Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Contraary to Popular Belief (Mandalorian Empire Dominion of Contruum)

Kaden sat back in his chair with folded arms as Yasha placed a hand on his knee. Had he not known better he would have thought he was telling him to stay down as one would tell their attack dog or beloved pet. No, Kaden was neither of those. Her hand was one of confidence in his observation. Baiko had taught Kaden to sit among these types and not betray his hand. It had become essential after he had nearly cased a war with a Sith by calling Darth Carnifex out in the man's mother tongue. It had been Kaden's secret until that point, that Carnifex could not use Epicant to speak only to Yasha.

Today Kaden would not over play his hand.

They talked of tax breaks, political transition, agriculture, but most importantly Yasha drew attention to the one thing the Mandalorian Empire had which Contruum did not, warriors. The yards were dilapidated, another could aid with their repair, but the Mandalorian Empire could protect them. There would be some level of conscription to be sure. More territory meant more troops would be needed to defend, but those troops would be trained by the fiercest warriors the Empire had to offer. Kaden's scars and injuries were not the story of a warrior who simply wanted to look scary and violent. He WAS scary and violent, and today it played right into Yasha's hand.

When Gray spoke of weapons, Kaden opted to pick up his side arm and begin to clean it on the table. The quiet man was negotiating without saying a word, his one good eye fixated on the ambassador. The man was nervous around Kaden. He feared for the moment Yasha would let him off his leash. It was time for Kaden to speak. Gray was not here to make a profit for his company... it was not what they were there to do.

"They need more than weapons, Raxis," Kaden spoke out of turn. "It does them no good to have what your company can provide if they do not know how to use them. Since Mand'alor has already stated there will be no tax breaks, we shall redirect their funds toward the protection of this planet. They will fly the banner of the Haran'rekr, and she will protect them as is our way. We are not here for the purpose of extortion, simply to inform them that we will be the ones to protect them under the terms agreed to today, or I will be the one to march our armies into this place and take it by force."

Kaden turned back to the ambassador and looked at him once more.

"We are here for peace because for too long the galaxy has viewed our people as simply taking what we want without a care of who we must harm to get it. We are also here because you have something we need and bloodshed does not have to be the price you pay for it. We are here to make you stronger in exchange for what you have to offer. The choice is yours... I can fight by your side, or I can fight against you. Make the wise decision.

[member="Gray Raxis"] [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Fiolette Yvarro"] [member="Cynthia Raxis"] [member="Cassiopeia Caranthyr"]
Finklhoof Hicklesbottom hiccupped and dropped his stimcaf mug, liquid splashing across the table. The Mandalorian and Primo Victorian push was creating the stir his superiors warned him about, and knowing them, were probably laughing at from their secure location in the bunker below. Gosh and darn it all!

He was… he was going to get shot.

“Ah, well… if you… now see here!” He picked up the mug by the handle, and slammed it down on the table. It seemed the thing to do. Immediately flinching, Finklehoof coughed and waited for the bullet to fly.

Instead what came was the push from which ole Frinkle grew up being prepared for. “You’re pushing old Frinkle, and and and… and I don’t like it!”

Frinklehoof winced again as the words left his mouth. “Aw man I knew I should’ve checked that the stimcaf was decaf! Aw, frog kisses I didn’t want to make a fuss. My bosses you know, my bosses’re sure as seawater you’re going to… to glass the place and… aw fiddlesticks I’m not supposed t’say it. Aw just my luck I… ah… gee guys.

So you ah... we can work out something I mean, Haran'rekr. That some kind of sneeze or something? I mean, hah, like, haran and harrassment, right? Or is it... like a root word or... or... oh that's your... name.”

[member="Cassiopeia Caranthyr"] [member="Gray Raxis"] [member="Kaden Mantis"] [member="Cynthia Raxis"] [member="Fiolette Yvarro"] [member="Kaine Australis"]

Fiolette Fortan

The Fleetwood.
Contruum, Torian City.
Task Force 648; the Nightbloods.

[member="Yasha Mantis"] | [member="Kaden Mantis"] | [member="Kaine Australis"] | [member="Gray Raxis"] | [member="Cassiopeia Caranthyr"] | [member="Cynthia Raxis"]


Fiolette smiled and the smile turned upward, it curled into a little salacious grin. Whatever dark devil she dealt with started to show, or maybe it was just that sheer arrogance that the Galidraan possessed. "My dear, Hicklesbottom." Her eyes drew on his person the azure gaze shifted into something a little more sinister. Fiolette's voice began to draw out words and that accent became crystal clear. "You should listen to my associates, neither you nor your bosses, are equipped for warfare and what we're offering is more than you can afford." She unfolded from her seat and pushed the credit stick forward.

The former grand admiral tugged her coat adjusting it across her shoulders. "You see this Galaxy is not meant for peace, surely, you and yours realize this." The azure gaze turned to ice and carved into the Ambassador. "And one day war may just come to your door, will it be Commenor and their traitorous King? Will it be the bloodthirsty Imperials? First Order, Galactic Empire both enjoy the taste of blood and conquest. After all, how else can they bring order to a Galaxy without doing so?" She began to chuckle, and the sound of it - the sound of it was downright evil. "Your little world has shipyards, and I would assume that you realize just how valuable that is to a mighty military power much like my former nation, oh yes, the First Order would consume you in one fell swoop."

"But now, here we are, the Mandalorian Empire offering to help you, invest in your world, in your industries and they're offering to protect you." She laughed again, "because let's be honest, even a corporate fleet could knock your world over." Fiolette withdrew her gaze from him and turned to each person in the room, "and you have here before you an opportunity. To secure the future of your people Mr. Ambassador, you." She paused and began to walk around the table, "you have the opportunity to be a hero. You Mr. Finklhoof Hicklesbottom."

"And were I you, I would take the offer that my associates are offering," she let her voice drip over each word, "become the hero, and shake their hands come along Mr. Hicklesbottom, won't you shake the hand of a Mandalorian or two? Secure your people's future, so if the unfortunate day arrives you'll have the Mandalorians to come to your aid. To help you against bloodthirsty Imperials, against the militant Galactic Alliance or a traitorous King, or some filthy Rebel."


"Approaching a dip in the surface looks to be a valley."

"Copy team three, team four what's your status?"

"Yeah, we can see team three, establishing beacons."


The VSS Bercey and Reatha arrived to join the group the two weather corvettes began their descent to Contruum Six's atmosphere.
Yasha’s eyebrow rose as Frinklehoof babbled on. He was by far either the worst ambassador she’d seen, or this was one heck of a ploy on Contruum’s part. This couldn’t be the best of Contruum. “Haran Rekr. The Hell Wolf. Some aruetii have taken to calling me the Infernal. Easier to translate.”

“Infernal… ah that’s morbid.”

“It’s well earned.”

Her hand on Kaden’s knee tightened briefly as her riduur spoke, thumb massaging the armour plait. She knew he could feel the touch, and the more he spoke, the stronger the touch became. Authoritative, dangerous, vicious and hers… Yasha tried not to allow her face to soften, or her lips to pout into a lover’s smile. Kaden was protecting his family, and due to Yasha’s position that meant protecting the entire Mando’ade. Their honeymoon was going to be epic.

“There has been rumour of late that because I know the song of peace I am somehow only a naive young woman, barely a woman at all. I lead my Empire to a downfall so hearty the very idea of the Mandalorian will only live on in fragments, pockets of spacers or mercenaries running bounties to put bread and meat on their own table.


What [member="Fiolette Yvarro"] tells you, Hicklesbottom, is the truth. You are but one tiny space in a vast galaxy, and I turned my infernal eyes toward you, opened the arms of Manda’yaim and bid you welcome. Will you be the man who turned down the Mand’alor, and discovered how strong my Mando’ade are, or will you be the hero who brokered a longstanding peace?”

Almost as epic as this negotiation… maybe more epic, if Kaden kept up the strongman routine. Her father spoke wisely, bringing clarification to what he could offer in his way.

“MandalArms, WESTAR, RID and others want deals, Primo Victorian wants Contruum Six for a new facility, and in exchange for Mand’alor’s facilitation of this deal, Primo Victorian will give a modicum of exclusive designs and products to my Empire. Primo Victorian will have a place among us, protected and secured, with the freedoms they currently enjoy. You will get your planetary system protected… your government will answer to me… or you will answer today to my husband [member="Kaden Mantis"], and my father [member="Gray Raxis"] and my General [member="Kaine Australis"]… and when they are exhausted, when they have had their fill of your system…”

Standing to her full height, Mand’alor Haran Rekr put her hand to the hilt of her sword.

“… you will have me.
And only me…
… and my mercy.
All my mercy belongs to my children.
The Mando’ade.
Choose. Your. Side.”

To the corner, [member="Cynthia Raxis"] would find the protocol droid skittered away to a hidden alcove. The airflow around the alcove felt different to those who ventured closer to it… a passage in the duracrete.

“[member="Cassiopeia Caranthyr"] knows your histories and your world at a level most could never aspire. She knows how you made war too expensive for the Imperials in the past. Tell me, Cassiopeia, and tell Hicklesbottom here, what would happen to the agriculture and the pastures and the universities and the shipyards, if the enemies at all our gates descended upon Contruum, without the Mandalorian shield? How much would you have left if the Galactic Empire decided to glass this world? How many pieces of tech would make it through a cataclysm without our gently offered hand?”
[member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Yasha Mantis"] [member="Fiolette Yvarro"] [member="Kaden Mantis"] [member="Gray Raxis"]

Cynthia couldn't feel anymore out of place if she tried, then again that's nothing new to her. Frikoof looks as if he should've worn the brown pants and the others looked like wolves scrapping over the last bone, that been who gets what. Cynthia saw the droid skitter away around the corner as a draft crept from it. "huh?" she muttered before pushing forward though the others. The man would see the dark bags under her eyes and pale completion, not to forget the light pink hair. She pulled her shotgun from her back with the safety on and pointed it at the man to use as a point. "pew." she said making a joke that wasn't in good taste. "Just to we are clear... Frikoof... sorry I mean Frinkloooof. You need to choose who's barrel you look down. you're bosses... or ours.

I can most certainly assure you that we have a lot more and ours hurt a lot more than pride. Hell throw be a bag of credits I will just get rid of them for you now. I mean I quite simply have no respect for you and that can be said the same for many of us in this room. You look like a scared lothcat who can't back up his words for chit, but that said you have the balls and tenacity to face us. You're bosses however are more of a snivelling coward than you, and that must be saying something." Cynthia said using an authoritative tone

She felt the tug on her arm from the drunken oaf and she took that as her que to leave. "Anyway i'd love to watch you chit yourself more but imma Frikoof thisa way." She said yanking her arm away and swinging her gun onto her back once more. "This way numb nuts." She led the man down the direction the protocol droid went. A drink could wait for a moment first she wanted to snoop what was this way and find out where the droid skittered off to.
The Contruum government's ambassador was not handling the situation well at all. The man was petrified and couldn't get a grasp on anything. He fumbled with his words, he babbled on and on, and he was just completely overwhelmed by the situation. If they wanted something from him then it was not going to take much more to get it. The system's factories would be opened up as well as everything else the Mandalorians might want while he was the one signing papers. The biggest problem was that those above him could easily axe the contracts on a whim and then push all of the blame onto the man when the fallout of it came....

That was when an idea struck Gray. This man and his current situation might be key to things. Gray gave [member="Yasha Mantis"] a quick smile then cleared his throat. He said in a rather matter of fact voice, " Mr. Finklhoof, I think we have a chance here for us to help each other out. I assume you have the full power of authority for the Contruum government right now. If you sign a treaty making the system a protectorate state under the Mandalorian Empire then there is something we could do for you. In this treaty we will include a clause that states we have the right to remove and instate any official into a position of leadership based on their contributions to the prosperity of the system as a whole. If you sign the treaty and sign contracts with the companies present giving them what it was they wanted then we can remove your superiors who put you in this situation and put you at the top instead." He stood up as he paused.

Gray turned and walked over to the window that over looked the city. He turned to the side with an arm held out to address it. " Imagine what your people would say if you, Mr. Finklhoof, met with Mand'alor the Infernal face to face. She was determined to take the system by force because of the insult of Contruum's leaders not meeting with her directly themselves, but instead were hiding out in their bunker. They left the system to the mercy of Mandalorians, but you stood proud before us and talked us into a treaty. One that benefits both of us equally. Contruum retains her autonomy, mostly, but gains the military and trade might of Mandalore. Not only do you do this but you also make deals to bring in new companies which provide more jobs and boosts the economy of Contruum even further. You procure Mandalorian weapons and armor and even Mandalorian instructors to begin building a true military for Contruum so that she can defend herself if less reasonable neighbors come knocking on her door." He paused again and fully turned back to the table.

The finally of this little act was coming to a head. Gray smiled like a wolf. " You did all of this for the people of Contruum in such a dire situation while your supposed leaders were cowering in their safe places. What do you think the people would say? Do you think they would call it a miracle and praise you as a great leader like those who fought the Imperials to a standstill in the past? By the end of it they would be begging for you to lead them, and we could make that happen. All you would need to do to see this future for yourself is to sign a handful of contracts and let us handle the rest." He walked back over to the table and say down. His head turned to the Contruum ambassador and his other reps. " What do you say Mr. Finklhoof? Do we have a deal?" He just continued to smile at the man as he waited for him to take the giant carrot dangling in front of him.

[member="Cynthia Raxis"] [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Fiolette Yvarro"] [member="Kaden Mantis"] [member="Cassiopeia Caranthyr"]
Cassiopeia let her feet move back and forth as she listened to the others speech & persuade. The ambassador was relatively terrible - and honestly, fairly made her doubt that the systems educational system was really all that. This is what the Contruum planetary government had to offer? Was it a trick? Was there some ulterior motive? It didn't seem to be so, but she could only shake her head at the scene. Yasha, Kaden, Raxis, and Fiolette were basically eating him alive. Surely, the Contruum government would intervene and try to make this a fair fight?

Maybe this system wasn't the best, as they had thought. However, she had to be impressed with the display from the other individuals in the room - no one flinched, no one backed down, and most importantly, they had a huge upper hand in the negotiations. The bad cop routine was working out well for them. She listened, though carefully to the analysis between the different groups.

Hearing a request from the Mand'alor, she perked up, and sat forward in her seat. She nodded at the question, "The Contruum response to the Imperial forces, all those centuries ago, was a true achievement. Throwing off the yokes of the Imperials was no small feat and the fact that your people were self-sufficient made it possible. But could it be done again, today? We have the Galactic Empire, the collapse of the Free Worlds, etc. There are all sorts of threats that could hit Contruum and, based off your fearfulness, I imagine Contruum has grown complacent despite the threat of a destabilizing galaxy."

Sitting back in her seat, she perked a brow, "Do you know what happens to a planet that is being glassed, Mr. Hicklesbottom? Your farms & animals will burn, your shipyards will fall & melt, your mines collapsed, and your universities will be laid with the dead of millions of aspiring minds through fire. There would be nothing left of your world, or your system. I am sure all here today would hate to see a similar fate befall Contruum."

[member="Gray Raxis"] | [member="Kaine Australis"] | [member="Yasha Mantis"] | [member="Fiolette Yvarro"] | [member="Kaden Mantis"] | [member="Cynthia Raxis"]
Kaden laughed inside himself as the ambassador fell all over himself. His words had unsettled the man, and now it was time for the rest of the team to clean up the chaos Kaden has caused. The man was proud of himself. With a grin he sat back in his chair and folded his arms once more. The touch of his wife’s hand on his leg would be a reward for now.

Listening to the others, Kaden knew his words had set the direction for the rest of the talks. Gray had said make them feel weak, and Kaden had done just that. His eye stayed on Hicklebottom. Finally when it was his turn to speak again, Kaden leaned forward.

”We know what it is like to have a world destroyed, and that is what we offer, the assurance it will not happen to you. Listen to Raxis, sign the papers, and we will fight with you, protect you, and ensure the people know it was you who secured the future and prosperity they desire.”

He smiled when Kaine and Cynthia left. It was time for them to let the talks finish. She was babysitting the drunk, but she seemed to like the old coot. Perhaps they were a match, an odd one, but a match.

[member="Cassiopeia Caranthyr"][member="Gray Raxis"][member="Cynthia Raxis"][member="Kaine Australis"][member="Yasha Mantis"][member="Fiolette Yvarro"]
Location: Ale House

Was very much coincidental that the retired mandalorian soldier was at the very same cantina that his Daughter and company just had entered. The truth of it, the old man was working and had just delivered a few crates of goods to this establishment and now was spending his hard earned credits at the bar. Did he know that the Mandalorians were here on their own business? No. He heard rumblings here and there through his multiple contacts and friends, that the empire had their eyes on this section of space for their expansion, he just did not know today was the day they put such plans to work. Was not his business anymore. He had retired after the civil war, decades of bloodletting and conquest had taken its toll physically and mentally. He was once a legendary warrior with decades of service under his belt. Strider had been second to many Mand'alors and at the forefront of countless campaigns across the galaxy. Now, he is just a simple man trucking his freight across the verse one port at a time. Nomadic and spartan way of living, but it was freedom for him. There was peace to be had in the abyss of space, one just had to look past the chaos.

Strider swiveled on his bar stool to see the new comers that had entered. He wore simple garb, just a black shirt that barely covered his tattoo and tight enough to see the chiseled form of his muscled body. He had black trousers and a nerf leather gun belt that holstered his DL-44 blaster off his right thigh. There was also a large hunting knife that found home off the left hip. His long black hair was held at bay with with a red head band, his left mechanical hand gripped a glass of corellian spice ale and his biological right hand held a shento cigar.

If he was shocked to see the mandalorians, it would not show on the cold scarred face of the elderly mando. He looked directly at his adopted daughter, she was not a child anymore and was one of the rare ones that were not part of his army of bastards. Though like most of his offspring, none rarely got the attention the deserved. The life of a soldier and his dedication to the service had forced him to sacrifice family. One of many regrets he held. He gave the pink haired woman a nod of respect but he would not interfere in her affairs. She was with a older man, a mando'ad he did not recognize personally but he had heard that he had rose to take the vacancy he had left in the high command.

Kaine was his name, none of his business though he did keep his ears open. Hard to fully stay away.........

[member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Cynthia Raxis"]
Frinklehoof Hicklesbottom pushed his chair back from the table with both his hands on the table’s edge. He gave out a punctuatedly guttural laugh. His adam’s apple bobbed up and down in one big gulp. Rubbing at his greying hairline, Frinklehoof barely noticed the small grey device fall from his ear to the ground.

That was, until silence reigned in his hidden comm device. Grabbing at his ear, he felt the cold stare of [member="Kaden Mantis"] bore into him and fought with a low whimper.

Even the gorgeous young lady [member="Cassiopeia Caranthyr"] in the dress his wife would’ve looked great in thirty pounds ago was reminding him of the pratfalls of telling Mand’alor the Infernal ‘No’.

“I ah.. haah!” Patting his foot on the ground, Frinklehoof stomped his foot down hard as [member="Cynthia Raxis"] and [member="Kaine Australis"] threatened him.


“Oh you see… Ah…” C’moooon Hicklesbottom! Put one in for the team, ole Hickles… no chorus of voices chattering in your ear simultaneously, now! Frinklehoof giggled and set his hands on the table, spreading his fingers wide across the glossy front.

“You want my planet, and my planetary system, and all y’all offer is protection and some work? Or else? Aw now… old Frinkle don’t admire that much… does he?” Without his bosses nattering on in his ear, a remarkable change happened in the bumbling man. He settled, shoulders lowering and breath equalizing.

“Sure, I could sign your papers, but about those yards y’all want… I’m assuming awful hard you’re gonna be building war machines on em, eh? So, in all this where’s Mandalore gonna get the spare ore? Roche? Silvers’re moving in on there, ain’t they? Asteroids out Vjun way? If old Frinkle signs them papers, what’s in it for Hicklesbottom other than a pat on the back and a parade? I ain’t signing nothing until I’m satisfied my needs are taken care of. I got personal needs, you know. Personal. Needs.”

He punctuated his needs with a finger straight down on the glossy table top.

“What sorta personal deal’re you gonna make with ole Frinkle? Where’d I end up at h’end of t’day?”

Behind Cynthia, the protocol droid’s escape spot led to a secret passage, which as it were, led to a back room in… a pub. [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Fiolette Yvarro"] [member="Gray Raxis"]

Fiolette Fortan

The Fleetwood.
Contruum, Torian City.
Task Force 648; the Nightbloods.


"Contact made, Bercey has team two and four, team three en route to set a new beacon for the bunker."

"Boss lady will be happy, good job kids."

"Great, can we get a beer now?"


"Dansen," Fiolette snapped as the droid took the credit stick from the table and presented it to Frinkie. "Now, I understand your powers of retention are as wet as a Bantha's backside but pay attention, my dear, Hicklesbottom. " Her protocol droid started to place the credit stick in the man's hand, "that's more than you could ever know what to do with, but I understand."

She walked over and dusted his coat, "you have needs, but of course you do. After all, you don't need the credits." Dansen crushed the credit stick and what were normal droid eyes began to color themselves red. Fiolette put her hand up to stop the droid.

The droid took a step back, while the Galidraani moved to make sure that the Ambassador's outfit was without a wrinkle. "I don't believe you understand the position that you're in." Fiolette said to the man, "because you see the point I must emphasize to you here today, my dear, the only place that you're going to end up." She made sure to cross back around the table so that the Ambassador could see her. The blonde wanted him to watch her assemble the pistol, the CSM-10 pistol as she twisted the silencer on the muzzle. Ash. You're going to end up as ash, no one will find you. You for your people, it was an unfortunate thing. Such a tragedy but at last their futures will glitter with pride.

Fiolette then brought the pistol to level. "Now, Mr. Hicklesbottom, sing."

She cocked it.

Finger on the trigger.

She wanted his eyes to narrow on the barrel.

The droid paused his recording and worked to erase the last few moments.

[member="Yasha Mantis"] | [member="Gray Raxis"] | [member="Kaine Australis"] | [member="Cynthia Raxis"] | [member="Kaden Mantis"] | [member="Strider Garon"]

*Note: CSM-10 is typically on Fiolette's person.
[member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Fiolette Yvarro"] [member="Yasha Mantis"] [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Kaden Mantis"] [member="Cassiopeia Caranthyr"] [member="Gray Raxis"]

Cynthia wasn't far behind making a ten second stop to pic up a cafbar. Her lack of sleep the past two weeks had been like a candle burning at both ends with little wax in between both flames. As she went for the door that she saw the oaf held open the girl sped up for him to close it when she got close. "Di'kut." she muttered and pushed the door open. It was to well lit with very little dark spots she could hide away in but it would have to do.

Her eyes wandered around the room looking for empty spaces. If Strider hadn't turned to face her Cynthia would't have notice her dad. Although a smile sparked. "BUIR!" She said loudly for all to hear quickly making her way over to the man. Thin pale and slender arms would reach around the mountain of a father in an embracing tight as she could hug. "Its been a long time since I've seen you buir. I've missed you." Cynthia said before letting her hands slip away. "I'm going to get something to drink, then me and you are going to do some catching up." Her eyes flicked to Kaine with the bottles and glasses. Unfortunately her stomach just cant seem to handle alcohol at the moment not after the binge.
Before Strider could reply to the other mando's request of company, a loud familiar cry of joy breached the lobby catching his attention back to his adopted daughter. She flew across the void and wrapped her thin arms around his muscled torso. Public affection, that's what this was. The old man would reciprocate the gesture by placing his non machine arm around her, bracing her tight against him as it had been a long time since he had set yes on her. He can't even remember if he sought her out after his resurgence amongst the living. Maybe he was just lucky the pink haired woman did not fetch him a beating, but then again she was probably use to his absence.

"It has been awhile" His words were low and gruff, as if he was lost in how he would explain himself. Maybe best change the subject "Who is your friend?" Strider knew who he was, but it was a chance to get his adopted daughter off the subject of the past and more towards the present. "Go get some drinks for us, put it on my tab. I will introduce myself to him"

He let his daughter go and made his way over to the table that the Mandalorian battlemaster sat. Strider took the seat that was offered and stared at the man across from him. Not often he got a chance to catch his daughter's potential suitors and he wasn't about to pass this one up. Come on, why else would a older man be hanging with a young beautiful woman such as Cynthia? Sure as hell would be why Strider would be hanging off a young lady in a bar.

" I am Strider Garon" The deep toned resonating voice almost made his words into a growl, citing his name as everyone should know of it. He looked over his shoulder, the pink hair he could see off in the distance, making sure she was just out of ear shot before turning his attention back to the man before him. "That there is my daughter. You hurt her, I end you. Is that clear?" A common threat made by overprotective parent figures, a bit more intimidating made by the likes of Garon.

[member="Cynthia Raxis"] [member="Kaine Australis"]
The admiral dropped out of hyperspace in his flagship and began to jog toward the hanger for a gunship. He had been held up with other business and had missed much of the negotiations which he regretted but he would get where he needed to be as quickly as he could. "Send a message to [member="Yasha Mantis"] that I have arrived and am taking a gunship to the negotiations. Prepare all the men for transport have the warriors ready themselves at their gunships and tell them to wait for my signal." With that the Grand Admiral broke into a run toward the hanger. "Grand Admiral your gunship is ready and your guard is loaded up." This news from the first mate allowed the Mirialan Mandolorian to slow his pace slightly. By the time he arrived to the hangar and had launched his gunship he slowed his pace to a leisurely walk to put forth the image to his men that he was in control of the situation. Once the gunship began to hurl toward the planet he could brief the men on the situation he stood up and addressed them. ​"We are here as negotiators and not warriors or conquerors once we get planet side I want four of you with me and the others looking around for traps and other things that would upset the negotiations." Once he has said this he sat down and waited for the ship to land.
“Aauugh why do I always get shot!? It’s not fair! I’m a nice person!” Hicklesbottom screeched from his vantage point in front of Fiolette’s pistol. Odd, or so Yasha thought, how he didn’t, say, move out of the way. He stood there like a block of wood, waiting his fatal error to play out.

“Where do you end up?”

Yasha cracked up in a wily grin. [member="Quoron Viszla"] was incoming, [member="Fiolette Yvarro"] played her hand, and [member="Kaine Australis"] & [member="Cynthia Raxis"] were getting a drink. She sent a message to Quoron, ‘Thanks for the assistance, my friend. Looking forward to sharing a victory drink with you and yours.’

This was turning out to be one heck of a fun diplomatic coup.

“You end up not on the underside of my boot. You want to have a place in my Empire, Hicklesbottom?

Earn it.”

The Mand’alor walked to Hicklesbottom’s side, and grabbed him by the shoulder, lifting him off the ground and setting his wriggling body onto the table as if he were made of papier maché. She slapped both palms down on either side of his shoulders and watched him flinch. Cry out.

“Clean yourself up, this is ridiculous. She didn’t even shoot you.” Yanking his tie off his neck, Yasha handed it to the distraught Ficklehoof Hicklesbottom and pushed off from the table.

“I shall meet with your employers, now, Hicklesbottom… after you sign this document.” Yasha pulled out the treaty, which once signed, gave the Mandalorian Empire full dominion over the Contruum system.

“Sign it. I’m tired of playing nice. If your betters were here, they’d have signed it by now. Thumbprint. Right there.” Tapping the flimsi, Yasha shoved it at Hicklesbottom.

The man whimpered, took the translucent sheet from her, and started mouthing out the words.

“… what are you doing?”

“Aaahhh, it’s a contract, right? Us Hicklesbottoms always read the contracts, right? So, I’m reading the contract…. right?”

“… you’re one smart idiot, Hicklesbottom. Go ahead. We won’t shoot you for reading. Just sign when you’re done.”

He laughed nervously, and after a few minutes of ungodly muttering, put his thumb to the ident pad.

“Alright! Now. Where are the voorpahs who put you in here instead of coming to talk with us themselves?” Hicklesbottom might have been the largest moron this side of Cato Nemoidia, but he was also brave enough to stay in the room. There was that going for him, at least. Yasha looked over at Cassi and Kaden, and rolled her eyes. Beurocrats.

[member="Gray Raxis"] [member="Cassiopeia Caranthyr"] [member="Kaden Mantis"]
Kaden listened to all the threats being tossed around, and even to the replies of Hicklesbottom. The man truly did not know who he was messing with. It was clear the patience of all parties was wearing thin. Either they would need to take a break from the talks to reach a solution, or might was about to be the way. A smile tempted Kaden as he thought about running his beskad through the annoyingly impetuous diplomat at the table. Hicklesbottom was on thin ice, and with the way Yasha was talking, it was about to crack.

"I would do what she says. The woman is not one you want to be on the bad side of. Have you heard why she is called Hell Wolf?"

Now Kaden grinned as his knife tapped his eye patch. He knew Hicklesbottom was still checking it out.

"She is as terrifying as I look and more. She has been killing since she was eight years old. In fact when we met we had to cauterize her uncle's arm. I suggest if you do not want to know what that feels like you give the woman what she wants. I've learned that when she wins... I win. I suggest you discover the same thing for yourself."

[member="Yasha Mantis"] [member="Gray Raxis"] @Cassiopeia Caranthyr
[member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Strider Garon"]

Cynthia walked to the bar with the same light smile upon her face. it had been a long, long time she had seen her father and maybe family is what she needed right now. She began to think about seeing if her father would let her come along with him to escape the past few weeks and maybe set her on the right direction. The Bar tender slid across and lent across the bar, his eyes wandering to her cleavage and back up. "Whats a pretty young gal like you doing in a place like this missy?" the bar tender asked in a flirtatious voice. His words brought her immediate reaction to drop to her side on clipping the knife on her belt and held onto the hit for a moment.

"Firstly pal. Speak to me like that again I will cut your tongue from out your mouth and that's getting it easy compared to what daddy will do to you. you know that big guy over there." she said pointing him out. "Secondly a Tihaar." The man turned around muttering something that she didn't catch. Once he turned around placing the drink on the table her hand would grasp around the class with condensation dropping down it from the mixture of a cold brew and warm temperature. She'd turn around taking the drink."It's on daddy s tab. and if i see you oogling a girl in again I'll just go low with this knife." She said tapping it before clipping the press button back in place.

Moving back to the table she sat down and swung the bag to her side. Thin feminine fingers would undo the slip knot she did the bag up with by yanking it's end. After Cynthia would pry it open and take out the helmet along with a few tools. "So buir. I was wondering what are you doing these days. It's been a real long time and i really have missed you... hell could have used some comforting and advice these past few months but you never let on that you changed your number or anything." Even though kaine was there she expected him to know these words was meant for her fathers ears and his alone.
Cassiopeia was enjoying the scene that unfolded in front of them. The nervousness of the ambassador, the fierceness of the Mand'alor and Kaden, the smooth talking Raxis did, and how Fiolette used fierceness and smooth talking (or intense intimidation, no one is picky with terms.)

It was interesting to watch his expression change after he accidentally crushed his comm device. That added a whole new spectrum to the situation. It was all about Hicklesbottom now. And he made it well known that he wanted some type of special privilege - credits? A house? What personal needs does the old coot really need? In an automatic response, "How 'bout we don't destroy your family, your home, and your system? I think that is a great personal investment from us to you. After all, it very well could be us who do the glassing. We know how, and have the resources, to terraform a planet that has been destroyed."

Although, her comment wouldn't even matter as Fiolette stepped up and nearly made the poor Ambassador pee his pants.

Then the Mand'alor made her move. A few minutes later, the treaty was signed. Cassiopeia relaxed. Although, she too wanted to meet the people who actually put Hicklesbottom in this position. They really screwed him over. She cracked a grin towards Yasha as she rolled her eyes. "I believe we are all looking forward to meeting with your superiors, Mr. Ambassador." She didn't have high hopes for them, based off the selection they chose for ambassador, but hey, maybe they'd surprise her.

[member="Kaden Mantis"] | [member="Yasha Mantis"]
Ficklehoof licked his lips, shivering at the barrage of words coaxing him along. "Ahhh, okay, there's con-conscription for young people, and ah... but... oh it doesn't have to be... well! Hah, old Frinkle doesn't see any slavery... ain't that odd?"

"We detest slavery. In any form it takes." Yasha rolled her eyes and sat on the corner of the table, watching the man finish his read, and stick his thumb on the keypad to sign the document.

"Oh you'll get a lot flocking to that, then. More mundane workers are basically wage slaves... lucky you're not the Sith Empire.... ah... I signed it. Contruum is yours." Hicklesbottom gulped, and handed back the flimsy to the Mand'alor. She in turn gave it to [member="Cassiopeia Caranthyr"] for safe keeping.

"Admiral Viszla, take control of the space ports and shipyards. Ms. Yvarro, you may begin your site on Contruum Six." Yasha said, running her hand along Kaden's shoulder.

"The ah... the passageway... it leads to... ah... oh you'll figure it out." Hicklesbottom plunked down in his seat and set his elbows on the table. Sighing heavily, he pushed his forehead into both palms and waited for the room to empty, or his bladder to do the same.

In the passage, a winding corridor filtered downward at an angle, winding around hidden doors marked with office names, and serial numbers. The only light came from orange tac-strips in the flooring, shimmering speckles of yellow and orange light toward their knees. A slowly building cacophony rose from the right. Sentient beings yelling in one room.

"Tell her to stuff it!"
"I think she already stuffed something, lookit her stomach!"
“… thought Mandos were fit…”
“… pregnant you twit! Hey! Hicklesbottom!”
“FINKLEHOOF!! Seriously, is he even listening?”
“…2 …3 … guys, I don’t think he’s listening?”
“OF COURSE he’s listening! Hickies! You’re listening, lad! Keep ‘em guessing!”
“… but don’t forget the corporate tax breaks!”
“Guys! Hicklesbottom can’t hear us!”
“Course he can! Tax breaks! Tax Breaks! Tax Breaks!”
“… bought four thousand stock that’ll sing if she…”
“… you shorted it, you boob!”
“So what if other people lost money!? I’ll be rich!”
“Boob… heh.”
“There’s a gun!”
“Tax breaks! Tax breaks!”
“Tax breaks! Tax breaks!”
“His comm is deaaad.”
“Naw, it’s Hicklesbottom! Just talk louder!”
“Can you hear us Hicklesbottom!?”

The closer they got to the room, with its’ clanking glasses and yelling masses, the closer to understanding Finklehoof Hicklesbottom the Mandalorians could get.

Amazing he could hear what anyone in the room was saying, with so many yokels talking in his ear.

Above them, the pub where [member="Strider Garon"], [member="Kaine Australis"] & [member="Cynthia Raxis"] drank.

[member="Kaden Mantis"] [member="Gray Raxis"] [member="Quoron"] Vislza [member="Fiolette Yvarro"]

Fiolette Fortan

The Fleetwood.
Contruum, Torian City.
Task Force 648; the Nightbloods


Dansen resumed recording, audio only.

Fiolette's gaze seemed to narrow.

She had watched fickle Frinklehoof cave, and sure he was a middleman. Fiolette was all too familiar with middlemen and perhaps there had been a time in her life when she could appreciate their usefulness. A patient woman, a quiet woman as she waited, [member="Yasha Mantis"] had her words with him, more than a few. [member="Kaden Mantis"] seemed to chime in and all in the room only echoed the sentiment [member="Cassiopeia Caranthyr"] just reminded her of all the sweet innocents in the galaxy. The blonde watch as the middleman sank in his own filth, pathetic she thought and recalled her early days at the Academy. Contruum SIx was hers and would begin the moment she gave word. Fiolette listened as the Mandalorians gave their Admiral Viszla the order to take control, and part of her wondered why that name sounded familiar to her. Viszla, wasn't there one or two during Castameer? She thought, but the thought was brief and once the dear Hicklesbottom gave the authorization, she looked over at Dansen.

"Files obtained, madam."

Fiolette looked back to the middleman who sat with his forehead pushed into the palm of his hands.

She fixed her azure gaze on him, gun still at the ready.




Without a doubt, he was dead - the man's body slumped as his blood poured down. Fiolette took her time as she unscrewed the suppressor. "Dansen, collect his body."

"Of course, madam."

The droid walked over and began to move the body, the Galidraani blinked to activate her Hi-Sense implants, "dispatching electrical input to you as well, make sure we're clean here." At the moment she forgot that others were in the room, "and check his ... body, I do believe he has a communication device."

"Ah yes, here it is."

"Give it to the Mand'alor."

"Of course."

The droid walked over and politely handed the woman Hicklesbottom's communication device.

"Find a place to burn his body."

She put her gun away and began to fix her suit. Fiolette rather enjoyed walking in with the Mandalorians and that wasn't a sentiment she thought she'd actually have. Although, if there is a prize for rotten judgment then she's won first place. "It has been a pleasure Madame Mand'alor, truly, if you ever require my assistance either for starships or otherwise, do not hesitate to reach out."

"And," the Galidraani paused as she took a step back and looked at Yasha again, a small chuckle overcame her. It was quiet, polite as she continued, "the first baby is never easy, but I do wish you the best of luck. And you, good sir," it didn't take a genius to figure out they were together. Fiolette addressed her next words to Kaden, "do take care of her, do not argue with her at all during this time. Trust me on this, you will not win." Fiolete added a wink for good measure, "now then, Dansen let us dispose of this."

"Right away, I've already begun to formulate the statements. Our dear Hicklesbottom will be a hero to his people, surely."

"He most certainly is, oh and Dansen." Fiolette added as an afterthought, she just remembered, "give our teams on Contruum Six the order."

"Already done, ma'am."

She had a side smirk, and then turned to look at the room of individuals. "Enjoy the rest of your day, ladies, gentlemen, Madme Mand'alor."


"We've been given the all clear from our Mandalorian friends."

"Ten-four, copy that we'll start setting down construction beacons."

"All clear, on the pad bring the ships."

"Acknowledged, forwarding reports to the Boss now."

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