Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Confronting the Past

Location: The Noble Apartment
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

After a final kiss against Vera's forehead, Valery leaned back and tucked her daughter in, who had gotten a lot more sleepy because of the lullaby. It was one of the motherly powers that she was quite proud of, and it almost always worked to get Vera to sleep. Of course, keeping her asleep was a whole different problem...

Valery then made her way into the bathroom, expecting the bath to be ready but what she saw was so much more. She paused, blinked, and looked at Kahlil with a warm smile.

"Hmm, I can get used to this, Mr. Noble." she teased and walked over to give him another quick kiss for the effort.

"Vera should be asleep for a bit, and I can check on her after. If you want a moment to relax, go lay down or do whatever you feel like. These last 2 weeks must have been stressful for you too," she said, her hands shifting to take his for a moment. He had to endure both the pain Valery was going through on top of having to take care of their daughter. It showed just how strong he was as both a person and a father.

"Then I'll prepare something nice for dinner, and we'll talk about serious things later." she looked at him with a bit of a smirk — she was going to enjoy this little vacation time with him a lot.



"Laying down does sound nice." He chuckled lightly, leaning down into the kiss. Letting it linger for a moment longer than Valery Noble Valery Noble might've intended. But he pulled away, his smile back. Warm. Real. No worry, not right now. She was home, finally. He wasn't going to sour anything else with the panic that had built up through knowing what she was going through. He walked to the door, pausing there to look back to her.

"Enjoy your bath love. And take all the time you need with it. Have some you time. There's no hurry for dinner." Then he stepped out. Went back to their bed to just plop down over it. He hadn't been sleeping the best, not with her gone, so yeah. Kahlil fell asleep, sighing in relief.

Location: The Noble Apartment
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

The kiss lasted longer than she had planned, but Valery obviously didn't mind that at all, and leaned into it until the moment it broke naturally. When it did, their eyes met and she carried the same warm smile he did. He was happy and relieved that she was back, and she felt the exact same way.

"Good, rest up love," Valery said and while he walked to the door, she began pulling off her t-shirt to get ready for her bath. But he paused in the doorway and drew her attention again. Valery simply smiled and sat down on the side of the bathtub.

"I'll take my time but you better take yours, too," she said and after he finally did leave, she took a moment to look at her arms and torso. The scars were faint but still there, bringing out a soft sigh from her. But now that she no longer needed to worry or fear about anything, she pushed away any lingering thoughts and slipped into the tub, where she spent a good while relaxing and recovering.

Valery wasn't quite sure how many hours passed at that point, but after getting dressed and checking on Vera, she decided to make an elaborate steak dinner, but with some other fancy things too and even some wine. Something to bring them back to their first dates that involved dinner, and something that felt a little more... romantic.

Dinner would be a good moment to talk about things but she still wondered if it would be too soon. Maybe they really should just relax today? But the images of her friends stuck on Onderon were there too. With a shake of her head, she stopped thinking about it and just focused on cooking and softly singing along to a song she was playing.



Kahlil was out like a light, at least for a while. But the smell of steak, that pretty quickly woke him up. He yawned and stretched as he stood, idly scratching his cheek before heading to the kitchen. To Valery Noble Valery Noble . He smiled sleepily, stepping up behind her to rest his chin on her shoulder and wrap his arms around her waist. Hugging her close. "Steak and a song.. I'm pretty lucky as a dad and a husband aren't I?"

Location: The Noble Apartment
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

For a little while, Valery was in her own little world as she swayed along to the music and sang the tune. So much so, that she didn't realize Kahlil had walked up on her until he was right behind her, and his face lowered to rest on her shoulder. Valery stopped dancing along and smirked as she felt his arms wrapping around her waist.

"Mhmm, and don't forget it," she teased before kissing his cheek. "I can't complain though, I have it pretty great as well," she added, still very much to tease her beloved husband.

"I set the table already as well and poured us a glass of wine. So let's sit down and just... talk, about anything." Right now, all she cared about was just spending some time together.



He nodded a little, moving off to sit at the table. Still some what groggy from his nap. But also just, hungry. Steak. That was all that was on his mind at this point. Delicious, wonderful steak. Kahlil took up a glass of wine, idly sipping at it as he watched for Valery Noble Valery Noble to join him. "Alright. Let's talk about your Padawan then. I've been training her some while you've been away. Good sort, if a bit.. Distant at times."

Location: The Noble Apartment
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

With plates for them both in her hands, Valery made her way over to the table and set everything down. She had to walk back-and-forth two or three times to get everything ready, but she did so with a warm smile, "My Padawan, hm?" Valery chuckled.

"Yeah, that sounds about right," Valery sat as she sat down and reached for her glass to take a sip of the wine. "She has always been like that, likely because of her past. But she has come a long way both as a person and a Jedi."

"I trust her and care a lot about her, and she's on the right track." Valery's lips curled up into another brief smile, before she took the first bite of her steak.



"She seems to be. But I get the feeling she's not sure what kind of Jedi she wants to be. I doubt she'll ever fit into a role like you or I have, but having some semblance of direction might help her." He wasn't too sure, but he was offering his opinion on things. He took his own bite of the steak, chewing slowly. Smiling wide. Delicious, as it smelled. "What kind of Jedi do you think she'll become anyway? You might have a better idea now that I think about it."

Location: The Noble Apartment
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

While she was eating herself, Valery paid attention to his reaction as well and seeing him smile obviously made her happily shift around in her seat. She was a confident cook and person, but seeing those she cared about most happy loke this helped her feel a lot better.

"It has been hard to tell with her. She isn't a fighter at heart like me, but she will do what she must to defend others. I also don't see her focusing everything on just healing others or handling the training of younger Jedi." She let out a soft sigh and raised the glass of wine back up to her lips.

"Maybe a role or focus isn't what she needs and with how few Jedi there are out there, we all have to do a lot more too. People needing help is really what drives her and gives her direction. No matter what form of help they need."



He nodded once, smiling. Yeah, that made a lot of sense. And Valery Noble Valery Noble was right. He took another savored bite, humming his delight before closing his eyes. She was a much better cook these days. Or was she always? His eyes opened after a moment, that thought still there. A memory? ".. I think I met you before I actually met you." Or did he? A memory, a vision?

"Do you remember the beast master, by chance?"

Location: The Noble Apartment
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Valery was about to take a bite from her steak again when he mentioned the Beast Master, which made her freeze for just a moment. Her eyes shifted up and slowly she nodded, "I remember. Not like it was a dream or a vision a memory." She sat up straight and blinked.

"It shouldn't be possible but somehow, I feel like you've always been a part of me." She added, her expression a mix of her smile and some confusion.

"What if it happens again? What should we do?" Even though he was probably just as surprised by it as she was, she still looked at him for answers. Or at least, support. He always made thi gs easier for her.



So she did remember. Curious and curiouser. He hummed with thought, setting down his fork to truly think through this. A memory and a vision. ".. Perhaps it's because of the Dyad? .. I don't think we'll remember this conversation if it happens again. I remembered none of this life during the last one. But we remember it completely when we wake. I don't mind it, truthfully. .. It was nice, to help you. Even though I didn't actually help you then."

Location: The Noble Apartment
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"As far as I'm concerned, you did help me," Valery said as she looked at him with loving eyes. "I remember what was actually supposed to happen but...these new memories are so vivid. Like they happened yesterday." She said, and they really did. Every part of the time with him in those jungles, she was able to recall.

"But yes, it must be the dyad and if that's the case, it will happen again. I just wonder what you'll see next. Or what I might get pulled into." She seemed a tad nervous about this. Her past was... difficult, and to have him go through it wasn't the happiest thought in her mind.



"Regardless of what we see, we'll be there for each other. That much I believe." He nodded once, affirmatively. It didn't matter, not to him. Kahlil didn't exactly want to relive his own dark past, but if it meant having Valery there with him, well. Maybe they'd be worth it. Valery Noble Valery Noble got another smile as he took a bite of the steak again.

"I'm running out of topics, y'know."

Location: The Noble Apartment
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Valery let out a soft chuckle, "It does feel nice to know that what we have together runs this deep. We were totally different in thaf memory but we still grew towards each other. " she sniled happily at first but a more playful smirk flashed through as well. "Jungles and you getting attacked by wild animals seems to help, too."

She winked and took another sip.

"I uh, there was one thing I wanted to talk to you about more. Remember all those nightmares I was having about Onderon? They are still there. I am worried that what I'm seeing isn't really what's out there but no matter what I try...I keep seeing their faces."

"Sleeping has been hard without you."


Location: The Noble Apartment
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Seeing him extend his hand, Valery got out of her chair and forgot about what was left of her food instantly. The last few days in captivity she hadn't fallen asleep naturallt once - she had only fallen unconscious from pain and physical exhaustion.

But he knew that, and he could help her.

"Thanks babe, I love you." She said as she took his hand while a smirk rested on her lips. She followed him into the bedroom and it was safe to say that she wasn't going to come out of it tonight anymore.


Location: Onderon
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Two weeks later...

After getting some much-needed rest and recovery time with her family, Valery was finally ready to make her return to Onderon. She had gotten a new weapon built and prior to her time in captivity, she had completed her investigation to find the facility already. So she knew where it was but she wanted him to be with her before going inside.

Nothing the nightmares showed her could compare to what she was going to experience there emotionally.

So during the trip to Iziz, the capital city of the planet, Valery had been unusually quiet and just stared out the window of the Bastion while Kahlil was handling the piloting. The closer they got, the harder the realization about what was coming next began to hit her, and she still wasn't quite sure how to push through it all.

But that's exactly why she wasn't alone.

"The facility is a few miles into the jungle, but I found a fairly safe path to get there," Valery said after they made their landing and stepped out into the city. She still seemed somewhat withdrawn into her own mind, and almost nervous, which was fairly strange for her as well. But only he'd really be able to notice that — on the outside, she seemed focused, and she didn't shy away from taking point into the planet's wild jungle either.

"It's also going to be defended, but I don't think very heavily. When Ala broke me out, there were mostly just scientists and I vaguely remember some guards. Nothing we can't handle."

She finally paused at the gate of the city and turned to look at him, "I'm really going to need you in there, so if there is anything you want or need to know, please ask. And if you're ready, let's get moving." She was still all serious, her expression without a smile, and no jokes were being made. Valery just felt... different.



"Even after all this time it's still defended?" Kahlil raised a brow, glancing to Valery Noble Valery Noble . The city was an after thought to him at this point. Spending those couple of weeks with his wife, seeing how the nightmares affected her, this needed to be done. They needed to get to that lab. Closure, as it were. ".. What do you expect to find, exactly?" That was the only question he had. Of all the places they'd been, this was the most personal to her in a negative way.

Location: Onderon
Appearance: Link
Outfit: Factory Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Valery shook her head lightly, "When I originally found it, we captured the facility and it was later attacked and overrun, which led to my time in that stasis pod." Valery explained. "The people who work there now came much later — I think they found the stasis pod and rebuilt or redesigned the facility for their own needs."

She frowned, as images of her awakening flashed through her mind. The pods, the scientists, even Ala having to make the decision to free just Valery because she couldn't bring out more of them.

"There will be scientists in there, some armed guards but not a lot. What is difficult for me are those stasis pods..."


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