single depression of the trigger spawned a multitude of events that transpired within the blink of an eye. One quarrel was withdrawn from the cartridge and loaded into the rifle proper. The magnetic accelerators whined in anticipation, waiting for the electrothermal catalyst to activate. When that micro-explosion transpired, the ferromagnetic object burst forward at incredible speeds - which was further enhanced by the primed accelerators.

The, now superluminal,
Quarrel left a visible trail of particulate debris as it sliced through the atmosphere. It was chased out of the barrel by a synthetic lion's roar, proudly announcing the Sniper's measured lethality.

His target was the centre of mass - which was the Darksider's torso - seen in profile. If his arm that brandished the sabre remained where it was, the Quarrel would strike and subsequently detonate on impact. Were this man of lesser quality, the Commando would've expected nothing more than billowing crimson mist to take the Darksider's place. However, as he was giving the Jedi some trouble, it was likely his bolt would do little more than blister flesh.

Especially if his sabre came up in time to halt the Quarrel's relentless advance.

But that's all he would need. One distraction; One wrong move, and the man would leave himself open. The Jedi would finish what he possibly couldn't.

Alderaan // Aldera City // Museum of Antiquities
Objective: Defend the Diplomats
Tags: Republic Engineering Republic Engineering Avo Avo Salamander Salamander

Nearby: P Placeholder 0128 Faith Organa Faith Organa Raona Cadera Raona Cadera Maou Maou

Blasting through the wall was an unexpected turn of events, but the urgency of the situation only seemed to be growing as time went on. They couldn't afford to waste anymore of it. Dak bolts through the newly crafted entrance alongside his Republic counterpart. As they step into the dust dust cloud within the droid shifts his primary sensory input to the integrated suite installed in his forehead, relying on its many forms of sensory data to navigate the obscured path rather than his photoreceptors.

<I have breached the museum, Master. Inbound with Republic support. Standby.>

As the team close in on the meeting site, the sounds of commotion echo through the halls. Something had happened.

Dak's red lenses flair back to life as he switches his sight back to his receptors. He pulls the BR-212 tight to his shoulder and makes a wide turn into the main chamber. Stepping in with purpose, the droid sweeps his rifle through the room and across each of the nobles and politicians standing about, stopping as the barrel reaches the apparent source of the disturbance.

While being careful not to train his sights on the ARC trooper subduing the suspect, Dak assesses the situation.

"Is this the might of the Republic? Of the Imperium? Of Alderaan? Assaulting and shooting a person who has done nothing?"

The voice sample matches that of the broadcast, confirming her identity and dismissing any concern the unit had for her situation. Dak lowers his weapon, but keeps it aimed toward the woman from his hip as he scans the rest of the room. He spots Tasha and Leon, apparently having just arrived as well, but with his priorities elsewhere he pays them little attention.

He gives a nod of acknowledgement as his receptors align with the Lord-Imperator's. At the very least, if things got too far out of hand, he knew the Jedi Master would be able to break formality and assist.

Not wanting to interrupt the talks and interrogation taking place anymore than their arrival already had, Dak remains quiet and at the ready.
Good Men Don't Need Rules
Launching myself at him, My strike aimed sliced through. I could feel the resistance, but it was not that of a body. Instead it was a pillar of earthen structure that had been formed directly in front of me.

Oh he was just toying with me. He didn't even seem phased by anything I was doing. I was not controlling the situation. I was not able to do so. No. I would have to do more than this in order to get him at all. I could feel eyes on the back of my head. Someone was watching. However, I didn't care. If I had to use all that I had at my disposal in order for me to be able to bring any kind of dent into this mans surface, then I would.

A bolt. I could feel it. A sliver of the waves around me was pierced through like an arrow through the wind. I knew where it was headed. I knew who it came from. The already hanging smile upon my face brightened even more as I bounded further into action. Jumping over the barrier, I closed the rest of the distance. One hand reaching to my side, mostly for balance, and with a saber to swing wide at the man in the opposing direction of this bolt.

My attack didn't come through. In fact, The saber shut off mid way through the swing. My other hand coming from my side, and threw a little device out at the man. Knowing it was close enough, I threw on the switch. Anyone within 3 meters of this little guy would suddenly be put under the pressure of four times the gravity of Alderaan.

Xenro Xenro Republic Engineering Republic Engineering


Nox Aeternum.
The sinister black lips drew into a wicked smile.

Amusement returned as the bolt struck true, and heat surged through the form he had taken. Explosive damage that drilled a hole in the front of his body and sent visceral matter splashing in all directions rocked his being. His sunken eyes moved to the Jedi and held his gaze.

Their blades collided again in the same heartbeat.

Blood oozed from the wound down the front of his body and slicked the robes. The foul stench of rot rose from the fetid body as the strange chemicals that preserved it were freed and sloshed about. Where Kale had approached, he might even find himself sprayed by the strange fluids.

Xenro licked his lips.

A living body would have reeled far more. There was impact, there was a shudder and the frayed nervous system did respond. But the golem was more resilient than simple flesh.

The gravity shift around them became apparent in the next instant. If Kale was still airborne, it was probable that he would not remain that way for much longer. That did not matter to the Sith.

What blood erupted from him in the blast quickly shifted to form small needles that drilled toward the Jedi, seeking to penetrate his body.

And if it managed to infect him, the youth would start to feel the effects of Sith Poison.

Kaleleon Kaleleon Republic Engineering Republic Engineering
Good Men Don't Need Rules
Did he just... His entire.... His chest was blown open. He just took the bolt from the weapon as though it were nothing. He was hit back a second, but even that didn't phase him as his chest, oozing and dripping with blood, exploded out the back. I just...

Barely could see through the haze of what was going to see the blood of the man raising into the air. I knew what was coming. Throwing my hands out as fast as I could. The blue sheen once more began to form around me. I could feel the impacts of the bolts against the shield. They splatted against it. Adrenaline took over my body. It did't even phase me as my smile darkened. He had prevailed against me this long. He had evaded me for this long. But now it was time for him to end.


My hands pushed outward. The shield fading and reforming around the man with a hole within the chest. I could feel the anger raise within me. I didn't even hesitate as I brought this bubble, this destructive force. Closing it in around him. I would not care even if it splatted him into a paste. All I wanted, was for him to stop. I could feel a hatred of this man. He fought against me. He attempted to ruin peace talks on Alderaan, he killed innocent people. He willingly wished pain upon others. For that, He had to perish. I hated the very essence of all he stood for. I hated, I loathed him unlike anyone else I had ever met within my life.

Protection bubble, as the power was named, could be used offensively just as it could defensively. While most people would throw it over someone who was using a force power, to have it rebound back into their face, what they didn't think to do, was instead, crush the shield around the person. The weight of worlds would crush them to little more than a paste beneath it.

That is just what I did. Holding my hands apart as though they were actually holding the barrier of the bubble together, I closed my hands in on themselves. Watching as the bubble began to close ever so closer into the being who I had suddenly found an almost gleeful hatred of. I wanted him to be nothing more than ash in the wind. To be written away from any history texts, and to never exist beyond this point. I would never remember his name, I would never remember who he is. To me, he was worthless, less than in fact.

I wanted him dead.

Xenro Xenro Republic Engineering Republic Engineering


Nox Aeternum.
The smile etched on his face remained as he felt the Jedi twist and writhe. Emotions that he stifled and locked away broke free of the bondage his wretched Order bound him with. Xenro felt the Force move around him in a way that felt proper, like the chaotic nature of the Galaxy moved closer toward its proper pecking order.

The Jedi was filled with hate.

His bloody, gaping wound in his torso folded under the extreme pressure that contorted around them. When the scream came, and the blue light reappeared and focused around the body it began to compound on itself. His focus relinquished, the blood he'd spread through the city began to boil and churn. The streets shifted again, but this time, they reverberated with the expulsion of a powerful energy that exploded outward from the form Xenro suffused with his essence.

The street ruptured, upheaved, and tore open. Gaping chasms that reached down to the mantle of the planet where magma churned marred its once beautiful face.

Homes, businesses, and people began to crumble down and fall toward fiery ruin.

In the midst of a bubble intended to protect, the meat, bone, and sinew imploded.

The last thing Kale would remember was the smiling face of the Corpse Golem as he destroyed it, utterly, and the screams of the Alderaani people as they died all around him.


Elsewhere, a pair of red eyes snapped open.

Kaleleon Kaleleon
աɛ ֆɦǟʟʟ ֆɛɛ.
The Dark Being raised his hand, and the rebounded ball of energy was vaporized in a fantastical explosion of light and heat. Out of the conflagration soared the Jedi, his azure blade singing through the air towards the Dark Being. Though the Being moved as if to block the weapon, his movements seemed much more lethargic than they had been previously. Ribbons of black acrid smoke seemed to billow out from parts of the Being's body that had ripped as though pulled too tautly, the stench of dark magick permeating the air where the smoke wafted.
The Jedi's weapon sliced cleanly through meat and bone, the Dark Being's right arm tumbled away from a cauterized stump as the tip of the weapon continued forward to carve a shallow valley in the Being's chest. Purple energy erupted from the wound, the Phobis Device compromised by damage and rendered inert as the horrifying power drained out and dissipated harmlessly. Like before, the same black smoke puffed out from the wounds.
ɦօա ɨռȶʀɨɢʊɨռɢ. ȶɦɛ ɮօռɖֆ աɛǟӄɛռ.
To the side, the severed portion of the Being's arm continued to writhe and wriggle; fingers grasping at unseen objects. Smoke rolled off of it in massive clouds, the energies that had suffused it now quickly dispersing as the connection was severed. What remained was different than what had been, the severed arm drastically reduced in scale and what bare flesh was visible was now a deep blue.
ɮɛɨռɢ ǟ ֆɨȶɦ ȶǟʊɢɦȶ ʍɛ ȶɦǟȶ ռօ ֆɛȶɮǟƈӄ ɨֆ ȶօօ ɢʀɛǟȶ, ʝɛɖɨ. աɦɛռ ʏօʊ'ʋɛ ǟʟʀɛǟɖʏ ʟօֆȶ ʏօʊʀֆɛʟʄ, ǟ ʟɨʍɮ'ֆ ɛǟֆʏ.
He raised the stump of his right hand, and a nearby stone statue was uprooted and flung through the air towards the advancing Mandalorian. The lightsaber that had disappeared from the Sith's hand now returned, scarlet blade blazing bright as he lunged forward to strike at the Jedi with a one-handed grip.
Good Men Don't Need Rules
His body crushed beneath the weight of the force. Squished down to nothing more than blood, guts, and flesh. Snapping and breaking even though he made no sound. Not even registering that he had been defeated. Yet I just stood there. Unable to move as I finally released the hold on the mess that was a deceased body. Looking at the body, I could start to feel a pain in my chest. Breathing heavily only made it worse as I su-


All of my stomach contents came out from my nose and mouth. Hitting me like a ton of bricks, was the sudden realization that I had killed a man. Not even that, but rendered him nothing to be identified as. Every part of me wanted to feel elation for defeating a powerful opponent such as him, but the pain in my chest, The anger I felt... The anger....


No. I killed him. I did the one thing I said I wouldn't resort to do. I... Why did I kill him? Why was I so overcome with rage and hatred for him? Why did I end his life without hesitation when I got a grasp of him? Clutching my chest, I tried to breathe. Hyperventilating as I started to raise my hand up to activate my com link.

"The Sith in the plaza..... Oh chite."

I could see my hand. Covered in blackened ooze that I knew without a second thought was the blood of the man. Looking down at my chest, I saw the blood all over my poncho. Attempting to remove it, I found it extremely difficult with a pain flaring up within my chest and lungs. I almost felt as though I were drowning....

After removing my poncho, I could already see something was clearly wrong. Three holes all in a triangle shape on the right side of my chest. I started to probe fingers into the holes within the vest of my Jedi gear. Finding that the holes lead directly to my chest, and pain flared up within me again. Only on the surface instead of within my chest. I had been pierced. Trying to think back to how I got it.... It was when he used those blood darts... I... I missed a few....

They had hit me, and in my adrenaline fueled state, couldn't feel them. Even more so, I felt a rage consume me directly after. Was I... Infected with something?

"Whisper. I uh... I'm hit.... His... blood darts got... me in the ..... chest."

Barely able to get the words out. Shock of being hit, the pain flooding my body, my own blood boiled underneath the skin. Looking at my arm, I could slowly see my veins darken. Pain creeping up through my body. This was... Not good at all.

"Im... infected with something....."

Looking around, I turned to where Whispers position was. Yet everything was blurry to me. I don't remember how, but I was suddenly on my knees, and then landing upon my face. A searing pain flooding me as I just laid there screaming.


Xenro Xenro Republic Engineering Republic Engineering
(Sorry for taking awhile to post. IRL's been unpleasant))

Working with the senator was proving to be in the Imperium's best interests. For Cedric's part, stopping the bloodshed took precedence over any diplomatic matters. Both sides were doing this for the people, or so he assumed, and it would do not good to drag them into a needless conflict whilst the door for diplomacy had not yet closed.

"Thank you senator," he bowed his head respectfully, some of his apprehension about the situation fading as she made an effort to make sure the Republic's fleeting elements obeyed orders. The Imperator lacked the insider knowledge to understand that the military had a greater control than the legislative body of the Republic - he could only hope the admiralty would listen.

A hand fell to the lightsaber hanging from his hip as a woman he'd never seen before entered. She was wielding a scattergun of some kind - it was enough to put the Imperator on edge. "You've a minute to set down your weapon and explain your intentions before I have you arrested girl." Likely one of the anarchists spreading their message of 'liberation'.

A firm nod was given to Dak Dak as the droid entered the room. Now that his old friend was here, Cedric was certain things would get under control.
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A Light Shining in Darkness
There was relief in destroying the Phobis device, a clarity to his mind that felt like a warm day by comparison to what it once was - but there was still darkness before him. Yet, what he wasn’t prepared for the wriggling of that hand, severed as it were - nor the noxious smoke that rolled off that corruption. It made his eyes water - for a single moment before the Force screamed out to him;​
Just as his head turned to meet it, a statue had come flying into the side of Wyatt with little means of stopping it - besides a small cushion from a kinetic barrier he had implemented himself. He was still thrown across the street - and the blade of the Sith Lord followed like the torrential tsunami after an earthquake.​
Yet, as he moved to block the saber from the ground - he realized his own lightsaber had been tossed aside. In a moment of near panic, a hand came up to grip the lightsaber only inches from his face - his skin protected by nothing but his knowledge of the Force. Momentary as it was, he could sense that destructive darkness fighting through his connection with it - and weakening him, disrupting his center;​
What about a head?!”, he had cried out.​
Wyatt had only a moment to reach outwards to the hilt of his lightsaber, pull it close, and swing that harsh blade for the exposed neck of the Sith Lord over top of him; done with a single cry of exasperation and pain.​
Location: Inside the museum
Allies: Imperium, Republic (Perhaps).
Objective: Protect the senators.
Potential Tags: Leon Gallo Leon Gallo , Alwine Daye Alwine Daye , Venandi Venandi , Denzul Yorkell , Maou Maou , Republic Engineering Republic Engineering , Emiery Athelon,

The woman on the floor was quickly being assaulted with questions and some threats from almost everybody in the room which was an entirely reasonable response because she'd just walked in in probably the third most suspicious possible way and then acted in maybe the third most suspicious reaction to being arrested.

Tasha could feel the influence of Xenro Xenro during his fight with Kaleleon Kaleleon and attempted to rush outside to see what was going on. However, her rush was not going to be very long as she felt the integrity of the building itself began to fail under the Agent of Chaos's influence. She slung her rifle around her shoulder and threw her arms up, focusing and spotting each position that was weakest through Shatterpoint, and then using that knowledge to attempt to try and stabilize each spot while Emiery Athelon worked as well to keep the building from collapsing from the outside.

She recognized this fact, that was extremely fortunate. Tasha was actually a very good telikinetic but she didn't have need of it often, but if this woman could hold the roof up long enough then Tasha was being given the time to realign beams and railings, attempting to solidify the roof in the most advantagious way possible while calling out to all the senators and others in the museum. "I am dearly sorry to interrupt. However I think a force user outside has managed to damage-" she could hear the crashing as more buildings outside began to crumble, her face contorted in pain and understanding of how terrible it was, "They've damaged the structures of the buildings and while I'm hoping I can keep this stable it might be wise to move to either another part of the building or another location entirely."

Her hands moved as she breathed in and out slowly and carefully, focusing on each movement through the force so she could percieve the shatterpoints and find the best way to reinforce them.

Full Cirgun Plate Body Armor with added sensors, encrypted comm system, and sound protection.
Guard Breaker. Back belt.
Two BSB (Blackmoor Sonic Blaster) pistols.
Kueget_LN-21_blaster_pistol (left thigh)
One BSB rifle.
blackmoor-personal-combat-deflector-shield (left arm, deactivated)

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