Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Confronting the Past

Location: The Noble Apartment
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Over 2 weeks had past since Valery left home behind to investigate what was happening on Janara III, and so much had happened in that time. During her captivity, she had been physical and mentally tortured to her breaking point, she had lost one of her lightsabers and the other was shattered completely. But in all that pain and suffering, the parasite had been killed as well — it had to endure the same physical torture, but Valery had been stronger and survived, albeit just barely. Now it was finally time to go home again and be with her family.

After the rescue mission, Valery had been stabilized enough to where she could stand on her feet, but she was still weakened and standing within the elevator of their apartment building in torn, ragged prisoner's clothing was a strange feeling. But the thought of seeing Kahlil and Vera again made everything so much better.

When the elevator finally reached the floor they lived at, she began to move towards the apartment door as quickly as she could, her desire to see her family growing with each passing second. There was no doubt that he knew she was about to come home, and he knew what she had gone through better than anybody else. So this was hardly going to be a surprise, but that didn't matter — she was so excited that she could hardly contain it anymore.

Reaching the door, Valery stopped and blinked as she realized that the keys to enter were taken with all her gear back on Janara III, so there was only one way to alert those inside.

She knocked three times and waited for the door to open, her heart racing in anticipation to see him again and feel his touch.



Before she even had a chance to knock on the door Kahlil was there. The door slid open, and he barely contained himself enough to not rip through it midway. All to surge forward and pull Valery Noble Valery Noble into a tight hug. He knew everything that had happened. He couldn't leave to help, not with Vera. They both knew that. But to have her here now. He said nothing, just wrapped her up in his arms and squeezed.

Vera was asleep in her room, their nanny droid ever watching.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Kahlil let the hug break. He cleared his throat, forcing a faint smile.

"Welcome home."

Location: The Noble Apartment
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

When the door slid open, Valery's eyes briefly widened — back in those dark and lonely days in her cell, she feared that she'd never see him again but here he was. Her lips began to tremble, her eyes watered up and she just stood still while he stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her to pull her into a tight embrace.

Much like him, she said nothing either and moved her arms around his waist while her head gently came to rest against his torso. She had missed him so much, and so time was lost to her completely as they stood in the doorway together.

But after the hug finally did break, she stepped back, sniffed a few times, and brought her hands up to wipe some tears from her eyes. She still almost couldn't believe that she was home again.

"I missed you so much, and Vera... is she okay?" As always, she was more worried about others than her own well-being, but could you really blame a mother in a situation like this?



He nodded once, ushering Valery Noble Valery Noble inside. Her tattered clothing.. She really just came here first then? His smile, soft as it was, widened. That was just like her. "Vera's fine. Sleeping. Come on, let's get you a change of clothing." As much as Kahlil didn't want to hover over her, he still found himself doing that. Bringing her to the bedroom, finding a change of clothing for her to put on. Doing his best to distract from the worry they both felt over what happened.

"Should I wake her? I'm sure she wants to see her mom. She's been asking about you."

Location: The Noble Apartment
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Despite what happened, hearing that Vera was doing fine made her feel a lot better, and she began to actually smile a bit herself. It was good to know that even in difficult times, they could still make sure their daughter got through it okay. That was the real strength in their decision to not rush after each other each time there was trouble.

"Some clothes would be good..." she looked down at her outfit in horror and followed him into the bedroom. While he grabbed together some comfortable clothes, she sat down on the bed and let out a soft sigh. Being home like this could fix any problem. Valery then began to undress and waited for him to offer her something new she could put on.

"Asking about me?" Valery frowned briefly at the thought but then nodded. "As much as I'd want her to rest... I have to see her." She hopped off the bed to put on her new clothing and when she finished, she'd step up to him with a soft smile resting on her face again.

"You two mean everything to me."



Comfortable clothing. Yeah, that's all Kahlil gathered up. Whatever was the most comfortable. He smiled as much as he could, though the smile faded some as she did change. The wounds might not be there any longer, but he could still feel them. Enough of them. He cleared his throat, turning his gaze towards the door that lead to Vera's bedroom. Yeah, it would be good for them both.

He nodded once before drifting off in the other room. He smiled brighter this time, watching the sleeping Vera. Then, gently as he could, he lifted her from her crib, cradling her in his arms.

"Hey little one.. Mama's here." Her eyes opened as she yawned, loud. Kahlil just chuckled before walking back to Valery Noble Valery Noble , holding out Vera for her.

Location: The Noble Apartment
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

While she changed into her clothing, she considered trying to hide the few marks that remained on her body for a moment, but there was nothing she could really hide from him — even her memories were exposed at times. The marks were going to fade eventually as well, and the days where she wasn't open to those close to her were long-gone.

Valery did feel the way it affected him though, and that made it just a little more difficult for her. But when he returned with Vera cradled into his arms, she felt so much better instantly. With her eyes watering up again, she walked over and took Vera into her arms with a wide smile.

"Hey sweetie..." she said, her voice cracking up as Vera's little orange eyes opened to look into her mother's.

"Mommy, daddy!" the girl squealed as Valery stepped into her husband with her side, bringing them all close together for a family moment that she wouldn't mind lasting forever. Vera seemed to understand that mommy was back, and that brought out a few sniffs from Valery.

"I've missed this," Valery said as her eyes rested on her daughter. She leaned in to press a quick kiss against Vera's forehead and looked back up at Kahlil after. "You likely know already, but that parasite is gone now. Nothing is going take me away from you two." She then finally leaned in, looking for a kiss from him as well.



That was probably the only good part about everything that happened. What was killing Valery Noble Valery Noble was gone. Hearing her say it, he visibly relaxed. And smiled. He leaned over as she did, pressing a quick kiss to her lips before glancing down to Vera. She was so happy to see mother back. Just as happy as Kahlil was. Probably even happier. "Y'know what? Lets have breakfast."

It was probably too late for it, but he didn't care. Pancakes. That's what was needed. He passed Vera off to Valery as he grinned and moved off to the kitchen.


Location: The Noble Apartment
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Her daughter in her arms and a kiss from her husband — there was no better feeling in the world, and so she finally relaxed and smiled as well. Things were looking up for them and even though an emotionally charged trip to Onderon was still planned, somehow it no longer felt that difficult to her.

But the mention of breakfast quickly pulled her out of all those thoughts, as her stomach began to growl. It resulted in a sheepish smile from Valery, while Vera just couldn't stop giggling about the sound she heard from her mother's tummy.

"Pancakes sound great," Valery said with a grin before she looked down at Vera, "Right, Vera? Daddy's pancakes are the best, hm?" she asked and Vera laughed with her arms swinging up around her. She wasn't sure how much rest Vera had gotten before her arrival, but she looked energetic enough to join her parents.

So with Vera settled in her lap, Valery sat down on the couch in the living room and looked over at Kahlil as he began to prepare them some food. Part of her wanted to bring up Onderon, and that she planned to build a new weapon before going there, but this wasn't the right time. This was a family moment.

"Vera's birthday is coming up soon. That means she's going to be old enough for school... crazy huh?" she began. "Do you think we should handle her training?"



"We can help, but.. No, I don't think we should be the ones to train her." Kahlil was already busy mixing things up to make the pancakes, glancing over to Valery Noble Valery Noble and Vera with a faint smile here and there. "It's important that she learns from someone impartial. But that doesn't mean we're not going to train here at all." He nodded once before pouring out the batter on a skillet, humming softly.

He loved to cook. And right now, he wanted nothing more than to keep cooking for his family like this.

Location: The Noble Apartment
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"You're right,"

Valery said while she played with Vera on the couch, her attention somewhat split but she was very much capable of focusing on both her daughter and the conversation with Kahlil. He also made a good point about an impartial teacher, but he knew Valery... and she was just a little overprotective sometimes.

"There are a few tricks I want to teach her that I learned in the Shadows, just things that help keep her safe. But... yeah, she's going to need to learn about the Jedi and Galaxy from others too." Valery sighed and looked over with some hunger for the pancakes in her eyes.

"I just feel nervous about it. She's my little girl and..." she sighed softly again. "You're right," she repeated, now with a little bit of a smirk on her face.

"How are those pancakes coming along? Mommy is hungry~" Valery teased while she lifted Vera up into the air and rubbed their noses together.



"We'll keep her safe. And whoever ends up being her master certainly will too. Eventually though she won't need us to protect her any more." Pancakes flipped, he set down the spatula to look back towards the two most important women in his life. As always, with a bright smile. "I'll teach her a thing or two, too. We got this." Then, he nodded. Pancakes were removed from the griddle, cooked to perfection before he served them out. Stacked high. He then brought out some syrup. Whipped cream. Whatever they could possibly want.

"And here you are. The best pancakes in the galaxy."

Location: The Noble Apartment
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

She didn't say it, but it'd be pretty clear to Kahlil that Valery was still struggling with the idea of letting go of her daughter. But of course, as always, he was right — she couldn't protect her little girl forever. Heck, at some point she wasn't going to be a little girl anymore. The mere thought made her shift around a little uncomfortably.

"I will make sure her Master will be able to protect her," she said, her tone a tad feisty. "But yes, we got this," Valery chuckled and watched as Kahlil came over with pancakes, syrup, and whipped cream. It made her stomach growl again, and she felt her mouth watering up from the smell alone.

"Gosh, these look amazing... Oh how I've missed this," she adjusted the way she was sitting and dug in like she hadn't eaten in weeks. Of course, they had fed her in captivity but it wasn't really enough to sustain her — she ate a lot to maintain her physique, after all.

"I'll cook something special for us tonight as well, and take a few days to just do... nothing. Be here with you and Vera. That sound good to you, babe?" After that, she planned to start slow with building a new weapon, and then it would be time to finally confront and leave behind her past. Of course, with him by her side.



"Whoever the order assigns to her, if that time ever comes, we'll accept. Without issue." Kahlil gave her a look. That 'don't even try to argue' look. It was exceedingly rare that he used it, but this wasn't something he was going to budge on. The Order had changed, and would continue to change. But for Vera to get the kind of training she would need, well. Her parents couldn't get in the way of that.

Then it was pancake time. Kahlil wasn't hungry himself, he'd already eaten when Vera finally went to bed. So he took Vera, letting Valery eat while feeding their daughter himself. Ah, she loved pancakes. Or was it the whipped cream? Kahlil chuckled, wiping her cheeks.

"Stay longer. You've earned a vacation."

Location: The Noble Apartment
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Valery looked up when he spoke, her mouth stuffed with pancakes and syrup, but she still gave him that look she had whenever a bit of that stubbornness was about to come through. But... he was the only one who could suppress that fiery spirit she had just with how he looked and talked to her, so she decided against arguing it.

Deep down, she knew that he was right too.

"Fine, without issue..." she said after swallowing a bite and digging back in for another. Normally she cared somewhat about proper manners, but she was too hungry and just kept stuffing her face, stopping only to wipe and lick syrup away from around her mouth.

"Vacation? I did want to get a new lightsaber built and go back to Onderon with you soon. But if you're going to be home... I think some vacation would be nice before we go. Maybe some training together to get my body loosened up and in shape again." she grinned at him with a mouth full of pancakes. She did always love training with him; it was both relaxing and demanding.



"Figures." He had a teasing smirk as he glanced back to Valery Noble Valery Noble . She was certainly the type to make training her vacation. But.. Yeah, why not. He nodded his head in agreement, looking back to Vera as he fed her another small bite of pancake. Much to her delight and happy giggle. His smile widened as he watched her, just.. Lost in that. In watching their daughter be happy.

"Not too much though. I do want Vera to observe, but only as much as your doc says is okay." HIs gaze shifted back, focusing on her with that happy but serious expression.

"Can't have you over exerting yourself."

Location: The Noble Apartment
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

She met his teasing smirk with a squint, knowing that he was amused by her never-ending desire to train, even during vacation. But the giggle of her daughter when she took a bite of her pancakes instantly made her smile wide again, and together with Kahlil she just watched her.

A moment of silence lingered between them, filled only by Vera's happy noises and the occasional word she tossed out. It was more relaxing than any vacation could ever hope to be.

"I'll be fine, as long as you don't try to kick me in half again," she joked but seeing the serious expression behind his smile made her nod quickly after her comment.

"Let's just do some basic drills. She'll learn more from watching that than a full-contact sparring session, and it's going to help me get at least some exercise in," she smiled hopefully at him and finished off her pancakes with another large bite. She then began to smirk again.

"Other than training, I think I'd love to take a long bath this evening too. I haven't showered in 2 weeks — the only reason you're still breathing is because I was able to get some deodorant." Unless, of course, he had smelled her hair earlier.

"And... maybe a massage?" she now showed her best puppy eyes.



He snickered again, shaking his head. "You could stink like a Hutt swamp and I'd still wouldn't be bothered. But yeah, I can get a bath going for ya. Whatever it is you'd like." He stepped past Vera for a moment, leaning over to press a soft kiss to Valery Noble Valery Noble 's forehead. A tender moment that showed more than he was letting out with Vera still awake. His worry, his fear. How he missed her.

Still, a giggle from Vera pulled his attention away. He laughed, nervously, as he saw her face now covered in the whipped cream. Ah, looking away was a bad idea.

"You'll definitely get a massage later, that I promise."

Location: The Noble Apartment
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Valery began to laugh at his comment, which only made Vera squeal and laugh even more too, "Well I'm very happy to hear that, sweetie." she said with a playful tone, still smiling and chuckling, but mostly because of how happy and excited Vera seemed about it all. Watching Kahlil lean in to press a kiss against her forehead though... she stopped laughing but she looked at him with the happiest smile she could show the one she loved.

"Thank you, dear." she paused a moment while she looked at him. "I missed you so much." She left it there for now — they'd have their moment together later — and looked down at Vera, whose face was covered in whip cream all of a sudden. Valery blinked and snorted, "While you get the bath going, I'll get Vera to bed again... after I clean up your pretty little face," she said with the fun motherly tone as a thumb went across the girl's cheek.

She finally stood up and while Kahlil wandered off to the bathroom, she began humming a lullaby and carried their daughter over to her bedroom so she could get the rest that she needed.



He snickered a bit, nodding. Him not having to clean Vera up? He wouldn't argue. Sides, it'd let him focus more on Valery Noble Valery Noble . And give her some time with their daughter. He stepped away, giving Vera a quick kiss on a clean part of her face, much to her delight. Then he was in the bathroom, drawing a bath as he was asked. A bath and then some. He gathered up what he knew would make it more enjoyable. Lavender, soap, some fast dissolving bacta that was meant to sooth and help heal.

When Valery came in, he was standing, watching her with a faint smile.

"You're bath, Mrs. Noble."

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