Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Convergence [ The Je'daii Order ]

She shook her head with an amused grin when he gave his just cause for all that he had done. Never could be serious, could he?
Well, that wasn't true. She had seen him serious before. He was just good at lightening the mood, she supposed. Knew when to pick his battles and when to let it go. "Well it's gorgeous," she told him, with a firm nod, lifting a hand to brush away a stray tear she had tried to will away before it fell.
Then her eyes closed, upon the request of the other, and she breathed in through her nose to try and process the swirling of emotions. She knew that most were discomforted by such public displays, usually she would have put her guard up and refused to show how she really felt, but they were alone in the room now that the others had gone off to explore.
She could let that guard down.
When she felt the chill of the crystal upon her neck she opened her eyes; they settled first up at him, the focus of her attention, and only after witnessing the look in his eye and hearing his daunting words did she look down, reach for the crystal, and get a true feel for it.
Those tears she'd been holding back could be stemmed no longer. "Don't---"
Don't what.
Don't be realistic about it? About the lives they led, and the dangers out there in the Galaxy? That wasn't a fair request of her to make, to expect them to live in blissful ignorance. It was not who either of them were, would not do them any justice. It was selfish, and she knew it. So she stopped, and hung her head for a moment. Allowed the grief it had sprung up to wash over her.
But she only allowed it a moment. She could not succumb to such thoughts.
"Thank you," she breathed, instead, understanding the significance of the crystal even if she did not wholly know its origins. The way he spoke of it, it had to mean something. "I love it..." she lifted her head back up, and as her gaze met his there was a sense of determination behind her eyes.
He was right, who knew how long they actually had together.
Surely that just meant they had to make the most of it. No?
.::. Hours Earlier .::.

Jake knelt before the alter to an unknown deity. His head lowered, his eyes closed. His rested upon his left knee while his right dug into the steel carpeted floor of his private room aboard the Honoghrian Armored Diplomatic Escort. Thin blue sticks of incense burned on each side of the small alter; wafts of grey smoke rising to the ceiling and dissipating as though they were being pulled into an unknown reality. The smell was of Honoghrian tulips and Dantellian roses, a special blend that the Master of the Sword created for himself to always remind him of home.

‘You pray to a deity that you do not actually believe in?’ A voice said breaking the silence of the room.

“I do.”

‘Does that not make you a hypocrite?’

“It does.”

A small hologram of a woman sitting in a side chair beamed on his nightstand. The woman was dressed in a business suit; tie and all though a shadow cast her face by an unknown object which hid the womans identity. If she had not moved on occasion to take a puff from a cigarette the hologram could have been mistaken for simple discord. Even if could not be seen, Jake knew her eyes were fixated on him. Not in a means of arousal or an attempt at seduction but of careful calculation and judgement.

‘You hope for something you do not think exists or you hope for something that you do not think you deserve?’ She said.

Jake hated her at times. Moments like this the woman was spot on.

‘Tell me about your fears, Gravis.’

There were four people in the galaxy that were allowed to call Jake by his birth name; all of them family. Anyone else referred to him by the name given to him by his Lady Silencia. A name that struck fear into the very heart of the old Jedi Council and unnerved even the strongest of Sith Lord; Gravis.

.::. Presently Aboard Tribunal Station .::.

“MiLord.” Mycell spoke as he handed Jake Daniels a vibrosword that rested peacefully in its leather sheath.

Jake took the blade in his hands, giving the hilt a very careful scan with his eyes. The blade was primitive in design. The style was a symbol to reflect what Jake himself was; a relic of another time. The hilt was made of Honoghrian oak wrapped tightly by stained leather gifted to him by Noghri warriors. The bottom of the hilt held a ball of polished turquoise that Jake had taken from the private residence of Ereza Ereza . He could have asked. She probably would have probably said yes. The point of the stone was more than beauty or elegance; it was a symbol of the woman he had sworn to protect. Where he went, his Mal’Ary’Ush would be. For a man who lay awake at night growing lonelier in his own mind each new eve than he had the night prior it gave him solace. If she asked, he would confess. He would confess to a lot of things. Until then words would not be spoken.

Using the straps of the sheath, Jake fastened it to his side; not his back. He was heading into the unknown and an overhand pull of his weapon would be slower than a sideward yank. Tied tightly to his left, he tapped the hilt gently as his eyes refused to leave the hangar bay doors. He wore nothing spectacular; black leathers with the Shamalain symbol on his right shoulder. His hair was messy, his face unshaven. Sunken eyes told the tale of an exhausted man; either from lack of sleep or a recently exhausting life. Scrapes, cuts, and bruises hinted that he had recently seen combat.

In all honesty he could have done with a decent shower; at least looked presentable as he sought out the people in the texts he read and the ‘call’ he felt. The Je’daii. The texts he possessed in a messenger bag that rested on his right hip told the tale of a group of people that sought true balance. They were not necessarily war mongers nor were they daisy loving hippies. How true was this? Jake was about to find out. He trusted few Jedi; especially given the events with the Silver Jedi. If this group proved to be a threat, he would leave. If they got in the way of an escape, they would be dealt with. Really the only thing he knew was that the ‘call’ he felt in the midst of battle led him here.

“You do not have to do this.” Anahita said as she approached Jakes right.

Mycell and Anahita Le’Fey were Jake Daniels' personal assistants and guards. Two of his most trusted confidants were almost to him what he was to Ereza. Almost.

“I do.” Jake replied.

“We’ll come.” Anahita said.

“No. I need to do this on my own. Mycell, have Eduardo follow my signal from the ship. First sign of trouble I’ll trip my alert beacon. Then we leave. Anahita,” Jake turned to his Right Hand.

“Send word back home that I’ll be arriving late. There’s something here I need to do.”

Heading into the Station, Jake’s mission to investigate the call and to see if he could gain further knowledge on the mysterious ‘Je’daii’ his texts spoke of.
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We all fall in parallel
Taku left behind his beliefs about the Force behind on Coruscant.

Everything he knew, or thought he did came to question on Ziost. When the intense darkness seeped through the cracks in his shell, it dimmed the light. The bright, powerful light that Takui believed burned away darkness wasn't incorruptible anymore. It wasn't all knowing, or without fault. His belief that the Jedi were right and the Sith were wrong died that day.

Now, he wasn't sure anyone was right. The Force wasn't black and white like he thought before. People were dying on both sides. Stuck in the middle, the Padawan found himself adrift in a vast, impossibly deep ocean. The occult nature of the Jedi, their mysticism still remained just out of reach; but without perspective, he could never span the distance.

Takui pulled back. He retreated from that path he was on, because he saw what lay at the end of it. The darkness gave him one of many answers, and it was something he feared far more than simply falling.

He opened his mind, and his spirit, and he allowed the Force itself to guide him. It was not by any act of Cotan- who he knew only in passing- that brought him back to this station. It surprised him even, that after his commitment to the New Jedi, the very place he'd made that decision would be the one that called him.

There were answers to find, and time would no doubt yield them. First, however, he opened his senses to the most prominent thing they could feel. Where others were excited, there was something powerful, almost intoxicating, brilliant, and warm. It wasn't like the Light of the Jedi, however. It wasn't even quite like the love he felt from his mother, though it was in the same vein of familiarity.


Takui felt love. Pure, unadulterated and raw love. It was beautiful, uncorrected, and it drew the Empath closer. Almost like a fly toward a sweet aroma, he drew closer until he saw the familiar face of Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor and a woman he did not know, starry-eyed and transfixed on one another.

"Uh, hi," he spoke up awkwardly. It hadn't been his intention to interrupt... whatever this was. Taku turned his gaze away, cheeks flushed. "Been awhile, Master," he said, "I... had some things on my mind... and I remember you said you weren't really a Jedi anymore."

He looked back to Cotan and blinked. "What I mean is, I wanted to talk to someone who wasn't. I didn't mean to... intrude," he looked to Lief Lief and bowed respectfully. "Excuse me, ma'am."
Cotan didn't bother to respond with any further words; as Asha raised her head back up, he wiped away some of the tears that had fallen, and when she said that she loved the gift, he closed his eyes contentedly. He could feel the others all around, but again, given that they had already moved on into the garden, he didn't really care about their presence; eyes still closed, he quickly pulled Asha in for a kiss.

He stood like that with her for a long moment, enjoying every second of it—only for a voice to quickly pull him back out of it, back into the rest of the world outside him and the woman he held. His eyes widened immediately, and he pulled away, turning, just to see Takui Takui and...somebody else hanging back beyond the threshold, who seemed...oddly familiar. "Taku!" he said, replacing the wide eyes and shock with a smile. "Haven't seen you in ages. No, no, it's not an intru—well, okay, but don't feel sorry about it, Asha did send out a call, and I did tell all of you that you're welcome on the station any time, no need to apologize..."

He stepped back from Asha, giving her a quick sort of 'I'm sorry' smile and shrug, before turning back to the Padawan. "Well, you've found the right place for people who aren't Jedi, at any rate. How about you go take a walk in the garden, meet some of the others? I've probably been distracting Asha enough, too, she needs to go and give her talk to the rest of them. Take a listen to that, and then come find either of us if you need to talk, yeah?"

At a loss for any way to continue the abrupt and moderately awkward conversation, he gave Takui a pair of thumbs up, before quickly ushering both him and Asha out into the rest of the garden, where the others were; then he returned back to the little entrance hall, and looked to the door leading to the rest of the station, with the somewhat familiar young girl standing just beyond. "Going to come inside, or is it your intention to hang out there until this entire place rusts away?" he asked, raising one eyebrow.

Truth be told, he already had his suspicions on who this new person was, but given he hadn't heard from who he thought she was ever since leaving her on Eira Pechal—despite making sure to send messages to check on her—he couldn't be entirely sure, and he wouldn't just call out a name and wait to be told he was wrong. "Come on in, kid, we don't bite."

Rhia Kesyk

Rhia Kesyk

The girl was patient in her observations, remaining in place without word, without interruption, as others entered and garnered the attention of the one she had come here for. There was no rush, after all, he wasn't going anywhere. Not yet. So she observed the quietly stolen kiss, the care shown between the two she had once been inseparable from, a light but genuine smile forming upon her lips.
Her mind drifted back to a time aboard the man's vessel, when she'd claimed the Force was angry for their closeness. How silly she had been... How blinded by the lessons of some stuck-in-the-past Traditionalists. She had grown much since that time, her understanding had evolved. How could the Force not will such a pure union? The way they ebbed and flowed together, it was natural. To deny such would have been the real tragedy.
As the others eventually made their way from the foyer, heading into the depths of the gardens beyond, he turned to her. She wondered how long he'd known she was there. Had he only just spotted her? Had he too been waiting for the right moment?
Did he even recognize her?
He made no mention of her name as he spoke, breaking the silence between them. In response, Rhia took a few steps forward and crossed that threshold. She lowered herself into a bow, unsure of how to really begin the exchange.
It had been years.
As she lifted back up, that same smile formed upon her lips.
"It is good to see you again, Cotan," she remarked, the deepest of sincerity weaving its way through her words. There was no malice, no grudges held for being left behind, just understanding in her eyes. "I'm glad to see you're well..."
It was nice to catch a moment like this, between all the chaos of every day life, particularly when there were so many others around and in need of guidance. To simply go with the flow, and exist in one another's company. She returned his kiss in kind, in no rush to see it end, though end it did and far sooner than either would have preferred.
Their presence here had garnered the attention of others, it would seem, though whether led on by the call or simply a coincidence she did not know for sure. Either way the stranger seemed familiar with Cotan, so as she pulled back she took a light step away to give the two time to catch up, though not before squeezing Cotan's hand.​
"I'm going to go explore," she told them, turning her gaze toward the one named Takui as their talks died down, "You're welcome to join me, if you would like, friend. I'm sure Cotan will be right behind us."​
Asha had taken note of the individual in the doorway, knew deep down who she was here for. It was time to give the pair a moment of solitude. So she turned and led the Jedi into the gardens, provided he followed, and found the others admiring different aspects themselves.​
Ven Asher Ven Asher had opted to go for a swim, Varloc Varloc had found a tree to sit beneath and meditate, Isla Ashen Isla Ashen seemed to be embracing the tranquility of the gardens themselves, and Chaaj Priest Chaaj Priest - now done with messing with the pool Ven was submerged in - seemed to be exploring too. It was a moment of true peace which washed over their new hub, each finding a place within the pseudo-wilds to relax and unwind, without expectations. For now at least there seemed to be no expectations.​
She gave them all a little while longer with their thoughts, as she observed the many different species of flora Cotan had somehow managed to cultivate here. Soon enough it would be time to gather them all together again, to find out more about those who had only just arrived, and to truly bring the Order into being once more.​
But she'd wait for Cotan first.​
"I'm Asha, by the way," she would say to Takui Takui provided the man had indeed followed her, "I hope that you are able to find the answers you're looking for, from Cotan or from any of us in truth. You seem troubled, friend. Would you perhaps like to join me for some tea?"​
It was an Asha classic... But there was little tea could not help to soothe, especially when it was made with her own blend, with her own teapot. It was the one thing she truly prided herself in.​

The garden reminded me... It wasn't a flash, nor a passing memory, but a feeling. One that creeps upon you and seems to touch and interact with your mind. Nostalgia of the planet I had once called home. A planet that while many years ago had been a barren and desolate planet, had thrived and become much more due to the plague that had seemingly fell off of the face of the galaxy just a little over thirty years ago. Kro Var and its people thrived and lived in a weird form of harmony. While my Uncles had shaped and formed much of the way it is now, under the influence of the Galactic Alliance's first resurgence it was left to its own devices. While the First Order attempted to take members of my kin and prevent any uprising of the well known Shapers.

During that time, I was a child. While I was fortunate enough to live with my family away from the major towns and cities in which were hunted, I found that this garden, while different, was similar. A feeling rose within me. One that continued to brighten and bloom as a wind formed at my back. Moving pedals of flowers, the rustle of grasses and trees. The swaying of their forms as if they waved and wanted for me to draw near. A section of foreign grass-like stalks was before me. Swaying in the wind that had formed. I walked within. Feeling the soft crunch of the reeds breaking under my shoes, yet rose up once more from the wind and the nearby kindred.

I finally realized I had been altering the winds around me. Flowing them and manipulating the garden of the Tribunal Station. The feeling that crept upon me was that of a single smile. Just a half chuckle came to my lips as the wind died down from my notice. Letting the plants once more fall to a natural state of their beauty.

The nature of the galaxy, its flora, fauna, the whispers and ripples within the force were all foundations of my people, my culture, my family. Seeing someone else so invested in such as this, the beauty that one could create for another, was what made me see that this... might be where I need to stay. Turning around to see that I was now much further than I had desired to be, I saw that new people were here. Correcting my stance, I moved closer to them as I could hear the calling of our Host, asking for the new white haired individual to join her for some tea.

"Welcome. Glad to see more people showed up."

Turning to see and read the room just a bit, I found that this new person seemed... lost? an awkward feeling came from them. Yet, the aspect of tea allowed me to move the conversation.

"I hate to interject myself into the conversation, but if you do have tea, I'd like to try some. See what the Je'daii have to offer of Tea."

There was a short pause before I realized I was kind of being brash.

"Sorry, my people drink tea very often for different occasions, and I wish to see what you might have?"


Takui Takui Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor Lief Lief Varloc Varloc Isla Ashen Isla Ashen Ven Asher Ven Asher Rhia Kesyk Jake Daniels Jake Daniels
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Raarpaa walked into the station. She had trained for years under one of the old Temple Masters. When her Master died, the Ewok, though fully grown, had felt lost in a way. She had felt the Force pull her here, and she now looked around at the various beings gathered.
She looked up as another approached them, and smiled toward Chaaj Priest Chaaj Priest in response to his queries. With a gesture of her hand she invited him to sit with them, and then turned her gaze to the others who were in the garden too.
"Of course," she said to Ra'syn, before allowing her voice to raise just enough that the others could hear her too, "And that goes for anyone else. If you'd like to gather around, friends, we'll share in some tea and have a little chat. If you have any questions please let me know."
She began to pour a few of the cups worth of tea, and offered them out to the ones in her immediate surroundings. For now she didn't pour herself one, of course, guests first. She did wonder if it was perhaps time to make another set of cups, though. She only had so many...
Her eyes fell upon another stranger, as Raarpaa Zerlac Raarpaa Zerlac entered the garden, and as with Ra'syn she gestured them over to the group. A face she was unfamiliar with, one she hadn't been expecting, but that didn't mean they weren't welcome.
So long as they did not come with hostility, any were welcome in truth.

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