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Construction of the Bantha

| @[member="Circe Savan"] |

Unknown Regions, on board the Obscurity.

It's an interesting, yet amusing fact of one of the galaxies most darkest men that he adores Bantha milk. A chosen beverage, the very taste of the substance has been enjoyed since the days of his youth; and so it was testimony to one of the few things he enjoyed that he would be naming his personal ship, the Bantha.

Sat upon the unnatural composition that was his throne, Vilox Pazela gazed out towards the bleak, empty expanse that was the Unknown Regions. Wild Space was another name given to this particular region of the galaxy. It had been two months since the fall of Tyrin Ardik, following Mikhail Shorn as he usurped the Umbaran from his throne on Dromund Kaas. The crew of the Obscurity had been under the pretense that they were here defending the Aeten II system from invasion; and were studying the effects of the stygium crystal. He had occupied their time with various drills for combat training, from which Malus Bligh and James Kerval had enjoy thoroughly and scientists had occupied their time studying the stygium crystals that the Obscurity had collected after restoring it's deposits for it's Annihilator-class generators.

But keeping the crew busy was a temporary fix for a long term problem. They were under the pretense that the ship that they served upon was still in the service of the Sith Empire. Furthermore, they still thought they were still working for the Sith as well. But this was a facade, an illusion cast by the hooded man whom sat above them. The Empire had no idea that the Obscurity was in Wild Space. To the Sith Lords that ruled over the Empire, Darth Vazela was but a fleeting ghost, who upped and disappeared when his Emperor had been dethroned, along with the ship that he had ruled over for a decade. They didn't know where he was. The stygium crystals he had procured were from Aeten II, but the Sith authorities on there hadn't a clue where the crystals had gone. He supposed that was the testimony to Malus Bligh and the downfall to come. Good at following orders, but at a price.

He would pay that price in time.

He was still coming up with a plan in regards to find a new crew for the Obscurity to replace the ones currently serving aboard, but in the meantime, he had other pressing matters. He required a ship, one of smaller configuration to serve him without the pressing problem of a crew who would surely usurp him if he ever revealed his true intentions that, indeed, he had stopped serving the Empire in the conquest for something better. He knew of the series of ship that the Order of Sith Lords had once utilized in the past. They called it a Sith Infiltrator and that would suit him perfectly. A small, one man ship that could bypass any system. No armament to speak of, but that would work. It was a ship designed to ferry and move about unseen and unnoticed.

He knew the perfect woman to help him bring such a ship and thus had invited her to his position. For the first time in months, they would meet again; and so master waited for apprentice on a observational deck, to instigate such a construction project.
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Well, what have you got for me this time?"

The voice of the Emperor's mistress chortled through the observation deck as she arrived. "I heard you were looking to enlist my help with the construction of a new vessel, Sith Infiltrator class. I assume you have a highly advanced TIE we can use as a basis for the ship's engine system?"

Without the base ion drive system of a TIE Dominus or other craft of similar type, the ship would require another drive system of a different type.

@[member="Vilox Pazela"]
| @[member="Circe Savan"] |

Vilox Pazela turned away from the transparisteel screen to greet the enigmatic woman before him. He nodded his head before replying, "Yes, I require such a ship. Deposits of durasteel and back up systems can be located in the cargo bay. You have the service of the Obscurity's crew at your disposal."

Moving towards the flight of stairs that Circe had just climbed up from the bridge walkway, Vilox said, "I have several back up engines for the Sigma, Taral, Dominus and other class vessels are you to utilize in the construction of the Bantha. When I had the Obscurity constructed, I planned it to be a deep space vessel. You'll find that it had replacements for replacements for replacements. It only needs servicing in a shipyard after a fire fight, which has not happened in it's ten year long history or for when it's fuel reserves are depleted."

Turning at the foot of the stairs, he said, "James Kerval, Bligh's second hand man, is waiting for us in the hangar bay. He is the one responsible for assembling the construction crew for this task. Let's go."
In Umbris Potestas Est
Circe nodded as the two Sith moved up the stairs, following Vazela as he led her to the construction crew's location. "So, why the sudden rationale for the Bantha? You have the Obscurity, and unless you intend to go against the new Emperor too, why worry about losing your vessel?"

It was a valid point, after all.

@[member="Vilox Pazela"]
| @[member="Circe Savan"] |

"The Obscurity is a Star Destroyer, a vessel that can be utilized in combat. It neither has the maneuverability of a shuttle, nor the intended focus on bypassing systems as the Bantha will do." Stepping down onto the bridge, Vilox led the way across it and over the operations area into the lift. He stepped inside and led his apprentice with him. Three minutes later, they were in the hangar bay, crossing over it's threshold and towards the assembled construction crew.
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Not that bad of a place you've given me to work with, though I've used better." She commented, giving a soft sigh as she prepared to get work done on the newly forged mechanical monstrosity. "I'll need a datapad, of course."

After all, she wasn't going to design a blueprint, was she?

@[member="Vilox Pazela"]
| @[member="Circe Savan"] |

"It just so happens that I had already prepared such a thing." Slipping his hand into his dark robe, Vilox produced a datapad and handed it to the woman. "It has the original schematics of the Scimitar, the name of the original Sith Infiltrator that Darth Maul flew. The dominion of Bastion was useful, after all."

Although he did not elaborate, the Scimitar and her designs had been procured during the dominion. Seemingly, the Fel's had gained control of the schematics from the original Galactic Empire created by Palpatine, after withdrawing to Bastion when the Empire collapsed into an Imperial Remnant. When he personally took the Imperial palace, it was there that he had found the designs and acted accordingly.
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Ah... In that case, let's get to work."

The assembly droids were programmed with the proper instructions. Immediately, they began to get to work, taking ingots to the forges as they were turned into new parts, constructing high-tech circuitry and pieces for this specialized Sith craft. When done, it would be most grand.

@[member="Vilox Pazela"]
| @[member="Circe Savan"] |

Vilox Pazela took a step away from his apprentice, sliding his hands into his robes sleeves. Tucked in between the dark fabric and his chalk white, slender fingers was another device. It was a holocron he had procured during his studies most than several decades ago, when the Gulag Virus had ravaged across the galaxy, during a time when the Sith were a scattered people, much like everyone else. Inside the holocron was knowledge. He was particularly good at the Qâzoi Kyantuska, or Suppress Thought was it was translated in galactic basic. He planned to pass the knowledge then onto Circe, as a reward for the construction of the Bantha. It was also to keep her on side, his side, as a form of bribe. You do this for me and I do this for you. Sith politics at it's most simple level.

His yellow predatory eyes averted to the crates being formed near the assembly point as the Sith Infiltrator was being put together. Inside them were the stores for the stygium crystals and replace parts for the Annihilator-class generators that were found on the Obscurity. They would allow the Bantha to cloak, much like the Attrition-class Star Destroyer could do.
In Umbris Potestas Est
The droids continued their work, mercilessly assembling and constructing the Sith Infiltrator the way the original craft had been made by Seinar. Soon, it would be finished, considering the tremendous amount of droids located around it, working hard to assemble every last individual piece of it together. The combined amalgamation of technology would be glorious once it was completed. And the best part...

No Seinar markings, or markings of any kind, meant it would never be traced.

@[member="Vilox Pazela"]
| @[member="Circe Savan"] |

Korriban, Horuset system, 796 ABY.

The desert dunes were vast and bleak, as the dark hooded figure crossed over it's landscape. Darth Vazela came to a stop on the top of one, overlooking the Grand Sith Temple ahead. It was still in a state of decay, hundreds of centuries after it had been constructed by the Sith of old. Alas it still stood, as the Lords of the Sith still did today, despite the Gulag virus running rampant across the galaxy. Hence why he wore the respirator over his face; and the gloves and boots that folded into the dark, hooded robe he wore. The hood was lowered however. He didn't feel that he needed to hide himself from view.

The sound of the respirator filled the canyon as the Sith Lord began to lower himself into the Valley of Dark Lords. Tombs, statues and broken pieces of stone littered the ancient, cobbled ground that had been lain for men such as him to walk along. It led up to the temple ahead, which was his destination. He paid no attention to the Dark Lord's who were remembered here. He pushed on.

Entering the temple, he found it to be empty and desolate. He didn't even know if there were other Sith still left alive in galaxy, but if there were, then they weren't here. That was good. Snap hiss. A crimson line slid out of a cylinder object in Vazela's hand as he moved further into the darkness. It illuminated his way deeper into the cavern. He turned a corner and went deeper into the temple, coming into an open, empty room. It had been an hour since he had entered the temple, so he presumed that he was now deep underground. Massassai hieroglyphs were written across the walls. He couldn't translate what they said. Shifting his Lightsaber around the room with his left hand, he illuminated a slab of stone. He recognized what it said on it. He had read it before.

Qâzoi Kyantuska
"Suppress Thought," he murmured. Rising his hands before him, he concentrated on the force. The slab of stone broke under the power of the Force crush. Before it fell, his other hand flung forward to catch the falling piece that were inside the slab. Force guiding it to him, his slender, white hands clasped around the holocron. He lowered his gaze and murmured, "Found you."

Obscurity, Unknown Regions, Present day.

Vilox Pazela watched the progress of the Bantha was the droids assembled the Sith Infiltrator. With Circe's leadership, the vessel was near completion. It was a testimony to the efficiency he had envisioned in both the Obscurity, her crew and his apprentice. The latter was proving to be a valuable asset. Sliding his hand out of his sleeve, he lowered the holocron in his hand and approached the side of Circe Savan.

"I found this holocron a long time ago, during the end years of the Gulag virus." Holding it up to her eyes, he said, "Now I am passing it onto you, as a reward for the Bantha. You will learn the Qâzoi Kyantuska or Suppress Thought in basic. It will allow you to take control of another's mind, once a sufficient amount of force energy is exhibited on the targets mind. Now you will be able to do the same as me, once you have studied it's contents."


Lurking SWRP Sites Since 1998
Sometime after the first contact with Pazela on the Vjun system, Judas was summoned to oversee the inter workings of Pazela's hidden devices. At least not that this one in particular was a significant one, but it was the beginnings of the Black Hand's first relations in this era in time since Judas' awakening...

Circe and Pazela had entered to the same area Judas was among the technician crew. He spoke between two of the foreman on the construction project discussing over a laid out blueprint on a table. A few electricians were just behind them implementing the starship's electrical systems. There were flashing lights from a large metal panel on the hull as they switched levers through their control console; testing the power grid responses. Judas turned to the structure and rubbed one hand once over the surface of the startship frame; inspecting it thoughtfully. He lowered his arm and stood next to it with his folded behind him.

@[member="Vilox Pazela"] @[member="Circe Savan"]
| @[member="Circe Savan"] | @[member="Judas"] | @[member="Darren Shaw"] |

Dac system, the Obscurity

It had been one year since Circe Savan and Vilox Pazela had met in the Unknown Regions, just after the fall of Tyrin Ardik. They had met during a time in which Vilox had left the Empire, taking the Obscurity with him. He had requested for his apprentice to join him on his flagship and together they had instigated the construction of the Bantha, a Sith Infiltrator. Between that time to the present day, Dranok Lussk had claimed the mantle of Emperor and dubbed himself Darth Arcis, only to then be usurped by the Sith Lord Kaine Zambrano. With Arcis toppled, Zambrano had lain claim to the mantle of Emperor and thus a meeting on Dromund Kaas had occurred between him and Vilox Pazela. Returning under the alias of Darth Vazela, the Dark Jedi assumed the mantle as a Lord of the Sith once more and had ruled over one of three sectors of the Sith Empire ever since.

It was also during this time that he had met with the mysterious Judas and the Dark Jedi that he had assembled in his citadel on Vjun. He had found the Order of Black Hand and became a member of the mysterious cult. He had invited Judas to the Obscurity to discuss more about the Dark Jedi they had collected and their direction, whilst supervising the construction of the Bantha. It was near completion since it's assembly had begun, with thanks to Savan. She had proved to be a useful tool. He would reward her for her service soon, to keep her interested in the cause.

"Welcome to the Obscurity, Judas," he said to him, as he walked onto the balcony. They were stood several meters above the Bantha and the series of other compliments below them. "It's time we had a more private chat, following our meeting on Vjun. Don't you think?" He was hooded, his face concealed, back turned to Judas as he spoke. He waited for him to respond.


Lurking SWRP Sites Since 1998
He turned to Pazela with a side glance.

"Is there something that concerns you about the direction of the 'organisation', Master Vazela?"

He was discrete because he had to be. He was far away from Vjun and it was not time for him to reveal himself to the galaxies.

@[member="Vilox Pazela"]
| @[member="Judas"] |

Mon Calamari engineers continued their work on the vessel below him. A crane was loading the Solar ionization cannons towards a group of Mon Calamari on top of the Bantha. They were being fitted into concealed locations on the Sith Infiltrator. They had enough power to bypass shields and melt durasteel. But if the vessel served him as he intended, then they were only there as a safety precaution. He was more interested in the advanced sensor and tracking systems that had been installed into the shuttle. He planned to utilize them in his test drive of the ship when it finished construction. He lifted his chrono and checked the time. The Mon Calamari had explained that the vessel would be finished in a few hours. He would begin his test the moment they gave him the clear for go.

A vehicle crossed the hangar bay towards the Bantha. It was a truck of sorts that had arrived with the transports from which the Mon Calamari had carried the cannons and other materials. On top of it's loading area, he saw several droids and a speeder bike. He assumed that they were the DRK-1 Dark Eye probe droids he had requested. Alongside them were the interrogation and security droids he had ordered as well. The latter two would serve as part of the crew on board the Bantha, while the former as it's complement. He wanted the vessel to be an exact replica that Republic Sienar Systems had designed all those years ago. He quietly thanked the Sith archives on Dromund Kaas for the schematics and designs.

"Yes, Judas," he said, turning his yellow eyes underneath the hood to him. "There is also the matter of my position." He made sure that Circe nor any of the crew were in the vicinity with his highly attuned Force-sensitive senses before continuing. "My name is Vilox Pazela. But to the Sith Empire, I am Darth Vazela. I am a Sith Lord, yet I am not a Sith. I aspire to replicate the first Dark Jedi that arrived on Korriban and founded the Sith Empire."


Lurking SWRP Sites Since 1998
He gazed turned to the construction briefly. Large robotic arms cycled about lifting and placing durasteel panels to the skeleton of the starship frame. Droids surrounded the inter portions of the frame with torch flames; fusing them together as sparks fell below.

"You do not have to tell me what I already know, Master Pazela. The presence of the Sith was strong in your cloaked vessel. A man of your position and understanding of the Force was quite obvious and couldn't be hidden."

He crossed his arms into his long sleeves.

"The Sith have always managed to fall and rise through the ages. Who is the Emperor now?"

It was true. Judas has been through so many generations of Sith tyrants. He wouldn't be surprised to meet another sharing the same traits as the others.

@[member="Vilox Pazela"]
| @[member="Judas"] |

"His name is Kaine Zambrano. He has not revealed his Darth title, if he ever chooses to have one. He was once a Sith Lord alongside me under another Emperor by the name of Tyrin Ardik. The latter was usurped by a Sith Master called Mikhail Shorn, who wielded an artifact I now know to be the Soulsaber. Shorn passed the mantle to another called Dranok Lussk, who claimed the title of Darth Arcis when he assumed Emperor. It wasn't a short time until Zambrano struck against Arcis and claimed the mantle for himself. Now I reign as a Lord of the Sith, recreating the facade I have cast across the Sith."

He turned his gaze to Judas, averted his gaze to the left by a few inches as he contemplated him. "The Order of Black Hand. Were you present before acid rain fell from Vjun's skies? Just what is the reason behind it's formation?"


Lurking SWRP Sites Since 1998
"The acidic climate was always present on Vjun for as long as I can remember. Although it was not the acid rain that made the system different. It was the people who once lived there that made Vjun its foundations. The citadel that you saw was once the resting place of Bast Castle. An architecture where many battles and history took place under the rule of a very wealthy family."

He paused, recalling an old archive from the deep catacombs of the citadel.

"It was a refuge for the Sith as well..."

@[member="Vilox Pazela"]
| @[member="Judas"] |

"Interesting. But it does not cover the Black Hand's intentions. What are it's objectives?" He turned to watch the assembly process. He could see even now that, if the Sith Infiltrator was not already finished, then it would be soon. He was growing impatient with it's construction, for he had instigated it's assembly a year ago. When it was finished, he would be satisfied, however. He presumed that a Sith Lord such as Zambrano, as he had just discussed or even his own former apprentice now known as Lady Kyros would have demanded for the Mon Calamari to quicken their efforts. But not he. Nothing he could do or say would assist the Mon Calamari in their construction efforts. All he could do was wait.
In Umbris Potestas Est
Circe sat calmly in the cockpit of her fighter. In her lap was a suitcase, but said suitcase was in no way generic. Through her connections with Imperial Intelligence, the Sith had acquired a suitcase, inside of which a small charge of antimatter resided. Small was a relative term, though - the charge, when detonated, would produce a spectacularly enormous explosion, one powerful enough to utterly annihilate a small Dantooinian city. For now, though, she would keep the device locked away, along with her treasure trove.

It could prove useful one day.

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